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1  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: My top 7 exchanges for trading on: March 17, 2020, 01:41:55 PM
Personally, I use and this is my favourite exchange because of its low fees and huge variety of payment methods. Imo it's definitely better than these ones mentioned in the topic. Check out its great initiatives for users like for example free debit cryptocurrency card.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How I Crypto on: March 02, 2020, 12:22:04 PM
Well, cryptocurrencies are getting more and more popular and commonly accepted, that's for sure. I'm pretty into daily trading, but I'm also trying to use my coins every day. It would be great if we were able to pay with cryptocurrencies everywhere. And I'm soooo happy that some of places have already accepted cryptocurrencies. I've pre-ordered my crypto debit card and I can't wait to use it!
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: My Bitcoin experience in 2019 on: January 16, 2020, 10:23:47 AM
Right now we are in a point in which it is very difficult to predict what bitcoin will do because it can take almost any direction, it is obvious that with the recent growth that we are experimenting people are very positive about the next movement of bitcoin but I'm not so sure, as you say it could still go down again because we still have several months left before we see the halving so all of that enthusiasm is bound to calm down and when that happens the price will go down as well.
Yes, I totally agree, it's hard to predict anything right now. But I'm pretty sure that this year will be better for bitcoin than 2019... I hope so because I hold mine coins. In reference to 2019 bitcoin's experience, I've read great article with a little "summary" of bitcoin's situation in 2019, here it is:
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What If Satoshi Actually Lost His Private Keys on: August 28, 2019, 07:51:06 AM
I think that this article sum up whole case.
It's funny, but his story were actually well written, but not well targeted. It was created for all those people who see in Bitcoinan opportunity for quick money (despite the criticism of such approach in the first part - but such kind of people won't ever admit they are greedy and lazy). All climax of this reveal, with those fancy numbers and religious references don't match tu actual crypto enthusiast, who only want one, simple thing: genesis key. And any crazy explanation about Satoshi sending his laptop to the support won't work in that case.
And even if he, somehow, actually lost all his assets, he still would make his reveal in different way than through some shady PR firm
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Government-issued cryptocurrencies...Are they the Future? on: August 28, 2019, 07:41:56 AM
It's more complicated matter, cause we apply here to the question what basic idea lies behind the cryptocurrency. If we focus on the aspect of decentralization, then governments don;t have anything to do with crypto. Although, if we describe crypto just as virtual assets, then government may use this idea to promote itself as modern inistitutions. But let's be honest, such approach will be similar in shape to Libra all newly announced Venus, and in its very base it will be just stablecoin based on national currency, so using it won;t be different from paying with credit card.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Crypto and fashion on: August 08, 2019, 10:56:39 AM
Nicolas Romero, the creator of Satoshi Studio, is going to actually connect blockchain tech with fashion industry. Currently, he has developed a shoe brand. And that leads to a question: does crypto industry is ready for such inventions?
I know there are already many merchandise with bitcoin or other crypto on hat, t-shirt or something in that stile. But let's be honest: a t-shirt with poorly printed "to the moon" on it is nothing more but a meme, not a real fashion.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Encrypgen - a surprising use for blockchain on: July 22, 2019, 11:40:42 AM
Its a little off-top, but I think it suits for the term of "altcoin".
Encrypgen is an interesting project, which use blockchain technology to support genetic studies. This is one of the most important branches in modern science, but it
Amount of data is huge, and traditional way of distributing them between scientists is not sufficient enough. And that's where blockchain come in.
If you are interested in this project, I recommend you to check an interview with Encrypgen CEO, David Koepsell. Very interesting person.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Pink Care Token on: July 16, 2019, 08:09:03 AM
Lack of basic sanitary supplies is something unimaginable, but for many women this is a sad reality. Binance Charity decided to do something wit that, and they have launched Pink Care Token. Thanks to blockchain technology, all donation make for this purpose ar 100% transparent, with transactions cost cut to the absolute minimum.
I'm glad that blockchain is actually use for such noble goals
9  Economy / Speculation / Re: How much do you think the President’s recent comments have hurt bitcoin prices? on: July 15, 2019, 12:49:36 PM
I don't think they have influenced it a lot. I believe most of the crypto supporters don't take such statements for real.Trump is famous from it's disapproval for everything, alongside with his usual lack of knowledge about the subject which is the target od his hate.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Trump is tweeting about Bitcoin O.O thoughts? on: July 15, 2019, 12:19:01 PM
No one is taking him for serious, besides his most fanatical believers. And for sure, no one from crypto industry. Trump is known from his hate on many things, so it's not surprising that bitcoin is his new target.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Can I find some fans of Korean and Japanese blockchain here? on: July 08, 2019, 11:12:35 AM
Maybe not exactly in US, cause I'm from Europe, But I've read yesterday an article about women in crypto, and author have mentioned Mai Fujimoto and her input for popularizing crypto in Japan. Very interesting story!
12  Economy / Exchanges / Re: USD, KRW, GBP withdrawals via Skrill are available on CoinDeal on: July 08, 2019, 10:32:59 AM
A Good news Indeed!!!

