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1  Local / إستفسارات و أسئلة المبتدئين / كهف البتيكوين on: August 27, 2020, 04:34:26 PM
تحياتي للجميع
(( هذا المقال هو ثمرة معلوماتي الشخصية التي جمعتها من خلال الفترات التي تنقلت بها بين المواقع وأنا أحاول فهم المبدأ العام للتعدين))
إن الكثير من المبتدئين في مجال العملات المشفرة ييتسائلون ماهو التعدين أو كيف تتم هذه العملية
وماهو الأمر الذي يجعل كروت الشاشة والمعالجات تقوم بالتنقيب عن البيتكوين واستخراجه؟

لنعود بالزمان للوراء :
عندما تم اكتشاف الذهب في الكهوف والمغاور وبدأت عمليات التنقيب عنه كان الأمر يتطلب الكثير من العمال للقيام بهذه المهمة لحفر القليل من الصخور وصولا" للذهب الذي يساوي الكثير ويدخل في مجالات الاقتصاد الدولي
من هنا يمكننا تشبيه عملية التنقيب عن البيتكوين بواسطة المعالجات الحاسوبية بأنها عملية مشابهة لاستخلاص الذهب من الكهوف
فوجدت مصطلح ((كهف البيتكوين)) مصطلح مناسب جدا" للمواقع التي تحتوي بداخلها العملات والمطلوب من العاملين في مجال التعدين استخراجها
أتمنى أن يكون هذا مفيد
أنا أعلم أنه ربما لديكم أفكار عن هذه الطريقة لكنني أردت نشر الفائدة للأعضاء الجدد .
2  Local / منصات التبادل / احتيال من نوع نادر أم كان خطئي on: August 27, 2020, 02:29:43 PM
السلام عليكم
منذ حوالي الشهر كان لدي حساب على منصة Yobitو قد قامت المنصة بتقديم 7 مليون قطعة نقدية من عملة Dice و أعطت هذه العملة قيمة 1 ساتوشي لكن عندما فتحت المنصة التداول حاولت بيعها مقابل البيتكوين وانتظرت ساعتين ولم تتم العملية ثم حاولت استبدالها بالإيثريوم ولم تنجح أيضا ولكن عندما استبدلتها بالدوجكوين تمت العملية وأصبحت قيمة 7 مليون Dice تساوي 2 $ فقط .
الغاية من مشاركتي هذه هي معرفة ماهو سبب حدوث هذه الحالة و هل هي احتيال؟؟؟
إن غايتي من هذا الموضوع هو مشاركة تجربتي مع الأعضاء وكسب الإجابة الحقيقية عن سبب حدوث هذه المشكلة لأنني عملياً خسرت قيمة كبيرة دون مبرر
شكرا للجميع
3  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] ★☆★ 777Coin Signature Campaign ★☆★ (Member-Hero Accepted) (New) on: August 27, 2020, 11:15:30 AM
Hello my friends, I have been following this campaign for a long time and would like to join it, I have noticed that the member Mor254 has been banned from the forum and this link to the topic confirms that:

User: Magd solieman
Position to Apply: Member
Posts Start: 78
Address: 1PpDzpS2LGrbk7SxoDFGtRjVC2iZArvhP1

I hope I will be accepted and will work hard
4  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: أهم الوسطاء العرب - إشتري البيتكوين بسهول on: August 27, 2020, 10:00:27 AM
ولكن هل هؤلاء الوسطاء يعملون في الوقت الحالي لأنه حسب علمي أغلب الوسطاء متوقفين حاليا في سوريا
حقيقة لقد اخبرني صديقي ان pop cards عاد للعمل مرة اخرى
يمكنك مراسلته والتاكد من ذلك
فهو توقف عن العمل فقط بسبب عدم استقرار سعر الدولار في الفترة الماضية اما الان اصبح اكثر استقرار من السابق 

