If no exploit is found within bitcoin itself, prices will increase as they get more popular.
when will you get the extra cards?
Tommorow, and the day after tommorow. I have 5 more in the mail.
I can't wait to see temperatures with 3 more video cards stuffed in the case.
I am very pleased and surprised that my Sapphire HD 5830 is staying at a constant 68c with core at 1000 and memory at 300 with no voltage mod. Does anyone know the maximum core clock and voltage that this card can handle?
Bitcoins are a real investment, don't automatically trust anyone.
Difficulty has risen too high to be profitable, sell your hardware now! If you bought from newegg, refund.
A botnet would ruin mining for everyone by driving difficulty levels to impossible, but bitcoin will still hold it's value and might even drive up prices.
Seriously not worth it to do watercooling. You are looking at adding $100 for each video card you put a waterblock on. And if you do it wrong, you lose everything in your PC case.
Give them to me. Jk.
Your cards should never use crossfire when doing mining. Your video memory should also be set to something less than 500. There should be one miner per card with each set to aggressive.
I have that Scythe "ULTRA KAZE" fan too it moves like three times a normal fan and will definitely take off a finger.   That's why they call it the Scythe 
How much money(in USD) will you leave in the market to possibly explode?
So we are also helping decrypt Osama's harddrives? COOL.
Oh well, if the market is still great, it won't matter. That is a jump that I do not like to swallow though.
When I get me 2gh/s rig running tommorw, ill start handing out 0.01 bitcoins.
Already sold out, good thing I have a preferred newegg account.