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1  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What is your definition of gambling for fun? on: Today at 02:32:24 PM
Do it just for fun and don't feel upset or worried when you lose or lose money that is bet in gambling. For example, doing it just to fill your spare time and there is no excessive behavior such as betting again when you have lost is the definition of gambling for fun, unfortunately many people cannot control themselves well so they often gamble excessively because they are carried away by the atmosphere to pursue victory. I myself apply this by considering it nothing more than a means of entertainment but sometimes I get carried away by the atmosphere until I forget the limits I set and make me gamble out of control. Besides that, losing self-control is not something I want, because it can make me experience something bad that can even endanger me, therefore as much as possible we must be able to maintain the goal of gambling just for fun.
I agree with you, in fact, maintaining self-control, adhering to limits, being responsible and maintaining the right motives are the most important in gambling. In the beginning, everyone enters gambling for fun, but because their motives are not right, they become addicted to gambling, that is, their main motive in gambling is to make money, which is why they gamble uncontrollably and emotionally, which leads them to big losses. That is why having the right motives in gambling is very important. If you gamble with the right motives, it will never turn into an addiction. And responsible gamblers always keep themselves within certain limits, gamble only for investment, and for this reason they never face big losses.
2  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: Today at 02:03:23 PM
bro this thing you are saying I doubt if any anybody we have any money in hand that they don't need for 4 to 10 years not in this hard economy, what i was expecting you to say is that no matter what you are doing how much one is earning either weekly or monthly they should keep buying bitcoin and hold for long term, for that is the proper way of bitcoin investment.
What if you have $20,000 in hand and you can't afford to lose it in investing in bitcoin and you don't need the money for 4 to 10 years just as you said. what advice are you going advice give to such person, to invest or not to invest?
To me it's not all about investing the money you don't need for 4 to 10 years is how willing are you to take the risk because bitcoin is high risk high return which is 50 50.

According to your advice, all investors will be afraid to invest in Bitcoin, it becomes high risk, if you use the DCA method to reduce the risk, all Bitcoin investors will be able to invest. The deposited money may not be with many people, but according to the advice I will give, if you invest in Bitcoin, it will definitely double within four to ten years.
 Because if an investor invests in Bitcoin weekly for a long time following the DCA method, then his investment portfolio will definitely be much larger. If a low-income person invests in Bitcoin by following the DCA method for a long time, he will definitely succeed, it is very easy to convert small to large investments only if you know the techniques.

To achieve success in Bitcoin investment, you do not need to invest a lot of money at once, if you can keep a very small amount of money according to your income for 8 to 10 years or 3 cycles continuously, then success will definitely come.
And this method is especially important and the best investment strategy for low-income people. Because low-income people may not have a very large amount, or they can save a very small amount by calculating their income and expenses, but in the case of DCA investment, a very small amount of money is not a problem. If you invest that very small amount of money continuously, after the next 10 years or 3 cycles, it will create a very large portfolio.
All you need is patience and a long-term holding perspective. Do not worry about the natural fluctuations of the market, continue holding continuously, have faith in the future, because the future of Bitcoin is bright, and it is capable of giving very good returns in the future.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Who says it's too late to buy Bitcoin? on: Today at 10:40:01 AM
You can't keep comparing the price of Bitcoin when it started in the past and where it is now and generalizing it to be expensive,  but rather you should be more focused on the price you are seeing now and where it can be tomorrow, please shave off this mindset of yours and think more about what Bitcoin can do for you in the future, the same mindset you have is exactly what made some people missed utilizing the opportunity of having Bitcoin when it was as low as $4, as am typing Bitcoin is at $96k,

