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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: May 03, 2022, 06:15:30 PM
I'm not sure and basically what I posted before is all the information I received a couple months ago when I finally logged into FreiExchange and noticed that their RonPaulCoin wallets were frozen.
I asked in their Telegram chat room about the frozen RPC wallets that's when one of their admins said they were 51% hacked back in September and that they may have lost a few RPC's and that their exchange has a policy where they are responsible for 1/3 of what is lost.

That's basically all they told me and I typically use Coingecko's RonPaulCoin page to check on prices and sometimes I'd click the RPC/BTC exchange under Markets to check the activity on FreiExchange but noticed yesterday that RonPaulCoin's link just directed back to the FreiExchange homepage.

Afterward I asked in their Telegram about if RonPaulCoin had been removed and this was the response I got: "Basically yes. Network was hacked. Exchange lost coins. Nobody cared. So now market is closed."

I'm sorry Bigsky and the generous RPC block explorer host in Europe who bothers to mine and host a mining pool for RPC that you guys have to deal with this bullshit.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: March 31, 2022, 04:00:58 PM
Help find exchanges and list them here
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: February 02, 2022, 03:25:53 AM
What's up with the FreiExchange wallet?? Its been down for over a week now. It's the start of the bull run and they are asleep!

They said there was a 51% chain attack last September and they are now short a lot of RPC. Their policy on that is that they are responsible for 1/3 of what was lost, and that
if unless developers provide coins to their exchange, user accounts will get a hair cut.

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: July 11, 2021, 11:44:10 PM
Cдeлaй вoздyшныe кaпли для интepeca пoльзoвaтeлeй. Кaнaл в Teлeгpaм.
Google translate says: "Make an airy drop for the intepe user. Channel in Telegram."

I don't understand that first part sorry. Here's a new Telegram channel invite link:
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: July 11, 2021, 04:29:41 PM
Boзмoжнo пoпpoбoвaть пoгoвopить c Crex 24?
Google translate:

B нaчaлe 2019 гoдa oни зaявили, чтo paзмecтят rpc зa 0,5 BTC.
Я oтпpaвил им элeктpoннoe пиcьмo ceгoдня yтpoм, oни cкaзaли, чтoбы oни cпycтилиcь в кoнeц вeб-caйтa и нaжaли «дoбaвить мoнeтy».

(In early 2019 they said they would list RPC for 0.5 BTC. I e-mailed them this morning they said to go to bottom of website and click "add coin".)
I can't access the website so someone else will have to take care of the listing process. Crex24 is more geared towards Russian cryptocurrency users.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: July 10, 2021, 06:06:47 PM
added to the OP under Mining Pools said they will add RPC for 0.1 BTC and use those funds for buy orders, in case anyone wants to get in touch with them
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: November 01, 2020, 08:19:10 AM
If anyone is a RPC bagholders here
could you drop me a msg here please...we need to get ourselves
together to see if we can get some form of way forward

We have no driver of this bus anymore...RPC's creator has fled
and set fire to everything on the way out

I think we would need at least 50% of coin holders to bring about
any change to this coin...getting bagholders contact details together
would be a good start

cheers grant

That sounds terrific Bigsky I left you my number, feel free to give me a call anytime.
I took the website down a couple of months ago made a free Github account
for hosting the same wallet files I think everyone uses

Hope you're all doing well out there!
8  Other / Off-topic / Re: What are you listening to RIGHT NOW? on: July 21, 2020, 10:20:00 AM
MALINDA - Running
9  Other / Off-topic / Re: Who Are Your Favorite Actors: Name 3 Of Your Favorites! on: May 09, 2020, 05:35:51 PM
Leslie Nielsen
Joe Pesci
Christopher Walken
10  Other / Meta / Re: The Bitcoin Forum is 10 years old! on: November 22, 2019, 08:58:24 PM
Happy 10th Birthday Bitcointalk!
11  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: July 04, 2019, 02:11:00 AM
I just go on Youtube and check out a livestream of the Earth
12  Other / Off-topic / Re: Best way to clean system unit? on: July 02, 2019, 04:00:13 AM
Hi guys as the title says, I'm looking for suggestions on how to properly clean the dusts on my system unit.

I've watched different videos about using air can, shopvac, datavac(not available) but I want to know your techniques. Would you mind to tell on how you clean your system units if its dusty? I've cleaned mine before but its very minimal with cotton buds and cloth.

