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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage on: May 17, 2017, 12:50:57 PM
DEV help

Sia UI version: 0.3.3-beta.2 b383

Sia version:

No nodes

cannot synchronize

How do I send coin to my new wallet?

Peers: 0

Block Height: 16265

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage on: May 17, 2017, 12:50:01 PM
DEV help

Sia UI version: 0.3.3-beta.2 b383

Sia version:

No nodes

cannot synchronize

How do I send coin to my new wallet?
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage on: May 10, 2017, 02:10:12 PM

I have some SIA.
But now the old version of SIA is not synchronized.

Now I don't know how to put the wallet into the latest version of SIA

I need your help. Thank you very much.

sia ui version:0.3.0 b365
sia version

anyone to help? Thank you very much.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage on: May 08, 2017, 12:57:10 PM

I have some SIA.
But now the old version of SIA is not synchronized.

Now I don't know how to put the wallet into the latest version of SIA

I need your help. Thank you very much.

sia ui version:0.3.0 b365
sia version

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Ethereum: Welcome to the Beginning on: October 01, 2015, 06:58:14 PM
Hello, please help me.



GPU device with sufficient memory was found.Can`t GPU mine.remove the -g argument no

Thank you
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Nexus [Niro] - Pure SHA3 + CPU/GPU + nPoS + 15 Active Innovations + More to Come on: September 20, 2015, 10:23:33 AM
How to break through
295x2 temperature limit, When the core temperature is over 75, the graphics cards automatically reduce the frequency,
there is no good way to break the restrictions on the software
Thank you!
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [AXIOM] AxiomMemHash and SHABAL-256 with Schnorr Signatures - POW / POS on: July 31, 2015, 04:07:06 PM

my gpu miner have 450-460 h/s on 280x

Please share it with us.  Cool

How to download the GPU miners. Thank you
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [AXIOM] AxiomMemHash and SHABAL-256 with Schnorr Signatures - POW / POS on: July 31, 2015, 11:23:10 AM
GPU mined?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 21, 2015, 04:12:27 PM
Hey guys. It is with regret that I say that we aren't going to be doing anymore miner releases or patches in the near future, and we are dropping support for miner binaries.

We've decided on this because we've been spending too much time trying to get the miners to compile, and too much time dealing with bugs and dependencies we don't understand. Rather than try to get into the world of cross-compiling opencl, we're going to be spending our time over the next few weeks working on what really counts - decentralized storage.

The code for the miners is still open source, and it works well on Linux. Furthermore, linux is a free OS and runs on most architectures. We're sorry that mining isn't highly accessible to everyone, but it's something that is currently out of reach for the Sia core team. I do believe that others however are interested in working on Sia miners. We are willing to help anyone who wishes to release their own open source miners and mining pools, we're just not going to be making them ourselves during the forseeable future.

Sorry for the disappointing news. On the other hand, going forward we're going to be focusing a lot more on the storage components of Sia. We're excited for what's next, and hope you like what we're working on.

Yes, your team can get more coins.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 19, 2015, 01:40:10 AM
Why don't update GPU miners?
Make A and N as efficient, so that the SIA more dispersed.

You assume it's that simple - like someone can just change a magic number and do that. Why don't you, in that case?

I just make a suggestion. Why are you so excited?
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 19, 2015, 01:01:57 AM
Why don't update GPU miners?
Make A and N as efficient, so that the SIA more dispersed.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]DACRS/Smart Contract/New Test Version Wallet /IPO start(May 21th-June 30th) on: June 17, 2015, 05:16:53 PM
Three thousand years
In 2700 years

China at the top of the world

The Chinese have never been short of genius

In 1960 without the computer
Chinese use an abacus to calculate the formula of atomic bomb!

Today, the top programmers in China are writing the DACRS code day and night..
Let us witness a miracle again
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]DACRS/Smart Contract/New Test Version Wallet /IPO start(May 21th-June 30th) on: June 17, 2015, 04:58:57 PM

We have received about 650 BTC for now,The IPO will be ended on June 30th or once it reach the 1000 BTC target.

