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1  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: February 07, 2025, 12:14:21 PM
An investor always wants to earn a good profit. For this, he always looks for alternatives, some invest weekly, some monthly and even annually. But the more he can hold, the more he will profit. An investor should plan for the future and invest, because no action is good in a hurry. Hasty actions are more likely to be profitable than profitable. If someone invests for a long time, then he has a high chance of earning a good profit, but if someone's financial condition is not good, he can earn profit even in short-term expenses when the market is good.
The thing is that you can even predict the market and if you are expecting to make profit in a short term investment you can't even tell if this will be possible. If you enter the market with the mindset to make profit in a short term investment, you can be disappointed because at this point you will be so desperate and expecting so much because in your mind you are expecting profit in a short time.
It is more better when you make decisions to make your investment long-term because bitcoin investment is all about longterm,  with longterm investment you will be able to accumulate huge amount of Bitcoin, and with this you font have to expect profit from bitcoin so quick because you already made up your mind it is a longterm investment. With long-term investment it is very sure you can be able to make profit while you hodl but short term investment there is no guarantee to make a better profit.
2  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Possible ways to stop crime. on: February 07, 2025, 10:31:19 AM
Your suggestions and view on this matter can be a savior to our society, thank you.
One of the things that contributes to the increase of crime is hunger and lack of jobs, when people are are hungry and have no jobs that can generates income and also keeps them to be busy, what comes to their mind is crime. The government has so much roles to plat to reduce the level of crime in the environment. I know even if the government provides everything, there will still be some persons who sees crime as a lifestyle but the government providing what the people want will surely reduce the rate of crime in the society.  In the societies where government are able to provide the basic things, crime rates are on the increase.
3  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: "Crypto people are criminals" Seun Kuti. on: February 06, 2025, 08:44:52 AM
Because his sister lost $50 million, he said crypto people are criminals. He should understand the risk involved before investing on those pump and dump coins.

Why no invest in bitcoin if they want a coin that is not pump and dump? Why not make proper research?

But if we should tell the truth, pump and dump scheme is not something good. I think Davido coin and others supposed teach many people a lesson

$50 million is not a small amount of money at all. So sorry for the loss.
$50 million is such a huge money for one to invest in sometimes you don't even have a better understanding about. The mistake most people always make, they go into investment like this and not trying to know the risk that is involved.  I'm sure she never knew this is too risky if not she would not have invested such an amount. If people try to understand what they are going into , I'm sure they will have to make a good decision on what to invest and even if the investment turns to be unprofitable at last they won't be surprise about it because they already know anything can happen along the line.
4  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: What should a new beginner in crypto market do? on: February 04, 2025, 04:23:48 PM
Let me also add to what you have. As a beginner it important to know,  never to consider crypto trading or investing a means of income that you can rely on. Have a source of income that you can always look up to. It is also important to trade and invest with the amount of money that you can afford to lose. Also know greed and emotion are so effective in trading that can ruin your trading down if you are not able to control them. Always go for the right coin to trade and invest by doing your own research,  don't be too quick to accept things you out there from other people.
5  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: February 04, 2025, 03:54:32 PM
The current time is to buy Bitcoin dips, because the price of Bitcoin was dumped from $105k to $90k. You should note that if you could buy a dip here, then you would definitely have enough to hold for a long time. Buy Bitcoin at the low point and save it for a long time, after holding it for a long time with maximum benefits, you will definitely reach the highest peak.
See more details and buy Bitcoin dip, :

