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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [Bounty] COMBO Network ex COCOS-BCX | 🚀 100k USD Worth of Tokens 🚀 LISTED on: April 17, 2023, 01:09:53 PM
Proof of Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Username: Dragonfund
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2833991
Rank: Full Member
No of post: 768
Campaign Category Participated: Signature
BSC Wallet Address: 0x63D2B6fc81B283945A2C285b0CD85a852C180691
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Banks are collapsing. Will Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies rise from here?? on: March 28, 2023, 02:27:27 PM
Recently bank like Credit Suisse and Silicon Valley bank are collapsing. People are switching their money to bitcoin. Is it the sign that more people are no longer trusting the bank and are moving toward to decentralized world?

In every system, there lies bad people, we have them in crypto both the centralized ecosystems and defi ecosystems and so do the banks, every one of them has their level of risk. The banks are the financial institutions that are collapsing this year but crypto also did last year that even some of my friends don't want to associate there self here again. The decentralized society we have today are been hack and funds are been drained by wicked people and bad teams, so we just have to be careful when it comes to investing our money and trying to make wealth.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: why people are always interested in altcoins on: March 28, 2023, 02:06:35 PM
as we know, many people suggest investing in bitcoin because the risk is not too high.
but if we look at the market there are lots of people buying altcoins, and to be honest I also like to buy altcoins but there aren't many of them, and it's still my biggest investment in bitcoin. and to be honest even though investing in altcoins is risky but I always want to buy and the reason is because of the high pumping..
and I want to ask everyone what is your  for buying altcoins, is the reason the same as mine?

If you have bought bitcoin in 2021 when the price was around 60k, you will understand better that bitcoin has high risk but it is less riskier when you compare them with Altcoins that can make you overnight and send you to the less priviledge with a single miss step. I like altcoins because of their high return and that is why you see people shill them to each other but nobody like the downside of them, so you must be very careful when yo buy them and exit when you have gather your profit, don't wait until you hit a particular zone because it is possible that price may never come again.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What could have happened to all meme coins on: March 28, 2023, 02:01:00 PM
I am wondering what the fate of projects like Volt inu, Baby Doge and other meme coins would have been if Elon Musk never supported Doge coin, would Shiba inu ever made it to top 20? What would have happen to meme coins? Will there ever be any if Elon never existed?

Let be clear and say the truth to each other, meme is as gone as good and they are done because they lack utility, they don't have anything to offer people except the usuall don't miss out and manipulation of prices by big whales. I was laughing one of my friend that still think baby doge will make another 20x because he has lost more than half of the money he has invested in the shit coin. As for Elon, don't look like person who have interest in those kind of shitcoins, the utility they tried to add to doge have all been disband, what is there to promise the community again? None I think.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Investment involves being realistic, doesn't it ? on: March 28, 2023, 01:56:32 PM

Over the past few weeks, all cryptocurrency prices have gone through a new round of ups and downs. As always, the altcoin prices have followed Bitcoin price's fluctuation closely and as of today, all prices have dropped: Bitcoin price now is $27,000, ETH $1,700 , BNB $310 and other new altcoin like ARB at $1.14. I know that volatility like this is quite normal and for most long term crypto holders, this means no big deal. However, for those short-term players, they would definitely have sold a lot of them when they reached a relative high and if the prices continue to drop, they will probably buy a lot and wait for the next ATH. Too realistic, huh ? Yes. I have come to understand that no matter how you seem to be loyal to one particular cryptocurrency, as long as there seems to be a huge profit, you will sell to gain profit instead of holding a pipe dream. I have no judgement here and try to tell the truth. Personally, if I had that chance to cash for profits, I would do the same. What about you ?

Number 1 rule of crypto investment, don't fall in love with the project, you are there to make money because you put money to support them and the return of been loyal investors is profits but by the time you become too comfortable, you will end up losing everything you have invested in the project. There are plenty of opportunties in crypto, there is no way staying in one project and been loyal for many years will do you good, as long as they are altcoin, the dump will come and when it does, you will regret why you never sold them earlier when the price was high.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: How do you think blockchain gaming technology will have evolved by 2030? on: March 28, 2023, 01:52:29 PM
do you believe that blockchain gaming will gain more traction?