IPO is over

Second phase IPO 1003.46BTC

The Chinese government will try a small vote with DACRS

good job

14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 15, 2015, 04:23:23 PM
I agree with you.

SIA just only be Nvidia mining

Give up AMD, Don't Waste the electricity

I guess what goes around comes around lol in the old days you could really only mine BTC with AMD (and most scrypt) and yes I mined a lot then. But now it has flipped with SIA... NVidia is the winners... oh well guess we got to take the good with the bad  Grin

And you can bet, its only a matter of time before SW is out for asic mining as well.... its coming one day. I am sure there are some code writers already burning the midnight oil working on it as we speak  Wink

I am just wondering will it be SHA mining or scrypt mining?... or both lol cause this coin started out as CPU mining.

I don't think so

AMD mining is the majority of people
I think you should understand me.
Money maximization
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 15, 2015, 03:47:42 PM

No CPU miner available ?

I won't do it.
Unless you are extremely lucky, you're not going to mine a single block for days, with the current difficultly levels.

If you are getting 300GH/s, you should be mining ~1 block per week. If you are mining with a CPU, you should be getting ~1 block per year. It's not worth mining on a cpu.

Where/how can we check the network hashrate ? I can't access to the block explorer.
With a normal GTX 980, I can mine at about 650mh/s : I know there are some private miners with a R9 280X mining at 800mh/s, but I can't believe hashrate is so high than you need 300GH/s which correspond to a good gpu farm (375 280x) to mine a block per week.

Pretty sure he meant MH/s.

 The current network rate is 417 GH :

Us poor AMD folk are getting much less. I just stopped mining. My measly 55 MH/s just does not cut it.

Edit: By poor AMD folk, I mean just me.  Cheesy  
Ya I have cut my amd miners off. Even the Nvidia guys with maybe 1 or 2 gpu's will struggle as well to hit a block with the network hash so high now. Better off almost mining for a bitcoin lol

Either have a decent farm or ya got lucky in the first 24 hours of mining. Even with my AMD's I did find many blocks right out of the gate once I figured out the miner software, after a 3 hours and almost giving up, glad I didn't. but by the next day I was finding maybe 1 block each 24 hrs with 400 MH total.

I agree with you.

SIA just only be Nvidia mining

Give up AMD, Don't Waste the electricity.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 15, 2015, 08:48:37 AM

No CPU miner available ?

I won't do it.
Unless you are extremely lucky, you're not going to mine a single block for days, with the current difficultly levels.

If you are getting 300GH/s, you should be mining ~1 block per week. If you are mining with a CPU, you should be getting ~1 block per year. It's not worth mining on a cpu.

Where/how can we check the network hashrate ? I can't access to the block explorer.
With a normal GTX 980, I can mine at about 650mh/s : I know there are some private miners with a R9 280X mining at 800mh/s, but I can't believe hashrate is so high than you need 300GH/s which correspond to a good gpu farm (375 280x) to mine a block per week.

HI guy.

It was the version of the GPU miner, and how it was set up.

GTX 980 runs to 650MH/S

My 290X R9 just got to 120MH/S
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 13, 2015, 02:08:01 PM
and increasing... ... ...

Hash rate (last 1000 blocks)   87.088686GH/s
Hash rate (last 100 blocks)   176.944988GH/s
Hash rate (last 30 blocks)   232.431506GH/s
Hash rate (last 10 blocks)   468.951699GH/s

Haha, as said before, welcome Farmers and goodbye to all those small time miners out there....

Hash rate (last 1000 blocks)   87.269127GH/s
Hash rate (last 100 blocks)   177.978138GH/s
Hash rate (last 30 blocks)   235.458683GH/s
Hash rate (last 10 blocks)   524.288000GH/s

This definitely isn't the standard open source miner anymore.. :p

Yes, I agree with you.
We're all wasting our power with the poor miners.
When the miners have a large BUG release wallet, which is itself a conspiracy
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 13, 2015, 08:37:10 AM
I found a block today on an overclocked Asus GTX 970 (4GB memory). Running the newer miner with the -s 0.2 and -c 1 set it is reaching 450 MH/s.