May we not make the same mistake others made in the pass, the flexibility of using the DCA strategy has made it very easy for each and every one of us to have Bitcoin by buying either on weekly or monthly within our discretionary income, I believe we are all here to learn from each and of course I don't mean to be rude in any way.
I really like your thoughts about Bitcoin value. You are right we should not just look at how much it cost in past and think it is too expensive now. Instead of this we should think about what it is worth today and what it might be worth tomorrow. This helps us see that it could be good investment. You also reminded us that some people missed out on buying Bitcoin when it was cheaper and we should not make same mistake. Way we can buy Bitcoin little at time called Dollar Cost Averaging makes it easier for anyone to invest. I appreciate how you are trying to help us learn and how respectfully you are sharing your thoughts.
In the past, the price of Bitcoin was low, let's say 5 years ago, that is, in 2020, at that time the price of Bitcoin was around $10K. At that time, investors thought that the price of Bitcoin was too high "$10K!", it might not pump anymore, so they did not invest, now Bitcoin has made a milestone of $100K, and those investors are thinking, "Gosh, why didn't I buy Bitcoin at $10K in 2020", and they are also thinking, Bitcoin is now $100K, it is too high, it might not increase anymore, so they are not investing now, and in this way they are making the same mistake as in 2020.
And just as, for they not invested at $10K, thats why they not getting a profit of $100K at the moment, and they Regreting. similarly, In the future, they will regret, for not investing in this $100K, after it becomes $1M.
Bitcoin has crossed the $100K milestone, does that mean Bitcoin will not grow anymore? This is just the beginning, it will pump more in the future, which you can't even imagine. In the future, it will cross $1M, and will continue to grow. So if you want to invest, don't think about the price, and invest now. "it's already a lot of valuable" Avoid such thoughts, Because it will continue to grow.
4  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling videos and streams are so unrealistic on: Today at 09:58:07 AM
This is definitely a pretty big danger for a young boy or girl with a weak mind. Most likely, wise parents, even if they are very busy at work, can control this issue by simply asking the teenager at some point what he knows about gambling. Or even playing a little in his presence. And accordingly, from the answers of such a teenager, you can understand how involved he can be in gambling, which he deliberately hides from his parents.
This is, of course, a provocation in a sense, but it is fair, especially if there is a danger of the teenager developing gambling addiction in the future. Overcoming addiction in any case will be an order of magnitude more difficult than preventing its occurrence.
Yeah, there are several ways that parents can actually monitor and observe their children’s gambling habits. Children are very inquisitive and quite sensitive too. So when a parent eventually observes that their kids are into gambling, some parents would feel like the best solution would be to completely dismiss their kids from such activity, which isn’t always possible, it will only make them stop doing it in their presence but secretly, they’d still be doing, which is even more dangerous. So rather than trying to stop them, it’s important to rather educate them on the dangers of gambling, as well as the risks associated, as well as how gambling should be initially approached, this way, they could avoid having the general misconception of gambling that’s mostly destroying most gamblers today.
I agree with you, as a parent, Trying to force children to stop doing something, it will most likely have a more negative impact on them, Because later they will gamble secretly from you, which can take a more dangerous form at some point.
Because as a result they will be more careful and will keep their every move secret from you, so you will not know about their activities, and they will gradually sink into a deep addiction to gambling, but you will not be able to do anything then.
That is why if children start gambling, then do not force them, but behave in a friendly manner, explain the harmful effects of gambling. They should be explained in a way that they themselves know about the harm of gambling, take an educational approach so that the child can distinguish between right and wrong, And quit gambling on their own.
5  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Does online gambling lead to more addiction? on: Today at 08:51:05 AM
Any form of gambling can lead to addiction. People who gamble in gambling centers stake their car and other valuable items that are worth a lot of money. Both forms of gambling are addictive, this is why you must always learn to be disciplined. It doesn't matter the type of gambling you are involved in, if you don't have self control you might become addicted to it. Although it's reasonable to say that people tend to get addicted to online gambling more because of how easy it is to access but in my opinion I think both types of gambling can lead to addiction, it all depends on the individual.