اذا كان ذلك فقط هو السبب للتوقف فمن الطبيعي أن نرى معظمهم يعودون للعمل الآن , ولكن حسب علمي لا زال الأغلب متوقفين عن السحوبات
بالنسبة لبوب كاردز هل يوجد أي فكرة عن النسب التي يتقاضاها لقاء التحويلات ؟ لم أسمع عنه من قبل أبداً مع أنه العديد من أصدقائي يقومون بسحوبات دورية في سوريا
صديقي لقد شهدنا توقف اغلب الوسطاء عن العمل لعدة اشهر وكان سبب الايقاف يعود لاكثر من امر منها عدم استقرار سعر الدولار بالاضافة الى قيام الدولة بملاحقة الوسطاء
ولكن الان قد بداو بالعودة للعمل بشكل تدريجي
وبالنسبة ل pop cards فقد تعاملت معه شخصيا اكثر من مرة وهو شخص محترم وموثوق وان النسبة التي يتقاضاها هي ٥% ولكن لا يتعامل بعملة الدولار لانه مقيم في ماليزيا
لذلك هو يتعامل بعملة تسمى الرنغل الماليزي وان هذه العملة مربحة مثل الدولار
والجميل في التعامل معه انه يقوم بارسال الاموال اليك بنفس اليوم
هذه هي الصفحة الخاصة به
وهذا رقم التواصل على واتس اب

بالتوفيق اخي
5  Other / Off-topic / Re: Take care of your health and earn Bitcoin on: August 26, 2020, 11:07:43 AM
This sounds nice, but how much can you actually save with that? Would it be enough to run your PC or TV? Or maybe the lights? Did you check it? I mean you will need to make an investment first into all that equipment, which will cost a lot of money probably. Don't get me wrong, exercise is very important. But if you spend all your day at home and then exercise at home too it's not so good for your mind. It would be much better if you go outside to get fresh air while running. Plus working out outside of your home is free.
I always strive to share my thoughts with the wonderful members here because you provide great information and ideas I find your idea to be an excellent alternative Greetings to you
6  Other / Off-topic / Re: Take care of your health and earn Bitcoin on: August 26, 2020, 09:48:07 AM
I don't really understand why you need to sit all the day, bitcoin isn't a job just do all the regular activities because holding bitcoin itself enough to make you become rich in years.If you are particularly talking about bounty hunters then they are simply wasting their time for nothing, bounties are not really worth because after months of hard work they get few pennies as rewards. Tongue
Perhaps it is true, but my goal is to encourage exercise and work. Many people that I know have been sitting for a long time. Thank you for your participation. I always seek help from you, my dear brother.
7  Other / Off-topic / Take care of your health and earn Bitcoin on: August 26, 2020, 08:45:27 AM
Hello all
It is certain that many people are exposed to the sentence ((You will get nervous diseases and stroke because of Bitcoin))
Where parents always say this sentence to me and to many of those who work in the Bitcoin field because they sit for long periods behind the computer, whether it is for continuous work or even mining, and lack of exercise, which makes the family about diseases correct.

But we have some problems that we must pose and then find solutions:
1- The first problem is that the cost is also large sums and we will pay continuously
2- A person may not be able to exercise due to lack of time
3- Health is the most important possession of a person and cannot be dispensed with for money.

So what is the solution??
An idea came to my mind is to pay one time the price of the electronic treadmill and create a circuit that generates electrical current from running where the user can run and generate electricity that he can use to charge large batteries of 150 amps and above and then raise the voltage of these batteries to use their energy in the mining process Maybe two hours straight or a little more

Required hardware:
1- Electronic treadmill device
2- Two batteries with a capacity of 150 ampere
3- A voltage regulator device with UPS

The benefit derived from this:
I know that the cost of the device is a little high, but we will pay it one time, and through it we will be able to do the following:
1 - Jogging on the device, which stimulates blood circulation and strengthens the heart muscle
2- Utilizing the electricity generated to charge the batteries
3- Using batteries during working hours and thus saving the cost of electricity and also using it in the mining process for two continuous hours as backup energy in times of power outages or solar cells malfunction

The following link contains a method for converting motion to electricity, and there are many diagrams in physics books on the web for how to create this circuit
youtube link:
I hope this topic is useful as I remind everyone that health is wealth and we can preserve it and earn Bitcoin. The plan that I shared at the top is intended to encourage jogging, as the presence of the device with an electric current will encourage the user to run to save costs in the electricity bill.

