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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The beauty of Bitcoin is in use case. on: July 28, 2023, 02:22:53 PM
Cryptocurrency is generally top, it is beautiful))

Not all cryptocurrency has a standard like Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is on the top, and it will remain on the top.
The dominance might go down as long as new coins appear.
But it will make Bitcoin stronger.

There was a saying like The more I see dogs, the more I hate humans.

The more you will see shitcoins, the more you will like Bitcoin.
2  Other / Meta / Re: Request for the merit source for the Polish board on: July 19, 2023, 03:40:09 PM
Until a new merit source is chosen, and if you feel unfair in getting merits in your local board, create a topic in the Reputation or Beginners & Help section with a quote for posts that deserve merits, (make the topic self-moderated to avoid spam) I will bookmark that page and visit it from From time to time, and it will be a best place to choose a merit source in the future.
That's an interesting proposal. You are one of the few guys who want to merit local board posts. I don't remember seeing anyone except for fillippone, who intends to review local posts. There is a thread by Loyce to report unmerited good posts. But the limitation is he cannot review local posts as he doesn't understand other local languages! It will be challenging for you to evaluate good posts. But, if you rely on some established members who can review for you and submit the posts, this is great approach.
3  Economy / Reputation / Re: AI Spam Report Reference Thread on: July 15, 2023, 04:12:24 PM
Username: @sriyan

#Post 1

There are a few options you can try out.

1. Bitmex: You need KYC verification for withdrawals.
2. Bybit:  It offers the non-KYC option for trading.
3. Binance: It offers both KYC and non-KYC accounts, with different withdrawal limits depending on the verification level.

Also, you can find the fee structure provided on the respective exchange in their fee schedule sections.

Copyleaks: 81% probability of AI 100% fake

#Post 2

AI coins are cryptocurrencies that are specifically focused on artificial intelligence technology. These coins aim to leverage AI advancement to improve various industries such as healthcare, and logistics. Some AI coins may have specific use cases as well. But the predicting the future performance of specific AI coins is inherently uncertain and carries risks.

Copyleaks: 79.5% probability of AI 98.6% fake

#Post 3

The concept of digital identity has evolved over time, and with the increasing of digital transactions. it has become a crucial aspect of our lives. Blockchain-based digital identity has several advantages.

1. Privacy
2. Enhanced security
3. Control over the personal data

Copyleaks: 85.4% probability of AI 100% fake
4  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [H] BTC [W] PayPal on: July 04, 2023, 06:08:29 AM
It's sorted already off-forum.
Thanks, everyone!
I am locking this thread now.
I will open it again once I need it again.
5  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [H] BTC [W] PayPal on: July 03, 2023, 04:37:47 PM
As the title said, I have BTC, and I need PayPal (Friends and Family)
Post here or hit me in DM.

I can know how much you have in BTC and I can gladly send you Paypal balance friends and families

Can you please tell me the connection of user TheChin0s with you? The guy is a scammer and scammed someone for $34. For some reason, you received two merits, and both came from TheChin0s.


I need around $50 in PayPal. Escrow for such a small transaction doesn't worth it.
But if you can manage free escrow, I have no problem.
I was looking for a 1:1 Ratio.

However, I seek someone with a solid reputation who won't dispute later!
I will send it up front.
6  Economy / Currency exchange / [H] BTC [W] PayPal on: July 03, 2023, 01:25:01 AM
As title said, I have BTC and I need PayPal (Friends and Family)
Post here or hit me in DM.
7  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [AUCTION] 1 lot of 7 Coppers on: June 30, 2023, 09:32:31 PM
8  Other / Meta / Re: "The user whose profile you're trying to view does not exist" on: June 30, 2023, 02:49:08 PM
Hmm, Strange. It happens every time with me. Note that I always use the stay-logged-in feature. Whenever I log in using my desktop, I notice my account gets logged out from my smartphone browser. I didn't know if that was only me. I guess Jerometash faced this as well.
If you log out from any device, all devices will be automatically logged out.

