Whoever "Masterblu" is, needs to know that no one will buy hashrate ABOVE the site's threshold... Paying 20k satoshi for hashrate when the site sells it for 10k satoshi or less, is kind of, weird, unless dual accounts are going on, lol.
Is there any way we can get withdrawals to be a little bit faster? I feel like 12-24 hours for a manual withdrawal is too long, some people would "like" to have their btc sooner than that, like even 1-4 hours would be amazing 
Must be a screen resolution problem then lol, I'm only using 800x600 lol (VGA)
VGA can go higher than 800x600, or is that your native monitor//screen resolution? I had a VGA monitor about a year ago that went up to 1650x1050 Now I have 2 monitors: 2560x1080 monitor + 1920x1080 monitor
Is the black market place price based on satoshi or BTC i.e is 7000 = 0.00007000 or 7000.00000000?
Me and Kiritsugu just found out, so the Price per 1 gh/s is in satoshi. I listed 10 GH/s for 0.0005 (50k satoshi) and he bought 1 just to test, and I just got 50k satoshi. So, your trade offer, is 1 GH/s = 7000 BTC
Is there a review///recap of everything that is going live tonight/tomorrow??? I know one of my friends said there is *Some* kind of Marketplace, and a Pool Marketplace, but what does that all entail? 
We glad to inform after 9 days of hard work, we successfully end our mining farm. In few days we will provide some photos and videos of our mining working.
As in these 9 days we dont get earnings, the withdraws got pending, but today we pay all. Thanks for wait. Next new withdraws will be paid at max 48 hours.
We deleted all tickets, if you still need support, please send ticket again.
Make a deposit today and get more %10 bonus. Example if you make a $100 deosit, you will earn more $15 bonus.
Thanks for waiting our mining updates and maintenances and sorry for any incovenience.
Best regards
Admin The-mining.com
Btc address 1DeQpJGrEZNUugoCRwtLqGpfDFoDEmJkYE I have not received my 3 payments, my email says it has been completed but I don't have it.... I also sent in a support ticket. Thank you!
I requested to join the ToxID, don't know if you all are using it still but I thought I would check it out and join the convo if there is anyone on  Awesome, Add us. takes a moment because of the encryption but everyone is welcome to the chatroom. Been waiting for a while now (over an hour), still haven't gotten added to the chat, here is the ID I sent a req to: 20249DD7F216974A612BB048EE23CE1D782E310A9DB4FAB92D4E03FA26A8634ADEF79A0E2874 My name is the same as BCT, "Melwinder"
I requested to join the ToxID, don't know if you all are using it still but I thought I would check it out and join the convo if there is anyone on 
any info on CS shop/games? You said a few weeks ago a shop for CS was nearly ready
Yeah, I'd like to know what's going on as well. There have been (seemingly) no updates or new information, and to a lot of people it probably looks like this coin is already dead. People who use the CS site like myself know it's not dead, but I'm just saying to outside buyers there's no action going on. I've spent a good amount of btc accumulating CS as well as a decent amount of GH/s on the CS website, and so far I'm not seeing much payoff. xPooky I'm not trying to sound like a whiny turd, I'm just saying it'd be nice if you could give us some updates or information to go off of. The thread here doesn't get too much action either, and most people won't see it if we're constantly on the 2-4th page as opposed to the 1st. i know development has been slowed this month, but i am currently the only one working on this project and have also another one(MetalCoin) that needs to be worked regulary so my time is a bit short, plus some private issues.... I wont promise exact date for this updates but hte smaller ones will be done by the end of this week and some bigger one somewhere around 15 May As for how much action this thread gets and new exchanges and stuff i consider that mostly community fault, i mean there are 2500+ members on the site and look at c-cex voting only 18 votes, i think that speaks well enough how much interest there is in CS, right? "As for how much action this thread gets and new exchanges and stuff i consider that mostly community fault, i mean there are 2500+ members on the site and look at c-cex voting only 18 votes, i think that speaks well enough how much interest there is in CS, right?" That's a bit like the President saying it's the citizens' fault for not running the country. Well in that way said, if the citizens are lazy lame and not interested what can the president do, force them to do their part. What he is trying to say, is that, without the President encouraging new things, saying that there ARE going to be updates, the Community doesn't really know what to do, or won't want to partake in it if there is no leader to be found. What use is a community, if there is just 2500+ FOLLOWERS, Yet No LEADER?
I may lose (a lot) on moneypot////bustabit, but it's still fun! 
Let's see where this coin takes us, hopefully....... To the Moon 
Yes it started working after about 1.5 days of syncing (bitcoin), I was able to start mining shortly after.
I had some issues with a memory leak or maybe just the client using alot of memory while syncing the BTC bockchain.
