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Interesting, but makes sense. Do you collect/keep the whole envelope, or just the stamp? (Just curious). Thanks!
The entire envelope in this case. It is more legit and more appealing on envelope. Also the entire cancel is not only stamped on the stamp but stamped to the left of the stamp as well clearly indicating city and date. Rare postage stamps left on envelope usually command higher prices. Nice! I have one myself, great!
It is a first day 11 6 '19 stamp but a different stamp then the FDC's Here are the 2 examples, the second one is mostly found without paper:
Yep, got one too, just like that!
They are different from the FDC's, curious how much there were made off!
Thanks a lot!! You should post this separately, this is great info for buyers and collectors.  I'd merit your post but I'm just about out for now.... Cheers! Added to the very front Well, thank you very much guys! I'm very honoured! You are very welcome...merited your posts too   I saw  I merited you as well in return on your first post here  "The more the meritrier" 
Thanks a lot!! You should post this separately, this is great info for buyers and collectors.  I'd merit your post but I'm just about out for now.... Cheers! Added to the very front Well, thank you very much guys! I'm very honoured!
So... Does this mean physical stamp buyers need to do anything to ensure it's not redeemed/whatever? I guess I'm more confused now..... How do you know the eth addy unless you bought via OCS? Is there any way to tell if a physical has been redeemed other than scratching? My point is - could someone sell a physical stamp as "unredeemed", when in fact it is not? Thanks....  Maybe this can help as well, just my way of explaining what these stamps are... Using the Crypto Stamp:Each stamp has 2 parts. The left part, which is stylized with a unicorn associated with Ethereum, functions as a "standard stamp" that can be used to send mail. (€6,90) This part has a QR code of the digital asset/Token The right part, on the other hand, contains the credentials used to authenticate the crypto collectible (digital asset/Token) via blockchain. This is the “digital stamp” and contains 3 codes [1], [2] & [3] This "digital stamp" (right part) is like a vault with a inside a wallet which contains a precious gem (= digital asset/Token). The wallet contains the digital asset/Token CS1 (CryptoStamp 1) and Ξ 0.001666666666666666 (= ETH or ETHEREUM, a crypto currency) which can be use to pay for transactions/transfers. Code [1] is, so of speak, the serial number of the gem (digital asset/Token) = 1 of 150.000 pieces, each one has 1 (digital) colour (Black, Green, Blue, Yellow or Red). When seeing the physical stamp, it isn't possible to see its (digital) colour. Black, Green, Blue, Yellow or Red, physically they all have the same appearance. Scanning the QR code or entering the "code [1]" online at "" (> "asset") reveals the digital colour of the digital asset/Token (Black, Green, Blue, Yellow or Red), as well as its history! (for example which ETH address purchased it, and when) Anyone can see what the colour is of each Token, but only the owner can do something with the Token. _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ Using the "digital asset/Token":The 150.000 are/were sold through 1 series of 149.500 pieces and another series of 500 pieces. Series 1:When you have purchased 1 of the 149.500 stamps which has a “paper wallet” you can sell this "vault" (right part, containing the wallet and gem locked inside) together with the left part (€6,90) to anyone. Only whoever holds the key can unlock the vault, and then sell the "gem" (digital asset/Token). The gem goes then from the wallet to another one’s wallet. Everything is recorded on the Ethereum Blockchain. The key to open the vault is scratching the scratch fields. The code hidden under scratch field [2] is the (address of the) wallet. The code hidden under scratch field [3] is the key to open and use the wallet which makes it possible to sell and/or transfer the digital asset/Token. Then you’ll have 1 scratched physical stamp and 1 saleable/transferable digital asset/Token Series 2:When you have purchased 1 of the 500 stamps the "gem" (digital asset/Token) isn’t in its originally assigned "vault", the Token is already out of its ("first") wallet and is put digitally into the new owner’s wallet. The "digital asset/Token" can already be sold separately. Furthermore, the key to unlock the "vault" is unused as the digital asset/Token wasn't in the 1st wallet to begin with. The "vault" is kept closed because the keys (under the scratch fields) have no use anymore, therefore the scratch fields on the physical stamp remain intact! In this case you’ll have 1 unscratched physical stamp and 1 saleable/transferable digital asset/Token which both can be sold separately. Hope this helps... ______________________________________________________________________________
