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We are all addicts and we are all greedy, more or less... I guess everything depends on the moment. Addiction and greediness can cause problems, but they are part of us, if we overdoing something because we love doing it it's addiction, and if we wish to get more out of something it's greediness. As I said, both can be problematic, but not necessarily. We can control our gambling habits and limit our spending on gambling, in that way even if we lose because we were too greedy it's not a big deal.
So I don't think that we can measure which one is more disastrous. Firstly because they don't need to be bad, and secondly if we have some control over our funds for gambling both can be controlled and will not create any problems.
That is a dumb statement, we are not all addicts in any capacity. Addiction is psychological phenomenon in which a person just can't stop engaging in a particular behavior, even in the face of the dire consequences. This includes attributes like bad impulse control, extreme craving, numbness etc - all applicable to the behavior in question. Addicts literally have different brain structures compositions than normal people. The term implies a certain threshold of intensity and some prerequisite behaviors, where we can start attributing it to people. As far as I know, normal people don't engage in this kind of behavior, engaging in impulsive behavior spasmodically or in some minor capacity doesn't take someone to vicinity of addiction. Its a very specific word that is used for a dangerous behavior. Using it randomly like this is silly. It would be like saying everybody is schizophrenic, more or less... Because everybody can be delusional from time to time. But of course that would be make no sense, that term is to used for a specific intensity and pattern of behaviors. The same is true for addiction.
I am glad you received your first payment and had some fun with it. Though there are some paramount things you should know.
Never ever think of gambling as a sound way to make money, always have predefined limits and strictly adhere to them. Don't let it interfere with your normal life. It should just be treated as entertainment, not doing so will engulf you into a delusional view of the world, which can lead to a lot of harm. Not following this advice consistently can insidiously lead you to addiction without you even knowing it.
My intention is not spoil your fun, but money can be tantalizing, if you feel the urge to make some more - gambling your winnings may be the thing that comes to your mind, given that's it so convenient, is the only way you are aware of and you may not have other skills that can be used online. And given that your first online payment is from gambling - it could create a bias for gambling in your mind, a method that really can't be consistently used to make money, let alone be extremely dangerous if one doesn't understand that. So don't fall into this line of thinking if it does appear in your mind and store your bitcoins for long term!
You have to be diligent to protect your bitcoin, which means never giving your seed phrase to anyone, not storing it by dubious means (a text file etc) and using trusted software. I also don't think you should disclose the amount of bitcoin you have on the internet. When you get to anything significant, disclosing the amount and details can focus you in the view of malicious parties.
Good luck!
Are you sure that Venezuela government isn't going to use these devices to mine bitcoin for themselves? The possibility is very strong because this country is struggling with hyperinflation since a long time now and they must find new sources of income as US barred them from selling oil. It's quite unfortunate to see such a crackdown! But I believe if the miners can find an alternate source of electricity through solar panels or hydro powers, the environmental impact will be greatly reduced and the dependency on the national power grid will be zeroed down. But it's easier said than done! Honest question, how much financial impact will these devices make when we are talking something on the scale of a country? And do you think the electrical shortage was just a pretext for confiscating the equipment for their own use? Evidently it is clear that the country has an electrical shortage problem, we know crypto mining uses massive amount of electricity. When you have these many devices it can create a significant impact on a nationwide scale. These statements are already proven. And just by that, it does appear to me that it could be a plausible reason to shut it down. I don't see evidence for any kind of surreptitious intent.
The site you linked literally looks so pretty because of CSS  .
Sir you have wasted 20 minutes of my time, what is the punishment on every freelance site in the world for that? If you are unable to read English on OP, refrain from wasting my time, or else, you know? Ban etc.😉
You took 20 minutes to read that lol, the word dumb is an understatement.
Sir, please read the OP, besides you are not in a position to dictate what constitutes a ban. Amigo 😉
What you are saying makes no sense. So let's just assume a hypothetical situation. If a person makes a post just to troll, and it takes people lots of time to research on it and get back. Wouldn't that person deserve a ban? There is no room for ambiguity here, you would get banned on every freelance site on the world.
Well, icopress already offered 17BTC for it, so I'm trying to get the actual price. But here is the thing about a professional developer, they don't need to prepare something for 10 hours, all it takes is to look at how that service is functioning, after all, the important part is the backend functions, because frontend is much easier. I don't know if you are a developer or not, if you are then you are not good at it.
