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Let's share ideas guys. If you have $1000, how would you spend /invest it?
Let's hear from you.
As for me, i will save $500 , Use $200 to trade cryptocurrency while i invest $300 in 3 coins of choice, $100 a piece.
How about you?
I would buy EOS, TRON and Fantom
Suggest popular android games in 2017.
I recommend The Battle of Polytopia
I really like the way Senegal plays
I dоn't put mоnеу in shаdу prоjеcts. оnlу thоsе whо cаn chаngе this wоrld аrе wоrth tо invеst in. аs fоr аdvicе, find sоmеthing thаt mаkеs уоu mоtivаtеd аnd dоn't listеn tо оthеr pеоplе, whо аrеn't еxpеrts, trу аnd trу аgаin, scаlе уоur businеss аnd invеstmеnts
I think аltоcоins аrе gооd fоr thе tеchnоlоgу tо imprоvе аnd nеw usе cаsеs fоr blоckchаin.
i got it, it took like 15 hours though
anonibet, why did you send my withdraw with no fee?
can someone help me? i have the same problem OP was having, they sent me my coins without a transaction fee -_-
any update?
on what? i still cannot place bets because of these errors
omg cloudbet really? i could not place a bet on the los angeles angels vs kansas city because you guys are experiencing and unexpected error or that the odds have changed when they in fact didn't change. this is really starting to irritate me. I though you guys were over that? now i missed out on a perfect betting opportunity because of you.
so i should treat that one bitcoin as income? but then what happens once i sell it does it go back to the capital gain tax?
P.S. thanks for all your help guys
Okay so i understand that all bitcoin i receive is taxed as income and then taxed for capital gain once i sell but say this happens- I loan 10 bitcoins out and then at the end of the month i get 11 bitcoins back with the 10 being my principal and the extra 1 as interest. would i only need to pay taxes for the 1 bitcoin since i payed taxes already on my other 10 or is there something wrong with my assumptions?
did anyone can open right now?
not me i'm still having problems
503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.
Hmmmmm Did you delete your server? LOL
----------------- EDIT
problem has fixed.
kulme how was the problem fixed as i'm having this problem from now
is anybody not able to reach cloudbet's site or is it just me? 503 error service unavailable.
hey why is the over/under locked on some mlb games? theyre locked
whether they want to or not thats fine, and i'm asking the community for suggestions on the amount. I though i made that clear on the first post.
I have already gotten loans on that site, i was just letting other people know if they would like to or not.
I have a loan on btcjam that i'm going to pay on Wednesday then afterwards i want to open another loan with a 1 week term and a 5% interest. you can check out my profile with the link below. I'm asking so that i can know how much i can ask for. if you guys have any questions please let me know i'll gladly answer them.