What you said here looks like you don't actually understand Bitcoin investment because you sound like if someone doesn't buy at the Dip they won't be able to hold for a long period of time which is not true any investor who is serious with Bitcoin investment will keep on accumulating and holding Bitcoin for as long as possible whether they buy at the Dip or not but the Dip always give an investor an opportunity or privilege to double or increase their portfolio if an investor have the capacity to...
Whether dip or no dip just accumulate bitcoin, the reason for buying bitcoin shouldn't be only when the dip takes place in the market.  Accumulating bitcoin even when the price is not dip doesn't mean if you hodl for long you won't make profit out from it. Most people misunderstand the buying of bitcoin as if it is only during the dip bitcoin is meant to be bought. I wish some people understand accumulating bitcoin at all time is also good not only the dip I thin they would have achieved a lot than waiting for the dip or trying to know when is the best time one needs to buy bitcoin.
6  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Signature Campaign | Full member+ | Up to $90/week on: February 02, 2025, 08:46:35 PM
Rank: Full member
Segwit btc address: bc1qgfchutj39n0s5vz5kmrew5rt690en3705rwr2j

It will be a privilege to work with you
7  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: February 01, 2025, 09:04:34 AM
We are really not 100 % sure that our Bitcoin investment will bring profit because there's still a little bit of risk involved in Bitcoin investment whether long-term investment or short-term investment, so therefore I agree that bitcoin may not give someone the  huge returns that most people expect it to actually give them.
There's high risk involve in investing in Altcoin and should be avoided a lot of it are even scam created to manipulate people.
Bitcoin is only risky when you have in mind just to invest to make quick profit, so far as you have the understanding that Bitcoin investment is a long-term investment you will definitely get profit in hodling. You can also get a huge profit investing bitcoin using the DCA method in accumulating bitcoin. Just like in every investment,  you invest money in it to give you a fine profit same as bitcoin which you need to accumulate bitcoin. Bitcoin investment is a profitable investment with huge profits so far as hodling is involve,  you can't just invest just for a short time expecting to get huge profits,  it doesn't work that way. Bitcoin is only risky for those who lack understanding and profitable for those who want to get rich quick.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is difficult to understand on: February 01, 2025, 06:57:53 AM
It is very difficult to access except for professional developers and majors. Cry Cry Cry
I believe when you say bitcoin is difficult to understand you mean the technical aspect of bitcoin, well it is an advantage to bitcoin security and I don't expect it to be easy to understand.

 Bitcoin as an asset and investment it is very easy to understand,  I think this is the most important aspect we need to look into and take advantage of bitcoin.
9  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling is for the strong Hearted on: January 31, 2025, 06:56:30 PM

