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41  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: VanitySearch (Yet another address prefix finder) on: January 07, 2020, 12:56:21 PM
first of all great work man!!! Th@nX 4 that.

i am getting CUDA errors though when trying to load more than a few addresses from a file, 5 or 6 work fine but over 100 - error

./VanitySearch -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0,1 -b -o found.txt -i 150.txt
[Loading input file 100.0%]
VanitySearch v1.16
[Building lookup16 100.0%]
[Building lookup32 100.0%]
Search: 21910565 addresses (Lookup size 65536,[259,3090]) [Compressed or Uncompressed]
Start Tue Jan  7 13:30:08 2020
Base Key: C35B40E791110DE6D0F50C9578EA671F85F32B736E924F285967428735499924
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)
GPU: GPU #1 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (68x64 cores) Grid(544x128)
GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered
GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered

i am an ubuntu 18 and did "make gpu=1 ccap=75 all"
everything seems to be working otherwise.. -check reports no errors prefix search no errors and as mentioned a few addresses also no error.
in version 1.15 it was the same ... I tried both today..
don't really know what to do here.. haven't done Cuda programming myself.. at least not jet Smiley so debugging this is a little out of my scope 4 now.
I did try to search on this threat but... well didn't find anything that helped me here..

ps: I only have Cuda 10 installed and gcc is 7.4.0 and as far as I know ccap 75 is the correct platform.. is it not?
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