I don't believe gaming industry are going to transform fully into blockchain, since the emergence of crypto and the days of ICO, diffrerent projects have rise up to revolutionized different aspect and till today, they have not been able to achieve there road map, some of them are dead and some are still struggling financially and the techniques to that. I'm not trying to underestimate gaming but when projects make promises, they hardly deliver their promises because its either the price dump when the team sold or the investors lose confidence in the project and their investments.
7  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: is bitcoin trading like stock trading, forex, someone in middle or neither? on: March 27, 2023, 09:21:02 PM
If you look at the trading tools, there are many similarities. Indicators, trading strategies - there are no particular differences. However, it should be noted that in the cryptocurrency market, there is a lot of volatility, and a lot depends on bitcoin.

There is also regulation on stocks while Bitcoin and altcoins don't have any one, as a bitcoin trader, news can come up that one country has an bitcoin and you will be disappointed how everything will start crashinfg but forex has regulations, even if there is bad news, they don't drop like the way crypto does and the regulatory people don't interfare in forex like the way they do in stock, just like today, SEC sued CZ Binance for viloating their rules and guideline and for that, he will have to pay them after the damage of the news made bitcoin to drop in price.
8  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: What your opinion? on: March 27, 2023, 09:07:15 PM
I really was having this question in mind to ask if it will advisable for somebody who want to start up trying doing online investment and chooses trade as perfect for him or her. What will be your advice for such person as a beginner into online Invertement. I want to hear your opinions if it right or wrong despite it risk,so what your opinion or advise .

There is one tips that beats all other advice that follows, it is dedication. You should be dicsipline about what you are starting and do it with passion, don't let any other people discourage you and you should not let other people opinion change your set up, if you have an open position, stick to the original plan, don't let other traders FUD you into believing the market is going up or down, and the last one is don't borrow money to start trading, do not try because you may be lucky to make it out but it is a bad practise you may regret if that luck doesn't shine on you.
9  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Will you advice a new trader to join a trading community or group? on: March 27, 2023, 09:02:16 PM
Participation in trading communities and groups can be very beneficial for traders as it provides them with the opportunity to connect with other traders who understand their situation and can share their experience and knowledge. This can help reduce feelings of isolation and improve market understanding.
In addition, in trading communities and groups, you can exchange new strategies and ideas, get feedback on your own strategies, and analyze the market together with other traders. This can help a trader expand their horizons and improve the quality of their own decisions.

I don't know if I'm the only one who haven't come across real trading group you discuss, the ones I do see are channels that is operated by just one person and in that kind of channels, you can't discuss anything with other members. The groups for discussion are always litered with scams, unnecessary messages and noise makers that shill other shitcoins. It is good if we habe those kind of groups and community where we can interact with other traders but I will not advice other traders to jump into trading immediately with other peoples ideas, it can back fire anytime.
10  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Is it legal for our kids to learn trade? on: March 27, 2023, 08:56:29 PM
Although the trading is very risky but one thing should be remember that by tolerating failure and taking risk we can go ahead but if we don't face such situations then how we will learn. I think that you should engage your children in such activities because in few years he will just make experience and will do better by experiencing through gain and loss. If there is nothing to do and you have a firm believe that your child will engage in trading in future then surely its a right time to make his concept clear about trading. He will get some knowledge from you and some knowledge will be easy for him because of facing gain and loss situations.

It is a good idea but the age of the children is very essential before exposing the children to all this kind of financial instruments, if they are below 13, I will teach them on paper and the knowledge they need as a foundation and when they come of age like 18+, I will teach them the main trading that will have to do with real money because I will want my kids not to be expose to money at earlier stage of their life. Children are very smart that when they becomes expose to money, they would probably not want to be interested in anything again except money and money.
11  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Trade up capital: $200 on: March 27, 2023, 08:49:13 PM
I wants to begins trading but I don't have money in coven, I took my wife's $200 to put it into trading wallet pending where I will do good in trading returns my wife's's money. Could this be enough to start trade?
My wife's mum's has suspect me of taking my wife's money and she didn't know I have already confess to my wife but my sweetheart doesn't wants her mum to interferes in our family matter that she knows am the one who took the money. So what do I do now that the money is legal in my hand?