Yes, that is right because if you still playing gambling without think about the risk of losing the money, you will desperate when you see the losses. That situation will become worst if you lose control of yourself and makes you still playing gambling without realize your losses. There is a time for us to playing gambling and take a break for a while after we gambling because that is for prevention from the lost self control. We cannot always win in gambling so we must realize that gambling is just for have fun without any intention to chase the win.
Gambling is all about understanding and when it is well understood very well even if their is a lose their won't be hard feelings. Gambling is always easy and fun when gamblers understand it better because at this point one will always gamble with the money they can afford to lose and one will know his/her of playing.  When people also understand that gambling can't serve as a source of income it also help gamblers to play for fun without expecting so much. If one is able to get all these about gambling it becomes very entertaining but some gamblers struggles with gambling because they do not have the main understanding of what it is.
10  Economy / Services / Re: 👉 {OPEN} Spinarium Review Campaign | Duration: 10 days | Everyone gets paid. on: January 31, 2025, 12:47:37 PM
Spinarium ID : 2758591
Btc address: bc1qgfchutj39n0s5vz5kmrew5rt690en3705rwr2j
11  Economy / Services / Re: 👉 {OPEN} Poolbit Review Campaign | Duration: 10 days | Everyone gets paid. on: January 31, 2025, 12:46:48 PM
Poolbit ID: y3shott
Btc address: bc1qgfchutj39n0s5vz5kmrew5rt690en3705rwr2j
12  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: Nigeria needs Bitcoin national reserves on: January 31, 2025, 07:41:48 AM
Let have your say
You funny sha. How you take wan even think sey a thing like dat will happen in Nigeria? Any country wey dey use corruption baff nor go wan to use Blockchain do dem transactions because of the level of transparency involved. Nothing dey hidden on d chain. No magomago at all at all. Make I even ask sef, wetin even happen to d e-Naira wey Bubu administration floated just to make a caricature of Bitcoin and divert owa attention from cryptos? Where dat wan dey now? Shebi e don cast?   
As in ehh! we can't really buy the idea of how other nation are using bitcoin as a reserved funds because as you said our country is about 87% corrupted and this should be something that would affects us severely as i think they wouldn't want something that could reveal their Anus for every single transactions they are doing, and they must give accounts on how they are spending the Nation Funds or even if they don't give account believe me, You and I can easily track how those funds were (are) used or transacted. I know if our countries leaders are aware of Bitcoin mixers they wouldn't mind prioritizing mixers to hide their evil dids.
Do you think they don't know about mixers? This is something they won't even come open to tell people about. Even the bitcoin we think some of our politicians don't know about, they understand it and the mixers we think they do not know about they know it very well. These politicians they have people around them as assistants who are good in tech, these assistants are the ones who run there cheats for them.
Even if they maybe using the mixers to divert money for themselves,  I don't think they will still decide to accept Bitcoin as a reserve or to run the government because transparency reasons.
13  Economy / Economics / Re: Does government policies affect economic on: January 29, 2025, 10:01:36 AM
Policies are everything to economy,  when a good policy is made it can improve the economy and when a bad policy is made it can also affect the economy but our government have every opportunity of making good policies that can help to improve the economy but they neglect it and go for policies which will  be of good benefit to their own pocket. Goverment knows how policies are very important but what they care about is their personal gain that is why any policy that won't be of any benefit to them they do not go for it.
14  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: January 28, 2025, 06:35:26 AM
Most people just abandoned Bitcoin when the price is very very low. They don't even think that the price can surge and hit $100.000 because they think that is impossible. But then when the price slowly increase and hit many new ATH, they will start pay attention to Bitcoin although they still not trying to buy and hold Bitcoin.

They don't think to use Bitcoin as their investment because they are still prefer with their current investment such as gold and others. Or they don't want to open their minds to see the other opportunity to become rich in the future.
These are the same set of people that will tell you they are waiting for bitcoin price to come down low to buy bitcoin but they feel so comfortable to invest on shitcoins that has so much potentials to crash. If you don't have the real understanding of bitcoin everything will be used as reason for not being able to buy and invest. People who see bitcoin interesting to invest when the price is coming up, are only interested of it just because of greed, they want to make quick money from it but when bitcoin price is very low they do not bother to buy to invest. When the price of bitcoin goes up they will come up with a question if it is too late to invest in bitcoin.
15  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: What better ways can Bitcoin contribute to the economic situation in the country on: January 27, 2025, 06:53:41 PM
I greet una my country people. As we all know this our country condition don dey pass be careful, things done dey get out of hand. My question Na how Bitcoin fit take in any way help in making Sure the less privilege fit afford to purchase or invest in Bitcoin through any ways, since we all know the hiking level now.
Because of the hard economy it doesn't mean you can't afford bitcoin,  you can still buy bitcoin.  I know some people who are not even buoyant financially they still try their best to make little savings for themselves. That is to say if you can afford to make little savings for yourself,  then you can afford to invest bitcoin with the little money you have. This is even the best time one should think of investing bitcoin,  because now that the inflation is so high, it is not good to store or save money in fiat but to invest it in bitcoin because bitcoin has  a good value and it can be considered as a store of value.
16  Local / Politics and society (Naija) / Re: Reasons why some Nigerians aren't investing in Bitcoin and the negative impact. on: January 24, 2025, 09:14:50 PM
I think when you are talking about a topic like this, I will be best to come with facts, bring clear data"s to prove your points. Do not say things based on assumptions or what you noticed from your circle of friends and generalise all Nigerians. Their are good numbers of Nigerians that are investing in Bitcoin but they don't make noise about for the sake of privacy and this is how investing should look like, which you don't need to give people impression.

