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1  Economy / Services / [OPEN] Looking for writers for on: September 07, 2017, 09:40:27 PM
Some friends and I are starting a new blog, - we're looking for contributors, paid (up to $50 per post) or not to write thoughts about altcoins and upcoming ICOs, specifically ones they don't like for some reason. You should be proficient in English, as well as be accurate and possibly funny. We currently use to host the blog and have not published anything yet. You'll need to provide a sample of your writing, an altcoin you'd like to write about, then we can negotiate price. I'm happy to pay via btc.

Fill in a quick application here -
2  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] 2 Dual XEON servers {1 Supermicro mobo, 1 TYAN mobo } {2 X5675 CPUs} on: March 12, 2017, 04:20:04 AM
are either of these still available?
3  Economy / Services / Re: Invites for [Currently In Alpha Stages, 4 left] on: November 02, 2014, 03:45:11 AM
I also have a bunch of these - PM me if you'd like an invite
4  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] Antminer S1 180 Gh/s with Power Supply .28BTC on: July 20, 2014, 12:53:55 AM
BTW: I received mine, very well packed, exactly as described. Took a few minutes to get up and running and has been working great since.

Can I get another one? How many more do you have left?
5  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: PicoStocks, bitcoin stock exchange on: December 20, 2013, 12:47:35 AM
I grasp it's back up, and it's working. What is your problem?

Are you ever positive about anything which isn't MPOE?

Define working.

And yes, I am. Your lack of reading ability and experience do not determine anything about me. They determine something about you.

You confuse ability with will. From the few posts I've read of yours, it's a common pattern.
6  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: PicoStocks, bitcoin stock exchange on: December 05, 2013, 08:33:59 PM
Back up for me and all working!

This is not the place for cheering on stuff that you don't grasp.

I grasp it's back up, and it's working. What is your problem?

Are you ever positive about anything which isn't MPOE?
7  Economy / Securities / Re: [PicoStocks] 100TH/s bitcoin mine [100th] on: December 04, 2013, 11:02:35 PM
Thanks for the hard effort getting this back online guys!
8  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: PicoStocks, bitcoin stock exchange on: December 04, 2013, 11:01:40 PM
Back up for me and all working!
9  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: PicoStocks, bitcoin stock exchange on: December 02, 2013, 09:40:43 PM
Any updates?
10  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Bitcoin Firesafe on: November 30, 2013, 07:57:21 AM
What is the point of a QR code rather than an encrypted private key?  Less likely for someone to memorize a QR code than a long private key?
The QR code IS the private key, just encoded in a visual format easy to parse by machines.
It's also an option to put the 64 hex digits into a slab of metal, but to use it you'd have to type them or use (less reliable) OCR.

I figured it was the key or an encrypted version of the key, but it seemed like typing them in would be less error prone than a camera trying to read the dots on steel.  Maybe I'm wrong that it's entirely readable with a camera now.
11  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Coinbase - *Positive* Feedback on: November 29, 2013, 09:47:52 PM
I've bought and sold well in to 3 digits of coins with them and never had an issue. Love coinbase!
12  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Trojan Wallet stealer be careful on: September 18, 2013, 08:24:04 PM

seems legit - why is this a sticky?
13  Economy / Digital goods / Re: [WTS] $10 Amazon gift card on: September 04, 2013, 01:34:19 AM
I accept bitcoin; I'm selling for 90% price or best offer
14  Economy / Digital goods / [WTS] $10 Amazon gift card on: August 16, 2013, 07:53:18 PM
A $10 USD gift card. I don't really need it; offers, happy to escrow if you want.
15  Economy / Goods / Re: [WTS] Sonos Play:AMP and B&W 685's (will split) on: August 15, 2013, 06:56:17 PM
I'm in Europe, yes. How old are these, do they still have warranty? 75% is way too high unless they are like new and have 1 year+ warranty left that I can exercise internationally.

I bought them in late 2011, though I'm not sure about the warranty. Make an offer; I'm not in a massive hurry, I can bring them back here at Christmas.
16  Economy / Goods / Re: [WTS] Sonos Play:AMP and B&W 685's (will split) on: August 15, 2013, 06:42:47 PM
75% of new price for both. Where are you based? Shipping the speakers might not be economically viable, unless you're in Europe. The Sonos itself is kinda heavy, but small.
17  Economy / Goods / Re: [WTS] Sonos Play:AMP and B&W 685's (will split) on: August 14, 2013, 11:20:31 PM
I do and they're still in the UK. I'm in USA now, I'm sure we could arrange collection though.
18  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] Apple 30in Cinema display (located in the UK) on: March 13, 2013, 05:00:20 PM
1 x Apple 30in Cinema display, boxed, great condition - no dead pixels or issues.
1 x Dual-link DVI to Mini display port adaptor

Located in the UK, GU31 area. Collection only as it's heavy and you'll probably want a demo.

do you know the purchase date ?

Not to hand; I'm in the states and the monitor is at my parents place. I can find out, if it's important. It's the very last series of 30in though.
19  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Mt Gox Hacked - lost it all today... now what!? on: January 22, 2013, 09:15:51 AM
If MtGox could make it so that you could add your PGP public key and then configure your account such that bitcoin withdrawals require PGP signature of a pre-generated message that contained the destination bitcoin address, MtGox would have undisputable conclusive proof in the event of a disagreement as to whether a withdrawal was authorized.

However: what's the difference of having ones password stolen and having ones pgp key stolen and passphrase key-logged?

The difference is the attacker wouldn't have the PGP private key.
20  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Mt.Gox guest checkout broken? on: January 22, 2013, 09:03:06 AM
Is there a better alternative to a checkout platform than the Mt.Gox offer?

I like
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