It depends in which spirit you face bets, if you face bets, make bets to win money and become rich probably will go to a addiction
If you go with friends to spend time, the thing changes, it will be a sort of useful ritual for your fun. I think in this way because i see it with my eyes
The only reason gambling addiction occurs is when you gamble to make money. The intention is the most important thing. Those who only want to win, that is, to make money, and they give too much importance to each outcome, and when the outcome is negative, they become too emotional, and continue to gamble without any thought to compensate for that loss, which leads them to lose more.
But those who see gambling as just a part of entertainment and are financially responsible, it will never gambling addicted, because they can accept both outcomes, "lose or win", and stop at the right time.
However, most gamblers start gambling for fun, but later only those who cannot control themselves, become addicted to gambling.
But responsible gamblers will gamble regularly, but they will never become addicted, because they gamble for fun, not to make money.
6  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 12, 2025, 04:50:24 PM
BlackRock Buys $50 Million Bitcoin as Fidelity, Grayscale and Invesco Sell.


These asset managers' sales of Bitcoin are likely being made via their respective Bitcoin ETFs. Analysts suggest the move could be a way to rebalance their assets strategically. Meanwhile, BlackRock deviated from these other asset managers with a significant $50 million invested in purchasing Bitcoin. That is over 515 BTC bought, while others actively sold their Bitcoin holdings.

This development signals that the world’s largest asset manager remains confident in the long-term value of BTC. Financial experts consider BlackRock’s accumulation of Bitcoin a bullish signal for the asset, even when others have opted to reduce exposure. As of the last count, BlackRock held over $60 billion worth of BTC and has continued to increase its assets.
News source
7  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: February 12, 2025, 01:33:38 PM
To my own knowledge on buy the Dip,and has to do with investing buying Bitcoin and keeping it is one part,people feel is just buying Bitcoin and hodl.but on question to ask how patient are you to hodl.your patient might not be the same of it takes discipline on the highest other.and mind you you don't invest on Bitcoin with you all of what you have,cause you will definitely can not be patient.if am not mistaken I feel with my own experience investing in better you have some other  asset to fall to daily,and keep you mind lost out of your bitcion investment.And just stay and observe for as long a you can.
Since bitcoin is a long-term investment, before people invest their money in bitcoin, they should be able to figure out the amount of bitcoin they want to accumulate and how many years they intend to hold their bitcoin so that they will know how they can discipline themselves to accumulate bitcoin in such a way that they can easily hold their bitcoin for the long term without passing through difficult times to do that. It is even advisable for investors to invest in bitcoin with the money they will not need for 4-10 years or more or with the money they can afford to lose so that they will not depend on their bitcoin investment to survive since they won't be using the money that is meant to cover up for their living expenses to invest in bitcoin.
Proper planning is required before doing any work.  At least if an investor is planning to invest in Bitcoin, he should think about whether he will make his investment long-term or how long he will hold his investment even if he does long-term. If there is a specific plan in terms of investment then one can move forward slowly according to that plan. Just as planning is necessary to complete any construction work, pre-planning is very important to make the investment self-sustainable. Usually in DCA investing method it is not important when you invest but the important thing about this strategy is that you have to invest consistently. 
In this investment strategy generally an investor can invest consistently based on his income and expenses. This investment strategy is now very easy and effective even for those who earlier found investment very difficult.
I agree with you, it is very important for every investor to adopt the right strategy in Bitcoin investment. If you want to profit from Bitcoin investment, you must maintain patience. You cannot be successful just by investing, you have to manage the investment properly.
And we know that the only best method in Bitcoin investment is the DCA method. However, you will get effective results from the DCA method only when you keep DCA continuous for the next 10 years or the next 3 cycles.
Because Bitcoin is a volatile currency, even if it fluctuates a lot in the short term, it has a high probability of being valuable in the long term. That is why investors must be patient enough and follow DCA continuously, only then will there be a high probability of getting very good results from Bitcoin.
8  Economy / Speculation / Re: BTC to 150K this year? on: February 12, 2025, 10:10:43 AM
For the past 1 week, the price of Bitcoin has been hovering between $94K-$98K, and currently its price is at $96K, but this situation does not seem to last long. There is a chance that the next movement will start to be bullish.
every investor should never ever be alarmed by such corrections. This kind of situation could bring about something big in the future. Moreover, for long-term Bitcoin holders, these minor corrections are not a big problem. Because they know very well that Bitcoin will be much more valuable in the future, and such corrections are actually an opportunity to buy more Bitcoin.
9  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling as a reflection of our personality on: February 12, 2025, 07:10:53 AM
Each individual has a different character so it would not be surprising if this is a reflection of us as gamblers.
But I don't feel like I have to chase defeat anymore, because it's bound to be the same defeat. This is not a strange matter because most people end up tragic by chasing defeat.
I play gambling with ready money, meaning ready to lose.