So... Does this mean physical stamp buyers need to do anything to ensure it's not redeemed/whatever? I guess I'm more confused now..... How do you know the eth addy unless you bought via OCS? Is there any way to tell if a physical has been redeemed other than scratching? My point is - could someone sell a physical stamp as "unredeemed", when in fact it is not? Thanks....  Well, the OCS stamps have the Token ID 149.500 - 149.999, the ones with paper wallet have the Token ID 0 - 149.499. Once you know the Token ID, it helps a lot. If it is between 0 - 149.499 and the scratch layers are intact, you are sure the digital asset still is attached. How to find out what Token ID you have... Scan the QR code or enter the "Code [1]" at When you see: TRANSFERIEREN SIE IHRE CRYPTO STAMP: Diese Crypto stamp wurde mit einem Paper-Wallet gekauft. Then know it is one of the 149.500 with a paper wallet, if it is unscratched, you're fine! When you're on that page, Right-click (or tap with with 2 fingers (mac)) on any page element and select Inspect Element. Then search for "Elements", "Console", "Sources",... Choose "Console" and you will you will find between the text: Edition: 1 Asset: ... (between brackets is the Token ID!) Now you have the Token ID! If you have an OCS stamp, you can place the Token ID instead of the " 0" example:A stamp has the Asset code: 39YLhW >>> see in the "Console" >>> Edition: 1 Asset: 39YLhW (74097) Then >>> this is visible: {"description":"Crypto stamp Edition 1 (CS1), ID 39YLhW", "home_url":"", "image_url":"", "name":"Crypto stamp 39YLhW", "properties":[{"key":" shop_status","type":"string","value":" None"}, {"key":"deliverable","type":"integer","value":0}, {"key":"color","type":"string","value":"green"}],"tags":[]} "shop_status" "None" = NOT OCSOther example: An UNSOLD OCS: 3RrbDN >>>>>> Edition: 1 Asset: 3RrbDN (149501) >>>{"description":"Crypto stamp Edition 1 (CS1), ID 3RrbDN", "home_url":"", "image_url":"", "name":"Crypto stamp 3RrbDN", "properties":[{"key":" shop_status","type":"string","value":" Initial"}, {"key":"deliverable","type":"integer","value":0}, {"key":"color","type":"string","value":"green"}],"tags":[]} "shop_status" "Initial" = OCS Stamp, unsoldOther example: A SOLD OCS, unshipped:6KPCCF >>>>>> Edition: 1 Asset: 6KPCCF (149960) >>>{"description":"Crypto stamp Edition 1 (CS1), ID 6KPCCF", "home_url":"", "image_url":"", "name":"Crypto stamp 6KPCCF", "properties":[{"key":" shop_status","type":"string","value":" Sold"}, {"key":" deliverable","type":"integer","value": 1}, {"key":"color","type":"string","value":"green"}],"tags":[]} "shop_status" "Sold" = OCS sold "deliverable" "1" = unshippedOther example: A SOLD OCS, shipped (to me ):71Qrnr >>>>>> Edition: 1 Asset: 71Qrnr (149919) >>>{"description":"Crypto stamp Edition 1 (CS1), ID 71Qrnr", "home_url":"", "image_url":"", "name":"Crypto stamp 71Qrnr", "properties":[{"key":" shop_status","type":"string","value":" ShippingSubmitted"}, {"key":" deliverable","type":"integer","value": 0}, {"key":"color","type":"string","value":"green"}],"tags":[]} "shop_status" "ShippingSubmitted" & "deliverable" "0" = OCS sold & shippedHope this helps... (By strange chance I seem to have picked all GREEN ones  )
my orders from the onchain shop arrived!  Let me explain (& listed) the differences (compared to the online postal office shop orders) - I bought 2 stamps from the onchain shop. Each stamp arrived at a separate envelope (i.e. as 2 different separate orders) - both envelopes arrived with register mail, and was delivered by a local mail courier service - door delivery/signature required. Both orders from the online shop, arrived with snail mail (no tracking number/signature requred), and delivered from the local national postal service (i.e. postman just placed them to my mailbox) - the cover letter and the items return form, were all in English. (everything was in the English language). In contrast, all the included documents -in my online shop order- were in the German language. - The onchain physical stamp looks exactly the same as the rest of the crypto stamps.  - The only differentiation (and what makes it special) is that: When I placed the order at the onchain shop, I received the digital stamp in my wallet. That stamp had a 6digit serial number. The physical stamp that I received has the same exact serial number. However, the stamp is still in mint condition (i.e. the private key & all the fields are still sealed/ not scratched). So I ended up with a physical stamp, that none of its fields is scratched BUT at the same time, the digital token is redeemed/transferred (since it is my ETH addy). I guess that's the only innovation/differentiation of them (+ the fact that just this kind of dispatching method from Austria to my country, usually costs more than the 6.90€ that I paid for the stamp alone  ) I had my OCS stamp today, with the same findings. The only difference is that the OCS stamp stays unscratched, while the digital asset/Token is in our wallet, so it can be sold while the physical stamp stays in mint condition  The codes under the scratch field don't even have use anymore, since they were meant for the first wallet, so these codes are useless and thus can be kept covered and mint  A stamp with a paper wallet always is sold with his digital asset attached, when scratched, the digital asset can be moved (sold) separately, but then the physical stamp is scratched... A OCS can be sold physically (mint) and the digital asset can be sold separately as well!