Even if you don't agree with the definition of what a scam constitutes and just think of it as bilking people, it would still be a horrible thing to waste time in this fashion and then just give trolling as your excuse. Its funny as long as you do it an innocuous and short way, but if you are trolling in this instance, then you deserve all the criticism and most likely a ban. So, I hope you are sincere. Apart from that your view is erroneous, it can very easily take a long amount of time. Remember, that you have linked a very complex web app and have done no expounding at all. If someone is seriously considering taking up the project, they will need to ask themselves a lot of questions to give a price estimate, viability and time frame. Even though I'm not a coder, but I can easily guess it would take roughly 30-45 days for a team of 4 devs. So also all it takes for such a team is to decide on the time and then put a price on their time. And as we know, everyone has a different price than the others.
Note that, I haven't offered any amount of money to give them freedom so that they could offer what they think they deserve, anyways people are free to ignore this.
Thanks for the warning though, I can't stop shivering. 😂😘
Its better to give a price range. So people know that if your project is worth their time or not.
Truthfully, if you don't drop your phone number they aren't paying, I know that some are doing this to notify you to release funds after, as some sellers are not serious, they can initial the trade and start doing something else, wasting someone else time, but the truth is this act is out of Binance platform, you break the rules if you decide to do trade with such people, they have your phone number and they can text dangerous link to you pretending to be from Binance.
They will not pay you on your Binance account to complete the trade but they are required to return the funds if they don’t want to initiate the P2P deals. That’s the real message as a P2P user. His trust feedback speak for himself and he will not get that kind of huge volume of transactions if he is doing shady things. You will not a victim on any scam even if you give your number as long as you didn’t share an OTP to stranger. It’s understandable as a seller to ask contact number to save time once someone placing order forgot to release fund after placing order. A trusted P2P seller like probably will choose his current business which he profited regularly instead of wasting his time on lousy sms scam. The real danger on P2P is receiving a tainted money! How is it reasonable for a seller to ask for a number for communication outside the platform, no matter how trusted they are, if Binance itself doesn't allow it.
Truthfully, if you don't drop your phone number they aren't paying, I know that some are doing this to notify you to release funds after, as some sellers are not serious, they can initial the trade and start doing something else, wasting someone else time, but the truth is this act is out of Binance platform, you break the rules if you decide to do trade with such people, they have your phone number and they can text dangerous link to you pretending to be from Binance.
I've actually come across some P2P users on Binance exchange requesting for phone numbers, and some of them do claim that the reason for equesting for phone number is to notify the seller, Incase he forgets to release the funds. I cannot agree or dispute about this, however, your thought is quite noted and getting the contact of a crypto hodler in other to launch a phishing attack through such manner could only be on a small scale. Also, let's not forget that exchanges contract third party agencies to carry out KYC on their behalf. Our data could be sold to bad actors by these exchanges or third party companies. Even if someone's intention was genuinely that, I would still stay entrenched on the side of caution. Because there's no way for me to know that, and the harms are much more serious (communication getting dubious, phishing) than the potential benefits (convincience). At the end of the day, moving outside a platform to do communication is very bad for escrows and can seriously harm you, even at the price of occasional convenience. Yeah, they probably do sell your info, but that doesn't justify me giving my phone number to someone for whom I can't just see a valid reason for asking it and actually can do bad things with it, no matter the scale.
Even if you are as well tricking him by giving a wrong/fake number still you are giving him a number, sometimes these terms suck.
Burner phone or far less expensive a sim card. All my accounts sit on a different 2FA than my usual number all my friends know about and it just sits in an old Samsung that I plug once a week in the charger. Hard to clone as I don't use it for social media or anything else, I can't lose it since I don't carry it with me, I don't install anything as I don't need it, just codes and that's all. Anyhow, I'm intrigued why everyone is focusing on the number and not on the fact you're receiving money from a business account, at least here that would trigger a hundred red signs, you're getting paid $ by a company, I don't even want to know the mess that will cause if the taxes agency picks up the trail. Personally I sometimes do request the recipient number when selling but when buying I take it as a must.
Why and what does it change? I agree their whole statement doesn't make much sense. But I guess the difference between buying and selling is that, in the former you are supposed to make the first move and its the opposite in selling.
