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1  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: [FREE] $5 worth of BTC to the first 50 people on: June 08, 2016, 02:14:27 AM
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: HelpCoin | Airdrop | Get in Quick on: June 05, 2016, 03:07:17 AM
I don't know how to do any of this
Just find an address you have previously used on Bitcointalk that is linked to your account or a pgp key, sign a message with it and send that to theymos. If you don't know how to sign a message, this post will help you: How to sign a message?!

Also, scroll down to the bottom of this thread and click "move topic" and then select "Meta" from the list of boards.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Egyptian police arrest a man for trading bitcoin on localbitcoin on: June 03, 2016, 04:05:21 AM
Maybe he is selling bitcoin bitcoin for not a provably fair price thats why he arrested or there's someone who reported that he selling bitcoin for not provably fair price..
What are you talking about?? Roll Eyes

There were similar incidents in different parts of the world, where someone dealing with bitcoins was arrested but iirc, it always involved huge cash trades, so maybe it isn't about bitcoin but tax fraud and money launder.
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Australian Newsstands to Sell Bitcoin Over-the-Counter on: June 03, 2016, 02:52:52 AM
If you can buy bitconi anonymous, without any id, than its good and might be worth paying more than exchange fees. If ID is required, I prefere to stay with exchanges, as prices there will be considerably cheaper than in the newstands for sure.
When buying from exchanges, you first have to provide the ID, then wait to get verified before you're allowed to buy/sell and you have to use one of the payment methods accepted by the site which further delays the procedure, whereas when buying from over the counter, you can do it instantly, even if ID is required (which I am sure it will be) many will still prefer to buy bitcoins this way, I just hope that cash is also accepted. As for the fee, it is mentioned in the article already.

A minimum amount of AUD50 will have to be purchased at a time, however, which will be subject to 4% commission.
5  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Free Bitwala debit card... for the price of your ID? on: June 01, 2016, 01:43:51 AM
I have never used any of the online services which asks for my personal info and I will NEVER use them, the danger of getting your id stolen and misused is much greater and if I wanted to use a debit card I can use the one issued by my bank.
6  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Thoughts? Is bitcoin dice overrated / overused? on: June 01, 2016, 01:39:22 AM
Definitely overused, every week a couple of new ones pop up and the worse part is that there is nothing new, same UI, same script with less trust and age. I play at the old/trusted ones but if a new one looks decent then I give it a shot with few pennies.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Should there be public awareness campaigns to warn new users about Ponzi schemes on: June 01, 2016, 01:28:27 AM
From my experience of all the time spent on this forum is very few users pay attention to what you say, mostly they do what they feel like, they're always warned about dangers of storing bitcoins in web wallets, not using escrow, using paypal and staying away from Ponzi schemes but did that ever made any difference? You can go ahead and try OP but expect very little/no change.
8  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: Bit2048 - A Bitcoin clone of 2048! on: May 29, 2016, 04:53:10 AM
This game is addicting, I just wasted an hour I think, don't know if this one is the 2048 one or not but here's the screenshot of it:

If that is the one OP, the address is in my profile.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Hacker Donates $11k of Stolen Bitcoin to Kurdish Fighters Battling ISIS on: May 28, 2016, 03:12:04 AM
Can't be called a noble cause, stealing from others to donate to whatever is just as bad. Hackers themselves are nothing short of terrorists and that hacker is not too much different from IS itself.
10  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What is worse - Losing all your btc to slots, dice, etc? on: May 27, 2016, 02:58:15 AM
Losing is losing, no matter during which game it happens. The only time it is real painful is when you're absolutely sure that you're not going to lose, for example betting on Djokovic at 2016 Monte Carlo Masters in the round of 32 and he losing to Jiri Vesely, totally unexpected, must have caused gamblers to lose millions.

