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February 14, 2025, 03:35:18 PM *
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1  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What is your definition of gambling for fun? on: Today at 10:56:18 AM
If I talk about myself, what did I gain from gambling? I found nothing but fun in gambling. Now can you find someone who has become successful from gambling? Although there may be, but it is difficult to find a successful person. I am not successful in making income in gambling, I win in one bet and lose in other bet. Now how I have fun, I spend some money from my income on gambling. Now if I bet on a match, if I win the bet I get a lot of fun and if I lose the bet there is no regret. Forget about my lost money, I try to bet on another match. So I see gambling as entertainment. I don't know how other gamblers see it, but gambling should be for entertainment.
2  Economy / Gambling / Re: Exploring the Viability of Gambling as a Main Source of Income on: Today at 04:58:21 AM
I never see gambling as a source of income. I see gambling as entertainment. Now how do you see gambling as a source of income? And if gambling is your main source of income, where do you get the money if you lose? Gambling involves risk, you either win or lose. You cannot guarantee winning in gambling. We have to admit that gambling depends on luck. Yes, analysis will give you an advantage in sports betting, but it cannot guarantee you a win. Now if you look at gambling as a source of income you can also lose a lot of wealth, gambling is good for entertainment. Many have lost a lot of money by gambling and become destitute.
3  Local / Other languages/locations / happy valentine's day on: Today at 01:35:21 AM
happy valentine's day

আজকে ১৪ই ফেব্রুয়ারী আমরা সবাই জানি ১৪ই ফেব্রুয়ারী ভালোবাসা দিবস। সবাইকে ভালোবাসা দিবসের শুভেচ্ছা।

[পিকচার -গুগল থেকে নেওয়া]

পবিত্র শবেবরাত

আজকে আমরা মুসলমানদের জন্য বিশেষ একটি দিন, আজকে ভাগ্য রজনী রাত, আজকে দিবাগত রাতে আমরা আল্লাহর সন্তুষ্টির জন্য ইবাদত করবো।

[পিকচার -গুগল থেকে নেওয়া ]

এখন বর্তমান যুগে ভালোবাসা দিবস পালন করে প্রেমিক প্রেমিকারা পার্কে ঘুরাঘুরি করে, ও বেহায়া কাজ করার জন্য। আমাদের সবার প্রায় ধারনা আছে আজকে প্রেমিক প্রেমিকারা কি করবে। যাইহোক, আজকে কাপল রা কোন টা পালন করবে, শবেবরাত নাকী ভালোবাসা দিবস? যাইহোক, আমার ভালোবাসা আমার মায়ের জন্য থাকবে। আর আজকে আল্লাহকে সন্তুষ্টি করার জন্য ইবাদত করবো, ইনশাআল্লাহ।

৫ মিনিট উঁকি মেরে ৫ জিবি শেষ।
ধুর মিয়া - ৫ মিনিট উকি মেরে কেমনে ৫ জিবি শেষ হয়।  Roll Eyes
4  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Is it okay to trade without a source of income? on: February 13, 2025, 04:59:50 PM
Whatever investment or trading you do, you must have a good source of income. Where do you get money if you don't have income? There are risks involved in both trading and investing, so how do you want to borrow money to trade? Can you guarantee that you will definitely profit from trading? However, you should first find a good source of income. Since you are not that knowledgeable about trading, it would be better to invest in your bitcoins for the long term. By investing in Bitcoin and holding it for a long time, you won't have as much risk, you won't lose money like trading. My advice is to find out your source of income and invest as much as you can from your income in DCA method. Remember investing is for everyone but trading is not for everyone.
5  Economy / Gambling / Re: | Brand New Global Crypto Casino | 5000 USDT Welcome Bonus + 350 FS on: February 13, 2025, 02:42:28 PM
Welcome to the BitcoinTalk forum.

Your casino ANN thread is very interesting. I've created my account here, haven't faced any issues. I don't have to use any vpn. However, the minimum deposit is $10, which may be high for some low-budget gamblers, but it's pretty good. I don't understand one thing, how many dollars is the minimum withdrawal? It's great that withdrawals are free.

