So after months on preparation ideas and fails, I'm finally operating right now with 10 S9s (120 TH/s) and 4 L3+(2000MH/s) just to let you guys know it costed me a lot of time ti find a place with with enough power capacity and then it costed me 7000$ for an electrician to do 32 outlets on that room for me. i also bought 2 portable AC/s and a few fans. so what you guys think? pictures: you are venting the heat out....why have the portable A/c units at all?
By the way, if anyone is looking for my recommendation for what to do about the August 1 fork that just happened, I recommend that anyone who had bitcoin holdings at the time of the fork safely get hold of their bitcoin cash and sell it all ASAP for bonus bitcoin though it's tricky at the moment due to slow blocks and exchanges. is one of the easiest ways to move it directly to btc. Here's a bit of a guide about how to proceed: importantly, make sure to move your real bitcoin to new addresses before selling your bitcoin cash to prevent replay protection from trashing your bitcoin and don't let the bcash software anywhere near your secure bitcoin data. how do I know if I have BCH ?
Bitfinex Outage Causes Temporary BTC/USD Price Plunge,....... that's why I sold my steak and am stocking my freezer with chicken I think its quite odd that they had two outages in twenty-four hours. ........just saying.
Way to go Omtest with another block. You are killing it, congratz.
Omtest's boxes are the luckiest I have seen. 3 in the last 24 hours and 6 since March....not bad for only 250 Th.
Well there's some minor confusion in that, that I don't quite follow his wording  So I'll repeat stuff I've said before and explain it in more detail. I the past, I paid all the transaction fees from my mining. No one else had to pay for any txn fees. Firstly, I used to put 0.002 fee on each transaction - about $140 a month - no big deal. It seems that bitcoin wants about 0.02 fee or there abouts. That would be about $1400 a month ... so yeah too much in my opinion. Our job as a pool is to confirm transactions. Really it's now pointless using a 0.002 fee since it often doesn't get confirmed by any other pools for hours. Recently I had my miner off by mistake and when I got to doing the payout my miner total was less than 0.002 So I changed the payout processing to allow me to set a zero fee - i.e. don't take anything from my mining. I also sorted it out to guarantee that I could ensure the zero fee pool payout transaction would be in our block work. I've now set the payouts to always be zero fee. Side effect of it all is the payout will (almost always) only be confirmed by the next block we find after I send the payout. Current hash rate (30PH) expects on average 3.3 blocks a day, so payouts should be rare to take more than a day. Zero Fee! Congrats on the move.....and thank you very much. .....especially on the payout schedule too. Just much do you actually mine yourself?
Oh the irony  replicator's block was found on the DE node ... in plain english that means what?? It means it was unusual that he hit that block when he was on the DE node since the DE node had been up and down like a yo-yo just before the block. whew.....I thought the worst! "O"
Oh the irony  replicator's block was found on the DE node ... in plain english that means what??
is there any way to set the App Store to so that I can use it on my iPhone 4 which runs IOS 7 [its limit]?
Cheers to jittyz for punching out our latest block! Schweet, getting us back in the green!
....and a small farm he has too! Two blocks over the last week! Thanks!!
The last four blocks world-wide was found through Antpool, all within the last hour. Thats a run of good luck I would say.
Will be doing a CKDB restart after 01:00 UTC - a bit after 01:20 UTC I think it will be. No miners will be affected. Web site will show lotsa '?' ... for about 15-20 minutes.
This will be a longer than normal restart to get a lot more logging of the sequence numbers that I'm trying to resolve the issue in the new code. It will actually be 2 restarts - so about twice as long.
It will be the shift summary after 01:00 UTC which should be a bit after 01:20 UTC
Once again...Kudo's on the notification! Very much appreciated. PS. Maybe it will kick-start some newly found blocks too. ;-)
Is there a way to prevent Orphan blocks? I know we see only about two a month, but still.
Thanks for your thoughts.
What happen to 12TMhCpLtAWNk8NiWDQ2FDxc9QYvUKWKVy? Did he create an account or left? was a great block finder here......
maybe he/she didn't like the "bad luck". Bad luck? Well we certainly haven't had GREAT luck recently. ....and a couple of Orphans too. i am not complaining, just making an observation.
What happen to 12TMhCpLtAWNk8NiWDQ2FDxc9QYvUKWKVy? Did he create an account or left? was a great block finder here......
maybe he/she didn't like the "bad luck".
one more previously never seen condition handled. was watching for a bit to be sure, but okay again at this point.
working for me fine now....thanks. the App "Badge" says 13 now. What does 13 mean?
my iPad App, which runs on a iPad 2 with IOS 9.3.1, is not showing my miners any longer. This started happening a day or so ago. It worked great for a month or so. Over on the Kano postings I see others are reporting similar results. Thoughts?
my App, which runs on a iPad with IOS 9.3.1, is not showing my miners any longer. This started happening a day or so ago. It worked great for a month or so. Over on the Kano postings I see others are reporting similar results. Thoughts?
the kano pool monitor is malfunctioning - it does not show log ins and is appearing on screen as logged in. also the categories are not visible. is this known to the admin yesterday some of my miners were not showing up in the App even though the website showed they were mining just fine, too. Today nothing is showing up in the CKPool App either. something is clearly wrong.
Morning Block by bitminerpro! That would be his 113th kano block!  With an S3 too, maybe??
3 out of four of the last blocks same user. Rockin' !
should we be suspicious or thankful?