Skrill is a Global payment processor and with coindeal able to add skrill as an alternative payment option is great for crypto community. The charges for withdrawal are a bit higher. That's okay if they are allowing  USD, KRW and GBP.

I can't be so exited,because Skrill is almost the same as PayPal.They block accounts for nothing,if the account holder can't prove the origin of the money.People should use Skrill with caution.

true, I heard about problems too. But on the other hand, Skrill also have many satisfied users, so it's good that CoinDeal have added such option. I won't be using it, but I'm sure there are people who will like it.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I have a Dream... on: July 08, 2019, 10:09:20 AM
I love such simple stories about crypto. It reminds me that there is something besides exchanges, trading and all this race - it's very first bitcoin idea
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Should we boycott the Facebook Coin (Project Libra)? on: July 03, 2019, 02:47:26 PM
I can't deny - I'm very sceptical to Libra. I've been posting quite a lot about that. It's not a real cryptocurrency and nothing will change my mind. But the fact is, that people consider this about crypto after all. And it might influence this industry. Hell. it is doing it right now, on many levels. For instance, here you might read about how Libra may change the situation of cryptocurrencies in India, where government is against the concept of digital money.
15  Other / Off-topic / Re: CoinDeal Celebrates Wolverhampton Wanderers Sponsorship Renewal on: July 03, 2019, 02:40:12 PM
No one cares about that low tier team, now maybe if they had a deal with machester united or aresenal it would be worth talking about.

What is wrong in such partnership? It's pretty normal thing in this industry that crypto exchanges are looking for partnerships with sport teams etc. I believe such actions are very important for popularizing cryptocurrencies - no matter its Wolverhampton, Manchester or any other sport club, all of the have their fans who may express interest in cryptocurrencies after learning that their favourite team is a partner of crypto exchange. And I believe it is something which we all should want for our industry.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: New Coin Available - CDL - CoinDeal Token on: July 03, 2019, 12:20:32 PM
hmmm, I'm curious if that will be profitable for CoinDeal, I mean... how encouraging it will be? There is a giveaway for users, I found an article about it: click

I assume this whole giveaway is connected with entrance on American market. That's whole new audience with many new potential customers, who will be more then happy to receive free coin at the beginning

I think so too. They want to celebrate this event for a while and giving something for free is a good way to attract users to make a promotion abroad

True word. But how useful this token will be it's still in question.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: New Coin Available - CDL - CoinDeal Token on: July 03, 2019, 11:47:58 AM
hmmm, I'm curious if that will be profitable for CoinDeal, I mean... how encouraging it will be? There is a giveaway for users, I found an article about it: click

I assume this whole giveaway is connected with entrance on American market. That's whole new audience with many new potential customers, who will be more then happy to receive free coin at the beginning
18  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Is it possible to trade WITHOUT exchange? on: July 01, 2019, 11:42:59 AM
Kinda possible. You can buy coins on some websites focused only on it (like or something similar) and then hold them till the time will be right. But in the end, you will have to register on exchange after all.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What's bitcoin worst case scenario if Libra will be successful? on: July 01, 2019, 11:39:57 AM
Those coins have a very different goals and target group, it's hard to compare them, so such questions like that one in the subject are even harder to answer. Personally, despite my antipathy for Libra (I have very similar thoughts like statements in this article: ) I think it won't change much on the market - it will be strongly bounded with Facebook, so I don't think it will influence Bitcoin at all
20  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Bitbay vs the other exchanges on: July 01, 2019, 11:17:06 AM
I think that CoinDeal is doing better than Bitbay at this moment, because it is constantly developing. CoinDeal will be available at the USA and BitBay won't. CoinDeal team organises a lot of initiatives for their community. Now, it is said that their users will receive free tokens, here it is the article
But, on the other hand, BitBay is on the market from quite time, and they have bigger experience than CoinDeal. It might be also a disadvantage, cause their lack of fresh view might be a problem in that vastly changing industry which cryptocurrency world is, but it shouldn't be neglected too.
I live in Poland from quite time and I'm keep an eye on crypto industry here - it's very interesting how Poles are getting more excited about it. And both BitBay and CoinDeal are excellent examples that cryptocurrencies might have a bright future here - especially when they're starting to expend outside the borders, like CoinDeal is doing right now.
I believe that BitBay have the best days already behind it. As for now, I thing that nothing interesting is happening on this exchange. CoinDeal is an exact opposite - it's still a new exchange, which keeps adding new coins to its offer, and now even creating one and giving it for free
I don't think BitBay have problems. CoinDeal is, as you have said, a new exchange, so it have to keep with many features and offers which will attract customers. And don't get me wrong - CoinDeal's work is outstanding. But it doesn't mean that BitBay is doing something wrong. They just have different strategies.
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