The topic was shared in Arabic on the Arabic section of the forum at the link:
8  Local / العربية (Arabic) / اهتم بصحتك واكسب البيتكوين on: August 26, 2020, 08:40:03 AM
مرحبا للجميع
من المؤكد أن الكثيرين يتعرضون لجملة (( سوف تصاب بأمراض عصبية وجلطة بسبب البيتكوين))
حيث يقول الأهل دائما هذه الجملة لي وللكثيرين من اللذين يعملون في مجال البيتكوين لأنهم يجلسون لفترات طويلة خلف الحاسوب سواء كان الأمر للعمل المستمر أو حتى للتعدين ، وعدم ممارسة التمارين الرياضية مما يجعل جملة الأهل عن الأمراض صحيحة .

لكن لدينا بعض المشكلات التي يجب علينا طرحها ثم نجد الحلول:
١- المشكلة الأولى أن تكلفة أيضا مبالغ كبيرة وسندفع بشكل مستمر
2-قد لا يتمكن الشخص من ممارسة التمارين الرياضية بسبب ضيق الوقت
3-الصحة هي أهم ما يملك الإنسان ولا يمكن الاستغناء عنها لأجل المال.

إذا ما الحل؟؟
لقد تبادرت لذهني فكرة هي أن ندفع لمرة واحدة ثمن جهاز الركض الالكتروني ونقوم بإنشاء دارة تولد التيار الكهربائي من الركض حيث يمكن للمستخدم أن يركض ويولد الكهرباء التي يمكنه أن يستخدمها لشحن بطاريات كبيرة ١٥٠ أمبير وما فوق ثم يقوم برفع جهد هذه البطاريات ليستخدم طاقتها في عملية التعدين ربما لساعتين متواصلتين أو أكثر قليلا

الأجهزة المطلوبة :
١- جهاز الركض الالكتروني
2- بطاريتين بقوة ١٥٠ أمبير
3-جهاز منظم للتيار الكهربائي مع رافع للجهد يو بي إس

الفائدة المحققة من هذا:
أنا أعلم أن تكلفة الجهاز مرتفعة قليلا لكننا سندفعها لمرة واحدة ومن خلالها سنتمكن من القيام بما يلي:
1-ممارسة الركض على الجهاز مما ينشط الدورة الدموية ويقوي عضلة القلب
2-الاستفادة من الكهرباء المتولدة في شحن البطاريات
3-استخدام البطاريات في أوقات العمل وبالتالي توفير تكلفة الكهرباء واستخدامها أيضا في عملية التعدين لمدة ساعتين متواصلتين كطاقة داعمة في أوقات انقطاع الكهرباء أو عطل في الخلايا الشمسية

الرابط التالي يحتوي طريقة تحويل الحركة لكهرباء و يوجد على الويب الكثير من المخططات في كتب الفيزياء لكيفية إنشاء هذه الدارة

رابط فيديو:
أتمنى أن يكون هذا الموضوع مفيد حيث أنني أذكر الجميع بأن الصحة هي الثروة ويمكننا الحقاظ عليها وكسب البيتكوين والخطة التي قمت بمشاركتها في الأعلى الغاية منها التشجيع على الركض فوجود الجهاز مع تيار كهربائي سيشجع المستخدم على الركض لتوفير التكاليف في فاتورة الكهرباء
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin and rejected on: August 24, 2020, 09:13:46 PM
Greetings to all respected members
We all know that since the launch of the Bitcoin currency, governments began to issue decisions regarding this currency, which caused a great revolution in the world of economics. The new currency.
In this topic, we will talk about the three previous types, but we will devote the long talk about governments that reject Bitcoin, how they view this currency and why they reject it, through my economic view of the matter and benefiting from some information about countries

