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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 09, 2018, 01:45:30 PM
I think that a crypto team needs a minimum of $10m these days to be competitive.

So many ICOs are raising huge amounts of money.  Because of this, everyone needs more money in order to compete.

Otherwise, you will be relatively under-funded.

So, I really like that this team has not done an ICO.  But I think they need a really large amount of capital to compete.  So, I am curious how they will handle this?
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 08, 2018, 12:09:54 AM
I have another question regarding Growth Mining. Couldn't a handful of people working very efficiently end up causing a sort of  growth mining centralization?

Proof of Growth allows for people to be rewarded based on their community growth score. The 50% of the mining rewards gets randomly distributed in a form of a lottery every single block. Lets say someone has multiple accounts with large communities, they might get a high chance of winning the lottery, they never get 100% of the rewards.

Also invites are distributed randomly in a variety of ways as well.

So to answer your question, yes those with a big community may have a higher chance of rewards, but it will be extremely difficult -especially as the Merit network continues to grow the growth rewards get distributed across more wallet, limiting the return for any bad actors.

I hope that helps.

KAMO saves the day once again lol. Thanks!

Are there any communities of growth miners now? I assume they would split the lottery if they worked together?

I airdrop random Merit onto those under me who I see are active and growing. I also share free invites to those below me if they need them, and prove to be growing the community- it helps all of us so  I try to promote the community sharing concept with those who are not trying to abuse the generosity .

the growth rewards are paid out per block- so they'll be .3-.6 MRT per payment - not a set amount per day or month. it's per 60 second chance of winning based on your community growth score.

So if I join under you, would you be rewarded a small amount for every person I invite?

Nope! It's not a pyramid.

So, if you used my link (would be awesome) - It would improve my growth score but I dont get paid a specific amount because of it . I dont get a % or anything per person - or even per person you get. The higher growth score simply increases the chances of me winning in the lottery every block.

 You could someday get a CGS higher than mine based on your own growth (your growth still helps me, but it's not like you cant pass me- I passed the person above me).

We just are thrown in the lottery pool every block the same way - more chances higher the CGS.

does that help?

Typically when someone says something is not a pyramid scheme, it usually is.  Based on how much you are posting on this thread, and shilling the ever crap out of this coin, I'm going to assume this project is some type of pyramid/scam project. Are you in on this pyramid/scam? You defend it and then immediately tell people to use your link. Seems very pyramidy/scammy to me.
Really?  You have a BRAND NEW account, and this is your first ever post?  What a coincidence.

Before you come onto an ANN thread trying to call someone out, why don't you:

1) Consider how obviously your post is a troll directed at this coin.  
2) Reconsider your plan because you look like a dufus.
3) Maybe read something about the coin.
4) Refer back to #1.

Why don't you just tell us which coin you are from?  Haha, obviously a competitor.  

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 07, 2018, 03:53:43 PM
I don't think that "big name" influencers are a very good investment, honestly.  I think something more grassroots, which Merit appears to have seems  like a better approach, honestly.

It does seem like one of the only ANN threads here that is not dominated by bots - which is a pretty good sign already.
Yeah, I mostly agree with this.  I haven't seen any published numbers, but do big-named influencers actually do anything to make these projects bigger or more successful?

Seems like a pretty big investment for a lot less return.

I think some actual "Crypto Influencers" might be interesting here because their audience is already following the crypto space.

But I also understand that the project is trying to expand the crypto community -- so I'm not sure how to handle that.  Maybe some main-stream tech influencers?  What about a twitch streamer?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 07, 2018, 03:05:31 PM
I'd like to hear more about roadmap for partnerships.  The development work is quite good, but I think it will be hard to share this with my friends unless they can do something with MRT.

Even some kind of small use-case (maybe buying something.. or a giveaway.. etc).. could be very helpful.  

Then I can tell my friends, "Hey -- use this crypto .. you can do X today!"

I think what's missing is that action.  (X)
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 06, 2018, 05:52:06 PM
Can you explain more about what Growth Mining is? I hadn't heard of it before but it seems very interesting.
Going to try to beat kamo to this answer!  I'm quite new here, but my understanding goes like this:

  • Growth mining adds another kind of mining to the system, in addition to PoW.
  • 50% is growth mining.  50% is regular mining
  • Merit still has PoW mining, with CPU and GPU (cukoo cycle)
  • Merit is invite only -- you need an invite-token to have an activated wallet
  • The top 'growth miners' are the people who bring the most pepole into the network.
  • Everything is decentralized and on the blockchain -- not a central rewards program

Are you just another user and not affiliated with the team? It seems like the users on this project are super engaged for some reason.

Is there some sort of rewards you're working for by being so engaged with the questions here? Or are you just genuinely that interested in it's welfare?
I'm just trying to be helpful -- no affiliation with the core team.  I'm not even hodl'ing right now.