Oh oh oh, I did not notice that. That means whenever I log out from my desktop, my account also gets logged out from my mobile as well. Is it like this?
9  Other / Meta / Re: "The user whose profile you're trying to view does not exist" on: June 30, 2023, 12:43:17 AM
This happens because you logged into your account using another device or browser during that time when you closed your first bitcointalk tab.
Logging in to your account using another device doesn't affect your other sessions. I have done that many times and I am sure about that. That's logging out which affects your other sessions. If you log out in one device, you are automatically logged out in all other devices.

Hmm, Strange. It happens every time with me. Note that I always use the stay-logged-in feature. Whenever I log in using my desktop, I notice my account gets logged out from my smartphone browser. I didn't know if that was only me. I guess Jerometash faced this as well.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Stake TRX error on: June 29, 2023, 06:39:36 PM
Don't trust Trust wallet, that wallet is suck for Tron because they only support ETH and BSC chain.

Moreover, Trust Wallet was an open-source wallet back in the old days.
But they are closed-source wallets now. I discourage everyone from using this.
11  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] CLASH OF CLANS ACCOUNT LOW PRICE - MAXXED! (38K GEMS!!! TH12 L185+) on: June 29, 2023, 06:30:33 PM
bump! accepting offer below the price start of the auction!

Is it still up for sale?
Do you accept an offer below the starting price of the auction?
12  Economy / Economics / Re: Is poverty a lack of money? on: June 29, 2023, 06:28:00 PM
I see poverty as the inability to provide what you need. So when people assume that poverty is when you don't have money I don't agree. Now what if you have all you need and you don't require money to buy anything, are you poor? Some people live in communities where everyone lives agrarian life. They have all they need because everything they need to survive is available. Food is on the farm, water available and everybody is happy. Although it was hard during the Covid-19 lockdown many people lived without money. I have also seen many people leaving cities and moving to rural areas to live a natural life.

In summary when you have everything you need to survive and you don't need money, are you poor?

Whatever you say, you need money. In this world, you cannot live without money. If you do, you need help from others, as homeless people need help. If you have a farm, you need to buy seeds or some kind of other things that are necessary for farming. You cannot make sugar, salt or oil out of nature. Let's say you can make some of them. But you won't be able to make all of them. You won't find all the resources to produce all the products you may need.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Relationship between social media and Bitcoin on: June 28, 2023, 05:24:01 PM
Bitcoin did not spread because of social media, but rather because it provided a solution to an economic problem, whose features began to appear in the year 2008 accompanying the mortgage crisis, urging that Satoshi did not pay much to promote this technology, unlike what is happening now, for example, TikTok paid more than a billion dollars in one year To promote and advertise, something that has not happened in the history of Bitcoin.
If your service is good and solves a problem, it will be lucky to spread for free.
Social media was not popular back then. People used to use email and forums for discussion. Nowadays, everyone uses social media and can use Bitcoin easily. But old timers had to understand many things to run Bitcoin Node to use Bitcoin. I believe they adopted Bitcoin because they understand the importance of privacy. Now most newcomers use Bitcoin to make money only.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Stake TRX error on: June 28, 2023, 05:21:16 PM
I think this topic does not belong here. This section is for Bitcoin Discussion. You better move it to the beginner and Help section.
It would be best if you edited the OP and add which site it is.

ok, sorry, i how can move beginner this posts?

Scroll down to the bottom of this thread, and you will see there is a button named Move topic. Click on it and then select Other -- Beginner & Help and then click on Move topic. I am not sure if there is another better section for this thread. Development & Technical Discussion also fits but it's under Bitcoin Section. Maybe you can wait if some other prominent members could suggest you a better section than Beginner & Help section.

Edit: A Moderator already moved this topic to the Service discussion section. You don't have to do anything.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Stake TRX error on: June 28, 2023, 05:12:21 PM
I think this topic does not belong here. This section is for Bitcoin Discussion. You better move it to the beginner and Help section.
It would be best if you edited the OP and add which site it is.
16  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: June 28, 2023, 03:35:08 PM

Are you asking again?