First: Governments that have agreed to allow citizens to use Bitcoin:
Economically strong countries were the largest percentage agreeing to use this currency, but under their supervision so that no economic deterioration occurs, as they saw that Bitcoin may be a major economic supporter of their local currency by increasing the injection of strong foreign currencies such as the dollar, the euro and others, but they monitored the buying and selling movements of this currency so as not Lose the strength of its local currency.

Second: Countries that have remained in the waiting state:
They are the countries that did not prohibit the use of Bitcoin, but did not allow it completely, but rather left it to some local financial intermediaries who buy and sell the currency in small quantities without causing a negative impact on the local economy of the country, as the governments of these countries tried all the pros and cons of Bitcoin from these intermediaries
Third: Governments that completely reject Bitcoin: ((which is the most important part))
Most of the governments that refused to allow their citizens to buy and sell bitcoin were from poor countries that have a weak economy, as these governments see that the process of buying bitcoin will lead to the emptying of bank accounts in the country of the local currency that will go to an unknown destination. When citizens buy bitcoin, their money will come out from the country's banks. The mother is to an external party and citizens will own the bitcoin, but what is the problem with this?
The problem here is that with the passage of time, Bitcoin will depreciate the local currency, and thus it is liable to disappear at any moment, and thus there will be great monetary inflation and the disappearance of the local currency almost completely.

A graphic showing how governments rejecting Bitcoin view it

for example:
Syria: This country did not completely reject Bitcoin, but it did not allow its use in shops and in the buying and selling process, but rather considered it a way to improve the local economy

Zimbabwe: In one of the videos shown by the young Youtuber (Nas Dilly), he took to the streets of Zimbabwe and explained how all citizens' transactions have turned to cryptocurrencies after a huge monetary inflation, where he bought vegetables, rode a taxi and paid the price in Bitcoin via mobile phone.

video link:

What might happen in Zimbabwe:
1- The internet may be cut off at some point, which will stop the buying and selling process throughout the country
2 - The party responsible for Bitcoin may withdraw all its currencies from Zimbabwe and thus become a country without a currency that can neither import nor export

My personal opinion on this matter:
If many countries convert to cryptocurrencies completely, the world will be divided into two parts, rich countries that have all the resources and money, and poor countries suffering from famine, and I hope this does not happen, but rather Bitcoin will be a source of help for people in wars, famines and diseases and transforming the world into a stable place with equal rights.

1- I hope all the members excuse me because I had to ask for a little help from the translator, and I hope to put your personal opinions on this and your economic outlook to benefit from it
2- This topic is a personal judgment and a special analysis of what is happening around the world
3- I hope everyone will watch the video to clarify the idea for you
10  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: For beginners what is technical analysis on: August 23, 2020, 09:41:18 PM
I made a lot of effort in writing this topic
In fact, technical analysis for me lacks some concepts for this reason I have benefited from your participation, but although many say that your topic is already translated on one of the sites, I benefited from it because I have not read the similar article before and I hope that next time you pay attention to the translation and be more careful when Choose your subjects
11  Economy / Reputation / Sorry everyone on: August 23, 2020, 09:00:48 PM
Hi everyone
I made a mistake when I mentioned in one of my posts merit points and I admit to this mistake and I am sorry all respected members and I promise I will not repeat this
I will work to improve the quality of my posts and I feel proud that I am present among you. Please excuse you as I am new and I need your useful comments and advice to be better in the future.
12  Economy / Reputation / Re: Is this merit begging? on: August 23, 2020, 08:48:07 PM
(Members who rate the topic with merit points will select the most 5 ratings from them for direct entry into the campaign).
OP's friend has planned to producing a beer with the name Bitcoin Beer and will launch a signature campaign here to promote the project. That's what OP said in the linked thread and the quoted part was the worst. People who will give merit to this thread will have chance to join the campaign. It is really begging for merit, may be directly or maybe indirectly.

