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1  Economy / Speculation / Re: ichimoku cloud says 3100$ is the cheapest bitcoin will ever be on: December 20, 2018, 05:36:43 PM
Sure Ichimoku is a somewhat good indicator, but indicators go wrong all the time. This has been tried extensively in other currency pairs and its not even that reliable these days

2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Clarifying rank rules on: December 14, 2018, 03:05:49 PM
You can gain max 14 "activity" in a 2 week-period( ) and the amount of activity depends on the number of posts you have already made.

Ex. 1) you post in 2 activity periods, you have 20 total posts. You have 20 activity in total
      2) You post in 2 activity periods, you have 28 posts. You have 28 activity in total
      3) You post in 2 activity periods, you have 35 posts. You have 28 activity in total
3  Economy / Services / Re: [FREE] Escrow or campaign manager services and others on: November 22, 2018, 09:29:51 AM
Do you have experience in escrowing funds? Include those examples if so
As an escrow can you please tell in details about your fee, provide escrow service for which type of currency, accounts, goods etc? Sothat anyone can see it on your post at a glance and make decision either they will provide your service or not. You can see example from: Few Trusted Escrow Provider

This seems like a good place to start from, if you're seriously looking forward to being trusted as an escrow. Seeing as I don't see you have a single trusted feedback from a trade
4  Other / Meta / Re: mass ban on: October 15, 2018, 01:26:21 PM
why did I make the same account, because my first account got banned, so I didn't post, so I made it with the same name I will be able to post again even though from the beginning again.
Not to give you any ideas but you've been IP banned, so any new account you try posting from will be banned as well. Basically its the mods telling you, you're not welcome in BCTtalk not now, not ever
5  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Help ! My activity (or rank) has not activated yet , even though I have sufficie on: October 15, 2018, 01:18:29 PM
You must be returning here after quite some time(on an alt I assume), but there's a new thing called merit now
6  Other / Meta / Re: So much negativity, so I'm going to be positive. on: October 15, 2018, 01:15:04 PM
I'm fed up with ignore lists, reporting, blocked boards and all those negative technique-
Nearly no one use, do or try those so you're not special in that regard. And if you frequent the forum often enough you should have quite a lot of good people/posts you can distribute merits to, just treat it as a (limited no. of)upvote on reddit and not a wand you can touch an account to power-up it up as nearly everyone here seems to do
7  Other / Meta / Re: Where to run a spam free bounty campaign? [new board?] on: October 15, 2018, 01:04:43 PM
Not sure where you get the idea that such a thing wouldn't be allowed in Games and Rounds. Just have a look at the board, you'll see that the threads are divided into Bitcoin based(obviously) , Dogecoin/altcoin based that mods haven't bothered moving to the correct section, and lastly the large portion being really random stuff(services, "Interest check", questions about giveaways which technically shouldn't be made into a diff. thread etc)  that mods wouldn't dare start touching with a 10 feet pole.

As long as you specify that the game will in the end be paying in BTC it should be fine anyways. And as for the part about creating a separate board, there hasn't been a need for it.

As for keeping it 'relevant' and spam-free, make it self-moderated and bump it everyday. If people want to play they'll join even with any harsh rules
8  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🔶 YOLOdice's Firest Ethereum Competition! 🔶 on: March 28, 2018, 07:43:58 AM
Oh nice, a new contest!

Who wants to play?

Makes no fun knowing doog will win with his "infinite" balance and playing with very low risk. There should be something like a maximum wagering amount during the contest; i.e. you can only wager up to 100 ETH / day for the contest (ofcourse you can play further but only 100 ETH will be counted) - something like that?
This is supposed to let those with higher balance win... what are you babbling about? Do you not know that there is still a chance he'd at a loss from doing those bets?
9  Economy / Services / Re: sMerit for T-shirt design on: March 08, 2018, 09:45:50 AM
Trading merits ain't a good idea if you want to at least have a neutral trust rating here.
10  Other / Meta / Re: It's time to let go the altcoin section and all the headache it brings on: February 27, 2018, 12:28:11 PM
The merit idea is stupid. The red trust marking are even more stupid. Some of the old timers cannot accept the new realities of crypto in general. For them, Bitcoin is the one true coin, one coin to rule them all. There are a lot of different tribes that exists in Bitcointalk. And it's really surprising that there is still no major drama happening. However I could see that it will be a tipping point which will bring the whole forum into chaos.

All the conflict does is aggravate everyone.

May I suggest that Theymos cut off the entire Altcoin section, and just move them off to another domain like maybe "" Ranks and usernames will be maintained in the new site.

This way, Bitcointalk will be about Bitcoin again and no more shitposting/spamming for campaigns. They can all shitpost in the new forum.
Just use the "Ignore board" in your account settings.
11  Other / Off-topic / Re: off Topic on: February 15, 2018, 12:45:29 PM
I don't see the point of opening these threads now that merits seem to be more important than pot. activity but still....

Laptops for sure.
12  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to spot a scam signature campain? on: February 05, 2018, 03:44:15 PM
1) Never before heard of campaign managers.
2) Aren't willing to escrow funds
3) Long payment periods
4) No proof of funds

The more things you cross of this list, the more likely it is that the campaign is a scam.
13  Other / Meta / Re: Merit & new rank requirements on: February 05, 2018, 03:39:52 PM

  • Blacklisting services such as fspamlist, StopForumSpam and BotScout keep databases of IP addresses, usernames and e-mail addresses used to post spam or register forum accounts. Forum software can query these lists and either deny posts or registration, or submit the request for human moderation.
  • Manual registration approval by administrators for each account.
  • Using a search engine to investigate usernames for hits as recognized spambots on other forums.
  • Blocking posts or registrations that contain certain blacklisted words.