Personally I sometimes do request the recipient number when selling but when buying I take it as a must. I can't really trust binance report only to ensure safety during exchange( did before didn't really fall through or maybe I didn't use the right channel can't tell). I request number to speak with who am buying/selling to for reasons like to confirm if they serious, to inform them about the transaction and most importantly to have access to who am transacting with.
Besides Binance has never texted me via my number except my log in code. So why would I trust a message from them without any proper enquiry or confirmation
If you can't trust Binance (the party who is supposed to be escrow), why would someone trust you and what are you doing there in the first place? The whole point of escrow is to keep all the communication there on the platform and fairly solve the issue in case of a dispute. 1- I think the fact you able to start a buying transaction is a decent indication of whether someone is serious or not, because they will need to have actual funds in the first place to start the transaction. And if somebody that has bad intentions can go that far, they can give you an anonymous number too (which I think is the easier step here by far). In that case an escrow will need to step in any way, but generally the fact that you are able to start a transaction is enough to confirm if they are serious. And you going out of your way to start asking for numbers actually harms the process. 2- I think you can inform them about the transaction via binance communication just fine?? 3- Your third point is interesting as well, you do have access to them via binance communication. But I guess you are talking about someone who is trying to scam and you want to have their number. Again it does nothing to the process, leave it to the escrow and they will handle it. You going out of your way to talk to them outside of binance communication only makes matters difficult and in case of a genuine misunderstanding, could be considered harassment (not saying you are doing that here).
Truthfully, if you don't drop your phone number they aren't paying, I know that some are doing this to notify you to release funds after, as some sellers are not serious, they can initial the trade and start doing something else, wasting someone else time, but the truth is this act is out of Binance platform, you break the rules if you decide to do trade with such people, they have your phone number and they can text dangerous link to you pretending to be from Binance.
I have seen the request of phone number in Binance p2p a couple of times but not that it is a prerequisite to be paid. Personally, anybody that makes phone number mandatory is more or less nursing some nefarious motives which might be executed in the future. I strongly believe this is how the victim lost is phone number to strangers, to make some transactions a success, and yet losing your data in the process, I hope this teach people something new today.  I do not know the extent to which phone number given to someone will constitute security threat or lead to the loss of the number but it is always good to act safely. The chatbox of Binance p2p is ok for communication, and if you don't feel comfortable sending your phone number to a stranger, it is better to avoid trading with people who make phone numbers mandatory. Even if someone does add it is a prerequisite to be paid, and you imprudently accept the deal, I think its perfectly valid for you to stand your ground and just refuse to be compliant in that situation. Because the rule absolutely doesn't make sense. And I can't see if it has got much to do with the matter at hand, which is trading currency.
Now that I see this topic by @_act_ I am starting to believe that this is possible, not even by a professional hacker but a small time thieves, you want to know why I said this? I have been using Binance exchange and also the service they provide through their P2P, and I always see buyers telling sellers to drop their mobile number or else they won't go ahead with the transaction. Take a look at this screenshot, I took this on Binance P2P service and I am sure that users of Binance P2P must be familiar with this.  Truthfully, if you don't drop your phone number they aren't paying, I know that some are doing this to notify you to release funds after, as some sellers are not serious, they can initial the trade and start doing something else, wasting someone else time, but the truth is this act is out of Binance platform, you break the rules if you decide to do trade with such people, they have your phone number and they can text dangerous link to you pretending to be from Binance. I strongly believe this is how the victim lost is phone number to strangers, to make some transactions a success, and yet losing your data in the process, I hope this teach people something new today.  Yes, this has a scummy feel to it. If you ever do find yourself in this situation though, stand your ground!. And at least let the escrow people try to quell the situation in a fair way.
If you are feeling like that from time to time, I don't think there is much bad with that. But what you should have is hobbies/activities to fill your time with. Don't overthink too.
Electrum has been around for a long term and is open source.
I live in an underdeveloped country, but I work remotely for a fairly good web development agency. We don't have a lot of financial services/wallets here, so we had to go circumvent a lot of obstacles for me the money to get to my local bank account. This whole process took a hefty fee, and time. And the worst part is the currency is absolutely shit and deteriorating (even compared to other fiat currencies),
Recently, I convinced them to start paying me in BTC. I save what I have to save, and convert the rest to fiat via P2P trading. Its so quicker and I get great deals, no more bullshit. I think this has been a great benefit of crypto for underdeveloped nations.
