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21  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: March 03, 2020, 10:25:44 AM

now the problem is with gpu
-gpu didn't work, something about CUDA, -g Invalid grid size GPU ID argument


you need nvidia gpu
install cuda
run like .... Vanitysearch.exe -b -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -g 544,512

more examples in several of the last topic pages...
22  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 15, 2020, 08:40:15 AM

I have more items lost than prefixes
Search: 2367367 prefixes
Warning, 68214971 items lost
... and still found something in late

you could still use -m 64000000 or is your performance tanking ?
23  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 07, 2020, 08:48:36 AM
as far as i can see it is only loaded b4 the calculation and then not used again... so a restart would be required
24  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 06, 2020, 05:20:11 PM
OK I see, I have to work on that issue, in some configuration, the memory exchange between GPU and CPU is not very well adapted.

OK I'll add this.

2x thx

Total is the total number of key checked.
Prob is the probability to found at least 1 prefrix after Total tries (so, where you are)  according to the difficulty.
According also to key rate, the third field [99% in 00:00:00] estimate when you will reach the displayed probability of having at least 1 item found.

The difficulty calculation of case insensitive search is trickly and the program may give a bad approximation.

maybe the Prob and the third could go in there own line and extend the information a little bit like

GPU: GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x512)
[Prob 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%]
[50% in 0040 years 124 days 33 minutes 50 seconds]
[719.57 Mkey/s][GPU 719.57 Mkey/s][Total 2^40.88][Found 0]

where prob is the entire keyspace divided by number of addresses or prexifes currently used ?!?! that would be a good "indicator" i think
and the time to find something just a little more readable or something along that line..

at the moment
[Prob 0.0%][50% in 4.46424e+31y]
Prob always stays the same when searching for addresses and is also not that informative.
25  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 06, 2020, 12:44:26 PM
note that the lookup size printed is the number of the 16bit hash entries of possible prefixes (not the total number of combination):

ahh ok, that clears that up, yeah it's hard without testing on a compiler Wink then i might not have understood the third for loop completely yet..  Wink

but since we are on the topic.. could use a -v verbose option where the total number of combinations is shown and maybe the basekey every time it changes with -r ?

can u explain what exactly [Total 2^39.22][Prob 99.7%][99% in 00:00:00] this means?
why is total growing? the probability is also changing and the third shows exactly what?

26  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 06, 2020, 12:33:20 PM
I'm a bit surprise of your performance using -c.

it is from -m 2500000 but i have to use it with that grid because i get the warning otherwise:

Vanitysearch.exe -c -b -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -g 680,512 -r 88800 -o found_1.txt -i 11Prefix.txt
VanitySearch v1.17
Search: 11 prefixes (Lookup size 38) [Compressed or Uncompressed]
Start Thu Feb  6 13:30:40 2020
Base Key: Randomly changed every 88800 Mkeys
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(680x512)

Warning, 2417079 items lost
Hint: Search with less prefixes, less threads (-g) or increase maxFound (-m)
[1069.30 Mkey/s][GPU 1069.30 Mkey/s][Total 2^30.99][Prob 1.9%][50% in 00:01:09][Found 0]

27  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 06, 2020, 11:57:18 AM
I'm a bit surprise of your performance using -c.

yeah me too i have to try with less "-" options to narrow down where that performace hit comes from..

you mean Vanity.cpp:94, yeah i see that now but the pre-build list is not complete right?:
the original question arose because my 11prefix list goes from 6 digits to 16 digits and the programm said 11 prefixes and a list of 38 combinations.. the real number of combinations should be in the thousands since every digit that is not "0O1l" should open a new **2 combination of case-insensitive variants 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 just for a 10 digit prefix ..... 65536 for a 16 digit prefix if there is no 0O1l in there..

void VanitySearch::enumCaseUnsentivePrefix(std::string s, std::vector<std::string> &list)

in metatalk:
first for loop lowers, copys and saves position of all char in prefix
second for loop iterates over length with every position (using the third for loop) and push_back result
third for loop uppers all corresponding char or leaves them in lower .. in all combinations

but the third for loop doeas NOT exactly do that.. i think..

int mask = 1 << j;

the bitshift is clever but it iterates 1, 2, 4, 8 .... for mask

that combined with

if (mask&i) tmp[letterpos[j]] = toupper(letter[j]);
      else         tmp[letterpos[j]] = letter[j];

where " mask AND i " the binary addition with i iterating 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

leaves out a few combinations if i'm not mistaken (only by looking.. i don't have a compiler at the readdy for that right now, for testing, i'm not home)

1AB puts out a list of 4 combinations .. thats correct but
at the moment the prefix 1ABC puts out a list of 6 combinations where it shound be 8:

if u run a copy of enumCaseUnsentivePrefix where you upper in the first for loop and lower in the third for loop it should cover the char position 3 and work up to 4 char but that's it..