You are absolutely correct that is the real truth about it, because when it comes to gambling bet each and everyone of us here have a different approach in playing gambling. But normally as a good gambler, it's essential for us to always view gambling as an entertainment or having fun because that's the only way we can prevent often losses in gambling.
But, addicted gamblers never understand that gambling is never guaranteed to bring a profit. If you observe the gambling style or mentality of an addicted gambler, you will see that they gamble with such confidence, as if they are sure that they will win the game. But in the end, they lose and keep gambling more to make up for the loss, thus losing everything at some point.
But responsible gamblers see gambling as just a form of entertainment and never take excessive risks. The chances of losing are higher than winning in gambling, so if someone considers it as a source of income, the chances of disappointment and financial loss are much higher.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: When is the best time to buy? on: February 11, 2025, 01:49:02 PM
I heard from banks, the price could stay around 100,000usd
Within four years

It is unlikely that anyone can say exactly how much longer Bitcoin will be near the price and what dollars. I am glad that the level of one hundred thousand was easily broken through, because the price could have hit the ceiling and most likely there was a powerful rebound in the price down. Of course, this would be a great opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a cheap price. And I am waiting for such an opportunity, it is hard to believe that a year ago the price was around 50k, it feels like Bitcoin has always cost 100k. Regarding the main topic: personally, I think that now it is better to split your deposit into parts and start buying with 90k, but definitely not enter the entire deposit.
The current dump is a correction of Bitcoin, and due to this correction, Bitcoin is now below $100K. But this price will not last long, it will start pumping again at any time. So if someone has not started investing in Bitcoin yet, they should start investing without delay and without worrying too much about the price. Start investing in DCA, it is not impossible for Bitcoin to go to $1M, because Bitcoin has crossed $100K. So don't delay, the longer you delay, the more you will miss the opportunity. Right now the price is not very valuable, as it is going to be in the future. So just buy and hold.
11  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: sports you do not enjoy on: February 11, 2025, 01:07:29 PM
I used to like watching all sports. Now I can barely stand to watch football, baseball, or soccer. Even hockey is a sport that can only really be enjoyed in person. Basketball is still awesome and worth watching and boxing is great when there’s a good matchup, same with the UFC. Women’s beach volleyball is always a great watch as well.
Personally, I don't watch many sports games now, currently I only watch football and cricket. Because nowadays due to being very busy, sports are not watched much. But the last 2-3 years I used to watch a lot of sports, I used to watch all kinds of sports, especially F1 race, motoGP, Basketball, also many other kinds of sports. But currently I only watch these two sports, football and cricket.
12  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do you gamble to earn money? Have you been successful? on: February 11, 2025, 05:07:18 AM
I never counted, but I think I have much bigger losses than gains. It is not hard to conclude that, but the thing is I never had big expectations of gambling. Sometimes I try out the site I find on forum and sometimes I just play on sites I already tried.