Yes i was in disbelief myself. I mean to even get 1 is hard...but 3 red and 3 yellows...and to complete 3 sets? Really? Then again...i have been a stamp collector all my the stamp Gods remembered their own  Very clearly! ENJOY!
Ok. From my 20 stamps shipment i got 2 REDS (ONE even has my name initials!) 3 YELLOW 2 BLUE 6 GREEN 7 BLACK From the 5 stamps batch I got 1 RED 2 Blacks 1 Green 1 Blue First Day covers from post office arrived today 1 Green 4 Black. So i am very lucky from 25 stamps received i have made 3 COMPLETE SETS ! I am not please dont bother asking. As per Kryptowerks calculation.. Chance for exactly 3 red stamps in a sample of 25 is .00184 or 0.184%. Meaning it happens less in 1 out of 500 times. Similar chances for 3 *or more* red stamps in a sample of 25: 0.195% You got insanely lucky.  OMG OMG! Great! Congrats!
Received two seperate shipments of had the yellow attachment cardboard on all stamps and the other did not..just stamps...I wonder why?
Anyway..need to find time to see what colors i got...if any!
Did you have the time to scan the QR-code? Curious! Good luck!
Well, well, after thinking and trying a bit further I discover the writer of this article has 2 red OCS stamps in his wallet, well done! 
I'm beginning to think when buying an OCS stamp that: or: - the right part is removed, thereby maybe only the left part (post stamp €6,90) is shipped Since: TRANSFER YOUR CRYPTO STAMP: As the owner of this crypto stamp, you can transfer this asset to any wallet...
SHIPPING OF THE PHYSICAL STAMP This asset is for sale or purchased from the OnChain Shop. ... The digital asset has been submitted to the buyer wallet. The owner arranged for the physical stamp to be sent... or: - the right part looks differently or: - it just comes in the 2 parts, since the seed phrase [2] belongs to the first wallet (OnChain-Shop) address [3] IF the asset is linked to that address. When the asset is linked to another wallet during purchase, you cannot do anything anymore with the address [3] and seed phrase [2] hidden under the scratch fields, so the codes [2] & [3] on the second part don't matter anymore. The first address contains 0 Crypto stamp and the asset can then only be moved by its new owner through his (ETH) wallet... Sorry for thinking too much out loud here  Can't wait to discover its true nature!
The colours of OCS stamps are randomly picked, so I've been told
Excellent link! Thanks! Need to read it 2-3 times or more, but there seems to be indeed a difference between the OnChain ones and the others. Also, it is not clear if the OnChain ones look different, I'm still waiting for mine, so I don't know at the moment... So, if I'm correct, each stamp of the 149,500 is sold with it's wallet aside to its physical stamp-part. To start with selling digitally, you'll need to scratch... 1 of the 500 OnChain stamps is already in the buyer's wallet, and can already be sold through for example Metamask to another address, without scratching, since it is already digitally. (The first one who lets the stamp ship to his address, had the physical form, this doesn't have to be the first owner, it only can happen once though) Here is the text you'll get when entering 1 of the 500 OnChain assets on (asset): " ... TRANSFER YOUR CRYPTO STAMP: As the owner of this crypto stamp, you can transfer this asset to any wallet. You can use the following form for this. The transaction is created in your browser and only passed in encrypted form to the blockchain. Important: Please make sure that the receiver wallet can handle at least ERC-20 tokens, ideally also with ERC-721. Start transaction ... " Which is a difference when entering 1 of the 149,500: " ... TRANSFER YOUR CRYPTO STAMP: This crypto stamp was bought with a paper wallet. To transfer them to another wallet - for example, the one you already use - you can use the code located on the right part of the mark under Rubbelfeld [3] to start the transfer here. As the owner of this crypto stamp, you can transfer this asset to any wallet. You can use the following form for this. The transaction is created in your browser and only passed in encrypted form to the blockchain. Important: Please make sure that the receiver wallet can handle at least ERC-20 tokens, ideally also with ERC-721. Start transaction ... " In this case the owner of 1 of the 500 OnChain stamps should be able to sell it twice (physically and digitally) if he lets it send physically to his address. I do wonder what happens if it is sold already digitally, and when the physical owner scratches the scratch part  Perhaps they come without scratch part  So, the stamps for sale on would be or the scratched physical ones, transferred digitally, or 1 of the 500 (without scratching)... All really simple isn't it! 
