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1  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: What to do with s9's and dead temp sensors. on: June 08, 2020, 11:24:19 PM
Those are some really impressive numbers! I bought my first s9 13.5 a week or so ago and loaded up braiins+. Im strapped on how much power i can use here so I opted to run one board. The auto tuning process has it at
7.94v/ 617MHz/ 4.4Th/s @ 383 approx. watts total. Keeps my shed warm, and may pay for my sons schooling if I get lucky over at ckpool  Cheesy
2  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [∞ YH] 2% fee solo mining 256 blocks solved! on: June 08, 2020, 06:03:48 AM
I've created a script for Ubuntu (suggest 20.04) or Debian linux which should automate the setup, configuration, and install of a ckproxy to mine on the solo pool, though you can edit it afterwards to mine wherever you like. I do not suggest using something like an RPi as you want reasonable performance from your proxy to avoid any added latency.

Download the following script:

It will not be directly executable, so execute it with

And follow the prompts. Tell me how you go.

haven't tested yet, But thanks!

I have a dumb question I hope you can answer, What argument do I use to change difficulty for your pool? is it only by port? ive never used an s9 before and ive tried d= diff= --suggestdiff but non seem to stick.
3  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: What to do with s9's and dead temp sensors. on: June 08, 2020, 05:48:55 AM
You know I was thinking about your heater idea and it came to me, why not make it a heater & air purifier! On the intake add a activated carbon pads(they look like green scrub pads but black and usually bigger) and maybe even a paper filter, one for a lawnmower should do not hepa grade but will get the small stuff. Grin

This idea may require some custom fabrication to hold the filters. Cool

Not sure how the fans would handle it. But its an idea. Thought I throw it out there. I ran across this post and now have a one board going myself Smiley Hopefully soon get solar implemented once I have all the pieces.
4  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: Braiins OS: open-source mining firmware [S9, T1]. New release includes AsicBoost on: June 07, 2020, 05:04:29 PM
Thanks for the Firmware, Seems to be running pretty good. I have it installed in a s9. I have a question though. With auto-tuning turned on, Is there a way to adjust the fan speed/profile without needing to re-run the entire tuning process again using the web ui?
5  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [∞ YH] 2% fee solo mining 256 blocks solved! on: June 04, 2020, 06:53:47 PM

Thanks  Smiley

Huge congratulations sir!
6  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread on: June 04, 2020, 05:37:48 AM
So my testing today hit a snag, Cant seem to get the Newpac past 512mhz. It down-clocks itself to 506 then runs fine. Not sure if its a lack of power from my hub, or the limits of my chip? turned it back down to 500 since I know its stable there.

Bread boarded a temp sensor and stuck it the side of the heat sink, works good. at 500mhz the heat-sink doesn't reach above 24c. Thinking about loading obs onto the Pi, and starting a 24/7 Newpac stream. Thats about the only thing I could come up with for time being to utilize the Pi a bit more.

Edit: Got a stream going ( ) its almost 2 am and I can't get obs to see an audio device. So no sound. Ill fix that tomorrow with some proper mining music.
7  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [∞ YH] 2% fee solo mining 256 blocks solved! on: June 03, 2020, 11:04:39 PM
Congrats to the lucky miner! and with only 50th miner is flipping awesome! The dream is alive  Grin
8  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread on: June 03, 2020, 05:37:04 PM
If you neighbors spend enough time looking at or through your windows to be annoyed with what you do or don't have going on, Id be me more worried about the peeping toms next door. lol.
9  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread on: June 02, 2020, 07:34:42 PM
USB devices work on 5V, even if the usb hub sometimes have 12V power supply. Running the Pi on the same hub as your miners can create a negative feedback look and most of the new Pi versions are really power hungry (2+ amps).

Ok, That's what I had figured but just wanted to check. Also placed the Pi back on its own supply. I did test the 10th port, it transfers data but I noticed it has a charge mode light and a data light. I have to assume I don't receive the extra amps with a data device hookup up. When i plug my phone in it switches to fast charging mode without data.

gt_addict those are some awesome numbers. Its amazing to see how little the diminishing returns are in terms of Mhz and gh/s.

It makes me curious as to how far the chip and unit could be pushed with adequate power and cooling.
10  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread on: June 02, 2020, 03:28:24 AM
You want to be careful you don’t pop your usb hub when OCing. I’m running mine 6x newpacs at 625m on the gekko hub and wouldn't go any higher as I could well cause some damage (and thats after sidehack tried to make it as bulletproof as possible). No idea how that anker 60w is laid out. Just something to keep in mind  Wink

Yeah that's my biggest concern and the main reason I haven't tested anything above 500 yet. I'm definitely picking up a gekko hub asap the layout, the fan header, the juice. I need one haha. What kind of GH/s do you achieve at 625mhz?

This anker's specs are meh:

■ Each data port provides up to 0.9A current.
■ The 10th port delivers a full speed charge of up to 1.5A to BC 1.2 specification-compliant devices. Refer to the table below for popular compatible models.

A BC (Battery Charging) 1.2 port delivers fast charge (up to 1.5A) to your USB-enabled device. Charge speeds are even faster (up to 2.0A) when the hub is disconnected from a computer.

Not sure if the 10th port also transfers data, but if it does its the only port on the whole that delivers above .9A. Ill test it later, from reading I believe i'm not actually supposed to be powering the Pi from the charge port, that's a bummer. (Hub must be powered by both a power adapter and an active PC/laptop USB port.) Makes it sound like it gets extra juice from the usb port as well.

Do these units operate on 5.5 or 12v?
11  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread on: June 01, 2020, 11:54:16 PM
Got everything up and running, Pushing 500mhz strong. Has anyone pushed their newpacs past 650mhz?  Heres a vid of the setup. Ready to solve all the blocks!
12  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread on: May 27, 2020, 09:09:30 PM
Just wanted to pop in and Say thanks for the amazing piece of hardware. Just picked up a Newpac to test out and it works flawlessly. Waiting on a Rpi and a hub to arrive. Once they do I hope to have the setup powered completely with solar and batteries.Then scale up newpacs as budget allows. Looking forward to the next iteration of newpac if one is in the works!!

Also I think ill be building a sensor system to monitor the temp of each miner i get running with DS18B20 one wire sensors, would attaching them to the side of the heatsink with a thermal pad give an accurate enough reading? should I use something to totally encase the sensor to the side of the heatsink(hotglue, or something) so the fans/passing air dont mess with the reading? Any suggestions would be appreciated.   
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