I mostly set a limited budget that I am willing to gamble and then count the losses in the end.  I don't gamble with expectations to earn money.
The good thing about not having expectations in gambling even when a game ends as lose you don't have to be worried because you are already anything can happen.  It only takes one who understands gambling very well not have any expectations I gambling. Too much expectations in gambling sometimes mislead people in the way they gamble which they can decide with so much amount of money expecting that it will end up as win for them. As a gambler it is a good thing to understand that anything can happen,  this will help one and guide one gamble just with the amount they can afford.

Gambling is unpredicted,  their is no need to expect so much from it because if the outcome of gambling is not what one is expecting it can cause to get emotional.
Expecting big on gambling can indeed make us sometimes experience worse things, many people are addicted and experience life destruction because they expect too much on gambling while when they get results that tend to end in disappointment, they cannot accept it and have thoughts of wanting to recover losses that make them gamble again with the aim of pursuing victory which is actually something they should not do because defeat will be more dominant.
Exactly what you said gambling cannot be predicted accurately, some people believe that they can predict the gambling they do will be able to make them succeed in getting victory for sure but the results that occur are still defeats that occur more often.
A tendency to gamble more to recoup losses after a loss, this type of mentality is what causes gamblers to suffer the most. And it is because of this tendency that they fall into gambling addiction. They cannot get out of gambling even after facing many losses, they only want to compensate for their losses after losing, or when they win, they keep gambling to win even bigger. And in both cases, they can never enjoy the win, they only face losses.
However, there is a 90% chance of losing in gambling, so gambling should be seen only as entertainment, and maintaining self-control is very important.
13  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: if you experience a losing streak... on: February 10, 2025, 01:51:10 PM
The most difficult thing for me to get until now is a stable win in gambling, I once tried to gamble for a whole day but the results were not good, and also tried to gamble rarely, I lost a good opportunity, so for now I prefer to gamble selectively, I prepare the capital that I really have to spend in one day to place a bet but when I lose then I will stop, and vice versa when I win then I will stop and so far I have felt quite safe with the results of my bets. Gambling too often in a day usually just drains energy and worsens decision making.

In gambling, there's no need to be compulsive because you are just going to lose more money than you intended to. You have to go slow and if you are betting on sports games, then you should select games that you have done proper analysis for, despite that skill win not guarantee winning at all time, but it will give you an edge.
I agree with you, games will never guarantee us to win, no matter how much you research and gamble, if luck is not with you, you will never win. And those who cannot understand this and gamble without a plan or with overconfidence, they always face big losses.
So gamble with the right perspective, there is always a risk of losing in gambling, so always gamble with patience and a budget according to your ability to lose, and always follow the limits.
14  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: February 10, 2025, 09:56:33 AM
Of course, you can buy and sell crypto (bunch of shitcoins) but not bitcoin. Bitcoin is different and unique for long term investment. I believe that you have almost 100% of your portfolio on shitcoin as a trader that you are. But I bet you, you are doing more harm to yourself and in future you will regret playing around with shitcoin (gambling). Instead of you to use your precious time, energy and resources to pile up wealth for yourself by investing into bitcoin to build and grow your portfolio overtime. Traders end up with little bitcoin in future and regret for trading it all for little daily profit, while investors are the opposite.

