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Bump'm starting this new thing called the autotip giveaway program. At the end of each week, I'm going to randomly give out bitcoin to people who tip content creators. The first giveaway is brught to you by the good folks over at, as their donaton makes up most of whats on the Autotip donation address. Hey, this is a great incentive. I surprised I haven't heard of more people using this project (and the few amount of replies in this thread). The concept and implementation are pretty solid IMO. The other alternative I've seen is the ProTip browser extension which has been making publicity rounds lately (also looks good btw). Good luck! Autotip is the small budget indie version of ProTip. I'm just a single person building this, there is no company or VC funding involved. The only people who know about Autotip so far are those people who have clicked on this thread and/or the threads on reddit. Protip is actually using autotip's meta tag specification, so ProTip is cool in my book.
Bump'm starting this new thing called the autotip giveaway program. At the end of each week, I'm going to randomly give out bitcoin to people who tip content creators. The first giveaway is brught to you by the good folks over at, as their donaton makes up most of whats on the Autotip donation address.
On the front end f shapeshift, it says there is a minimum amount for each currency. This minimum amount is not listed in the API anywhere. How is this minimum value calculated. Is it pegged to a USD value? I noticed the bitcoin minimum is 4218 satoshis, which is about 1 penny. Are all currencies set to a one penny minimum?
Also, I'm unfortunately going to have to remove integration from my project because of the new minimum amount requirement. The way my app works, is it sends lots and lots of small amounts from many senders, but to a relatively small number of recipients. Most shifts from me will be $0.05 and less. Most probably under $0.01
Maybe if worked such that it keeps shifts under the minimum internally until the total amount exceeds the minimum, then makes the deposit.
Nice project mate, and this is decentralized i hope you can implement to another social media like facebook, twitter, or ect. good job Thanks, but I actually think social media is probably not the best application for Autotip. Sites like Tumblr, DeviantArt, and the like where people make creations is the best application. Most tweets/status updates and things like that on social media are advertisements for things you create. We shouldn't try to monetize advertisements, but rather creation themselves. Changetip is more for social media. Autotip is not really meant for the same audience.
Autotip 1.17 has been releasedNew features include: - Whitelist and blacklist support. Now you can explicitly declare which domains never get autotipped, or which domain to only get autotipped
- Interval time is configurable. Before you could only set it to wait 5 minutes before autotipping, now you can set any amount of seconds.
- Miner Fee is configurable - Before all transaction used 1 cent USD for the miner fee, now you can use any value, including 0.
- other small fixes and improvements
If you installed Autotip from the chrome webstore, the new version will automatically be downloaded for you. If you have any problems with the new release, post here.
Yeah a wordpress plugin would be nice. Autotip is best implemented by service providers like wordpress, tumblr, medium, etc. Wordpress has a pretty capable plugin system, so that might be a good starting place. I've never done a wordpress plugin before, so that might be a good place for someone else to jump in.
Custom autotip interval will be in the next version.
Currently it puts a little "a" icon at the end of the address bar. if you click that icon a popup emerges that contains as much info as I could cram in. In future versions the icon will change to indicate when a tip has been made and maybe some other states. I think part of the problem is that the icons really suck.
website: web store: is a system I created that is an alternate way to monetize content on the web. Basically its a chrome browser extension that you install, load with BTC, and it will tip out small amounts to each participating page. I'm just a single developer, Autotip is not a silicon valley play with millions of dollars in VC. The extension uses so you can recieve tips in BTC, LTC, DOGE, or any other supported currency. Right now, Autotip is very young, so there are very few sites that support the protocol. I made a subreddit for posting links to sites that are supported: difference bwtween Autorip and other tipping services like Changetip is that Autotip is completely decentralized. There is no Autotip account you have to sign uo for. All money moving between tipper and tippee is done peer to peer. The only fee associated with an autotip is the fee to the bitcoin miners.
