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81  Other / Beginners & Help / Anyone having problems with Britcoin? on: June 30, 2011, 01:42:39 PM

Whenever I try view my profile at Britcoin, I get nasty fatal errors:S

anyone else having similar problems?
82  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Give away/request free bitcoins here! on: June 27, 2011, 08:12:22 PM

I'd greatly appreciate any small donation to help get my balance above it's current 0.001.

Thanks in advanced:)

edit: teehee, forgot my address: 17fHoFuz819MkkEuxTZTyHmZnNsKrrbigD  - teehee, I just noticed it has bigD at the end of it and my name begins with a D Smiley
83  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: 500K BTC amounts to what % of total mass of existing BTCs?? on: June 20, 2011, 01:10:18 PM
Doesn't this devalue the market and the currency quite a lot?

One of the big sale points of BTC is the fact that it's p2p and not under control of 1 person. But the days events have suggested that at least 1 person has enough BTC to totally crash most markets. Whether the decision to sell all that at once was an informed conscious decision by the owner, or a hacker, there is still at least 1 person that can control the markets.

Is this right or wrong?
If the person has earned the money through legitimate ways than surely there's nothing wrong with it - but it does undermine the core values of BTW a little bit.
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