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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - World's first HW for secure sharing and fair mining🔥 on: December 14, 2018, 07:00:11 PM
Promising idea with potential.
I wonder how much is this Deeper Network device going to cost?

Is there some way to be part of beta testing before it starts with full working device?

Don't worry about the cost. Deeper's AtomOS will be run on any hardware such as this $14 orange PI:

We will sell our official product in a reasonable price and also we provide our users an option to DIY.
We plan to earn the profit from the sharing and consensus network instead of hardware.

Deeper is recruiting its first 100 core users to offer them free devices for public testing.
We hope you can join the Deeper's telegram channel to know how to become our core users Smiley

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - World's first HW for secure sharing and fair mining🔥 on: December 14, 2018, 06:02:14 PM
Very good product. Can I try it?

Please join our telegram channel:

We are recruiting our first 100 core users.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - World's first HW for secure sharing and fair mining🔥 on: December 14, 2018, 05:34:21 PM
Its looked very good, have a chance to give it a try

Please join our telegram channel:

We are recruiting our first 100 core users.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - World's first HW for secure sharing and fair mining🔥 on: December 13, 2018, 05:56:28 AM
I hope everybody pay attentions to Deeper's PoC consensus mechanism, it is naturally derived from our sharing network. PoC consensus can make every Deeper Connect have the equal chance to mine in e^2 chain without wasting computing power. Pow, PoS and DPoS are centralized already, PoC is the future.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 09, 2018, 06:03:55 AM
This is one of the most substantial whitepapers I've encountered here. The one who wrote this might have experienced in thesis writing as it is a well-referenced paper also. If they put so much effort in creating this document, then, it is saying something positive for the dev team. They are sincere on this project. But are you going to stay anonymous?

We prefers to use our code to talk just like Satoshi did. Please don't care about who we are, we are blockchain believers just like you.
Our public test is coming soon, if you are interested, please join our telegram channel. 100 devices will be sent out as a free new year gift.

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 09, 2018, 05:36:02 AM
Looks promising  Smiley but please correct that 'Septmeber 2018' typo in the Roadmap as it hurts my eyes Cheesy

Would love to test this device in my home network!

You are the first person to figure this out.
Please leave your eth address, we will send 10,000 DPRs to you before 2019.

And welcome to our telegram channel...

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 09, 2018, 05:08:19 AM
What are advantages and disadvantages or using hardware instead of just relying on computers, cellphones or IoT devices like other projects plan to do?

Relying traffic on a PC, the power consumption cost will be much more expensive than the cost of a Deeper Connect. DeeperConnect's scenario design power is 5W and it is very cheap even free for our core users.
Relying traffic on a cellphone? Come on, think about your battery's life. DeeperConnect can provide roaming protect for all your mobile devices.

DeeperConnect is more than a traffic relying device, it is a next generation firewall which can protect all your devicesdeeply  by a simple plug-and-play. And it is also a high efficient miner which can mine a truly decentralized public block chain - e^2 chain.

Our next interesting project is DeeperConnect - WiFi,  it has all the functions DeeperConnect has and it can replace the traditional wireless routers. By DeeperConnect - WiFi, actually you don't need to install an extra device since you at least need a wireless router at home. So why not DeeperConnect, it is cheap even free, but it is so powerful...

And please also refer my answers of another question, I hope it can give you a clear clue:

1, You don't need to install software on different platforms such as Windows, Mac, Android to get a secure and free access to the Internet.
    Once DeeperConnect is plugged and everything is done. Every device behind it will be taken care. Time is money, this device can save you a lot of time!

2, This device is quiet and has extremely low power consumption (5 W, same as an iphone charger) but it can offer 1Gbps NGFW traffic protection, sharing service and PoC mining service.
    The cost of power consumption of your PC is much more expensive than the total cost of this device.

3, You want to a free, secure, private connection, but how to make sure your PC or smart phone is safe enough? As you know, many organization has tons of zero day exploit tools to hack any traditional operating system such as Windows, MacOS, IOS and Android.  Our AtomOS is world most powerful security OS, it not only protects your devices but also it will protect itself.

8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 09, 2018, 03:57:59 AM
How can I earn money from deeper and how it will cost?

