1 unit for me if i'm not too late..
ready 270 USD paypal balance available
I can buy goods online via paypal on your behalf like digital or physical goods via paypal merchant websites
or can send paypal funds to you for exchange in btc or perfect money
I can take around $130 PP, Can you do -12% for it?
Is this still available? My rate 12% and I would like around $130 in PP, PM me if you're interested to deal..
I will lock the thread and thanks for the suggestion and advice, I will use jacktheking. I think he can help me with my questions.
Looking for a mentor to guide and teach me the trade. ^^ Thanks for the read
Still looking guys. I've received offers but they are all hacked accouts or shared accounts. I need an account which I can use personally and not share with anyone else.
Does creating a new profile with your own name falls under your requirement? I'm on a 4 device plan and at the moment, only 1 is left unused
I'll take it if you are willing to go first..
I can do this for you and the amount will be for euro129.25 which i think comes to around 139-141usd and i will pay you $112 BTC for it. You will need to purchase something on my behalf with your PP account. PM me if you're interested to deal.
Help needed to fulfil this deal, I need you to login to my "reship" account and make a single $296.28 PP transaction as payment. Will only deal with trusted member. Thanks
if you want i can do that Yes, I need it. check your PM
Help needed to fulfil this deal, I need you to login to my "reship" account and make a single $296.28 PP transaction as payment. Will only deal with trusted member. Thanks
I am looking to buy this and I can pay $46 paypal for the $40 btc
Hi! i can fill this. PM me to deal
Your $39 PP for my $35 BTC, PM me if you're interested to deal.
Done exchanging $310 paypal from beel, nice guy
I'm interested to deal, PM you now..
i will send first to members who have higher reputation than me.
i will send as family and friends
tell me your rate.
just pm me
available paypal: $32
my $29 btc for you $32 PayPal, PM me if you're interested.
Have .2 bitcoin, Need Paypal.. PM me your rates. Thanks!