Does hive have any successful presales before it
Sort of I suppose... It used to be STEEM or STEEMIT, sold that to Justin Sun, and "forked" to continue on as HIVE "without" Justin Sun... -MarkM- Just to add to that: Hive itself is like less of an ICO or Presale Platform, and more of what it is. Like HIVE is distributed as part of Social Media style activity, and the Tokens Distribute the same way. Steemit now is kind of connected to TRX, You would want to use them together and there is some kind of Rewards system now where Steemit users get TRX unless they took that away. It’s not like ERC20.
The People at 7-11 Gulp Radio are letting it be known that they are very Jealous of me.
As I become more and more Famous Worldwide, Dallas Corporations like 7-11 are Starting to Notice but they don’t notice how Minuscule they are compared to the Van Kush Family. As I become like a Billionaire Tech Mogul here in the next few Years, they will all wish they had used their Time more Wisely. And it might actually be the Death of these People. Like how they say like “You’ll be the Death of me”, this might actually Kill these People.
“Fantastic Things could be done with Gaza” -Trump, who has seen the Maps in the Videos Shared in this very Thread.
Everyone Watch the Videos in this Thread, they are the Tip of the Spear. It’s like all the Details on what Daniella Weiss is doing. That’s our (The Crusade’s) Point person that Trump would know about as a Reference also. He sent Mike Huckabee to Help her out.
I just want to like Emphasize that these Crusade Emails are about a kind of Syrian Crusade, Syria is where I’ve been announcing that this will Happen and Everyone needs to understand the Terms of a Crusade, like, it’s not an Inquisition where we would be like looking for People who are 1. Teaching something outside of accepted Doctrine, 2. Will not stop when Corrected by Authorities, 3. Is acting of their own Free Will and not under the influence of the Devil. That’s an Inquisition. This is a Crusade.
Not since the Knights Templar have the Christians had the Enthusiasm that the Israelis are giving them about the Holy Land. There have been Accusations of Crusading, with American Rifles having Bible verses in the Serial Numbers. But now, the Islamic State in the Levant called the Christian World “Rome”. What is comparable to Rome, is now standing behind Israel, supporting Israel.
Some have been Talking about Israel’s War in Gaza and now with Lebanon and they somehow think that the U.N. is going to come in and Force the War to End. I Personally have been contacting the IACHR and the UN for Years and Years, and I told the Palestinians through Al Jazeera that they were going after something intangible. What the UN and the OAS are for is to Cry Out to the World, they are there for Greta Thunburg to make a Case against Climate Change, and Signatories of this or that to be swayed maybe, or Like-Minded individuals to come together with her and Support her. The UN is not a Dictatorship, it’s Really not even a Jurisdiction, it’s a Mock UN with Everyone actually there.
And Everyone should know that we can remake the Middle East. ISIS took over with the Trucks that Contractors left, and the Weapons. Like in Niger, there was a Question as the Junta took over, would America leave? And would America leave them what they needed to Fight Jihadists? The Problem being that the U.S. Military had Trained the Nigeriene Military and given them Drones and Everything, and that Military then was staging a Cu-de-tat against the American installed President. If it wasn’t just the Military, if the Contractors for example had made Lives in Iraq, and stayed there, ISIS might not have been able to do all that. It’s the same Argument Daniella Weiss makes in saying that if she Lived in Gaza there would never have been an October 7th, and the Government removing the Gaza Settlements is why there is War in Gaza, while the Settlements in the West Bank are why there is no War in the West Bank. And it was the Purpose of the Crusades, specifically, the Purpose of a Crusade is to remove the infidel and make the Holy Land safe for Pilgrims. This is what Osama Bin Laden was known for, the was saying that the U.S. could not maintain a Military Base in Saudi Arabia because the Quran had guidelines for how long non-believers could stay in the Muslim Holy Land of Saudi Arabia.
This is what this War will be about. Cenk Uyger trying to make Secular sense of all of this and Things, that is not how this War is going to be Discussed.
Mark Zuckerberg has been MMA Fighting and Feels like he doesn’t fall in the Class of Nerd with Dan and Ned now, and instead he has imagined that I’M the Nerd. How Rich.
