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You are right that it is not detailed but with max 10000 characters, it is a bit difficult to explain a completely new state system. I want to 100% believe that something has been lost in translation. But as long as it comes up, that's the most important thing, I think.
Concerning chymal changes. Are there many projects that focus on making the climate better? In addition, with an open accounting book, we can get more transparency in CO2 emissions and stop pushing the numbers around and thus deal with reality.
but no matter what, the price of almost all crypto will rise. So everyone who supports the publisher will win.
I don't want to raise a lot of money for my company to solve the problem. But many professionals want people to help solve the problem, as well as a global effort.
like climate change, cannot be solved by just one country
Kære alle interesserede i implementeringen af blockchain-teknologi i hele verden.
Jeg har fremsat et forslag til implementering af blockchain-teknologi i Danmark med det formål at forbedre dansk økonomi, øge sikkerheden mod hacking og udenlandske cyberangreb samt øge friheden og gennemsigtigheden for hele verden. Blockchain-teknologi har også potentiale til at bidrage til at skabe mere retfærdighed i verden og globalisering gennem sin decentraliserede og gennemsigtige struktur. Derudover har teknologien potentiale til at bidrage til at reducere CO2-udledningen og dermed være med til at bekæmpe klimaforandringer og meget mere.
Jeg har kun 180 dage til at bestå forslaget, så jeg har brug for al den hjælp, jeg kan få. Hvis du er interesseret i at se blockchain-teknologi implementeret i Danmark, opfordrer jeg dig til at dele dette budskab så bredt som muligt. Dette kan gøres gennem sociale medier, personlige kontakter og andre måder at sprede budskabet på.
Grunden til at jeg siger 180 dage: I Danmark skal man først lave de samme 50.000, før det kan komme videre inden for 180 dage. Implementering vil ske over en periode frem til 2030. Hvis forslaget går videre.
Jeg tror, det må være i alle vores interesser.
Jeg ved, det bliver svært, men mad dit hjem, jeg tror, jeg ved, at vi kan gøre det. Jeg har allerede samlet nogle stærke investorer her i Danmark og vil kun samle flere. Min plan er vi i dele nyhederne, det vil kun sætte mere fokus også her i Danmark og der med presse nyhedskoncepterne at sende det og på den måde vil forslaget nå sit mål.
Tak for din hjælp og støtte.
Med venlig hilsen Dennis Vicedal
Der vil også være links til forslaget og derudover vil der også være link til en facebook-deling. I næste ugen.
Yes, it is in Danish, of course. It will be impossible to explain a completely new state system in only 10,000 characters, which is the limitation. So the proposal is made so that all Danes can understand my intentions. I think many people have someone older in their family who basically knows nothing about computers.
But I know everyone takes a stand when something comes in the news and when things become big enough for people to create a holding and thus we get a more concrete debate about e.g. how.
We can all talk the same for days / years about how, why, when, etc. Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I'm willing and ready to give everything I have to advance humanity. Cost what it will cost. In relation to the forum here. I don't think I'm asking too much, but of course if sharing a link is too much to ask then where is it?
It's a big topic to talk about. Men with short words AI.
I agree with you that I can't just make empty words about getting it introduced without a plan. But my request here on the forum does not concern the development. But about help to get to the point where we can start talking about the development at all. If the proposal is not passed with 50,000 votes, then I know that the government did not even bring it up.
1.I have my own business and I'm not the only one behind the proposal. 2.Yes, I have gone to the government with it. It is the first law in Denmark and believes that it must be in everyone's interest for Denmark to implant blockchain technology, both technically, security-wise, price-wise. It will be a joint effort from both private individuals, companies. But I need your help, even if there are no people who do not live in Denmark. But if people share my words. Will it put pressure on the news agencies and thus get it in the news and thus get the Danish population to vot.
Dear all interested in the implementation of blockchain technology in the whole world.
I have submitted a proposal for the implementation of blockchain technology in Denmark with the goal of improving the Danish economy, increasing security against hacking and foreign cyber attacks, and increasing freedom and transparency for the whole world. Blockchain technology also has the potential to contribute to creating more justice in the world and globalization through its decentralized and transparent structure. In addition, the technology has the potential to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and thus help combat climate change, and much more.
I only have 180 days to pass the proposal, so I need all the help I can get. If you are interested in seeing blockchain technology implemented in Denmark, I urge you to share this message as widely as possible. This can be done through social media, personal contacts, and other ways of spreading the message.
The reason I say 180 days: In Denmark, you first have to do the same 50,000 before it can move on within 180 days. Implementation will take place over a period of time until 2030. If the proposal moves forward.
I think it must be in all of our interests.
I know it's going to be hard but food your home I think I know we can do it. I have already gathered some strong investor here in Denmark and will only same several. My plan is we in parts the news, it will only put more focus here in Denmark too and there with press the news concepts to send it and in that way the proposal will achieve its goal.
Thank you for your help and support.
Sincerely, Dennis Vicedal
There will also be links to the proposal and in addition, there will also be a link to a facebook share. In next week.