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1  Economy / Digital goods / Re: TURKISH VCC SERVICE 🔥 STEAM 🔥 YOUTUBE🔥 PS+ 🔥 SPOTIFY🔥 DISCORD🔥 1000+ VOUCH on: October 11, 2023, 03:50:22 PM
Second time I bought, now an Spotify family account, and everything went perfect, very nice guy.

Thank you!
2  Economy / Reputation / Re: Why don't we ban users like FmaTR on this forum? on: July 28, 2023, 10:41:16 AM
The behavior exhibited in the account owner's thread named FmaTR drives opinion towards dirty behavior by creating an atmosphere where someone is satisfied with the service offered by Op. Although the existence of suspicious activity that occurred in the Thread needs valid evidence to make accusations Op has used multiple Alt accounts to highlight how satisfied they are after doing a deal with FmaTR.

There must be an element of suspicion after seeing that 99% of users who only had 1 activity immediately found the thread and as newcomers they dared to make transactions with someone who doesn't have a good reputation on the forum. Surprisingly after writing a post in the thread with a high level of satisfaction with the transaction that occurred between the two parties, they immediately left the forum on the same day they registered.

Here are some users who only had 1 activity then left the forum the same day after he registered, there may be many more on different pages.

It clearly looks suspicious which leads to a scammer, as long as there is no valid evidence you cannot accuse him of having committed dirty practices that could harm other users. However FmaTR should be suspected (not accused) because 99% of buyers are new accounts with 1 activity.

I don't know if this can help @FmaTR, but because I was quoted, I will try.

I registered on this forum, just because he FmaTR ask me to rate him, that's why I don't more messages on the forum, because it's not mandatory to do it, because he puts his telegram, I do it because the transaction was fine, and easy, even with the cryptochange not fair for him and he has no problem.

I found him on a reddit thread that you can find here:

I hope that helps him.

3  Economy / Digital goods / Re: TURKISH VCC SERVICE 🔥 STEAM 🔥 YOUTUBE🔥 PS+ 🔥 SPOTIFY🔥 DISCORD🔥 1000+ VOUCH on: March 17, 2023, 07:40:27 PM
Working perfect
Fast response and reliable.

I will contact you again.

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