isn't it on the coin hologram? Since smoothie is here, I asked him the question if there is address for this coin?
being the expert you have always claimed to be - and having "a lot, I mean a lot" of these coins (you claim to have a vast quantity of them in another thread) I am surprised that you do not understand how firstbits work - so much so, that you thought the wallet address was on the holo - not understanding the issue with buyer funded coins that utilize firstbits.
The problem with firstbits that you can only find the full address using the firstbits if it was funded. So, only the original buyer would have the address. Smoothie may help but he has pretty much said that everyone who bought a coin without verifying they would get the address was screwed and he MIGHT help them but basically he was not obligated to help them, it is their own fault.'
Now I am no expert nor have I ever claimed to be so if anyone sees issue with what I have said, please correct me.
Thank you Mopar. I hope smoothie have them. If not nothing we can do. Man I am still learning all these mess. Remember I just started on 2019. Thank you for helping me to understand. I think you do not see the issue util you face it.
I just contacted original seller who I bought it from he gave me the address for this coin listed.