People who buy altcoins and sell them in the short term are just wasting their time and resources. They don't understand how what they are doing is just going to inconvenience themselves and potentially cause them to lose money seeing the altcoin market which is so much more volatile and just following the movement of Bitcoin.
They should divert their time and resources to invest in Bitcoin. They can invest in it without being bothered by its volatile price - just need to put it in the long term and adjust it to financial ability, then invest regularly, it's that easy, no need to monitor the market 24 hours a day like what traders do. They can accumulate their wealth and enjoy their growing portfolio.
I agree with you, every coin in the crypto market follows the movement of Bitcoin. Moreover, most altcoins cannot survive in the long term, and short-term altcoin investments are also very risky, because altcoins are very volatile in the short term.
So in summary, getting something good from altcoin investments is very risky, and investing in altcoins means putting your money at risk. So if you want to invest in a long-term safe coin, you must invest in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is also volatile in the short term, but in the long term, it is an asset that continues to increase in value over time "despite short-term volatility".
So instead of trading altcoins in the short term, invest in Bitcoin in the long term, And don't see the Bitcoin's short-term market fluctuations, just Continue to invest in Bitcoin consistently in long-term DCA. Invest Bitcoin patiently without going through unnecessary complications, This will able to definitely give you the best results.
15  Economy / Speculation / Re: BTC to 150K this year? on: February 10, 2025, 08:32:20 AM
We are only in the first quarter of this year and I believe that since Donald Trump has a grand plan to make Bitcoin a reserve currency, if this plan can be implemented quickly, then it would not be unreasonable to expect the value of Bitcoin to multiply by the current value of the coin. Moreover, the largest holder of Bitcoin, Michael Saylor, owner of Strategy Company, has announced that he will increase his holdings. Because of this, the price of Bitcoin is very likely to increase. I believe that Bitcoin can reach 150k this year, but it is more likely that we will see it happen by the end of the year.
$150K can be reached in the middle of the year or at the end of the year - so no one is sure when it will be. It's possible that $150K isn't achievable - but I don't see many people being that pessimistic about bitcoin. In my opinion - the price will soon recover as this month progresses, it is possible that the price will reach $100K again in the next few days or in the middle of the month. March will be a bullish month in my opinion - but it also depends on how all the issues develop.
In fact, Bitcoin's price is likely to rebound at any time, in my opinion, Bitcoin will return to $100K within this month, and the current market is above $97K. But after all, Bitcoin has always faced unexpected price corrections in the short term, but it has also been a very good correction in the long term. So nothing can be said for sure. So whether Bitcoin returns to $100K this month or not, but Bitcoin has a very high chance of exceeding $150K - $200K this year, Which is very possible, and everything will depend on crypto market developments and external events.
16  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: betting on the underdogs, is it profitable? on: February 09, 2025, 01:38:07 PM
This strategy could be expensive. There's a chance you might keep on losing every match but there will be good profits if you find a way to pinpoint what underdog teams do have a chance to win in their games.
I do like the idea though because the profits could be huge. The risk is high, there's no question about that, but it could become a successful strategy in the long run. As I said, this is going to be an expensive one and you will need a deep pocket to make it happen. Also, analysis must be at a very high level to at least lower the chance of losing. Betting for the underdogs without the spreads can be scary.
That is right, mate. We never have the guarantee of winning here in gambling, and even if we choose the underdog or not, that won't. I gamble and place my bet on the team where I feel they could win. I believe a random bet makes us more likely to win than if we just focus on the odds.
Of course, I won't say it will be profitable, but I believe it is easier for us to decide. We can never find a strategy that guarantees a sure win. We have some assumptions as it worked in the past and hope it happens again.
There is never a guarantee of winning, you bet on a team, that team and its opponent team, both teams will be well researched and bet on, but even then you will not get any guarantee of winning, there will always be a possibility of losing, but if you bet with good research, that is, if you bet on a strong team with good research on the possible aspects of possible winning, the chances of winning will be much higher.
However, uncertainty will always be there, anything can happen in sports betting, So every gambler should not only focus on winning, You will lose, Gambling should be done with this attitude.
17  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling is for the strong Hearted on: February 09, 2025, 11:18:55 AM
It is a mistake if they make gambling a source of income in their lives because the first is that winning or profit in gambling is not certain and winning in gambling is also based on luck while no one can always be lucky in gambling, they must be able to get themselves always lucky in gambling then they can make gambling a source of income but that is impossible.

Those who cannot accept defeat in gambling are some people who gamble with the aim of making money, and I am sure when they experience defeat they cannot accept it and what they get is heartache because the results are not in accordance with what they expected.