Someone posted this a few days ago.

17  Economy / Gambling / Re: - The Leading Crypto Casino - Drake, UFC, Everton, Alfa Romeo F1 Team on: June 28, 2023, 12:29:49 AM
That is how this stream industry operates, they cut the payment from other streamers and fund the popular names to bring more users on the new platform.
Eddie is also the founder of the Kick and he will do everything to keep Kick operational, IMO.
They don't want to fix the server issue for some reason.
Oh wow. Really? I didn't know that he is the founder of Kick as well. If this is true, I don't think Kick will have any financial issues in the future to keep it alive. I am not familiar with the Kick platform yet. But some streamers moved to kick and invite people to join their stream there. If Eddie founded Kick, I guess this would be the favorite streaming platform for gambling streamers! 
18  Economy / Reputation / Re: 'John Abraham ≈ naim027' Coincidence or Connection? on: June 28, 2023, 12:13:03 AM
As I said before, I have enough serious reasons not to post in public. So, I wanted to write them in DM because I don't feel safe posting everything in public. I don't have to convince everyone. I just wanted to talk with them and cooperate with the necessary information document they want, which I may not be able to post publicly.

They might have some personal issues with Naim, and now they showing anger with me, considering I am Naim.
If they don't want to hear me, that's fine.
19  Economy / Reputation / Re: 'John Abraham ≈ naim027' Coincidence or Connection? on: June 20, 2023, 03:33:58 AM
So you are telling us that you don't know Bengali? Interesting. Where did you get this screenshot from?
I'm no expert, but it looks Bengali to me.
In which sense does it look like this is a screenshot? It might be. But I don't know if this is a screenshot. I don't remember the page/group name, but I found it from a Facebook group/page.

I already explained this. I sold my BTC for Paypal.

Quote from: John Abraham
That's all I heard from my friend. I don't use PayPal.

So, You are telling me; If I said I don't use Payoneer in the past, I should not use that for the rest of my life. Isn't it?

No. I'm telling you that you claimed not to have PayPal AFTER your alleged transaction with naim027. Which means you lied in at least one of your two statements.
You are twisting it. I believe you understand the difference between "Don't have PayPal and Don't use PayPal". I don't use PayPal Regularly. I use it for some special needs!

...So, I just try to think logically and with a positive mindset....

Or, for example, he claims to have sent a portion of the earnings from signature campaigns to his personal Binance account, but he has not shown a single transaction of this kind on the blockchain. If there's nothing to hide, why not share ALL the evidence?

I feel like you wrote it with a positive mindset. I won't mind sharing something with you personally. Expect my dm after posting this.

It's funny how people confess to crimes and don't realize it. Not exactly a crime but a clear violation of the rules. I mean, when naim027 was banned for plagiarism, not only ban evaded with his alts AnotherAlt, Crypt0S0ul, also with account Cratoon.
I don't know if I have answered you in any of my posts yet. But I saw the tag you left on Paradice's official representative account. What makes you think your tag correctly uses the feedback system? The account has been in Naim's and Seva's control since I left Paradice in 2021. Paradice management is not active in this forum. Moreover, Seva said he had no idea if Naim was banned from the forum. So, ask yourself if your tag is justified or not.

Hi, naim027, do you want us to believe that you only managed that account up to a month ago?
Do you really think an Entire business platform will try to defend their ex-staff unless they just state the truth? Do you think a platform would risk its reputation lying in the forum? They have paid $7000 to a faucet abuser to regain their reputation. Yet you are trying to say a platform is lying in the forum to defend their ex-staff?

Since you already confirmed the suspected alt accounts have had access to this account in the past, who's to say they're not behind it now?

I don't think they check the replies. I would ask; does this forum account still always stay logged in after changing the password? I don't know. I haven't tried this in my account. I am surprised how forum members still raise their fingers after a business's official statement. Yet, you guys suspect a business for an Individual person who left their platform.