I would like to apologize from you and all the respected members, and I will not repeat this mistake again. I have just started working to improve the quality of my posts and may benefit from this mistake in the future so that I do not repeat it. As you see that new and need your great experience, I thank you for this and I repeat my apologies
13  Economy / Trading Discussion / Investment advice backed by real experience on: August 23, 2020, 08:29:20 PM
Hello all
Perhaps the topic I will present to you is not new, but it may benefit some of the new members of the forum and may remind some of the important details that we must pay attention to when investing in Bitcoin, as we all noticed that Bitcoin has evolved from the past and is spreading much more and a lot of people did not believe The strength and effectiveness of this currency may change their opinion after it proved its ability to save many poor families who resorted to working in the field of cryptocurrencies and also the Corona virus crisis, which proved that Bitcoin is able to provide financial assistance in periods of epidemics and can reduce the spread of the epidemic by reducing the use of paper currencies. Which is considered a major vector of the virus, and the great positivity by allowing people to manage their money during the quarantine period while they are at home, as many have invested their money and made profits, and the most important example of this successful investment is the young Syrian (solieman gassan), the son of my cousin residing in France, who He bought bitcoin for $ 6,000 when the bitcoin price was 7,500 before the halftime period this year, and he kept that amount until now. This and made a big profit, as the price reached about 11600 dollars, this experience made me happy because I chose the field of cryptocurrencies and based on this realistic experience I decided to share with the wonderful members of the forum 5 things that should be known before investing in bitcoin and I have benefited from an article I will put a link at the end Participation:

In the beginning we will ask some questions and answer them:
1- Why is Bitcoin's value rising
It is not surprising that Bitcoin, the global and safe currency that does not recognize borders, has caught the attention of investors
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are available to everyone and a great opportunity to be included in the new asset class that deserves to be given a degree of attention
Many consider investing in Bitcoin scary because the potential for growth is great with great risk as well, but it takes time and effort to understand how Bitcoin works.

2- Why invest in Bitcoin?
It seems silly to some people that one Bitcoin is worth hundreds of dollars
What makes Bitcoin valuable?
Bitcoin is rare and useful
Let's take gold as a currency, for example. There is a limited amount of gold on Earth.
The more gold is excavated and extracted, the less it is in the ground, and the task of extracting it becomes more difficult and more expensive.
The same goes with Bitcoin.
There are only 21 million Bitcoins, and over time the mining process becomes increasingly difficult.

Take a look at Bitcoin's inflation and supply rate:

Bitcoin monetary policy is transparent and neutral, and anyone can verify it.
Bitcoin's transparency is one of its most important features. We can see when a new Bitcoin has been created or how many Bitcoins are in circulation in the market.
Bitcoin can be sent from anywhere in the world to anywhere else in the world. No bank, entity or country can block transfers and payments or close your account. Bitcoin is anti-censorship money.
Bitcoin does not recognize geographic boundaries, and it also provides an opportunity to shake off states' failed monetary policies.
The Internet has made information available to everyone and easy to access. Bitcoin and digital currencies will have the same impact on the financial lives of individuals and the global economy.
If you understand the goal behind creating Bitcoin, it shouldn't be difficult for you to understand that investing in it might be a good idea.

Bitcoin price:
There is no official price for Bitcoin, its price is set by people willing to pay. The CoinDesk Bitcoin Dollar Exchange Rate Index is a good resource for the coin's value.
Bitcoin price indicators generally show the value of one bitcoin against any currency, but you can buy and trade less than one bitcoin on bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading platforms and sites.