I wonder if you know about any other antispam filtering method used on Bitcointalk? Or any other good filtering method used on other forums, that is not mentioned above?

Have a good day !
1) Done automatically when an account from one IP is banned.
2) The Evil points(or something similar if I remember correctly) system, where you have to pay a certain amount of BTC to get whitelisted if you're from a certain set of IP addresses.
3) Not exactly but I believe the bot managed by Mitchell does something similar
4) Same as 3.
14  Other / Meta / Re: LoyceV's Merit source application on: February 05, 2018, 03:32:05 PM
Which is why he should not only be a merit source,but a staff member.
It doesn't work that way, nearly no one who "wants" to become a mod becomes one on BCTtalk or we'd have either Lutpin or shorena be one(who are at the top for making the most reports AFAIK).

As for becoming a merit source, I believe this is way too early to ask to be one and secondly your examples aren't that noteworthy. I believe almost all longstanding reputed members have already been made into merit sources kind of like DT 1 when DT was introduced and to get in the "system" you'd have to get at least the approval from some merit sources(can't see any approval from a somewhat reputed member except nullius I guess). Well theymos rarely replies or reacts when you just make a thread, might as well send a PM with a link to this thread, don't expect a reply though.

P.S: I have the 36 sMerits things, does that mean I'm a merit source? Haven't been following the recent introduction of the new system yet.
15  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What to do when life purpose is lost? on: February 05, 2018, 03:09:45 PM
Aside from the following,
1. Broaden your horizon
2. Have a program of life
3. Make a difference
What one can do to regain the life purpose?
Have a matrimonial intercourse, you'll regain your purposes of life a.k.a the reason I have set a goal for myself a.k.a beg for enough Bitcoin to buy a room and not a cottage to have the experience of jumping.
Any merit source around? can I beg for a few merits? recently somebody questioned my earned merits ever since the merit was introduced, I have no excuse for not getting enough merits, so if you could donate some merits for that I am a beggar and have no place to go and earn money to reach my goals in life, this is how begging looks like, see I'm begging for it, a man has got to eat right? remember that when you are trying to ignore me. lol lol lol (note, it seems that when I lol, I could get merits easier than posting with no lol in it, so have a few more lol lol lol).
(what now? you're not going to make me a merit source because I'm a shit poster? don't expect more from a lowlife beggar)
My life had a purpose when I was running a full node on my laptop, I thought that I could earn money by setting the fee per transaction high on my full node, after finding out that was not possible, I tried to kill myself, somebody suggested to join signature campaigns to earn more than what I'd expected.

My latest goals for life: becoming a merit source with at least 5 smerits every 30 days to have the ability to rank up a newbie into a member after a year and leave something behind for my children, they could rank a member up to a senior member and their children could rank that same senior beggar account up to a hero member, if I haven't helped terrorists to end the world with nuclear bombs already before I die.
I'm not sure if you're serious or not(leaning towards not ), but those goals seem pretty unimpressive.

Edit: At least your begging worked I guess.
16  Other / Meta / Re: Merit & new rank requirements on: January 29, 2018, 04:18:11 PM
Huh, new system. Seems pretty complicated to rank up at the moment, considering how "valuable" merit points are right now. Oh well, I'm not one to talk, who doesn't like collecting fake internet points/karma/merits/likes....
17  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: -Sinner- scammed me for 50$ on: December 19, 2017, 09:33:47 PM
I just don't understand why people scam for 50$. It take months to build a profil on social media. They maybe make 0.1$/hour. They could make so much more  Undecided
I don't know if anyone else has heard it, but I heard this awesome thing you can do known as "account purchase" , apparently you can sell any of your old social media accounts in bulk for pennies. /s

Either that or he just scammed you because he could. There's been scams done here for less than a dollar, can't ever be safe without using an escrow.
18  Other / Meta / Re: Account banned? on: November 28, 2017, 11:48:37 AM
How to appeal? Or how to find out the reason?
Most of the times, the appeals don't matter and neither do you get the reason. Once you're perma-banned thats supposed to be it(*cough* or you know like every perma-banned user you come back on a VPN) , would've been a different matter if you were a Member+ rank as mods first give a warning temp. ban then.
19  Economy / Reputation / Re: I repaid loan, lender is happy but Lauda is not ? on: May 12, 2017, 01:18:01 PM
Maybe red trust sounds a little strickly but he doesn't deserves positive trust which TheButterZone left on him.
Is he even in the DT? (too lazy to check)

As for OP PMing me to post here, I don't disagree with Lauda's reasoning for the neg and from what I see there was no valid reason for repaying the loan so late neither was there any communication. If it were me I'd keep up the neg for a month(after it was given) and if any shady behavior hasn't been seen since, remove it , but thats just me.
20  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bought BTC on PayPal and got scammed, please HELP! on: May 02, 2017, 08:34:22 PM
Exchanging for BTC with paypal(or the other way around), if you're not doing so with a trusted member , is basically asking for being scammed.

I believe he successfully scammed you at this point.
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