To begin with, anything you want to do in crypto, you must know that you going into risk, you should invest with money you can afford to lose, don't put money that will hurt your feelings later run. You are using your wife money meaning that you are borrowing the money in anticipation to return back the money, and you know women are very dramatic when it comes to issue of money. My advice is this, if know very well that it will cause problem if at the end of the day you loss or didn't meet up your target and it will cause problem to your family, stop it right now.
12  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Starting now. on: March 25, 2023, 03:23:10 PM
I had a different thread on how to start on Bitcoin and had so many useful and helpful knowledge given to me at that thread. I just wanna say thanks to all those who replied to my post. And also, yes, I will be starting to do trading on cryptocurrencies. With that being said, I also want to take this opportunity to ask, what would be the best cryptowallet to use at this time? 

I hope with the helpful responses, you should start with little you can afford to lose, I'm not trying to undermine your effort or what you can do at the end of the day or trading journey, I'm just trying to caution you to be responsible because advice are personal and people will give you their opinions and not all works at the end of the day, learn the ones you think are better enough to your satisfaction and decide with small capital and if in the long run it favours you, then you can magnify your capital and I hope one day you will also advice new traders like the way you needed help today, good luck in your trading journey.
13  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Experience of failure and success can help us control the emotions. on: March 25, 2023, 03:14:37 PM
In trading the number one enemy is our self emotions, many trader loss because they can't control thier emotions and it really affects thier decision making and sometimes it will become a reason for the big loss, in crypto we cannot be free from different emotions because everytime market condition is changing and it is really a high volatility market, i think experienced had a very big role on decision making, is this a reason why most of the newbie loss is it because they don't have enough of experience?

Money is tide to emotion because look at this life, everyone today work to earn money and what is the use of trying to make more and in the process you encounter losses, when you make loss in trading either as an experience or inexperience trader, you will feel the pain but the ability to overcome it depends on our level of maturity to the market, some traders quickly snap out of that mood when the did has been done but new trader that is not experience will sobber and may regret the trade. This is why it is always better to learn dummy trading before you embark on real trading, it helps minimize losses and gain experience.
14  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Too late to start? on: March 25, 2023, 03:09:49 PM
I had fear about bitcoin when it was $15k at that moment i thought maybe it will come to $10k but still confused when bitcoin reached $25k again. Currently it is standing at $28k. If it continues to rise, Some may lose the ability to buy bitcoins, so now is the right time to buy bitcoins.

I have observe fear and bitcoin and that is the best strategy that has help me overcome that fear that always trigger when I want to buy bitcoin. The best time to buy bitcoin is when everyone is afraid and think it will go lower than what has been seen. It is better to buy 50% of USD from your wallet into bitcoin becaause if really the price goes lower than the price you already bought, you can further do DCA with rest of 50% of your USD and what is good about this strategy is that, you can never loss from this as long you don't sell the bitcoin you buy, it always bounce back no matter what.
15  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: how will it be? on: March 25, 2023, 03:01:57 PM
Bitcoin price is currently 28k and I have 5k usd fund which I want to invest in crypto currency, and want to make this investment for long term, want to wait until next ATH or touch current ATH.
Do you think it would be perfect to invest in Bitcoin now or should I wait for a few more days to get a good DIP?
I am actually very weak in analysis so I would like to know from your personal analysis that Bitcoin can go below 20k again?

Why do you have to wait for the ATH to be tick before you buy bitcoin, do you know trading at all? The best time depends on where you find good support and you are convince to buy but I believe you should buy it now, or wait when we dip below $25,000 because that is the place I think we have sound support. Buy and hold until next halving and sell coin in peace on or before the halving, you can make 2x from the current price of bitcoin, but if you have the courage and want to hold for more years to come, hold it tight and stay away from media, they know how to make people sell their bicoin, you have to be a diamon hand.
16  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Is it best to have a personal trading strategy? on: March 25, 2023, 02:48:33 PM
All I care about is having a good strategy that works. Whether it is personal or general one like the one we can buy from pro traders that must have developed fast working indicators or bots that give a better results. Trading is sweet when we have a strategy that works as atrader and we are earning from it. It does not matter how we get to know about the strategy because what matters is the amount of turnout we having on a weekly basis. Strategies do expire so we need to be updating it according to the market differences.