You can earn DPRs by sharing your bandwidth/WIFI/storage/computing power or mining on the e^2 chain.
e^2 chain is using PoC consensus mechanism which is world first truly decentralized public chain.

9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 09, 2018, 03:44:54 AM
Do you have bounty? I love to join your bounty.

Yes, we have bounty and IDO program. We prepare 5% tokens for the core users who helps us to build our security ecosystem. We consider the core users as Deeper team members.
For example, if you report bugs, provide some unknown application traffic and some suspicious URLs, we will offer you a lot of DPRs.

Please join our telegram channel to get these information.

10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 09, 2018, 03:05:51 AM
Is Deeper Network planning to build its own chain or could it use other coming scalable chains like Zilliqa, Dfinity, ETH?

What a good question...

Yes, we are building our e^2 chain which adapts Deeper's PoC consensus mechanism.
Unlike PoW and PoS,  PoC guarantee every Deeper Connect has the equal chance to mine the DPRs.

Now we are using the substrate to implement our e^2 chain. We will implement PoC and sharding based on it.

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 08, 2018, 02:37:28 AM
I will try anything that is free so sign me up.

Will it wash my dirty dishes and do laundry?

This device can earn money for you, so the answer is: Yes, it will!  Roll Eyes
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 08, 2018, 01:36:23 AM
Your project seems very interesting, I would like to know more details about how your technology is superior to other competing projects, like Mainframe or Maidsafecoin. What does it make you unique? And could you contrast your own technology with the technology of these other projects?

Hi Kelley,

Deeper shares the same value as Mainframe and other similar project.
We are unique because we provide all-in-one solution that combine security, sharing and blockchain.
Think about the difference between the iphone and dumb phones.
Iphones also have a lot of similar functions and concepts that the dumb phones have.
But iphone works very smoothly to bring you to the mobile Internet.
So is DeeperConnect,  it  make the complicate security and blockchain technology very easy to use.
You are protected and benefited just by plug-and-play, and then you will find the door to the next generation trusted Internet is open.

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 08, 2018, 01:17:24 AM
I understand that Mainframe is working on a Peer to Peer architecture similar to the Torrent servers making use of any IoT device. In contrast you are using what I understand are Deeper Wire devices to keep the network active. Is this an advantage or a disadvantage? I am thinking if users necessarily have to have this device in order to access this private network.

This is a good question.

First, our design philosophy is different with Mainframe. Mainframe is trying to build a new blockchain based network stack. New application have to use their stack to benefit their technology.
What we are doing is using the blockchain to protect the current network asset first. Every user and application can get benefit from Deeper immediately.  We prefer a smooth evolution to the Internet. Please check the white paper about our 3 steps plan.

Second, DeeperConnect(Yes, we changed the product name) is an all-in-one solution and is designed as plug and play and zero configuration
We assume our users don't have strong background of block chain and security,DeeperConnect will do everything for you.

Think about it:
1, You don't need to install software on different platforms such as Windows, Mac, Android to get a secure and free access to the Internet.
    Once DeeperConnect is plugged and everything is done. Time is money, this device can save you a lot of time!

2, This device is quiet and has extremely low power consumption (5 W as an iphone charger) but it can offer 1Gbps NGFW traffic protection, sharing service and PoC mining service.
    The cost of power consumption of your PC is much more expensive than the total cost of this device.

3, You want to a free, secure, private connection, but how to make sure your PC is safe enough? As you know, many organization has tons of zero day exploit tools to hack any traditional operating system such as Windows, MacOS, IOS and Android.  Our AtomOS is world most powerful security OS, it not only protects your devices but also it will protect itself.

14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] DEEPER NETWORK - A Blockchain Hardware Firewall For Sharing And Mining🔥 on: December 08, 2018, 12:42:58 AM
What will be the cost of these machines? Are there minima requirement to be

We are trying to make the device  free, we have some approach to do this:

1, We use our money to provide free devices to our users.
2, User can run our AtomOS on any OEM device such as Raspberry PI or even lower end device, like this Orange PI:
3, We have DeeperConnect VM version can run on any PC.

Now we are working on the approach 1.  100 free public devices will be offered soon and then next 1,000...

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