When a physical stamp is bought on ebay (for example "Code [1]: 4ouHxo"), is it possible the digital stamp (which is still in the first owner's ETH wallet) can be sold as well to someone else?
Meaning, the stamp "Code [1]: 4ouHxo" is physical sold to person "A" through ebay, AND "Code [1]: 4ouHxo" is sold as well digitally to person "B" trough ""
The same question but regarding a stamp bought trough OnChain-Shop I own a stamp "Code [1]: 71Qrnr", physical AND digital (in my ETH wallet)
Is it possible to sell "Code [1]: 71Qrnr", physically trough ebay AND sell "Code [1]: 71Qrnr" digitally trough ""?
Just wondering...
Good question...but wouldn't they have to remove the scratch off from the stamp and sweep the digital code in order to do this? From a physical perspective, yes, I think so, but the digital examples just is sold through, which is perfectly possible, because it is for example from mine wallet to your wallet, but if I also have the physical stamp, I just can sell this on ebay as well, no? You can sell the physical anywhere really...but how do you get to the digital version of the physical stamp is the question no? That is one of the questions indeed ;-) It seems IMHO the physical stamp can be sold as like everything on ebay, and yes, probably when you want to send this physical stamp to your wallet or another wallet, you'll need to scratch, but if you already bought this stamp through OnChain-shop, you'll probably just can transfer (sell) it without scratching (I think), and sell it physically as well. The interesting part is, you can buy a stamp through OnChain-shop, but you don't have to have it send physically to you... But you can sell it already... So I think when it is bought OnChain, you can sell it twice, if you have the physical one too... Which is weird! So, for example, it is possible I have the physical stamp and you have the digital??? Or I'm missing something... 
When a physical stamp is bought on ebay (for example "Code [1]: 4ouHxo"), is it possible the digital stamp (which is still in the first owner's ETH wallet) can be sold as well to someone else?
Meaning, the stamp "Code [1]: 4ouHxo" is physical sold to person "A" through ebay, AND "Code [1]: 4ouHxo" is sold as well digitally to person "B" trough ""
The same question but regarding a stamp bought trough OnChain-Shop I own a stamp "Code [1]: 71Qrnr", physical AND digital (in my ETH wallet)
Is it possible to sell "Code [1]: 71Qrnr", physically trough ebay AND sell "Code [1]: 71Qrnr" digitally trough ""?
Just wondering...
Good question...but wouldn't they have to remove the scratch off from the stamp and sweep the digital code in order to do this? From a physical perspective, yes, I think so, but the digital examples just is sold through, which is perfectly possible, because it is for example from mine wallet to your wallet, but if I also have the physical stamp, I just can sell this on ebay as well, no?
When a physical stamp is bought on ebay (for example "Code [1]: 4ouHxo"), is it possible the digital stamp (which is still in the first owner's ETH wallet) can be sold as well to someone else?
Meaning, the stamp "Code [1]: 4ouHxo" is physical sold to person "A" through ebay, AND "Code [1]: 4ouHxo" is sold as well digitally to person "B" through ""
And is there a way if you just have the physical stamp (of ebay) to transfer the digital stamp into your wallet, since this sits in someone's wallet?
The same question but regarding a stamp bought through OnChain-Shop I own a stamp "Code [1]: 71Qrnr", physical AND digital (in my ETH wallet)
Is it possible to sell "Code [1]: 71Qrnr", physically through ebay AND sell "Code [1]: 71Qrnr" digitally through ""?
Just wondering...