3- How do you choose the right time to buy?
As with any other investment, nothing is certain.
In order to be able to buy a certain amount of Bitcoin, someone must be willing to sell it. And in every commercial transaction on trading platforms, the bitcoin seller bets on the possibility of the Bitcoin price falling or at least not going up, and the buyer betting on an increase in its price, and in this sense every buyer and seller bets on his knowledge. That is why do not take the information mentioned in this article as investment advice. You should do your own research before buying Bitcoin.
In general, since the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, the more its price has increased, it has increased at a very fast pace, and the lower the price has decreased slowly and steadily until it stabilizes.

4- How to invest in Bitcoins and where to buy it
The difficulty of buying Bitcoin depends on the country in which you live. Developed countries have more options to buy it and more liquidity.
CoinBaise is currently the world's largest Bitcoin buying platform and is only available in the US, UK, Canada, Singapore and most of Europe.
You can use this tool to find someone selling Bitcoin in your country

Important Tips:
It is important to understand how Bitcoin works before you invest any money.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are still a new technology, and it can take you months to understand the real impact they can have on the world.
Take the time to understand Bitcoin, how it works, and how it differs from regular money.

Lessons learned from successful investors:
First: If you do not have even a small amount of anxiety over your investments, this means that you are not risking enough. You have to have enough money invested in order for you to have real interest. You will make the right decision when you participate in your investments with all your feelings, and then you will be able to monitor this investment and give it greater care.
Second: Get the profit as quickly as possible "Overcome greed"
Third: Beware of anyone who predicts the future, as all financial consequences are tolerable.

1- The first part of the topic was written by my personal efforts and I benefited from the experience of one of my relatives mentioned above
2- One of the articles was used from the following source:
14  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: كيفية ترقية العضوية في المنتدى on: August 23, 2020, 05:04:07 PM
العضويات المتوفرة ومتطبات الحصول عليها الحصول عليها:

الرتبة (activity) درجة النشاط (merits) درجة الجدارة المطلوبة
Brand new00
Jr Member301
Full Member120100
Sr. Member240250
Hero Member480500
LegendaryRandom in the range 775-10301000

نقاط الجدارة و درجات النشاط:

تزداد درجات النشاط (activity) بمقدار 14 نقطة كل أسبوعين.
تكون هذه الزيادة في نفس الوقت لجميع الأعضاء بغض النظر عن تاريخ التسجيل
يمكن ايجاد فترات الزيادة هنا:

يمكنك الحصول على نقاط الجدارة (merits) عندما يرسل لك شخص ما بعض النقاط لأحدى مشاركاتك. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، عندما يقوم شخص ما بارسال  نقاط الجدارة لك، نصف هذه النقاط يمكن إرسالها من قبلك إلى أشخاص آخرين.

يتم تعيين بعض المستخدمين ك"مصادر للجدارة". تمكنهم من خلق نقاط جدارة  جديدة من لا شيء، تصل إلى عدد محدود شهريا (الذي يختلف حسب المصدر). وأنا لن اقوم بنشر قائمة نهائية من مصادر الجدارة (حتي لا يطلب الناس منهم ذلك كتيرا)، على الرغم من أنك سوف  تتمكن   قريبا  من معرفة من هم إذا كنت تولي اهتماما.

 لا يوجد حاليا شيء مثل "انقاص الجدارة او جدارة سلبية". أنا على أمل أن المزايا الإيجابية وحدها ستكون على ما يرام. و على الرغم من ذلك يمكنني ان اضيف النقاط السلبية بسهولة في وقت لاحق بسهولة إذا لزم الأمر، .

آمل أن يؤدي هذا النظام إلى زيادة جودة المشاركات عن طريق:

  - إجبار الأشخاص على نشر مشاركات عالية الجودة . إذا كنت تنشر مجرد الترهات، فأنك لن تحصل علي اي نقطة جدارة، وبالتالي لن تكون قادرا على وضع الروابط في توقيعك، الخ.
  - تسليط الضوء على المنشورات الجيدة  "من خلال نقاط الجدارة"بكل تعليق.