imlementing a recursion here is the best way i feel where you could replace the second and third for loop with something resembling:

void VanitySearch::recPrefixBuild(std::string s, std::vector<std::string> &list) {
for ... // find first changable char position

recPrefixBuild(firstStringPart + tolower( s[changableCharPosition] ) + lastStringPart, &list) // lower and recurse
recPrefixBuild(firstStringPart + toupper( s[changableCharPosition] ) + lastStringPart, &list) // upper and recurse

since u call enumCaseUnsentivePrefix for every prefix seperatly it shound not eat up memory because the recursion collapses before a new prefix is called with enumCaseUnsentivePrefix. (Vanity.cpp:87 and Vanity.cpp:97)

of coure you could also brute force the recursion like:
void VanitySearch::recPrefixBuild(std::string s, std::vector<std::string> &list) {
cut of CHAR 1  s[0] and if rest of s != NILL call recPrefixBuild(s[1..(length(s)-1), &dummyList]
copy tolower(s[0]) in front of every dummylist entry into lowerList
copy toupper(s[0]) in front of every dummylist entry into upperList
return lowerList + upperList // push_back in list of course..

28  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 05, 2020, 09:50:48 AM
yeah I still can't confirm 10.0 working without problems, but since that ran longer than the 10.2 compiled one.. ?!

btw, i was paying around with my vanity targets and realised the -c is tanking performance..

VanitySearch.exe -c -b -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -g 680,512 -m 2550000 -r 88800 -o found_1.txt -i 11targets.txt
VanitySearch v1.17
Search: 11 prefixes (Lookup size 38) [Compressed or Uncompressed]
Start Wed Feb  5 10:15:27 2020
Base Key: Randomly changed every 88800 Mkeys
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(680x512)
[132.63 Mkey/s][GPU 132.63 Mkey/s][Total 2^33.32][Prob 9.2%][50% in 00:08:19][Found 0]

it is down to like 15% from around 660 to 790 Mkeys..
is it "live" checking the case insensitive or does it pre-build a list to that few targets?
29  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: February 04, 2020, 02:19:43 PM

I've updated to version 10.2 of the Nvidia Cuda and tried running the program. It works for a few seconds - hangs - then crashes.  Other parts of NVidia are now asking to be updated, so am just working on them too.

yep 10.2 is the problem.. when I tried 10.0 it worked I think.. though I didn't have time jet to run it more than a few minutes.. I did not test 10.1

30  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 29, 2020, 03:07:21 PM
@Jean_Luc , btw..

yeah I can search all keys in 3 days Smiley

this is with 1.16

Vanitysearch.exe -b -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0,1 -g 1088,512,1088,512 -r 10000000 -o found_0.txt -i in.txt

[4544125350086.37 Mkey/s][GPU 4544125350086.37 Mkey/s][Total 2^64.00][Prob 0.0%][50% in 7.06916e+21y][Found 0]

544,512,544,512 still shows korrekt MKeys


just a bug.. its showing 45000 Trillion Key per second
31  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 28, 2020, 10:27:16 AM
@Jean_Luc , btw..

yeah I can search all keys in 3 days Smiley

this is with 1.16

Vanitysearch.exe -b -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0,1 -g 1088,512,1088,512 -r 10000000 -o found_0.txt -i in.txt

[4544125350086.37 Mkey/s][GPU 4544125350086.37 Mkey/s][Total 2^64.00][Prob 0.0%][50% in 7.06916e+21y][Found 0]

544,512,544,512 still shows korrekt MKeys
32  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 28, 2020, 09:19:37 AM

no, 1.15 and 1.16 both do NOT work.. same error when loading lists..

will try with your exe though.. one moment...

what the hell.. im not getting errors on 5 or 6 when using your exe.. could only test for a minute though.. sometimes it took longer to crash

is my compile env gone haywire? I compiled 5 and a few days later 6 with VS19 and only changed the target to my cuda 10.2 env.. was there some change from 10.0?
(ps: no, no compile errors or anything.. just straight forward..)

... will test tonight...
33  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 28, 2020, 07:11:38 AM
@Jean_Luc , you are right, 1.14 is working fine... do you have an actual changelog somewhere?
34  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 23, 2020, 01:17:48 PM

I tried my own (new) 2080 Ti.. the same...


is there anyone with a 2080 Ti or two where this is working with address lists?
35  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 14, 2020, 11:56:37 AM

I tried under windows 10..

seems to be the same.. everything works except loading lists..
the error message is a little different though if I use -b or not..


