Try to list on are you planning to list on stock exchanges?
Well, we do not have funds to pay for a listing at the moment, we did not have a pre-mine or an ICO, so there isn't a source of funding for us to pay the fees. There was a fundraiser launched for the listing fee but the community remained quiet so .. we can't do anything more.
All of the StartCoin block i mines went to scPTiRQqafA9Lu6Y1jDemy9N6HXh1KVCT8 this wallet and not my own. sPGZ4DdrN7Zj1Jb9CnFii2N9oqJLeKJYan
Ill try this out for a little while, get a MN then see how well it does.
Selling 55 ACH for 0.001 btc 
instahater betid: 20,570,942,688 roll: 56.40
Merry Christmas Everyone!! I hope you all get BTC!!!
instahater bet:19,391,189,929 roll:2.73
I have been making a killing playing dice on bitsler, check my sig for the best casino online. 
now all exchanges have issues with ember  yes bro, all market had deposite withdraw issues. hope all will be solved. i still hodl this emb for stake above 1b for now. but stake rate decrease  The issue is not with markets or any other exchange, they change status on Maintenance only because there is a lot of users and miners with using old wallets 1.1.4 and they need update them... to v1.1.5 DEV, please force users to update their wallet before a ton of coins are lost. Deposits and withdrawals are stuck from exchanges because people have not updated.
yep website not letting me login this morning....maintenance?
watch the panic selling start as this coin is proving to be more of a scam by the day.. 
Yes me too. Im waiting for trans. Fukin cryptobroker, I sell some BTCZ and buy ZEN, but I can't widthdraw them, because I always get "rejected" string! We want a normal exchange! All of the current exchanges this coin is currently on look scammy as hell. I'll hold until this project hits real exchanges because i do not work for free and refuse to be scammed out of coins.
Suprnova always pays.. just saying.
eating this up. already mined 10 million by myself 
The Verge team has been killing it over the past few years and I just don't understand why this coin is super cheap still. The tech behind it is way better than most coins out today. Soon, all XVG will be minded up and the price better skyrocket!!!!
Youtube subs were fast and painless.
Pleasure doing business with you!!
PM sent.
Awaiting reply. 
Wallet Sync Issue Our wallet is now stuck at block 41,047. Currently ADDNODES from also does not work and the wallet is offline on and has no connections at Cryptopia. Anyone know what is going on? If the developer turns off the coin and turns it on at will, he will not wager much for this coin My wallet is syncing with 6 active connections. I used all of the Addnodes from this thread and am having zero issues besides it takes for ever to complete.
At least the market has movement. 
i selling terabox voucher 250ghs-0.004BTC
Site does not allow people to withdraw, why would you post this trying to scam people?