على الرغم من أننا لن ندير هذا الأمر بشكل مباشر، إلا أنني أشجع الأشخاص على منح المشاركات ذات الجودة عالية والموضوعية فقط نقاط الجدارة، وليس فقط المشاركات التي توافق عليها.

نظام ترتيب المنتدى هو معقد بعض الشيء الآن ...سوف يكون لطيفا إذا قام شخص ما برسم مخطط لشرح النشاط والجدارة.

إذا كنت تريد أن تكون مصدر الجدارة:

اجمع  عشرة من المشاركات التي لم تتلق ما يكفي من نقاط الجدارة لتبين كيف انهم مهمين، وقم بعمل اقتباس لهم جميعا في موضوع  جديد. في Meta

بالنسبة للأعضاء الحاليين، تساوي درجة الجدارة الأولية الحد الأدنى المطلوب لرتبتك.، مبلغ معين (أقل من النصف المعتاد) قابل للإنفاق. تم حساب المبلغ القابل للإنفاق بناء على رتبتك الحالية وعدد نقاط النشاط التي حصلت عليها في العام الماضي. اذا كان هناك عضو أسطوري لم ينشر في العام الماضي سيكون لا يزال أسطوريا، ولكن لن يكون له أي نقاط جدارة يمكنه إنفاقها.

اذا قام شخص ما بارسال نقطة جدارة لك فانك ستحصل علي نصف نقطة ليست مهملة ولكنها لن تظهر لك
للمزيد من المعلومات حول نقاط الجدارة، يمكنك الاطلاع على هذا الموضوع:

ملخص لما يجب عليك وما لا يجب عليك


- Newbie: لا يمكن وضع أي توقيع
- Jr. Member: الروابط مسموحة - ممكن وضع 150 حرف فقط
- Member: لا يوجد سقف لعدد الاحرف الممكن وضعها
- Full Member: ممكن استعمال الالوان
- Sr. Member: يمكن تصغير او تكبير الاحرف
- Hero Member: يمكن وضع لون في الخلفية

هذاالشرح لطريقة ترقية العضوية رائع لقد أصبح الأمر أكثر وضوحا" لكن لدي استفسار وأرجو أن تساعدني في الإجابة
لقد لاحظت أن التفاعل وإعطاء نقاط الجدارة في قسم العربية منخفض جدا وأواجه مشكلة في تحديد مدى أهمية المواضيع التي يجب أن أشاركها حتى أحصل على نقاط الجدارة فالبنسبة لعدد المشاركات التي قمت بها فإن نقاط الجدارة الخاصة بي قليلة أتمنى منك النصيحة  أخي العزيز
15  Other / Off-topic / Re: Free treatment at home on: August 22, 2020, 09:55:18 PM
your explanation is very detailed, thank you very much... ∠(^ー^)
sweet food is my favorite but I will listen to you you suggest that I reduce sweet foods. health is a very expensive thing, I will try to follow your advice, thanks again.

I am happy with your insistence on success in treatment and I hope that you will inform me of the results and if you need any help, I am at the service, my dear brother.
16  Other / Off-topic / Part Two (Chinese Medicine) on: August 22, 2020, 09:53:11 PM

In the first part of the herbal treatment, I put some recipes for some diseases for the interested members, but now I hope to raise problems related to neurological diseases and vertebrae, and I will put for you Chinese treatments that I have tried and proven successful.
I wish everyone good health
17  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns [Last update: 18-Aug-2020] on: August 22, 2020, 09:45:06 PM
New campaign [OPEN] OWNR wallet | Full EOS Support Party | Signature Campaign | Full Member + want to hire 25 members from Full members-Hero/Legendary. Hurry up

Payouts & Positions:

5x Full Members - $10 BTC/Week
10x Senior Members - $15 BTC/Week
10X Hero/Legendary Members - $30 BTC/Week
Will a field be opened for members only? I hope we have a chance
18  Other / Off-topic / Re: Free treatment at home on: August 21, 2020, 10:41:36 PM
Do you have some remedy to lose excess weight? I know that there's no shortcut for losing weight.