At this level, it means that an addict has reached the level of mental disorder. Usually, the addict is not aware of it and is unable to get out of the vicious circle. A coward usually always looks for a way to run away from the problems, their short-sighted mind drives them to choose gambling as a way out. When winning, the hormone dopamine is released, and adrenaline spurs to get further wins. In fact, gambling is not a way out but No Way Out.

Yes and in most cases usually such gamblers will only be able to realize all their mistakes when they are already in a really bad situation in the sense that they have lost many things in their lives, especially experiencing a slump in financial matters, family and various other problems such as being in debt for example which is one of the reasons why they will be able to realize all their mistakes when they are in that situation is because it is a situation full of pressure and it has been proven that not infrequently some of them are desperate to end their lives. On the other hand, of course this can be an example that making gambling a place to earn or a place to be used as a solution to overcome financial problems is very wrong, no matter how hard you try in the end it will never work because literally gambling is not a place to earn income.
In fact, gambling can never solve any problem in someone's life, rather gambling creates more problems in people's lives. There are many gamblers who get overconfident with small wins at first, and they think they will keep getting such wins, and gamble with the lure of bigger wins with more and more money in the hope of winning over and over again, which gradually becomes an addiction. As a result, they become deeply addicted to gambling at some point. They don't understand anything like time, at some point when they lose everything, and become destitute, they try to get out of gambling.
So be responsible from the start, make smart decisions and gamble with money you can afford to lose for recreational purposes.
18  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy the DIP, and HODL! on: February 09, 2025, 08:56:45 AM
Of course a good job with a big salary or at least minimum wage is a must for young people. Because it can support what they want including investing. So it is very important for young people in their brain development period to learn and improve their skills in order to easily get a job because currently skills are one of the most important things to make it easier for them to get a job and so that their future is well directed and having a permanent job and a good salary will make them able to realize their desires especially to save and also invest and also other desires for a better future.

And in my opinion if young people who are still in school if they have to save and also invest it is difficult and not as easy as what is said, because their finances are limited and they also have to focus on learning and developing their skills so that after graduating there are results that support them if they want to save and also invest from the results of the work they get because education is also an important investment so that after graduating or in the future the education obtained can generate money and the money can be saved and also invested. And if both of his children are still in school, then he must save or invest where the money is obtained, while the money given by his parents is only enough for school fees, and besides that, in investing there will be risks and it also involves psychologists and this will interfere with his studies.
For young people who are 18 years old, of course they can start investing with $10 regularly or this is savings for their future. By the age of 30 they have been investing 12 years in bitcoin if they start at the age of 18. it is a good step for parents to educate their children to save or invest in bitcoin.

I think many young people are currently earning big incomes from social media, they are good at making money through Youtube, tiktok and so on. So side income when you are still young can of course be used to invest in bitcoin.

If they are able to manage their finances well from a young age, of course their future will be better compared to them splurging by buying luxury goods.
I understand that it's very important to start your investment journey very early, at a young age which is an added advantage, but putting the exact amount they should be investing is what I didn't find ideal, because everyone don't have the same financial capacity, the way $10 might be very little for you, might be a very huge amount of money for some young lads out there, the best thing is for them to cut their coat according to their size, by investing what they can afford to do away with for a very long period of time, and we all know our level better than anyone else, so it's best to act according to our level financially.
But one thing am quite certain of is that if they can be very consistent in their accumulation, in ten years time or more, no matter how small they invest weekly or monthly, they would have accumulated a very good stash of Bitcoin if they are consistent in their accumulation.
Yes, it can be very good for their future, but one thing is very important, since they are minors/18 years old, $10 is a big amount for them, let's say they keep it regular, they are investing $10 weekly through DCA continuously.
In the first case, they keep it continuous for 8 months, 10 months, or a year. After a year, his total invested amount will be $520, now the main thing is that the price of Bitcoin is unpredictable, due to the volatility of Bitcoin, the price will decrease and increase again a lot.

