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21  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: NEW! | Up to 23X Payout | FREE Bitcoin New User Promo on: February 16, 2014, 06:18:22 PM
Looks like fun Smiley

My username: Bratacus

Thanks! Smiley
22  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: [TRUSTED] ★★ Nisaai 120% Return Ponzi ★★ Instant Payout - 100% Automated ★★★★★★★ on: February 16, 2014, 01:23:22 PM
Always funny to read about people who feels like they are getting "scammed" when they invest into a Ponzi site.. it's like you don't know what a "Ponzi Scheme" really is.. check it up!

Also people who complains that haven't get paid after 40 minutes irritates me.. other people need to invest in order to get your payment. Don't spend money on things you don't understand..
You should calm yourself down and read my earlier post carefully. Your attitude is not helping anyone.

I did not wrote that I get the feeling that I am getting scammed. I only suggested an idea to improve the situation. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also I have done multiple investments on this site. The payment for my last one is taking more then a day. So check your attitude again, try to be positive and have a good day Smiley
23  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: [TRUSTED] ★★ Nisaai 120% Return Ponzi ★★ Instant Payout - 100% Automated ★★★★★★★ on: February 16, 2014, 12:06:51 PM
That is a good idea, serje.

Or what about refund everyone who is still waiting for payment, change the max limit and fee and then continue with the investments?

Letting people wait so long is just bad business...
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