You have summarize everything by going to the main point, either its a personal strategy or a copy strategy, the main question is are you making profit from that strategy. If I have a personal strategy that works fine and I was able to make profits and little loss, I will be glad and will continue to use that strategy but if the loss is more than profit, I will improvise and look for alternative that works better. I find it funny when traders try to convince other traders to use their strategy that they don't have any loss, these are the red flag I see and run away from anytime I see other strategies that are too good to be true.
17  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Can old trading strategies work again? on: March 25, 2023, 02:42:13 PM
Thinking about how trading strategies need to always be changed and how one strategy may not work for a long time, what do you do with the strategy that you are about to change. do you just forget about it completely once a new strategy starts working for you? or do you keep it in remembrance for the future. If you have experienced this before; has any old trading strategy that you decided to apply work for you? Is it possible that old strategies may work in the future again?

There is nothing unique about trading that new traders are using today, the only improvements that could differ from the traditional methods are the indicators. However what use are indicators if you don't comprehend the fundamentals of trading? The fundamentals, such as the trend line, the supports, and the widely used indicators like MA, Volume, and MACD, are still in place. The only unique thing is to be smart as a trader and that will differentiate you from other traders. I think before trading of crypto began, all of this have been existing in stock and forex and they still used the same information for trading till today
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Too good to be true? on: March 21, 2023, 05:17:35 PM
of course this can happen and it's not impossible, but of course it will be very difficult and requires high analytical skills, or just luck choosing the right coin to invest in, especially when the crypto market starts to recover, I'm sure many coins will start to rise

Anything could happen but how many times do you think OP could go wrong before achieving this. It is possible but again, it will be extremely hard to turn $100 to $7000 especially now that altcoins are not moving that much, the alternative is holding into altcoins and luckily you may get this kind of return but how many altcoins are you going to buy to know that this is exactly the one that will give you that kind of return. In every 100 altcoins, you will only get 1 or 2 altcoins that will give you such kind of return, the risk is high and I wouldn't advice.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: XRP - yes or no? on: March 21, 2023, 04:35:10 PM
I will stay away from the coin because I think there are many other coins that can provide benefits, when the last bull in 2021 bitcoin and other altcoins made ath, while xrp was not very visible.

People's choices will always differ from what will result in the returns they have invested. so I think there are people who still believe that XRP will continue to grow in the future and will continue to meet the expectations of the team even though it is running quite slowly. but I see things will move if Bitcoin continues to grow and has a staggering price.

For how many years my friend, since XRP hit $3 from its previous all time high, it has been finding it hard to reach there again and people are still shouting XRP, for what exactly? I get it that people overbought XRP in 2018 and they are yet to recover from that but I don't think ripple have anything meaniful to overcome the previous time high. The nature of blochain has change and I don't think XRP has that kind of qualities the today blockchain have, they should change their designed to either layer 1 the way Cardano dideven though I am not satisfy with their tech.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Do Anyone Think Luna Will Recover? on: March 21, 2023, 04:18:12 PM
The price of Luna has dropped drastically since last year but until now it seems that the price of Luna does not have the potential to increase again. Therefore, it is difficult to make a definite prediction on the future price of Luna as it will depend on a number of factors, including market demand, adoption and competition from other cryptocurrencies.

People do not want to hear the truth but we wouldn't keep mute because they refused to learn. If have the money to invest in altcoin, Luna will be out of my list of favourite because there is nothing happening on that coin, the previous investors are waiting to cashout their losses and people are not having interest, the volume has gone down to the lowest and infact, the developers has moved into another projects. The investors that are in the market are all waiting for the right time to invest in other new projects and not this ones that have died already and could trapped their money as liquidity exit.
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