Mark Zuckerberg was never a Social Butterfly like I have been my whole Life, one of the Popular Kids. He can’t just Wipe that off and pretend I’m the Loser. I’m still the Cool one, he’s the Loser.
It’s something Your Parents give You and You get in School as a Kid.
DFW is becoming more aware, I’m going to get Daniella Weiss across that Border, it’s not a Debate.
This Video gets into some Things that can help Everyone understand some Things even just about Humans, about being Human. People often in the context of like White-Black Racism in America ask Questions like “How can we just get Everyone to not be Racist? Maybe if Everyone had a Black Grandchild they would be able to see.” And there are Discussions along these Lines, and it has Good intent, but it isn’t Really how Everything Works. Just as an example, lots of Slave Owners had Black Children. In Fact Slavery never changed, and even though we think of Slaves as a kind of Job, like it’s an Employment Status, like “Slavery is defined as Working without Pay”. But a lot of it actual has to do with Sex Trafficking. It always did. In this Video he Ends saying “This is bigger than me and this Woman from Gaza”, here is the Video: Main Point of the Video is to show that this Regular Citizen of Gaza, likely a Mother maybe even a Grandmother, is Proud of Hamas, Celebrates October 7th, She tells the Guy recording this these Things because She believes he is an Arab. She States at the End that She said these Things because She thought he Supported Hamas, and we all know that’s not True, but it brings up another Point on top of the Basic Things this Brings up. So First, let’s call it 1, 1. This Woman is Proud of Hamas, Proud of October 7th, She says that in Gaza they wear Beautiful Clothes, and eat Beautiful Food, and it’s Israel that has now interrupted that with this Invasion. And Ironically She States that the only way to have Freedom in Palestine is through more October 7th type Attacks. The Jewish Guy Recording even kind of Jokes and says “God willing, all the Gazans will become Martyrs”, but She also agrees with that. Once She knows the person at the Other End is an Israeli Jew they kind of have a short argument about Yahya Sinwar causing all the Problems for Gaza. In this we can see that there is kind of a Level of Palestinian Clout we could call it. Among Arabs, a Palestinian can find a kind of Social Acceptance in being Proud of Hamas, etc, there is a Positive Feedback Reinforcement so Hamas doesn’t have to be some Hardliner Position, someone with a Weak willpower can easily say something like “Bless the Hamas Fighters Firing the Rockets” and it’s not the kind of Thing where You hold Your Opinion knowing You are Right when Everyone else is Wrong; instead You can just Freely make these Statements. For example, if I wanted to Support a Kurdish State in Turkey, even for a Kurd it takes a Strong Will and a Hardline Position to get up and say like the same kind of sentiment as like “From the River to the Sea, Kurdistan will be Free”, that Sentiment about Kurdistan is more like “Why do you care about that Group?” even as an Arab like “We don’t like the Kurds” could be an Issue. As a Kurd, it’s like “You know they are Designated Terrorists, we can’t be like them” because the PKK is a Designated Terrorist Organization. But for the Arab Palestinian, She argues that She was just pretending to Support Hamas because She figured as an Arab he must Support Hamas and Hate all Jews. The Point being that it is Bigger than her, there is no Need to even Try to Convince her of anything, there are in Fact Larger Battles to be Won, and if She ever Changes her Thought-Patterns it will be part of a Bandwagon Thing going on. This is how Egregori Work, the Watchers from the Bible, the Children of the Fallen Angels. You don’t have to Spend all this Time going Door to Door, arguing with People until You are Blue in the Face, there is not a Solution where we go out to Every Person and sit with them until they understand. There are Invisible Creatures flying between our Heads, in Words and Other Things. And that is what they are for. It’s not just Fairytales. But yeah, if anyone is asking, yes this is what the Fairytales are for, about, etc, this is why we have Fairytales.