(Though I am considering it - full disclosure).
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 06, 2018, 05:35:38 PM
I did it!!

I also found this article on the website useful:
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 06, 2018, 05:34:12 PM
Can you explain more about what Growth Mining is? I hadn't heard of it before but it seems very interesting.
Going to try to beat kamo to this answer!  I'm quite new here, but my understanding goes like this:

  • Growth mining adds another kind of mining to the system, in addition to PoW.
  • 50% is growth mining.  50% is regular mining
  • Merit still has PoW mining, with CPU and GPU (cukoo cycle)
  • Merit is invite only -- you need an invite-token to have an activated wallet
  • The top 'growth miners' are the people who bring the most pepole into the network.
  • Everything is decentralized and on the blockchain -- not a central rewards program
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 06, 2018, 12:58:56 PM
The answer about the detail of MeritMoney links is very helpful!

Is there a chance we can get a similarly detailed answer about vaults?  It seems like an even more complex feature than on-blockchain escrow.

I'm curious about the idea of reducing the reliance on cold storage.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: Where to invest? How to choose the right ICO? Answer is here! on: September 06, 2018, 12:51:17 PM
Something no one has mentioned so far, but which is very important: it has hard to find any unbiased content in the world today about crypto and ICOs. 

The difference between crypto and the classic "finance world" of stocks, bonds, and derivatives is that those other spaces are highly regulated.  People cannot post positive comments about a stock without some scrutiny in most countries.  Crypto is mostly unregulated in this respect, so you have a tremendous amount of shilling.  This is what tarnishes the space Sad
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 05, 2018, 05:20:41 PM
Here is what I think so far:

  • Strong team
  • Well-executed product
  • Seems like strong community
  • PoG is a pretty good idea

My only concern now is really about timing.  Many of us here are crypto fans, and have been watching bitcoin a long time.  And, there has been a lot of growth in users in the last 12 months, but I think most of them are investors, not "daily users."

So I am wondering -- when will crypto "go mass market?"  Or maybe, "will crypto ever go mass market?"  If the answer here is "no", then of course it means trouble for all cryptos.

Merit seems to be on the right track in making it easier.   If it continues its growth, but not just for the sake of investment, but actually for usage, then I think this project could be very well positioned.

Excellent summary here.  I agree with most of it.

Maybe I'm too much of a crypto fanboy, but I believe that it will eventually replace fiat.  I do think that the ups and downs of it are painful, though.

What I do love is just how fast a TXN can go through with crypto (on anything but BTC, lol).  But it still kind of seems like most everyday users are not used to "holding the keys to their money."

Credit cards and other stuff is easy because you can call the bank if something goes wrong...
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 05, 2018, 04:23:19 PM
So, this project seems to have a focus on making crypto accessible and easy for everyday users, right?

So far, the wallets seem quite easy to use, and I can see someone less technical than me being able to use it without training.

But, a big part of everyday usage is to actual buy things.  Even though the team has a big eCommerce background, I don't see anything in the ANN (or website) about retail partnerships.

Is there a plan for this?  Or is the idea to just focus on PayPal use case right now?

I know I have heard the team ideating around how to approach this - I am not sure where they are at when it comes to the roadmap or things behind the scenes as testing or prototyping. This first wave of P2P seems to be the focus during this phase BUT they are very aware of the need for exchanges and retailers and Point of Sale applications for Merit to be used and adopted to the masses.

Maybe someone from the team can add more details on the roadmap side of this  Grin
Thanks for this answer -- I will also wait for someone on the Core Team to elaborate more.

It seems to me that there are two paths: 1) Getting people into crypto for the first time (helping them get other coins, possibly).  2) Allowing people to use crypto in their daily life, like buying stuff. 
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 05, 2018, 03:42:26 PM
So, this project seems to have a focus on making crypto accessible and easy for everyday users, right?

So far, the wallets seem quite easy to use, and I can see someone less technical than me being able to use it without training.

But, a big part of everyday usage is to actual buy things.  Even though the team has a big eCommerce background, I don't see anything in the ANN (or website) about retail partnerships.

Is there a plan for this?  Or is the idea to just focus on PayPal use case right now?
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW]Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 05, 2018, 02:49:11 PM
What is Pachira?  (Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.)

Edit: OH In Bluepaper!

It's not the easiest to explain but it's an algorithm used in Proof-of-Growth to fairly distribute rewards. Here is a link that goes into the details - careful - it's heavy:
Wow - that is pretty heavy.  So, PoG uses some research created by Microsoft to solve fair lottery distribution for growth mining.  Quite interesting.

Does the core team have ties to Microsoft's Blockchain team? 
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW][Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 05, 2018, 02:11:23 PM
Was doing some research on this project and found some big press:

All of the above seems to be legit -- which is surprising. With such big press, why not put that in the ANN itself?