Vanitysearch.exe -t 5 -b -gpu -gpuId 0,1 -o found.txt -i 5000_2.txt
VanitySearch v1.16
Search: 128 addresses (Lookup size 128,[1,1]) [Compressed or Uncompressed]
Start Mon Jan 13 15:50:02 2020
Base Key: 52C72D03D79BBE9E353E4F94C4DA98D670319CAFDE77BA6CED88F869A46B78D4
Number of CPU thread: 5
GPU: GPU #1 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)
GPU: GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)
GPUEngine: SetKeys: an illegal memory access was encountered
GPUEngine: Kernel: an illegal memory access was encountered
GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered

without -b:

Vanitysearch.exe -gpu -gpuId 0,1 -o found.txt -i 5000_2.txt
VanitySearch v1.16
Search: 128 addresses (Lookup size 128,[1,1]) [Compressed]
Start Mon Jan 13 15:52:57 2020
Base Key: A710A6BA12BEFC65131BCDE3EFFE9516BE675645578DF60624F69E8A67817605
Number of CPU thread: 10
GPU: GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)
GPU: GPU #1 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)
GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered
GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered/code]

36  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 09, 2020, 03:20:05 PM

Your git is up to date ?

yeah I made a fresh copy yesterday and compiled it, its 1.16
1.15 had the same problem though

might have the chance to run it on windows next week..
im also trying to find someone that can lend me a gtx for a bit only found a friend with a Vega 64 but this is cuda only no openCL right?
37  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 09, 2020, 01:50:08 PM
Just send me the 133 addresses files via pm. May a particular address inside causes the issue.


thinking about it yeah there are 5 addresses in there that are 1 symbol shorter then full length .. and yeah they would be in the 22mil as well, also even shorter ones! an address can get down to 26 symbols.. I think

here is an additional strange thing.. I ran it against the list without the 5 addresses and instead of failing immediately it ran for 3 min. if I put the -t 0 AND the base key started with 7... on E or C or 2... it failed immediately so I startet several times .. always only when the base key starts with 7 it ran for a moment..
38  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 08, 2020, 09:21:47 PM
./VanitySearch -gpu -gpuId 0 -i 5000.txt
VanitySearch v1.16
Search: 133 addresses (Lookup size 133,[1,1]) [Compressed]
Start Wed Jan  8 07:56:31 2020
Base Key: CAFFCF119BAE13EAA1F0C053F98BBA2D3982E39B40FB9A991A475F0B46BA4751
Number of CPU thread: 1
GPU: GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)
[2196.82 Mkey/s][GPU 2192.28 Mkey/s][Total 2^37.02][Prob 0.0%][50% in 1.46226e+31y][Found 0]  GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered

this happens with 133 addresses.. same thing after 3sec. but if it helps I can give you the 22 million file.. its about 750mb.. I was just courious about performance with big datasets so I dumped the p2pkh and the p2pk addresses from the chainstate of a full node and that's about 22mil at the moment...
(if you want to do the same I have a tool on my GitHub that can batch convert the pub keys compressed uncompressed and leveldb encoded to there corresponding addresses because they are only in utxo form in the chainstate.. search for pub2addr)
i haven't looked too hard in your code but r u using a hash table instead of a bloom filter.. right?
and at the moment its just research 4 me but im thinking about implementing a vanity searcher on a Xilinx u200 FPGA... MAYBEEEEEEEEEE.. as a bitstream.. and so im looking around at the moment..

./VanitySearch  -l
GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) (Cap 7.5) (11016.3 MB) (Multiple host threads)
GPU #1 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) (Cap 7.5) (11019.4 MB) (Multiple host threads)

yes it states Cap 7.5 so compiling with ccap=75 seems right..
39  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 08, 2020, 01:17:50 PM

additionally I was looking at this error when others were having them in there Cuda programs..
GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered

what they pretty much all had in common was that they referenced an index of an array outside the scope of the array i.e.

x = my_array[6]

or they were referencing the array itself before its existence or instantiation

might this happen here only when the grid size gets "this big" (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)Huh or more when the core count gets this high, since I did shrink the grid size and it did something but not much???

one more "far out" thing I could think of would be the fact that its an RTX and not a GTX any more, but since Cuda should be backwards compatible it is not something I would really suspect as the cause..
40  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 08, 2020, 07:08:28 AM
I will try with 2 GPU to see if something is wrong there...

There is no limitation to find the key of an address, only the time needed Cheesy

I tried all I can think of here is what I found, maybe that helps:

removing -t 0 and or -o ... and or -b ..   then it runs for exactly 3 sec. with 133 addresses
using different grid size down to 64,128 made it run a few seconds longer .. like 5 sec. or so..
using only gpu 0 then it runs for 30-60 sec. BUT not when using gpu 1... I switched them (pic-e slot) but the same result.. same error..

and still not loading addresses everything works fine...

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