I see Keynesian economics in the same light as the psychology establishment sees Freudian Psychology today. Its an outdated way of thinking about how things are. Maybe Freud was right back in the 1880, but he's not right anymore. Keyes may have been right in the 1920s, but he isn't right anymore. Infinite expansion may have seemed like the inevitable outcome of mankind back in 1929, but it doesn't any more. Everyone is saying the world's population is on track to stop expanding in the next 100 years. Current generation are more about saving the environment and reducing man's footprint rather than "owning it all". Even after hyperbitcoinization, whatever economical model people adopt (Satoshian economics?) will eventually be replaced with something else within 100 years or so. One constant truth about mankind is that each generation thinks differently than the generations before them. Ok now i'm just blabbin', peace out.
ShapeShift is always willing to make changes to the system if someone brings suggestions to the table of why it would be useful and reasons they would need the system to work in a particular manner. We have never had anyone come to us with a need to have multiple outputs. Please let us know why you need to have the system handle multiple outputs and we would be happy to look into making that change. Also, if you email, we can get your returns to you very quickly. Or if you would like to send us your info via Facebook, we can get it going on that side as well: is my project: makes transactions with small amounts of inputs ($0.10 or less) and multiple outputs. Sometimes those putputs are to deposit addresses. I think it is best to have it this way rather than have lots of transactions with one output apiece (because of fees).
Hello Coinsentry - ShapeShift only recognizes one deposit per transaction, because multiple outputs would shares the same TXID and the system isn't designed to handle that. Can you please email a refund address for the missing coins to mail at We'll make sure you get your coins back. Is this considered a bug that will get fixed, or am I going to have to build my own shapeshift clone (I really don't want to have to do that ) My project needs to be able to do this... You can refund the coin to 1CMHexnK9gMT9RznMB75ZCAfpny8oPDcNW
What happens when the user deposits another $10 to the deposit address?
Then it would start another chain of $0.20 outputs again... or at least that's under the assumptions I am making on what you are trying to do from your explanation. I don't think I get what you're trying to do. The reason I don't want to do that is because I don't want to have to keep track of those chains. I'm thinking about how the code is going to look like... I'd rather not have to mess with storing anything. I know that sounds lame, but one of the things I like about bitcoin is that everything is in the blockchain. I like to design my code so that there is the least amount of moving parts as possible. The way I have it now, all I have to do is call and they tell me exactly what I need. At any rate, bitpay insight has a noCache option which I think I'll give a try
{"status":"success","data":{"address":"1CMHexnK9gMT9RznMB75ZCAfpny8oPDcNW","unspent": {"tx":"a9563808cfd21ab9334269b58dbdab253c22b773ad6058667df8c63564980b4d","amount":"0.00273151","n":1,"confirmations":1,"script":"76a9147c7f9af7dc42b8b5277039a2cc8eb710b51f17b788ac"}]},"code":200,"message":""} So this is what you get back from blockr. Here's the raw transaction it is referring to: 01000000017920fe9ef3a69ed78e2909f62c4eca9eb453ecc17b2703e648ef9dbb4353cfa501000 0006b483045022100cfa77f826a2845bdad66c99aef4e318678bbfb2e829c8b9cff3b611db4e209 b3022071c42415cc39b997f7d48855f3da11d49b7c435e1d09ed2a98d37346c3fd38f3012103db6 362bd31a3c590c38aa7583de5b565ab527ce8b4648245ccf7ffbb0e1f955affffffff027d5d0000 000000001976a914f077c10e90ba49739f28c483e76c49ce9facfa2588ac ff2a04000000000019 76a9147c7f9af7dc42b8b5277039a2cc8eb710b51f17b788ac00000000 "tx" can be found by double sha256 hashing the raw transaction and reversing the byte order (to little endian) "amount" can be found in the bold area. 1. convert to big endian 2. convert from hex to decimal 3. multiply by 100,000,000 ff2a040000000000 -> 0000000000042aff -> 273151 -> 0.00273151 "n" can be found by counting which output it is order-wise, first output is 0, etc. "script" can be found directly after the amount in the bold+italic part (Skipping the scriptlen byte) So what I suggest is just generating a transaction, grabbing the unspent info from the first transaction and using it to generate the second transaction etc. and unleash the chain of transactions, maybe pushing them 10-15 seconds apart (to give each one time to propagate. Also remember you must push them in order, otherwise they will get rejected for referring to a non-existent output.) I'll still have to call a blockchain service to get other unspent outputs (see previous post), but I may have to end up doing this. I'm in javascript, so parsing out all that stuff might be hard. Does bitcore.js have any transaction decoding capabilities? I don't see it on their docs page.