I have been accumulating bitcoin from a long time from my freelance work, but getting paid in it by my regular work feels awesome!
Yes, this is the right problem solution for you. Submitting a payment request using Bitcoin is currently highly recommended, especially for people who have difficulty sending/receiving money like you. Because bitcoin does have relatively cheap shipping costs, and the delivery speed is also quite fast. So your payment when you get paid will definitely be more optimal and there won't be many deductions. Apart from that, your boss will definitely be more helped by sending using bitcoin. So it's not just you who enjoys it, but the point is that by using Bitcoin both parties (you and your boss) will be greatly helped. Apart from all that, you also work in the field of website development. So I think it would be very synchronous if paid using bitcoin. But I have a question, are you the only one who accepts payments via bitcoin, or are all employees also paid with bitcoin? Because usually there are always pros and cons related to this. So, the opinion you convey to your boss/boss regarding Bitcoin, does this only apply to you or to all employees too? Because if all employees are paid in bitcoin too, it means you have succeeded in convincing everyone who works at the website development agency. And that is a very good move. I am the only that gets paid in bitcoin, but everybody else gets paid in different way rather than a ubiquitous payment method for every employee. They have a lot of employees from underdeveloped nations, so you have to be open to options.
Because if they have to buy Bitcoin at time of monthly salary distribution, it looks odds with me.
That's not odds in my opinion, approving a request for one employee is not a significant problem for the entire financial system. Moreover, buying bitcoin is not difficult for GBP as almost all exchange platforms provide this trading option. The finance staff might reserve stable coins in a personal exchange account that offers the lowest withdrawal fees for the OP's salary in the next few months, then convert to bitcoin and withdraw weekly/monthly. The employer might really found an easy way to make the request of OP to happen. If it will be a hassle, the request would be declined. While thinking earlier, I also came to this thinking that the employer or the finance department have allocated enough funds to buy bitcoin on or before the day of the distribution of salary. But then, I remembered that in every employer, they have a trusted bank where the salary of the employee is coming from, the amount is being calculated in a weekly or monthly basis (base on their work/present days), if the finance staff would allocate funds to buy bitcoin for his salary and keep it as a reserve, isn't it considered as an advance expense for the company?
OP, if you receive salary in bitcoin, does it show as a full amount? Or the employer deduct the fees they spend to buy bitcoin? I'm really curious, honestly. I get the full amount without any curtailing. Its a medium sized but successful company, I imagine finances aren't very hard for them to manage.
I live in an underdeveloped country, but I work remotely for a fairly good web development agency. We don't have a lot of financial services/wallets here, so we had to go circumvent a lot of obstacles for me the money to get to my local bank account. This whole process took a hefty fee, and time. And the worst part is the currency is absolutely shit and deteriorating (even compared to other fiat currencies),
Recently, I convinced them to start paying me in BTC. I save what I have to save, and convert the rest to fiat via P2P trading. Its so quicker and I get great deals, no more bullshit. I think this has been a great benefit of crypto for underdeveloped nations.
I have been accumulating bitcoin from a long time from my freelance work, but getting paid in it by my regular work feels awesome!
OP, your post seems vague and you have to answer some questions. Where do you live? Turkey, Argentina, Venezuela, or some African or Asian country? Where do you convert BTC to fiat via P2P trading? Bisq, Hodlhodl, Localmonero, Agoradesk, Bestchange or somewhere else? What kind of obstacles are you facing for getting your money to your local bank account? It seems that your employer has to convert fiat to BTC in order to pay you your salary, and then, you convert a part of your BTC salary back to fiat. This doesn't seem effective to me. Can't your employer just pay you in USD instead of BTC? Will your local bank accept USD transactions? There's no proof that you are getting a BTC salary. What if you are simply lying in order to get some merit for this post? And I ask you, why are you this dubious of my post? I have answered all of the questions already I think except the country part. And I think it still allowed for a lot of productive discussion. What if I am simply excited to tell people about what I think of BTC, Did that possibility occur too you at all? You can check my profile and see I am serious person. I am not going to egregious lengths just to pass your extremely perusal bar.