Once or twice a year I open my desktop up and one key thing I keep in mind is to have plenty of light so that I can see all the dust and cat hairs that have built up over time, even though most of it is usually sitting at the fan grilles. I don't disassemble every single bit but I remove the obvious power cables and detach all of the USB cables, and the tool I use mostly are the compressed air spray cans and with all the light I'll blow the heck out of the insides until all the crud/hairs/dust is gone, and if need be, I'll take a dry cloth and gently wipe parts down if need be, like hard drives. I'm careful about applying the compressed air each time because I don't want to freeze/ruin parts, and that stuff tends to work really well for me even if there's dust attached to the graphics card or other stuff I just apply it centimeters away and it usually blows the dust right off.

I've never tried using any kind of vacuum and I probably never will. That just sounds too risky, like that'd be awful to lose parts or to cause parts to rip off because vacuums tend to be rather strong. With a compressed air can at least you can alter the power of the pressure applied. Cotton balls also sound too risky and I would never use those because the little strings on those come off very easily and it's annoying how they get stuck to things because of that.

A damp cloth should be fine for use on the interior/exterior of the case but careful not to use it around the memory sticks, mobo, graphics unit... anything that could be damaged from liquids.
13  Other / Off-topic / Re: Top15s on YouTube on: July 01, 2019, 08:52:12 AM
Nice but I suggest turning the volume to zero and using closed captioning; the narrator's intonation is bizarre and annoying.

lol true. That narrator is straight outta high school gossip class or something. Interesting videos though
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] [RPC] RONPAULCOIN SINCE 2013, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BLOCKCHAIN-POWERED on: June 28, 2019, 11:02:53 AM


A tribute to the Champion of Liberty, Sound Money, advocate for Peace,
author, physician, statesman and former Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul

Genesis block date: December 23, 2013

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was signed into law by President [of the USA] Woodrow Wilson
on December 23, 1913 creating the Federal Reserve central banking system.

2,100,000 total supply
No premine
Proof-of-Work Scrypt mining algorithm
Current 0.5 RPC rewards per block

Block Explorer
(Thank You titinet for hosting!)

(WARNING: You cannot deposit or withdraw RPC from Yobit! Avoid!)

(original 2014 wallet files for macintosh/windows, still in use)

Mining Pools/Stats

Live Historical Price Chart

(updated invite link set to never expire 4/3/2024)


(oldest RPC forum still around)

(original github)

Coin listing sites

15  Other / Meta / Re: Requesting clarification regarding Self-Moderated Threads vs. Non Self-Moderated on: June 28, 2019, 10:34:07 AM
Since I'm very sure I checked Self-Moderated in the Additional Options, I'm guessing now that it means that any person who posts on a thread can delete their own post, whereas, if I didn't click that option, as the thread-starter, I would have been able to remove any post on the thread, correct?

Correct. Only moderators are able to remove posts in non self-moderated threads.

I'm sure I clicked the Self-Moderated option but I've been wondering why I've been unable to see any option to delete anyone's post.

I'm assuming I made a mistake, and now my question is, is it possible delete the thread I already started so I can start a new one where I can delete anyone's post? In order to do that, I should leave the Self-Moderated option UN-checked, correct?

If you checked the correct box then you should see 'Delete' button next to 'Quote'. You might have not checked the box by an accident. Re-create the thread with self-moderation option checked. If you can't delete the first post then lock the topic (bottom left corner).

Oh crap. My intention was to create a new thread where I could delete other peoples posts. When you say Moderator, do you mean if I didn't check the Self-Moderated option, that only someone like mprep on the altcoin announcement forum can delete anyone's post? Or when you say Moderator, do you mean that if I didn't check the Self Moderated option that I can delete anyone's post? My bad I'm just still a little confused.

16  Other / Meta / Requesting clarification regarding Self-Moderated Threads vs. Non Self-Moderated on: June 28, 2019, 10:18:43 AM
I created a new Thread with the intention of being able to remove anyone's reply in case it gets off topic from the thread's intended discussion, and I think I made a mistake, too-

Since I'm very sure I checked Self-Moderated in the Additional Options, I'm guessing now that it means that any person who posts on a thread can delete their own post, whereas, if I didn't click that option, as the thread-starter, I would have been able to remove any post on the thread, correct?

I'm sure I clicked the Self-Moderated option but I've been wondering why I've been unable to see any option to delete anyone's post.

I'm assuming I made a mistake, and now my question is, is it possible delete the thread I already started so I can start a new one where I can delete anyone's post? In order to do that, I should leave the Self-Moderated option UN-checked, correct?
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