No, if you're going to send them instantly anyways, grab the unspent from your change on the way out before you push the raw transaction. Do you know how to parse a raw transaction? That will work, only assuming that there is only ever going to be one unspent output 'chain'. What happens when the user deposits another $10 to the deposit address? I'm still going to need to call a blockchain service to get a list of all unspent outputs. The problem here is that sometimes (right after a transaction) is returning an unspent output that has just been recently spent. Just now I did a test, and it took about 60 seconds for the unspent output to switch over to the new one. So basically I'm limited by one transaction every minute. Once I find a blockchain service that updates faster, theres not much I can do.
That may be true if you're using the bitcoind daemon directly, but I'm using pushtx ( and, and they won't allow unconfirmed outputs. Maybe if I found a pushtx provider service that doesn't kick out unconfirmed outputs? As an example, try to use pushtx to push this transaction 0006b483045022100ff97666c564f7ec3bfc5a297f0e983f63093faac24f3d359f9e68f7c661383 b00220366b8cf072a668c0c8f37e721b93e5e8efef618fe70cc3dcc69479e6c2d9917c012103db6 362bd31a3c590c38aa7583de5b565ab527ce8b4648245ccf7ffbb0e1f955affffffff02455d0000 000000001976a91411cb3813c57c5a8c4715ded20b05ddd354e8867e88acd4ae040000000000197 6a9147c7f9af7dc42b8b5277039a2cc8eb710b51f17b788ac00000000
The error returned is: An outpoint is already spent in [75068748] (I still don't know what that number means) When I try to push to it gives me a similar error about the transaction being invalid. When the unspent output becomes more confirmed, it works. is the unspent outputs (as you can see it only has 5 conforms at this time)
I'm building a mictotipping platform. The way it works is a chrome extension that works like a wallet sends out transactions to the "tipee". The problem I'm running into is that when you have an address with a single funding transaction, you're limited to one transaction per block or one transaction every 10 minutes, since you can't use an unconfirmed output in a transaction. You always have to wait until the previous transaction confirms before it can be used in another transaction. Is there some way to have it so that one wallet can send, say, 25 transactions per minute? I have no idea if what I just wrote made any sense. One solution I came up with is to "chop up" any unspent outputs so that you always have a set of confirmed outputs when making a transaction. So it goes like this: 1. Generate deposit address 2. User sends $10 bucks to deposit address 3. After that transaction confirms, split up the single $10 input into one hundred smaller outputs. 4. Once the chopping transaction confirms, the address will have a ton of unspent outputs and will never be "vapor locked". 5. User sends $0.05 transaction, using one (or multiple) of the chopped outputs 6. 20 seconds later he sends another transaction, using some more of the chopped outputs 7. 20 seconds later... etc. etc. Does this problem have a name? Has anyone ran into this problem before? You can see the code here: (still in beta)
Just like how the price rising that occurred back in November 2013 was unsustainable, the price declining is at this point in time unsustainable. The price returning to level trendline is inevitable.
This doesn't seem to work at all. I change the timestamp, but it seems to ignore that value and only give m the current price... At any rate, I made this last weekend since I couldn't find anything else...