Pretty good airdrop this is.
But the telegram group can't be joined.
Could anybody design a signature for XCoin campaign? We could spread this project quickly.
It make no sence in mining X11 with gpu comparing asic mining.
If we speak about decentralization then we have to choose gpu-mining, not asic in fact. Something like neoscrypt, xevan, equihash or anyone asic-resistant. Just my 2c.
+1. If this need a strong support from miners, algo needs to be changed . is X11 asic-resistant algo?
Looks a nice designed wallet,looking forword to more feateures released.if you need a Chinese translation,don't hesitated to ask me to do it.
seems a great project. Let me have a look at the ScreenShots of the XCoin
never get the coins, what's wrong? Mate,Post the address here is not allowed!
Hello ZeroNet, thank you for the airdrop coins! I was impressed with how fast they were received. Do you have a Slack and or Discord channels so that the community can begin discussing how to build and enhance the ZeroNet ecosystem? Airdrop coins need development, uses cases, business adoption, web presence and promotion in order to appreciate in value.
Thanks again!
If anybody would like to start community channels, please feel free....I will add them to the front page ANN. Somebody already started a telegram group, check the ANN Joined already.and are you in the group?
Brand new accounts created after thread date will be ignored to prevent multiple airdrops.
Should the account registered before 1 / 1/ 2017 not inclueded
I found that the project very interesting,But,It'll be a big problem of the distribution,I also think that should be reconsidered .
Hi OP, Address sent. Hope I get some too.
Could be a great project,do you need a community manager?
Yes,I've joined slack too. Slack id:bitboy eth address:0x247a5345c59aceCBe1A5FA47Fe082DB46aC33fb9
Looks like a good project and wanna join the campaign now,But for first step you guys should add the signatures to the bounty thread for participators ,isn't it?
以前我们比他们贵,现在他们比我们贵,三大交易所是自己不让提币的,和央妈一点毛关系也没有的 知道就行了,多囤币吧,跟房市是一个道理,越限购越要买。 估计下一步还有更狠得招数,还好,这是比特币,不会惧怕任何砸场子的小丑。 他妈的,我的币都在OK里面,说不给提就不给提了,讲理么?真是日了 其实真正的原因没那么复杂,说不定就是因为怕挤兑,真实的币没有那么多,所以变相的找了一个渠道来释放这些压力,然后打压币价直至降低到一定的水平,用成本价买入大量币来发给这些平台的用户。反正如果不降价,你在平台的币是没戏了。
ICO概略 https://taas.fund已筹集3002BTC,当前红利是17.5%。 投资: 3,002.64 BTC 3,543,114.20美金 剩余天数: 19 投资者: 1656 话说这些项目还真是牛逼啊,我看前面有个新项目又要开始ICO了,和这个项目有很多地方很相似,不知道幕后是不是一个老板和团队哦。兄弟你有没有做那个项目的翻译啊。好像他们也有QQ群了,就是咱QQ群主那天发的那个。
最后还是发了,不发我就去闹,他闹得过吗?到时候价格崩盘了还背负骂名了。 而且我又不是没翻译好,他们还有中国人做社区经理的,如果翻译不对,他们早说了。 赚点钱也不容易啊,我还得讨债。。 层主略屌,有没有加入那个QQ群,你QQ号是多少,回头请教一下啊,咱们也算是为数不多的几个经常混BITCOINTALK的老油条了吧,包团取暖,聚一聚,商量一下怎么才能获得更多羊毛啊,最近经济不好,上班都没活干了, 好郁闷啊我的哥。
文中提到Bo Shen是全球区块链行业的知名投资者,目前担任分布式资本的联合创始人,也是万向区块链实验室的发起人。但事实上,其本人从未就职过万向控股,无不用说担任过任何职位,这文中所说的“就职于万向控股”不知道记者是如何脑补出来的——————————由此而知,楼主本人对沈波先生是十分了解的,想必也是圈内某知名写手,既如此,何妨用真实身份站出来和他们理论一番,你用newbie account 发帖,明显在一开始就输了一筹啦。