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121  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Mining Rig, 44 day payback on: June 22, 2011, 10:05:23 AM
Oh yea, I forgot to introduce myself. I have been building computer rigs for a decade now(remember the Pentium 4?) and I have many industry certifications in the computer field.

Ever since I learned about this bitcoin thing and mining, I knew it was my chance to finally put my skills to the test and build for profit. That rig you see in the above post, took me 10 minutes to build and about 2 hours to order at the best prices through newegg, ebay, and mwave. For those who want a good deal, try auctionsniper, I got those video cards at the normal prices on ebay.
122  Other / Beginners & Help / Mining Rig, 44 day payback on: June 22, 2011, 09:55:41 AM

Here's my masterpiece. I paid 1000 for it, it's extremely reliable and wont blow up, no dual PSUs, great cooling,
great overclocking, can be used for extreme gaming if you use a crossfire bridge. No cheap garbage, extremely resaleable
if the bitcoin market crashes, takes 44 days to pay for itself(at $0.20/kWh) if bitcoins are still worth 20usd/btc.
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