However, as mentioned above, you can run signature campaigns for your casino, which will help gain popularity. You can offer some free spins for users, which can be interesting. Wish you long success.
6  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: New to the World on: February 13, 2025, 11:11:12 AM
I’ve been dabbling in the crypto world since about 2021 but have recently got serious about Alt and Stable coins. Recently my portfolio is about 60% Bitcoin 25% XRP and 15% ETH. What do yall have as suggestions or opinions on my portfolio?
It is very good that you have invested more money in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most trusted currency among all cryptocurrencies, so it is wise to focus more on Bitcoin. If I were you, I would add some amount to bitcoin and add some more coins to altcoins. I used to invest 70% in bitcoin, 10% in eth, 5% in xrp, 5% in sol, and 10% in other top altcoins in the market. We can't say for sure which altcoin will do well, but you have invested in ETH and XRP which have good potential. However, you can add some more altcoins to your portfolio if you like.
7  Economy / Gambling / Re: - Official Club Partner for Burnley FC on: February 13, 2025, 04:42:08 AM
No worries dude, I appreciate your concern.
As my previous post it is a update, I have tried on my friends device yesterday but what I get from there it was all the issues with my email I don't know what was the issue with my that email what I use to do use for exploring the gambling platforms.
By the way, we were able to create account on the but with another email even without any issue without VPN.

It is good news that you are finally able to create your account. In some cases a lot of time passes but the code does not arrive in the email, so another email should be used. However, you enjoy gambling in this casino.

Who was confident on which team? Everton's surprise towards the end of the match, Everton equalized with a goal in extra time. The match was very interesting, I was confident to bet on Liverpool, but the result turned out to be different in the end.
8  Economy / Speculation / Re: Is buying bitcoin everyday a good strategy? on: February 13, 2025, 02:47:57 AM
Now it depends on you, buy in DCA method as per your convenience. I've seen many discussions that recommend doing DCA on a weekly or monthly basis. Now if you want to do DCA daily for dip buying then no one will stop you if you feel good about it. I think most people use the DCA strategy on a monthly or weekly basis. This is the first time I've heard of you using the DCA method daily.

Now I find it a hassle to buy bitcoins daily, so I buy bitcoins on a weekly basis. I allocate some money from my monthly income to buy bitcoins, and divide it into 4 parts and invest it on a weekly basis.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can Bitcoin be kept as generational wealth ? on: February 12, 2025, 02:37:03 PM
The fact that Gold market capitalization is larger compared to Bitcoin can’t be overlooked but i would rather keep adding Bitcoin to my portfolio than holding on to Gold for several years. I’m aware some would rather invest in Gold for its long-term stability and also for generational wealth purpose which is applaudable reason why I’m curious if you can keep Bitcoin for generational wealth.
Holding Bitcoin long-term can expect to make huge profits. So keeping bitcoins for your children would be a good decision. As someone said above, it is not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. So it is wise to diversify your portfolio. Now I will not only keep bitcoins for my inheritance, I will invest in bitcoins with 33% and buy land with 33% and buy gold with 33%. This is my plan, other people have different plans. However, if you want to buy bitcoins for your inheritance, store the bitcoins in a good wallet.
10  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What is your favourite game for wagering? on: February 12, 2025, 11:51:18 AM
You mentioned casino games, now I like to bet on sports betting, my favorite game is football. Now everyone does not gamble with the same amount of money, everyone gambles with money according to their ability. I like spending $20 a month on gambling, spending $20 a month doesn't affect me financially. Now talking about casino games, CRASH game is the most favorite among my casino games. I have a lot of fun playing crash games, I'm not too greedy, there's a chance to win a big prize, but I cut if 2-5×. However, I sometimes have fun playing Plinko games. However, I find it more fun to bet on sports betting.
11  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: বাংলা (Bengali) on: February 12, 2025, 06:48:44 AM
জিপি ডাকাইত কোনো সন্দেহ নাই। অন্যান্য সিমের কথা জানিনা, তবে বাংলালিংক আমাকে মাঝে সাজেই ভালো ভালো অফার দেয় তাও আবার ফ্রি। আজ একটা দিসিলে ১ জিবি ৩ দিন ফ্রি। এর আগেও কয়েকবার দিসিলো।
ভাই কথায় আছে যে ভালো খেতে চাইলে অবশ্যই বেশি দাম দিয়ে কিনতে হবে। ভাই আমি তো গ্রামিন সিম ছাড়া অন্যান্য সিমে ভালো সুবিধা পাই না। যদিও এমবি ও মিনিট এগুলো অন্যান্য সিমে সস্তা দামে অফার দিয়ে থাকে। কিন্তু এয়ারটেল রবি সিমে ঘরে বসে নেট চালাতে পারবেন না, বাহিরে বসে নেট চালাতে হবে। কিন্তু আপনি যদি গ্রামিন সিমে এমবি লোড করেন তাহলে কম্বলের নিচে শুয়ে থেকে চালাতে পারবেন।