Probably 50%, or more, of project ANNs are scams or semi-scams.  If you have something real, you should show that.

Just some advice...

LOL - you project got Techcrunched!??  And did not include it in the ANN?   Huh

15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW]Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 04, 2018, 08:57:20 PM
What is Pachira?  (Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.)
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]🚀🚀Merit🚀🚀[Proof-of-Growth][PoW]Vaults][Aliases][Escrow][No ICO] on: September 04, 2018, 07:30:14 PM
Rough timing to launch a new altcoin, but the project looks pretty interesting.

Can you explain a bit more about how this invite-only thing works?  And how is it the foundation for proof-of-growth, as the ANN states?
17  Local / Bitcoin Haberleri / Re: EVi ARABAYI SATIP BITCOIN’E BASAN HOLLANDALI AİLEVenezuela on: March 14, 2018, 01:48:58 PM
Şuanlar kadar risk almayı ve kendimize güvenmeyi bilsek zaten ülke olarakda çok iyi yerlerde olurduk bakalım zamanla tabi böyle şeyler bizde duyacağız ama hep zamana bıraktığımız için kaybediyoruz.

2017 2. dönemde risk alan tamamen yatırım yapan ve süre dolduğunda çıkmayı bilen Hollandalı aile gibi kar etti, akıllı yatırım yaptı. Ben şahsen risk almayı isterim ve yapıyorum, çünkü uzun vadeli düşünen biriyim. Ama tamamen gözü kapalı bir vaziyette her şeyi riske atmayı düşünmem, ortalama hareket yapılırsa kazanç ta kayıp ta fazla etkilemez.
18  Local / Bitcoin Haberleri / Re: “Bitcoin altın gibi regüle edilmeli” on: March 14, 2018, 01:46:04 PM
Avusturya'nın en büyük dijital para brokerine göre Bitcoin, altına benzer bir şekilde regüle edilmeli; hisse senedi ya da tahvillere göre daha basit uyum kurallarına tabi olmalı.

Bitpanda GmbH'nin kurucularına göre Avrupa Birliği'nde (AB) 10 bin euronun üzerindeki kripto para işlemler için kara para aklanmasına ilişkin yasalar geçerli olmalı; daha ağır finansal standartlar uygulanması ise gelişmekte olan dijital para piyasasını büyümekten alıkoyabilir.

Bitpanda'nın “Düzenleme bize daha fazla meşruiyet kazandırır.” diyen eş CEO'su Eric Demuth, gerçekleştirdiği bir mülakatta “Biz regüle edilmek istiyoruz ama şu ana dek bize bunun mümkün olmadığı anlatıldı.” diye devam etti.

Finansal regülasyon finansal piyasalarda işlem yapan ekonomik birimlerin işlem süreçlerine getirilen düzenlemeler anlamına gelir. düzenleme piyasanın sağlıklı yürümesi ve yatırımcıların korunması anlamında ise yapıldığında pazara olumlu takviye olacaktır.
19  Local / Bitcoin Haberleri / Re: Türk yazılım ekibi tarafından geliştirilen NeXpara satışa çıkıyor on: March 14, 2018, 01:34:30 PM
ileri görüşlü konunun hakimi ekibe sahip olmadıkları aşikar. arkadaş hiç mi swap analizi yapmadınız? hiç mi yasal mercilerle temas kurmadınız? sitesinde açılan pencereye göre 14 mart 2018 saat 9.30 itibariyle eft/ havale yapanlara geri ödeme yapacaklarmış. şirketi kıbrıs'a taşısaydınız onca emeğiniz boşa gitmezdi. paraları cebe indirdikten sonra sağlam kafayla uruguay'a gidebilirdiniz. neyse artık gelecek sefere.

Zengin olma haylini uzun yol yerine kısa yoldan tercih edenlerin başarısız olma ihtimali var, altyapı uzmanlık deneyim olmadan hangi iş başarılı olabilir? Nexpara diğerleri gibi destek almadan yoluna devam edememe yoluna girdi, yakında dükkan kapanır.
20  Local / Bitcoin Haberleri / Re: Yeni Bir Tehlike Kapıda on: March 14, 2018, 01:31:13 PM
böyle durumlarda yüklü gönderim yapmadan önce o adrese çok ufak bir miktar yolluyorum ben önce.
Gittigi takdirde geriye kalan gönderimi yapıyorum. Bu da kontrolleri yaptıktan sonra kullanabileceginiz bir yöntem.

etkili yöntem herkesin uygulaması gerekir. coin transferi işlemlerinizi günlük kullandığınız bilgisayarla değil yedek bilgisayarla yaparsanız oluşabilecek zararı ufak bir masrafla önlemiş olursunuz. bilgisayar alamayan mail link pishing vs. gibi alanlara dikkat etmeli.
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