Now after a year, the total invested amount of that boy is $520, at that time if the price of Bitcoin decreases, and his portfolio has less money than his invested amount, that is, out of $520, the price of Bitcoin decreases to $200 or $250, then that young man will be able to handle himself in that situation? Or will he still be able to believe in Bitcoin? And can he keep DCA continuously?
The chances of this are probably not very high, because $20 or $30 is a lot for a young person, now if he holds for a year and sees a loss of $200 or $250, will he still be able to sustain his holding?

But this is not the case for everyone, I only guessed the possibility, but yes if a young man, from a young age, regularly invests a certain amount of Bitcoin in DCA on a weekly basis and if it can be maintained consistently for the next 10 or 15 years, then in the future that man will get a very good financial portfolio, with which he can do a lot of great things.

But before that young man starts investing in Bitcoin, first of all he must know about Bitcoin, understand the volatility of Bitcoin, and know the future prospects of Bitcoin, never panic, Bitcoin fluctuations/volatility are a normal thing, not just investing, the investment must be managed properly, and of course he must believe in the long-term prospects and hold for the long term.
We all know that Bitcoin never guarantees profits, but the chances of profiting from it are at the highest level due to long-term holding, so if a young person starts investing in DCA from the age of 18 and keeps it uninterrupted for 12 to 15 years, he can definitely get something very good.
19  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 09, 2025, 05:34:27 AM
Blackrock is seeking to launch a bitcoin ETP in Europe, capitalizing on institutional demand after its U.S. bitcoin ETF amassed nearly $60 billion in assets.

Blackrock, the world’s largest asset management firm, is reportedly preparing to introduce a spot bitcoin exchange-traded product (ETP) in Europe, expanding its digital asset offerings beyond North America. Bloomberg reported this week, citing individuals familiar with the matter, that the fund is likely to be headquartered in Switzerland. One source suggested that Blackrock may begin promoting the investment vehicle as early as this month. This development follows the significant success of its U.S.-listed bitcoin ETF, which has accumulated nearly $60 billion in assets.

Larry Fink, Blackrock’s CEO, has emphasized the asset manager’s growing focus on digital assets, recently advocating for bitcoin’s role as a hedge against currency devaluation during the World Economic Forum in Davos. Speaking on a panel at the event, he projected that broader institutional adoption could push bitcoin’s price as high as $700,000. He recalled a discussion with a sovereign wealth fund considering an allocation of 2% to 5% in bitcoin. “There was a conversation, should we have a 2% allocation? Should we have a 5% allocation? If everybody adopted that conversation, it would be $500,000, $600,000, $700,000 for bitcoin,” he stated.
News and image source
20  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: if you experience a losing streak... on: February 09, 2025, 05:13:53 AM
Taking a break when you lose can be a good alternative, so that way we can evaluate the causes of the defeat we get, by resting of course gives time for us to reflect, analyse mistakes, and plan better strategies for carrying out our next gambling activities, those who continue to gamble without rest and evaluation after defeat often invite bigger defeats to occur, because usually they no longer think rationally in making every decision.
This is true, for some persons,  when they suffer losses like that, instead they want to try again believing that may be their winning will come by the continued trying but then it turns out worse in some cases and some other it turns out that they get lucky and recover almost immediately but it still doesn't make it a really good .
This kind of attitude of theirs makes them suffer more losses, because when they losses, they think that they will recover all the losses in the next game, but then they still lose, and in this way they continue to suffer large losses.
They do not know how to stop at the right time, instead of stopping after they suffer losses, they gamble more in the hope of recovering the losses, which they never get, but lose more.
Only luck works behind winning or losing in gambling, so it is very important to play responsibly and control emotions, a gambler must understand that luck will not always be on his side. So he must stop at the right time.
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