আমি গ্রামিন সিম ইউজ করি, আমাকে বেশ ভালো ভালো অফার দিয়ে থাকে, ৫০০ টাকায় ৮০ জিবি, ৫০ জিবি, কয়েকদিন আগে ১০০ জিবি দিয়েছিলো। এখন কল দেওয়ার জন্য আমাকে তো আরও একটা সুবিধা দিয়ে রেখেছে, ৭৯ পয়সা মিনিট কলরেট ২ দিন তাও ফ্রিতে নিতে পারি।

আর ভাই বাংলালিংক এর কথা বললেন, আমার বাড়িতে 4জি চালু হয় না, অলটাইম 2জি পেয়ে থাকে, বাংলালিংক আমাকেও এই ধরনের অফার দিয়েছিলো, তারা তাদের গ্রাহকদের আকর্ষিত করার জন্য এমন অফার দিয়ে থাকে। আর একটা বিষয়ে বাংলালিংক সিমের প্রশংসা করতেই হবে, কারন বাংলালিংক সিমের নেট স্প্রিড সবচেয়ে বেশি।
12  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Why invest in bitcoin?? on: February 12, 2025, 05:59:19 AM
I have seen many discussions about the 3 points you mentioned. Now why should we invest in Bitcoin, it is possible to make a lot of profit in long term by investing in Bitcoin. On the other hand, if you save money in the bank, then as much profit as you can earn, you will see that the value of money has decreased a lot. Today's 100 fiat money and future's 100 fiat money will not be equal. Smart people don't save money, they invest in any sector. Now we need to save some money, because money may be needed for urgent needs. Some countries require you to pay tax on crypto. There is no need to pay taxes in the country where I live. Investing in Bitcoin is a good decision to counter inflation.
13  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League 2024/25 Season on: February 12, 2025, 03:38:23 AM
Manchester City vs Real Madrid.

Match was very spectacular and really fierce, both team tried to get the advantage to get the winning and this is the only match that Manchester City or Real Madrid played with full confidence and the quality of the game is very impressive.
Both team from the beginning of the season until now have gone through difficult times with unfavorable conditions and led to decline but we all know that Real Madrid has started to fix it, they have been on the right track by starting to get more win.
Result is still as I expected, I got win in the bet and it was pretty satisfying result.

The match was very competitive indeed, with both teams being favorites to win. Haaland scored 2 goals for Man City, Man City led 2-1 until 85 minutes, then I thought Man City might win. But in the 86th minute, Brahim Díaz scored 1 goal to equalize 2-2. Then it became challenging for Man City, I thought the match would be a draw. But Jude Bellingham scored 1 goal for Real Madrid in extra time to give the team a 3–2 lead, Real Madrid eventually won 3–2. At the end of the match, Man City players could not do well. Real Madrid's players played aggressively towards the end, which led to their victory. I was the exception here, I bet on Man City unfortunately I lost.
14  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🎲|♥️Join $500 000+ Games of Cupids | 🎁Sign up & get Welcome Bonus on: February 12, 2025, 02:07:24 AM
Have you tried it again? We will like an update on your situation.

We are having fun on Betfury and will like you to have some fun too, especially as there are tough games this week in the Champions League play-offs starting today.
I appreciate your response.