I just want to add, this is an interesting coin. I think I'll keep mining it with one of my computers.
Can you give an estimate to how many coins you are mining per hour///per day, and with what does it mine, CPU or GPU? CPU I have Intel i5 4670 @ 3.60 GH/z GPU I have Gigabyte Radeon HD 7970Ghz Edition @ 1.2 GHz
Whenever I launch the bitcredit QT, I keep getting "Bitcredit: No block source available..." "2 weeks behind" What's that about o.O
the bitcoin is synching just fine, 4 yrs 3 weeks behind right now
Give it time to connect to the network.. Mine took about 2 minutes before it say peers on the bitcredit network. I've had the QT launched for about 15 minutes now :/ Bitcoin sync is at 3 yrs 30 weeks now ----- 8 active connections to the network Bitcredit still No block source available ----- 6 active connections to the network Strange. Mine says 2 weeks behind but it hasn't moved as I assume that its waiting to downlaod another 2 and a half years of BTC Blockchain first.. lol Let it download the BTCb blockchain. It seems to have priority over the Bitcredit blockchain off startup.True true, And I asked a question but idk if anyone knows yet---but what is the Bitcoin to Bitcredit claiming ratio, for example, for one of my wallets I had like 300 transactions and like 4.XX bitcoin total received since I made the wallet, and I got like, 15 CLAMS. Will it be similar to that, a small number?
Whenever I launch the bitcredit QT, I keep getting "Bitcredit: No block source available..." "2 weeks behind" What's that about o.O
the bitcoin is synching just fine, 4 yrs 3 weeks behind right now
Give it time to connect to the network.. Mine took about 2 minutes before it say peers on the bitcredit network. I've had the QT launched for about 15 minutes now :/ Bitcoin sync is at 3 yrs 30 weeks now ----- 8 active connections to the network Bitcredit still No block source available ----- 6 active connections to the network
Whenever I launch the bitcredit QT, I keep getting "Bitcredit: No block source available..." "2 weeks behind" What's that about o.O
the bitcoin is synching just fine, 4 yrs 3 weeks behind right now
I do have a question about the "Claiming" process, what is the ratio for bitcoin to CRE? Like one of my wallets has about 300 transactions and a "total received" of 4.4697 BTC ... would I only get 4.4697 CRE, or what is the deal there?
I don't know if my computer just has problems with this, but I downloaded/installed the Bytecent launcher, clicked "Wallet/Miner" and nothing pops up... It shows up in my Task Manager as "Bytecent-Qt (OSS GUI Client for Bytecent) (32 bit) but no GUI actually pops up on my screen.... Tried reinstalling it 2 times so far -------- tried restarting my computer 4 times so far.
You all seem to think 'inflation is high'... this is not an inflation situation... it is a 'fast distribution'... it won't be long before this coin chugs along more like doge...
I would not give up this coin to quickly...
+1 Lets hope this is true  hodling on to my coins like no tomorrow 
wtf is that and who needs it! do your part by be active here and on exchanges besides waiting for a pump and you dump! contact ccex and update the info! come on guy/gal! gr8 coin gr8 community! be better than the rest and not like them! we will support you! dont just do some unnecessary devolopment. wallet is fine for now! you need a team and some marketing! or did you just create a coin to dump for some btc! i agree with u this is dumper coin..the dev just want to take profit and will leave this coin Your bitcointalk rank "helmy77" is a Newbie, please ---- if you don't like this coin then stop commenting in it, and go bother some other coin community.
I got paid wrong, 17MB3d8crrKEZjjz5pwZmSpvVHjBhBjuby I only got paid for 2 posts (0.0014 btc), when I posted around 35 times this past week, I checked https://bitmixer.io/signature.html ---> typed in my bitcointalk UID number, and it said "New Posts: 35" When last week//two weeks ago I got paid the full amount I had posted --- but not this week? Reading the first page will definitely help you in understanding why your payment is so low. Rules- You must have no negative feedback points - Only constructive posts! If majority of the posts is in off-topic sections, bump, spam, few words, picture - you will be banned forever. - No other signatures are allowed at the same time.- Must post in multiple sections of the forum during a whole week. We will ban forever 50 posts-one-day posters. - We don't pay for posts less than 75 symbols length. - We don't pay for posts in Off-topic / Games and rounds / Alternate cryptocurrencies and this thread. Indeed there have been a lot of rule changes for this campaign over the last few weeks. It's not surprising that melwinder is having a hard time figuring it out. Still, I think that 1Referee is right, double check the rules and you'll find the explanation. Well I've gotten paid even though I have negative trust, so that's not it, but I think it was because I posted a LOT in the Alt Coin section when "LiteDoge" launched, so that could be it, cause a few weeks ago / month or so, I was able to post in Alt Coins sections and still get paid full lol.