20  Economy / Reputation / Re: 'John Abraham ≈ naim027' Coincidence or Connection? on: June 16, 2023, 03:55:14 PM
The most important thing here thing here is that John Abraham has chosen to be very selective when posting in this thread. First he chose to not over elaborate when questions were asked keeping answers limited and then he chose to do the same when the opportunity to clear his name arose again.
Look JollyGood. I have had enough of it already. I kept my answer as simple as possible. I don't think I could satisfy them with all I have. I don't want to answer all those nonsense questions anymore. Repeating the same thing over and over won't change the situation.

Look, think about it from my side. I have been dealing with him for ages now. I met him in a casino while I was a Customer support agent. I started working on from 2020. He joined the platform at the end of 2020 or the start of 2021 (I don't remember exactly). We have been good friends and co-workers at the same time. I used to take a loan from him. I got a loan from him plenty of times. I exchange my BTC for PayPal. Sometimes PerfectMoney. I never felt I should take a screenshot. Back then, I was not that much active in the forum. Moreover, I was handling the Official BitcoinTalk account, which is cratoon. In 2021, I resigned from because I fought with the CEO about salary payments. I handed over their BitcoinTalk account to their Manager, Tomal (Seva). Then Seva and Sil3ntS0ul (naim027) were in charge of their BitcoinTalk account.

He usually gave me his Binance PayID if my funds were in Binance. But, When I send my funds from my other wallets, I ask for his address. I knew he was banned from the forum. But I never checked if the address was shared in this forum. Who uses their exchange wallet address these days to receive payments regularly? Moreover, I am not the one who will select which address the other party will choose to receive payment. It's not my concern.

If you notice carefully, I earned more than 0.0045 BTC each week. But, I did not sell that all. Most of the time, I sold 0.0025 or 0.0035. The rest amount I withdraw to my own wallet. I would have withdrawn the total amount to his address if I were him. Not 0.0025.

Unfortunately, Paradice management is silent about this. I am pretty much sure they know about this situation. It would have been great if they could come and talk.

According to Sil3ntS0ul, The thread Creator (Mahdirakib) have contact with Paradice manager Tomal (Seva). I am curious why he doesn't ask Seva and tell everyone what they say to him.

I don't know people who learn Bengali for fun, hence the assumption.
How do you know I learned Bengali? A translated post won't make you native in any language.

I already explained this. I sold my BTC for Paypal.

Quote from: John Abraham
That's all I heard from my friend. I don't use PayPal.

So, You are telling me; If I said I don't use Payoneer in the past, I should not use that for the rest of my life. Isn't it?

It's pretty fascinating how someone who may or may not be from Bangladesh seems to have a bit of a peculiar fascination with the Bangladesh national cricket team. [1] Not to mention that you're apparently also quite familiar with the Dhaka Dominators. [2] Wait, isn't Naim also from Dhaka?


How stupid a question it is. My Username is Indian. I have posted many times about IPL. Does it make me Indian?
I posted many times that I am a crazy cricket guy. Knowing about some tournaments is not an odd thing for a cricket fan. If you post about La Liga, it won't make you Spanish.


Apart from Yomix campaigns earning selling,

I was in Whirlwind Campaign for eleven weeks!
In Eleven weeks, I earned $1375 from the signature campaign.
I first sold him BTC from the Whirlwind website on the 6th week, and I sold 0.0035 BTC while I received more than 0.0045 That week.
7th, 8th and 9th weeks, I sold him 0.0025 BTC each week while I received more than 0.0045 BTC every week.

The total sold amount to him is around $278 from the Whirlwind website.
Why would I sell $278 from $1375 earnings if I were him? Why not take all the money?

I sold my Yomix-earned money to him and then did not sell him anything for the next 6 weeks. I was taking my funds to my own wallet.
From the 6th to the 9th week, I sold him a partial amount of my earnings and the rest I took to my own Binance.

Think logically. I don't have to disclose my private data to prove that we are not the same person. You will eventually find it if you do your own research with a positive mindset. I am asking you repeatedly, Why don't you guys talk to paradice manager or Admin, where I worked for over a year?

Instead, You guys are forcing me to reveal my private data.
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