I want Everyone to see how Ana Kasparian is talking about this so no one is blocked off from another Perspective the Video She says Things like: “They [the Settlers] aren’t doing the Israeli Civilians any Good by Terrorizing innocent Palestinians” (an attempt to kind of say “You can be a Good Jew and not the Evil kind if You are against Settlements”) And “They are now building settlements, taking Palestinian Land was the whole Point”. This is actually how She thinks about this, even if this is some kind of Political stunt, it’s like Ken Paxton at the BLM Shooter Press conferences, She honestly believes She has found something to take a stand about, a Hill to Die on, these are her Honest Opinions. And maybe some of it is shaped by Relationships, for example You could be friends with the Ayatollah and it would make it hard to come out and say “Israel started this by Defending themselves” because Your friend the Ayatollah might not like it, and I’m sure She talks to plenty of People who seem intellectual to her, and they have made all kinds of arguments, they were talking about Gaza being an Open Air Prison before this, “the next Attack” was always supposed to happen. Regardless of if anyone knew in Israel or Gaza that October 7th was going to happen when and how it did, they knew that the Palestinians were going to Attack Israel again. She can’t see how there was a Logical Progression from what was a Peacetime, regardless of any feelings of Imprisonment, to War. And then the next Logical conclusion, which is unacceptable to her even as a Premise, is that the Israeli Military while Fighting this War, can see that they are doing something and taking Loses to get it done, Losing Lives, they are being Killed. And if they allow Gaza to be like Fallujah and all that Blood and Sweat go into it only to let it topple in retreat afterwards, they see that that is a Losing Situation for Israel. So the Settlements come in. And instead the whole Thing was “Planned by Netanyahu and his Cronies all along, they just wanted to take Palestinian Land and that’s how this War Started.”. That is Really Honestly how She thinks, and She can’t see how it Progressed. But I want Everyone who does know what is going on, to know that Ana Kasparian is Documenting Progress. The Israeli Military is making Progress towards building Settlements.
There will be no occupation, there will only be the liberation of Gaza from terrorism.
That is what the state of Israel and the United States have continue to claim since the beginning of the war in Gaza, that his was all supposed to be an operation against the extremist group known as Hamas, but if you look closer to what is actually happening in Gaza, it is closer to displacement and destruction of the means of living of an entire little country. What is going Israel going to do once they announce they have got rid of Hamas in Gaza, will they give back the strip to the innocent population who has lost their homes and businesses? I doubt it. The objective of Israel is to further expand their Territory, slowly and forcing Palestinians to be adopted as refugees on other Arab countries. Actually, I don't understand yet why Arab countries in the middle east have not started to take Palestians refugees, for the sake of their own well being. There is just an issue, the Israelis went into Gaza, to Fight a Terror Army that NEVER Expected to be invaded, they thought they were going to Trade Hostages to remain in Southern Israeli Territories. This was not just another Palestine-Israel Thing, there have been Kidnappings, and there have been Terror Attacks, but what happened October 7th was an Expansion of Gaza, Israel lost Territory to Palestine, and Hamas Orchestrated it. They didn’t go into Gaza for a Month and most People didn’t even Tune in until People in Gaza were holding Dead Children. There were Days of Battles where Hamas was being pushed out of Southern Israel, and Hamas had expected Hezbollah and Iran to Secure their Victory. When Hamas took Land in Israel, they expected to meet up with Hezbollah in the North, but Hezbollah didn’t attempt it until the Anniversary of October 7th. But those Days after October 7th were actually a Battle for Land in Israel. At that Time Hamas thought they would retreat and start Hostage Negotiations, which they had thought they could do with Land, but once the Land was gone they still had that kind of plan. But Israel came to get the Hostages. Then Israel decided to take out Hamas, everyone said like “Don’t go in Rapha”, much of Hamas never intended to be in a War, some of them just expected it to be Rockets into Israel like Normal. Then they were being hunted by the Israeli Military, using Anti-Tank weapons smuggled in by Iran and Turkey. So then now the Israeli Military is in Gaza, and what they see is that a Gaza with no Jews is not going to ever be Safe for Israel. So it’s not about taking Palestinian Land, there is just a Logical Solution here to the Problem of Gaza being a Laboratory for Jew Hatred, and that is to move the Jewish People into the Settlements that used to exist in Gaza. It’s not like Occupation for Occupations sake, the Regular Jewish Citizenry living there will be the purpose, the Occupation will come as part of Securing their Safety.