Yes, the problem I mentioned is solved. Maybe there was an upgrade going on then, I tried it a few times but got the same problem. However, I deposit some dollars in this casino for fun. I bet on the match between Real Madrid vs Man City. But I wasn't lucky, I bet on Man City and lost at the end.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: When will you sell your alts? on: February 11, 2025, 02:50:26 PM
I don't like altcoins. I have invested mostly in bitcoins, a small amount in altcoins, also in different coins. However, it is possible to make a lot of profit from altcoins, but we don't know which coin will pump more. Now if I have to talk about my expectations then I don't expect much profit. I will be satisfied if I get 2-3x profit. Altcoins are risky, if I expect excess profits, then losses may occur instead of profits. However, if you expect 30x profit I think it becomes too much. Some altcoins are not profitable in the long run. I don't know which currency you have invested in. However, expecting too much profit can lead to loss, so be careful and make sure to sell at the right time.
16  Economy / Speculation / Re: BTC to 150K this year? on: February 11, 2025, 11:54:29 AM
Hello everyone, are we going to see 150k this year because it seems Donald Trump does not have time for BTC again?
After Donald Trump won the election, the price of Bitcoin has increased significantly. I believe that with any positive direction from Donald Trump, the price of Bitcoin will rise again. Now he created meme coin which is currently not doing well, trump price is decreasing day by day. However, we variously predicted that it would be $150k this January but it didn't happen, now we can expect $150k by the middle of this year. We must be patient, not despair. Many analysts think the price of Bitcoin is likely to hit $150k-$200k this year. We have to keep in mind that no one can predict Bitcoin accurately, we have to proceed with confidence.
17  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do you take a break when you are in a losing streak? on: February 11, 2025, 08:46:29 AM
If I'm on a losing streak, I'll definitely take a break. If I keep losing, I'm out of luck. If I take a break and start again, maybe the luck will be better and I will win. But losing repeatedly, if I continue to bet to recover losses, more losses will be incurred. Now from my real experience, I kept losing in a casino game and bet excitedly and lost a lot of money.

Although I don't like casino games, I like sports betting. If talking about sports betting, I bet on 1-2 match a day, which I keep betting even if I lose.
18  Economy / Economics / Re: Be an informed investor. on: February 11, 2025, 06:57:48 AM
What does it mean to be informed?
An informed investor we have their long term investment goals in mind before being pressured into any volatile investment by all this finfluencer's that are just influencing investor's to invest one shitcoin.focus on your long term BTC investment,because an impulsive investment can derail your long term investment strategy.
Many people are cheated by investing without understanding, if we want to invest, we have to research and invest. If you invest in the wrong place, you may get cheated. Shitcoins are risky, so a wise person would not be interested in investing in shitcoins, they would definitely be interested in investing in trusted currencies like Bitcoin. It would be wise to invest in currencies where there is trust and long-term investment is sure to yield good profits. So if we do research we must focus on Bitcoin. Bitcoin has proven that long-term holdings are definitely profitable.
19  Economy / Gambling / Re: - Official Club Partner for Burnley FC on: February 11, 2025, 02:10:59 AM
Anyway, I will suggest some of my friends in today's evening let me know what they faces.
Don't know what problem you are facing, yes you can test by getting your friends to sign up. If you see your friends having the same problem, then I think there is something wrong with this casino. Have you tried with another email? If not then you can try with another mail.

However, as far as I believe there is no problem with signing up an account at this casino. I asked some of my friends to sign up accounts at this casino, they did accounts here and they also had no problems.
20  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: panic sell in trading on: February 10, 2025, 06:43:08 PM
Crypto means risky, here you have to trade with risk. Trading is not for everyone, not everyone can trade and earn profit. Yes newbies get excited to buy pumped coins, when the price of that coin starts to drop a bit they panic and are forced to sell at a loss. If buying a coin, if the price drops a bit, it is better to hold for a few days without panicking. Now before trading you should gain knowledge about trading, learn to analyze the market, and don't be too greedy, if you are too greedy then you will face loss. It is better to take profit if you buy a coin and gain some profit. If one does not have good knowledge about trading then one should not do trading. If you buy bad coins without understanding then you can face huge losses.
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