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1  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: February 04, 2025, 07:16:31 PM
Does the site have server problems recently?! Cuz the multiply BTC bet or free faucet
 is not working well
During latest days, it looked to me that they have been working on Dice (Multiply BTC), because the global site was never down.
2  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: January 23, 2025, 08:46:53 PM
According to similarweb, the traffic on the freebitcoin site for the last month was more than 26 million. For example, the popular exchange bybit has about the same traffic. This is really impressive, but I honestly have doubts about the reliability of this data. Personally, I think that the problems that have been occurring with the freebitcoin site over the past year should have triggered an exodus of most of their audience.
I'm surprised too, but that data must be collected automatically, right? Even taking into account an acceptable margin of error of 10 or 15% they are still very high numbers. Although if it is true one is not surprised that they keep running the site like that. If they are running it so badly and still have so many customers, and making so much money, there doesn't seem to be an incentive to improve.
I am surprised as well and honestly doubt the reliability of that data, it's completely unreliable for me.
With 26 million in monthly traffic right now that the site is having several issues, what this mean is that the number would have or must have been much higher than this, maybe x3 or x4 more than this when the site was operating normally?, it's unbelievable to me.
Bybit exchange also having similar data in traffic even further makes the traffic data on freebitco more unbelievable as we all know that freebitco is not as popular as bybit is.
I also have checked and they have around 66 million visits, just a few millions behind Binance exchange with 82 million visits, all of this data does seem reliable to me.
similarweb publishes the comparison of the number of "unique visitors" of both sites?
I do not completely understand what you mean by comparison of the number of unique visitors, most especially the "unique visitors" part.
But the site is there,, you can visit it and check things out for yourself, and maybe you will get answers to your question by yourself.
The numbers I mentioned there are the total visits a site gets in a month collectively, so, those numbers are for the month of December 2024.
When it comes to tracking number of unique visitors, I don't think that is possible for them to do, except the sites in question decides to hand such data to them for publishing.
Fair enough. I haven't enough time to do that now, because I would have to update my basics.
3  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: January 07, 2025, 11:18:28 AM
No one informs the lost guys how to maximize wagering via lowering the odds with the same Balance?

Not even showing simple calculations of risks per scenario?

Not informing details that can be a way to avoid false hopes and that is my own choice but I will open an exception if someone ever puts a really better  question and that isn't easy at all.
Honestly if he's able to rise his faucet rewards to a decent level with a bankroll of only 500sats, I will call him the king of Freebitcoin.
No matter the strategy, with 1.01 odds, he has 94.06% chances to win. That is to say, on 100 000 bets he's going to lose 5940 times on average while his bankroll accounts for 500sats only, so the number of losing 1sat bets is 12 times larger than his bankroll.
However, 100 000 bets of 1 sat, only represent 1 mBTC of total wagered volume at the end. You don't get any substantial bonus with such amount.
If you ever find such a king, let me know in order to consider the possibility of paying him a tribute with a coin of his choice. Not a guarantee, just a possibility after looking at his published data. I neither took him literally, nor presumed that he knows what he is asking.
4  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: January 05, 2025, 11:46:53 PM
Counters that are either inactive or invisible for a few hours:

Daily Jackpot
Weekly Lottery
Promo of Lambo from free rolls

Update (8jan24)
Only weekly lottery is late
5  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: January 05, 2025, 06:58:20 PM
their lack of communication to the users is even more irritating.
6  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: December 11, 2024, 11:15:00 AM
Can someone in the know explain the account hacks on Freebitco? That's one of the things i'm still fuzzy on.
Visit hte topic created by BayAreaCoins some months ago. Appears Hacked - Monthly Prize Money Stolen From Multiple Users
Not beeing completely misinformed about the context, it looks to me that hosseinimr93 pointed out a specific thread without a comment of his own, because your question is too generic - if you have managed to understand, I suggest that you lend everyone a summary and thanks in advance, because good questions in this matter can be very more precious than outstanding answers.
7  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: November 30, 2024, 06:01:50 PM
active in offering betting on football matches, he still continues but doesn't have time to manage the support.
Whoever is the person, take into account that Support, Management and Ownership are different stages and that is why present Support recently informed that they have escalated a certain matter. Either keep alert to the details or you are done.
8  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: November 27, 2024, 05:46:49 PM
A danse macabre on the comments right now, we entering pure fantasy on the reasoning.
the site has been established all this time with regular traffic and visitors, the domain alone is worth its weight in gold.   Literally it would have to be a Mary Celest moment or alien abduction of the entire operations for that to make any sense.
Freebitco (in) as a name will be sold on at the very least as its money down the drain otherwise, some random person will take that domain free of charge if its being given away and I really doubt the free money conspiracy, ironic on this faucet Tongue
Good point, but their number is more like in the first version:
9  Economy / Reputation / Re: To and their representative, TheQuin on: November 18, 2024, 07:13:00 AM
Where did you check the number of user savings? I'm checking and can't find that info anywhere. I have tried to look for it on the Stats and Earn BTC pages but can't find them.
Read here:
10  Economy / Reputation / Re: To and their representative, TheQuin on: November 13, 2024, 11:14:17 AM
Where did you check the number of user savings?
The site had and no more has a section of "Dayly Stats":
1. Bitcoins won in the last 10 days
2. Games played in the last 10 days
3. Wagered in the last 10 days
4. Referral commissions earned in the last 10 days
5. User savings in the last 10 days
6. Interest paid in the last 10 days
7. Signups in the last 10 days
I have removed the image with part of the data that I have colected at that time. Just because.
11  Economy / Reputation / Re: To and their representative, TheQuin on: November 13, 2024, 07:58:31 AM
I had a message from support that they would investigate, but i have no hope anymore, promisses are fake. I followed the trail where my money went to. And it had allmost 8,000 btc on it. My account I will never retrieve and my FUN wich was saved for 3 years was probably be gone in 1 week. I guess I supported the Russia war now. Nice support i had in this account for years. Just 1 Lucky hacking  russian is enough.
In 24 August 2023, the latest date in which I saw daily stats published in the site, its "User Savings" were  1,163,254 BTC and this number was similar to everyday since 8 June 2023. This is all I know.
So, your alledged 8,000 BTC were 1/145 of total deposited in the site before the reasonably noticed run away from other main deposits to other coins.
12  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: October 24, 2024, 09:22:46 AM
Published data about the liquidity of the site showed me that the big savers left it very before the facts that almost everyone has talked lately on this thread:
(1) In which concerns stats published by the site, I myself have collected them during several weeks in a row.
(2) In which concerns later move of a huge number of BTCs to ETH, it is information that someone has shared later in this thread pointing out to published data elsewhere that looked interpreted with some sort of racionality.
The FUN Token's business was going to be a fiasco because of the fees and I haven't the faintest idea if it was by incompetence or ignorance. Then, Freebitco tried to save the operation doing what almost everyone else can learn from this thread.
Interpret this at your discretion.
13  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: October 11, 2024, 10:54:24 AM
The BV is actually in Costa Rica rather than Curacao so there's no licencing issue
Just adding and far from completing my previous saying, Costa Rica isn't a desert.
Just accepts, without restrictions, any license that a casino gets.
So, they removed from the site what from now on they can't use.
14  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: September 28, 2024, 06:21:27 PM
I looked in the history, seems im doing several rolls a day all worth zero?
What history are you talking about? Can you please share a screenshot?
My educated guess is that the stock of WoF has value of zero until you gamble them.
15  Economy / Micro Earnings / Deleted by me because no one was interested in my question on: September 10, 2024, 06:07:37 AM
Deleted by me because no one was interested in my question.

16  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: September 09, 2024, 10:02:24 AM
"It's a difficult thing for me to check, all I can really see is what is on your roll history. On the 28th it looks like you've been saving up your WoF spins and took 674 at the same time. I've asked wetsuit (the site admin) to take a look and I'll update you when I get any more information."
June 01, 2023, 04:02:50 AM
To me it was enough, because I just wanted to get familiar with the modus operandi.
As for present situation, I wait and see, because they said that they are professionals.
Maybe Freebitco's registers of WoFs aren't good enough to see their story, maybe they are working on it, maybe there is a creative accounting discussion about comissions and levels of responsability of FUN Token's side and Freebitco's side. Whatever.
17  Other / Meta / While the administration does not verify such claims on: July 30, 2024, 03:35:17 PM
This is an alert that I have seen in rare threads and one of them is 10 years old.

"Warning: One or more users have reported that they believe that the creator of this topic displays some red flags which make them high-risk. (Check their trust page to see the detailed trust ratings.) While the administration does not verify such claims, you should proceed with extreme caution."

My question: What means "While the administration does not verify such claims"
18  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: May 28, 2024, 08:47:00 PM
For your information with a question. Is it usual to have monopolies and oligopolies around this site?
19  Other / Beginners & Help / Software that limits users in a way that they don't know that they are limited on: May 03, 2024, 12:45:29 PM
The talk was about avoiding trolls and I don't remember the name of the software. Can someone help?
20  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: April 07, 2024, 05:45:29 AM
Deposit addresses in Freebitco always start by "1". Is there any change about the format?
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