There will be no occupation, there will only be the liberation of Gaza from terrorism.
I Wrote the Quote below for something else, but it goes with the Point You are making. Saudi Arabia is offering to “increase Security Cooperation” with Iran. Qatar just kicked out Hamas which is the opposite of Saudi Arabia working with Iran.
It was considered that because of the Israeli Pipeline Deal that Saudi Arabia would look past Hamas’ ploy to interrupt Normalization Processes, but for them to be talking about Military Operations with Iran is like them telling the Houthies they don’t like what Israel is doing, like “We don’t like it either” after all the Houthies have been sending through their Airspace.
Everyone needs to Talk to Daniella Weiss, they might not like to hear what she has to say when she is putting into maybe less Elegant Words that Palestine should have Surrendered. Palestine should have returned the Hostages. Palestine should Surrender now, because the Cost of this loss for them is now that Settlements will be built in Gaza. That is not some Racist Nakba Joke or something. Gaza should have Surrendered. Yahya Sinwar should have Surrendered, and in the End he was saying he would Surrender if he could get a Deal not to be Executed. But that Probably would have been up to a Jury. He’s Dead now, he Died dressed like a Woman, hiding.
And Hamas still didn’t Surrender.
It’s gotten so Stupid that Qatar kicked Hamas out, over this. They said “Why are You here, we let You stay for Peace Talks”, they also said that Israel was making it harder to Negotiate when they killed Hamas’ Negotiator (Yahya Sinwar), but they see what it is, and they told Hamas to leave.
And they still refuse to Surrender.
The Settlements are coming now. And it’s not Zionism to blame, it’s Hamas Ideology.
Another Layer of this, from the Perspective of the Christian World, is kind of what the Knights Templar left behind. There is a Theory they went to Scotland or something in the End, instituting kind of the York Rite and Scottish Rite Branches of Masonry.
But there is, just to Start this off, an Artifact said to be from the Crucifixion of Jesus, it is not completely preserved, it’s only a small part of it left, but the Holy Lance. The one that was said to Pierce Jesus’ side. And the Story behind this Object is that while in the Possession of Kings, they would Conquer, then as soon as the lost it, like dropped it in Battle is one example, they almost immediately are Killed; once they lose it, it all ends. And Hitler heard about this, and he wanted it, he knew about this kind of stuff before he became the Leader of the Nazis, this is how an Artist became a Dictator. Hitler took it into his Possession, and People say that it was actually again almost instant, that as the Americans randomly came about the Spear of Destiny, it all ended for Hitler, there is a Book written maybe by the guy who found it, and the Timing is like, Hitler kill’s himself the next Day or something like that.
There have been some Misconception about like 1948 Israel, and Things about the 60s, and all of that and it has been Displayed by using a Map we have all seen. This Video gets into the Map, and they admit that most of the Original Lands were Purchased by European Jewery. But that most of the Land was not Stolen. Then Jordan actually controlled the West Bank, which is why it is called the West Bank, it is West of Jordan. And this gets to a Famous Point Benjamin Netanyahu made in the 70s in that there is a Palestinian State called Jordan, there is are many Arab Nations, and that a 2 State Solution would be to give the Palestinians 2 States. But before that, Jordan owned the West Bank and they did not make a Palestinian State. Then Jordan went to War with Israel when Egypt did, and Israel asked Jordan not to get involved. And to Defend itself, Israel Occupied the West Bank. So then the Map goes from Gaza and the West Bank to a Diminished West Bank. Then this Video also gets into how the Governments that Israel has allowed in these Territories, has all ended in War. The Palestinians continue not just wanting the Land they have, but all of Israel, and that is the Nakhba and Balfour and all those Things the Muslims want to Talk about.
