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1  Economy / Services / Re: UnicornHasher Hosting, Leasing and Monitoring services on: May 22, 2014, 05:16:06 PM
Hey there. Renting UnicornGS00 (Scrypt 9.70 MH/s) and hashrate went down almost 2MH/s over 10 mins ago. Any problems? Thanks for checking!
2  Economy / Reputation / Re: Darevdoge Reputation Thread on: May 02, 2014, 06:22:37 PM
Hey there. Just rented mo.miner and she's having a rough start. I PM'd you. Could you take a look please. Thanks.

Edit: Response was just a little slow, but she is hashing away now at a steady 2.2 Mh/s. Looking good  Grin

Edit:  She's been a pretty stable rig.  I just re-upped for another 3 hours!  Smiley
3  Economy / Reputation / Re: rob1313 reputatation thread on: April 30, 2014, 11:45:30 PM
Rob1313 PM'd and made things right for my previous rental and was MORE than generous with extra hashpower!
Thanks Rob1313!
4  Economy / Reputation / Re: rob1313 reputatation thread on: April 30, 2014, 11:27:30 PM
Hey there. I sent you a PM. Thanks for making this right! Appreciated!
5  Economy / Reputation / Re: Boozer's Rep Thread on: April 30, 2014, 11:01:44 PM
Hey Boozer. I'm renting Tron again and it keeps deleting my primary pool. I was building up a nice hashrate on my pool then boom. No hash. I checked and it was on my secondary. Can you stop this from happening. My primary pool is my primary pool for a reason  Wink  Thanks man!

Edit: Boozer, Tron just turned off. Can you make this right for me please?  Thanks.
6  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gamer67 Rep/Trust Thread on: April 30, 2014, 08:48:38 PM
Thanks a lot for looking into this and the added time! Much appreciated!
7  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gamer67 Rep/Trust Thread on: April 30, 2014, 08:16:23 PM
Renting Game1 and Gamer 3 and they both stopped working. I don't know how long ago, because I was just checking in. Can you look into this and correct as needed. Thanks.
8  Economy / Reputation / Re: Boozer's Rep Thread on: April 29, 2014, 08:17:18 PM
Boozer is a straight up operator and super communicative. Comped time for a bad gpu fan during my last run. I just rented another 4Mhash beast. Thanks again. Your hour deals are amazeballs, fyi!
9  Economy / Reputation / Re: rob1313 reputatation thread on: April 29, 2014, 06:31:03 PM
Problem with your rig I just rented. Hashboxlease isn't working. Says it is online but no shares are being submitted. Both of my pools are configured correctly.  Can you please investigate and credit. Thanks.

Edit:  This rig is really not working well. I know they are gridseed, but hashrate hasn't met it's max not even close. Keeps going offline, and wont submit to my pools.  So far really not happy with this rental.

2nd Edit:  She appears to be stabilizing now and working better. Hashrate just went up to over the rated. Looking good now.
10  Economy / Reputation / Re: Boozer's Rep Thread on: April 29, 2014, 06:21:12 PM
Hey there. I'm renting Louise right now and hashrates haven't hit rated hash of 4.5Mh/s only hitting 4.35 consistently. Is this a leaserig reporting error, or is she just not hitting her max?  Thanks man. Your rigs are awesome overall. I'm renting 3 right now!

Edit:  I'm renting 4 of your rigs right now Smiley
11  Economy / Reputation / Re: RIAZG's Reputation Thread on: April 29, 2014, 04:17:31 PM
I've rented CanadianThunder a handful of times and that 1Mh/s beast is steady, reliable, very few rejects and is a killer deal for 4 hours! Thanks for hosting a great rig! I'll be renting again for sure!!
12  Economy / Reputation / Re: Boozer's Rep Thread on: April 28, 2014, 04:19:01 AM
Taking LRP4 out for her inaugural spin! She's hashing a bit slow so far, but she'll pick up I'm sure. Looking to hit some more blocks! Thanks.
13  Economy / Services / Re: UnicornHasher Hosting, Leasing and Monitoring services on: April 28, 2014, 12:46:15 AM
I am currently renting Unicorn 11 and Unicorn 18. Your rigs are solid little hashers at affordable prices! Few rejects and high acceptance! I'll be back again!
14  Economy / Reputation / Re: Boozer's Rep Thread on: April 27, 2014, 11:53:12 PM
I rented your hashmonster 4.10Mh/s beast Tron for an hour and I've hit two blocks so far! I just rented for another hour. Steady hashing with few rejects! Thanks for hosting solid rigs and having a one hour affordable rate for some beastly power! Cheers!
15  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gamer67 Rep/Trust Thread on: April 27, 2014, 01:46:06 AM
Hey again. Just re-upped Gamer2 and Gamer3 for another ride! Great hashing with very few rejects on either rig. Thanks a lot!
16  Economy / Services / Re: UnicornHasher Hosting, Leasing and Monitoring services on: April 27, 2014, 01:25:29 AM
Hey there. I just leased two of your gridseed rigs, Unicorn 13 and Unicorn 18. Both up and running straight away! Thanks for smooth rigs! Cheers!
17  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gamer67 Rep/Trust Thread on: April 26, 2014, 09:39:16 PM
Thanks for the 30 min extension on Gamer 2 and Gamer 3! I just renewed contracts on both for additional 3 hours each! Thanks again!
18  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gamer67 Rep/Trust Thread on: April 26, 2014, 07:15:33 PM
Woohoo. Hashing time! I just rented Gamer 2 AND Gamer 3. I'm thinking about snagging Gamer 1 too. Smiley
Thanks for hosting smooth rigs!
19  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: - Clean out your closet for btc! on: April 23, 2014, 05:47:26 PM
Hi there. I have emailed you several times about claiming my doge balance from stuffcoins. I sold my item well over a week ago, and haven't received payment to my wallet after 7 days. You state 5 days is the maximum for payment. I would appreciate a response of some kind. I have over 14k doge waiting that I cannot do anything with while it is sitting on your site. I appreciate your hard work, but when you don't respond and don't follow your own guidelines, it makes your site look shady.  username: vacation_money

EDIT: I never received any correspondence of any kind from the site owner. However, I did receive my Dogecoin withdrawal on 4/27. Think I will discontinue use of the site. Bummer.
20  Economy / Reputation / Re: suchmoon reputation thread on: April 16, 2014, 04:32:38 PM
Just rented your 1.4M hasher for an hour (cuz I'm a poor shibe Wink) Great response speed and looks like it's gonna be a fun hour of digging! Thanks for providing a great rig and I hope to be able to re-rent with your 5%bonus!! Cheers!
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