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Integrate free porn into the client. Because, ya know, porn doesn't find itself.
The last Gox of them all?
MTG:ox - Like a bank but without regulation, no customer protection or insurance. I feel safe.
I rather give my money to Goldman Sachs.
Professional web design?  
flush all the speculators out of bitcoin
then you get a stable trading price
It would probably be close to zero. Have you see how much volume is drying up on the exchanges?
He may have posted after his bedtime so his mom made him delete it.
Lottery tickets are not a ponzi scheme. Did you complete 9th grade?
Ponzi schemes are a scam, we all know that. Ok, makes sense so far. honest Ponzi scheme Welp, found a problem. Not really. I mean, how bad could they be? The owner of this forum, Theymos, advertises them in his sig. Must be approved by the Bitcoin horde.
Add pictures of beautiful women in various stages of undress.
+1 No words at all, just on the cover.
That's a bit much do ya think?
How about start slow and just ask for pics of his bedroom where the gigantic mining farm is located? And maybe his parents power bill for last month?
There's like 10 posts total at that forum since it started.
Normal stock can go down because dumb CEO decided to do something dumb.
I'm feeling like i'd rather trust just supply & dmand in btc marke.t
ya, like Netflix. Except with an investment in Netflix you get to write off your losses.
Well Nefario is free to comment. Looks like he left to which has zero posts and is a dead forum.
Just to chime in, 1. GLBSE has a statement that says you could lose your shirt and that this is in testing etc. 2. It is still a small start up Bitcoin service, not some elaborate corporation you are so used to being babied by. 3. It is just that, a service. It provides a place for people to post investment opportunities and to invest. It really doesnt make any other guarantees. 4. Each share you own is a XML contract that states all the terms you are agreeing to. So it is on you to invest in a company with satisfactory terms. Which seems like it would need to be Disney or WalMart to meet your standards. 5. Like 95% of Businesses fail period, whether in bitcoin or reality. 6. I think Dishwara gave some money back im not sure. But I know for a Fact I returned some funds, and am actively refunding investors still. 7. Only speaking for BitFlow, we really tried to be a business and the mining fell out. It is pretty simple. Nobody made crazy money or anything. I dont think that much money has ever been spent through GLBSE.
Summary, you want there to be a long list of posts making statements against investing in bitcoin or related interests so that when people search and randomly get thrown into the bitcoin world through a link to your posts they are deterred from getting involved.
So Hopefully they read all the way to my post.
And realize you are a person who has been coddled by govt. intervention instituted to protect you from your caveman-like intelligence.
No names, the real trolls here know who I am talking too.
1. No Rules 2. No Regulation 3. No Over site 4. No Accountability The perfect way to get scammed. Apparently the Bitcoin economy loves this model until they do get scammed.
So, wait, Bitcoin has finally made it into India? How's it doing there? Or is it still just barely doing anything there?
You could always call 1-800-BUY-DELL and ask someone.
Yes, it totally goes against everything this community stands for.
1. Create a post about my 'business' 2. Collect coins 3. ?
so how about it going to add yourself to the list or you going to keep talking smack ?
You one of reasons I can't stay away from this forum, bbit. Reading the bitcointalk forums - its like watching the Special Olympics! Posting on the bitcointalk forums - its like training for the Special Olympics!
I have a perfect spot on my wall for legal papers in Hindu.