8] Bad reputation of Bitcoin - EFCC and the police has made it look like investing in Bitcoin is a crime because of how the harassment of people involve with Bitcoin and the yahoo boys has made it have a bad name in the eyes of Nigerian for those not educated or just ignorant.
Please try and correct this. Bitcoin does not have any bad reputation, instead it will be better if you say our security agents misunderstand Bitcoin because people still do crime with fiat.
17  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: January 22, 2025, 12:14:10 PM
To invest in Bitcoin, you only need to have the ability to take risks,
To invest bitcoin is not just about taking risks. Investing bitcoin is just very simple,  just get the understanding of bitcoin and invest according to your income and what you can afford. If you really have the understanding of bitcoin and you invest what you can afford you are not taking any risk because you know and understand what you are doing. Any investment that is risky is either you are investing with the money you can afford or a borrowed money,  or an investment that you are not sure about but you are just trying your luck to invest to see what the outcome will be.
you see MicroStrategy company is ready to invest in Bitcoin at any time. At present, the price of Bitcoin is going high, but they are not deprived of Bitcoin investment, rather they will buy Bitcoin today.
 Because they are following this DCA method, they are investing in Bitcoin regularly every week, this investment will make more Bitcoin investors excited for them in the future. And they are playing a significant role in making the Bitcoin market boom, you can see it and you can see their investment history, it will encourage every investor.

If you are considering the price of bitcoin, you will never invest. The price of bitcoin as been something people who don't understand bitcoin complain about even when bitcoin was well cheaper longtime ago. Buy bitcoin and hodl, the current price of bitcoin is not stopping you from making profit if you hodl bitcoin for the future.
18  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Betting centers in school environments… on: January 22, 2025, 01:09:12 AM
What I have come across in one of the tertiary institution is a sign post of a betting company but I haven't come across gambling shop. It's hard to see a gambling shop in a learning centre, I believe it is something the school management will not really accept in its environment because it has no connection with academic work and can also be distraction to some students. Like in my own case, when I came across the gambling sign post what came in my mind was maybe the gambling company gives support to some of the students of the institution maybe scholarships or something else. But it is so strange to see a gambling shop inside a campus, just hope some students won't see it as means to generate income.
19  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: Getting a good education on crypto currency needed before investing in it on: January 21, 2025, 12:23:11 PM
Many people till today is of the opinion that crypto is scam that is why they run away from it when crypto currencies like Bitcoin is mentioned. The question that normally comes to my mind is if the person is exposed to the crypto market and has this person been educated and gotten sufficient information about  the crypto market.

The thing is that anybody you see saying that cryptocurrency investment, especially bitcoin investment, is a scam is lacking in knowledge and understanding of what cryptocurrency investment looks like because if they had the knowledge, they wouldn’t say that, or some people say crypto investments are scams due to their past experiences; maybe they got scammed in the process of investing in a project or the other, so these kinds of people always say the crypto space is a scam.
It is only somebody who is ignorant can think this way, when scammers scam someone and the person loses money will they say money is scam? Scammers can come with a different strategies which they can get private details of your bank account which strangers are not supposed to come across,  and if they succeed in getting these details,  it won't make any sense to say money is scam,  you only gave out information which made it easy for these scammers to have access to your money. Bitcoin is not scam , people only make mistakes in giving out details for scam to get bitcoin. You will only lose valuable assets due to lack of understanding by handling it well or giving scammers the chance of getting it from you.
20  Economy / Services / Re: Signature & Avatar Campaign (FULL)(New Rates) on: January 21, 2025, 04:59:42 AM
Bitcointalk username: Y3shot
Profile link:;u=3374746
Post count:1638
Btc addy: bc1qgfchutj39n0s5vz5kmrew5rt690en3705rwr2j
Forum Rank: Full member
Current merit: 193
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