When running this I noticed it only uses 70% GPU.  Of course I am not using a "custom coded" miner so for kicks launched the same instance 3 times and the collective hashrate looks higher than if I was running individually 250/244/72 MH for each. 566 MH/s total and GPU use goes to 90% I am not sure if this is more effective or not but will run overnight and see what happens.

HI guy
New bat file
Set up
Sia_GPU-Miner.exe -s 0.2 -c 1

Is that what?

Thank you

Yes, that is what I am using. Nice work Wolf on the optimization. If it does not work you may be using the wrong exe, the one I have is named gpu-miner.exe I think you may have a different version which does not support those options. Not sure which page of this thread I downloaded it on.

If you mean the actual rewrite I did and posted about earlier, thanks. If you mean what I have on GitHub, that's not an optimization, it's how you properly get the list of OpenCL platforms on a system, and the list of GPU devices in a selected platform. Besides that, I added options to give the user direct control over intensity, plus the number of kernel enqueues before stopping to fetch new work and print hashrate.

With those options available, it should be simple to mine on all devices on a system, and probably get a little higher hash out of them, simply because you can tune the intensity.

That GitHub is here:

Hello wolf0

A compiled version?
I tried to compile the VC6.0 without success

Don't make me do stuff!

Fine, done. Unlike before, where I compiled the Win64 binaries for the Sia team from their git without looking too closely at it, I've looked this over and contributed code - therefore I will sign the binaries. Key ID is in my signature.

Two files are in the archive: the miner executable and a README, which is also on GitHub. Read it. Seriously; I won't answer questions that are already answered there.

Seems to be working, finally I should say. 39MH/s is low right? (radeon 7970) But at least it's something  Smiley

So thanks Wolf0

Even with no modified hashing, it should go way higher than that. The default intensity is now set quite low as to reduce the chances of crashing on a lower-end GPU if someone tries it out with the default parameters. The intensity option is there, and I expect you to use it - which is why I could lower the default. Just keep raising it by maybe 2 each time until hashrate stops improving, slows down, or the hashrate counter takes too long to update. If you've seemed to find a good intensity for your card, but hashrate is still printing multiple times per second, then use the -C option (cycles per iteration), to make the GPU do more work in between the hashrate printout and new work fetch.

Nothing has changed.

r9 290x 120MH/s

Everyone is digging with a speed of 10 times. This is not fair

19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 13, 2015, 05:24:10 AM
I found a block today on an overclocked Asus GTX 970 (4GB memory). Running the newer miner with the -s 0.2 and -c 1 set it is reaching 450 MH/s.

When running this I noticed it only uses 70% GPU.  Of course I am not using a "custom coded" miner so for kicks launched the same instance 3 times and the collective hashrate looks higher than if I was running individually 250/244/72 MH for each. 566 MH/s total and GPU use goes to 90% I am not sure if this is more effective or not but will run overnight and see what happens.

HI guy
New bat file
Set up
Sia_GPU-Miner.exe -s 0.2 -c 1

Is that what?

Thank you

Yes, that is what I am using. Nice work Wolf on the optimization. If it does not work you may be using the wrong exe, the one I have is named gpu-miner.exe I think you may have a different version which does not support those options. Not sure which page of this thread I downloaded it on.

If you mean the actual rewrite I did and posted about earlier, thanks. If you mean what I have on GitHub, that's not an optimization, it's how you properly get the list of OpenCL platforms on a system, and the list of GPU devices in a selected platform. Besides that, I added options to give the user direct control over intensity, plus the number of kernel enqueues before stopping to fetch new work and print hashrate.

With those options available, it should be simple to mine on all devices on a system, and probably get a little higher hash out of them, simply because you can tune the intensity.

That GitHub is here:

Hello wolf0

A compiled version?
I tried to compile the VC6.0 without success
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage - Working Beta - Launches June 7th, 2015 on: June 13, 2015, 02:32:11 AM
Can someone please post a link to the latest gpu miner?

I know there's this one that was posted by Wolf

but i'm using windows and I can't "make" that file so I need one that's a ready to go exe.

yes! we Need
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