Suggest more poll options!
"Doesn't matter"
11  Economy / Gambling / Re: Direct Dice from Direct Bet on: May 27, 2016, 02:45:51 AM
Every roll is independent from the previous one, what you're mentioning as systematically is called Martingale and it requires unlimited bankroll because there is no guarantee that even after hitting 10 reds you'll hit a green at the 11th roll. Try it if you don't believe this, you'll learn yourself soon enough.
12  Economy / Gambling / Re: ♔ DICE.BIZ █ Bitcoin Gambling Casino █ Live Chat █ FREE Bitcoins! ♔ on: May 27, 2016, 02:40:02 AM
The dice market is already saturated with so many good/trusted ones, if you still wanted to make a dice site, you could have at-least made something original, the new UI and features does attract players, even though the game play is similar.
13  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: I need help !!!!! on: May 27, 2016, 02:35:12 AM
Follow this thread every bitcoin signature campaign get listed there, other than that keep looking at Services section, sometimes the applicants quota is filled even before it gets added to the overview thread and lastly, there are signature campaigns in altcoin boards as well.
14  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do you trust to bitcoin casinos? on: May 26, 2016, 03:20:50 AM
I only play at the ones which have been here from a long time, for example Primedice and the ones which are provably fair and anonymous. As for winning/losing is concerned, its all part of the game, though you're not completely wrong that in the long run house always wins.
15  Economy / Gambling / Re: reliable site on: May 26, 2016, 03:14:34 AM
For me it has to be DirectBet, in-fact that is the only site I use to bet on sports with BTC, have been betting with them since as long as I can remember and never had any problems.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Do you like to hoard your BTC or spend it? on: May 26, 2016, 03:13:46 AM
Both, but I think the ability to spend it make me feel that bitcoin is a real money!

BTW, where did you get your tips from? Are these tips in bitcoin or fiat?
Oh I'm a waiter XD
So you convert them to BTC every night? How? But however you do it, this is a good way of accumulating bitcoins, use the salary to make a living and save the tips for future. As for me, I like to hodl it as much as possible but I do spend it where I can.
17  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Japan Passes Bill to Regulate Bitcoin Exchanges... on: May 26, 2016, 02:47:44 AM
Hi Guys!!

Japan has enacted a bill today that will see the regulation of operators of virtual currency exchanges... a Japan Times report revealed it... The revised law will go into effect within a year of its promulgation.

The regulations will help improve the trust in the virtual currency? how? why?
Nothing new, for legal exchanges it is required almost everywhere to keep records of anyone buying/selling currencies and for that all the users who trade at those exchanges will be required to provide KYC documents. The regulations helps as users can buy/sell with confidence without having to worry about getting scammed and/or getting arrested. These regulations though may appear bad as they take away your anonymity of buying/selling BTC but it is good for long term mainstream adoption.
18  Economy / Web Wallets / Re: Can't send BTC from wallet on: May 26, 2016, 02:31:08 AM
Is it safe to use a web-based generated address & private key for long term personal use? Who knows the site owner could just sweep it all away.

Perhaps OP should generate a non-web based personal address for better peace of mind.
Of-course it is not safe, even though Blockchain and claims that the keys are generated client side and they receive no copies of it but still there have been instances where the wallets were compromised due to the fault of user/blockchain? not sure.. But if you must use it, at-least take the time to back-up your keys and enable 2fa which should add some security. Also, only keep coins for your daily usage there, preferably less than 0.1  BTC.
19  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Sweeping Paper Wallets to Electrum Wallet on: May 26, 2016, 01:58:12 AM
@ bitbaby

Thanks for your respond, ok so i entered the uncompressed one to the sweep box, and it went through. It popped up "Transaction" and gave me the options to copy it, save, broadcast, and close. I checked the electrum wallet i sent it to and it still has no balance. What do i need to do to put my paper wallet value into an electrum wallet??...]

Thanks, JD
You have to broadcast it, Electrum will then transfer all the coins from your paper wallet minus the fee to one of the address of your Electrum wallet. The balance will then show up in Electrum. Remember to back up your seed and consider the paper wallet not fit for cold storage any more.
20  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Anyone really know and use Bitgold? on: May 25, 2016, 03:04:54 AM
I made an account when they opened up for business and were apparently giving some free bitgold to sign up but then I remember that some people claimed that when tried to withdraw, they were asked to make a deposit first and to me that is shady and yells of scam. So I never used them after that.
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