But I can't exercise that much in my area and can't even do home workouts due to busy schedule.

If you are serious about this losing weight - the solution is actually very simple but discipline is your enemy. I am giving my suggestion based on my experience. Lessen your food intake, observe what you are eating everyday and slowly reduce it. Because if you will cut it abruptly, the tendency is to go back as you will feel hungry. More fruits and vegies as much as possible, less carbs. Are you sure you can't even exercise at your home? Do you have stairs at your home? You can just do the 5-min walk up and down and increase it to 10 min the next days. Can you spare those 5 or 10 min from your busy schedule?
I always advise patients who consult me to walk and read energy science books because it pushes the patient towards determination and self-confidence to complete the treatment and achieve results that cannot be achieved with chemotherapy
19  Other / Off-topic / Re: Free treatment at home on: August 21, 2020, 10:37:37 PM
interesting topic...
I want to ask you, how do I get a healthy diet without having to reduce the intake of food I eat, I want to be thin but my appetite is very strong. are there any recommendations for drinks or food that I should consume?
Even if you have an appetite, you can do a good diet rich in benefits, but focus on burning the fats in the food

1. Reduce your intake of sugary foods
Limit your intake of sweets, cookies, sweets, sweet drinks, and sugary drinks. For desserts or snacks, try yogurt, fruits, or nuts (such as walnuts, hazelnuts, and salted almonds), and try to drink unsweetened water or tea.

2. Cut back on processed foods
Among these foods are sausages, cakes, biscuits, burgers, and fast foods. These foods are high in fat and salt.
3. Reduce your salt intake
Foods that contain large amounts of salt might increase blood pressure. Also, high blood pressure has no obvious symptoms, but it may lead to a heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure is a serious health problem for every person. Avoid adding salt when cooking food and try not to add salt to food on the table. If you need spicy food, use pepper and other seasonings.

Salt is often added to prepared and processed foods, including bread, cereal, and broth. Reading nutrient labels (often placed behind packaging) can help you control the amount of salt added to food. Look at the numbers for 'salt per 100g':

High amounts of salt are over 1.5 grams (0.6 grams) per 100 grams.
Low amounts of salt are 0.3 grams (0.1 grams) or less per 100 grams.
4. Limit your intake of foods that contain saturated fats
Saturated fats are found in butter, margarine, whole milk and other dairy products, fatty and processed meats such as kebabs, sausages, coconut, palm oil, biscuits, pastries, and cakes. Eating more saturated fats might increase blood cholesterol levels, which is a risk factor for heart disease.
It is very important to focus on the nutrient content of the food
I hope you rate the participation and thank you
20  Other / Off-topic / Re: Free treatment at home on: August 21, 2020, 10:32:36 PM
I have an acute urticaria and been suffering from this for 2 months already. The symptoms are getting worse during at night and im having a hard time to sleep comfortably. The causes are unknown because im not allergic to anything and even tried to avoid the possible causes like certain food or medicines. I already seek for a professional help but after taking the given medicines for 2 weeks and the effects of it were gone, the hives are coming back. Is there any herbal medicine that can help to cure urticaria? I will appreciate your response.
Do not worry, my friend, the treatment is very easy and effective, and you must trust it and do it and it will succeed. I am sure of it and I will be happy if I succeeded with your help:
Treatment methods for urticaria with herbs:

2 tablespoons of dill.
2 tablespoons of vinegar.
2 tablespoons of tannins.

We grind both tannins and dill until smooth as flour.
Mix the ingredients well with the addition of vinegar until they get a consistency.
We rinse the affected area several times a day to recover

We massage the affected area with this oil daily for about 30 minutes, then after taking a warm bath, to achieve the best results.

I wish you good health and happiness
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