Here is a Meeting about the Future of Gaza with Zionists of America: just as an example of how Cryptocurrency used to be in Talks about Things that could be useful to Settlement, there was this, Bitcoin Town: Discussion got into Earthships and Earthquake Proof Cobb and Things. There was also Blueseed where they were Talking about living on Boats and Floating Cities. The Concepts are called Homesteading and Seasteading. It is about the Ocean and Space eventually as mentioned before. But to the Discussions that were around Bitcointown, there is also an Aesthetic called Cottage Core. The way there are like Emo Kids and Scene Kids and like Hotep stuff, or like Goths, there is like Punk, there is also like Preppy is one Word that was used for like Church Kids in Highschool. There is a Thing called Cottagecore that is like a whole Thing. And that is all kind of Part of creating Settlements.
We used to talk a lot about Nations and States as a Cryptocurrency Community, even replacing Fiat.
I think Israel is special, and shouldn't be allowed to mingled with highly corrupted Crypto space filled with immoral and elitist Proof of Stake. The two are incompatible, and shouldn't even be close neighbors.. Maybe capitalist societies would be more appropriate places to try that. A moral crypto will definitely be without the typical PoS.. It's set up to hijack nations/communities. It's worst than fiat currencies I agree kind of that the An-Caps, or An-Coms for that matter though they usually don’t merit a mention, shouldn’t be allowed to Corrupt Israel. But, Sean Hannity is already involved, Mike Huckabee, Trump. And if Israel used Cryptocurrency, the Palestinians could benefit also. The Anarcho-Capitalists might even be able to prove themselves by making like Properties where those who work a Property earn a Dividend, so X% of all Coins minted, a Steady income, plus Fiat Wages. This could be done in Argentina also. But that’s just a Possibility of how An-Caps could come in and prove Useful, instead of just being 2A Podcasters with sometimes bigoted Opinions which is what a lot of the An-Cap YouTube and community around it are. And it’s not just like “they’re bigoted”, they are Anarchists and their Philosophies are as bad as the An-Com, except the An-Com makes no sense because how can You be Communist (no one own anything but the Government owns everything) and Anarchist. They make even less sense. But to the Point of Israel specifically. Israel has become much more of a Right Wing Country, there are still Jewish People that have like a Volkswagon Van who stop in Traffic playing Techno or Dubstep or whatever giving out Hugs, and a lot of the anti-Netanyahu Israelis are still that Leftist type of Jewish Community. But the NRA is now speaking to them, they had Government Policies where People around Gaza could not own Guns, most Israelis can’t, just for Safety, how the Sandy Hook Promise People want it to be in America, no one had Guns because it was Safer they way. You had to Prove to the Government that there was a Threat to obtain a License to own a Gun. Then October 7th Happened. And that’s After ISIS pushed Israel to the Right. After the Iraq and Afghanistan War pushed them to the Right. The Holocaust is what made the Liberal Jewish Community in Israel, because the Refugees from other Jewish Regions were all facing Fascism (which is how Communism and Naziism are connected, it was all Fascist) and not to belittle the Holocaust but it was almost 100 Years ago now, and these Jews have been in the Middle East that whole Time now. And again, I agree they should not be Corrupted by Anarcho-Capitalists and like everyone that was Running the Bitcoin Miami Conference, they KILLED BITCOIN, dropped it to $20,000 each. And Actually Cryptocurrency more needs Israel and other States to help take the Reins. And this then will translate into Space, the Final Fronteir. We with have Cultures around Currencies, and Icons depicted, Legendary Figures, etc, surrounding Real Currencies. I want to put the Crypt in Crypt-ocurrency.
Gush Katif is the name of one of the main Former Jewish Settlements in Gaza. We used to talk a lot about Nations and States as a Cryptocurrency Community, even replacing Fiat. What does everyone think about the Jewish Occupation and Settlement of Gaza? And what plans can be made for resettling the Gazans elsewhere that does not lead to them Arming up and coming back? Here is some information from one of the Leaders of the Gaza Resettlement Movement: now the only reason there aren’t Settlements in Gaza is because Netanyahu hasn’t made it easy. But with the Support of Christians around DFW, they shouldn’t have a Problem getting into Gaza and starting a Riviera, they can talk to Al Jazeera about that Water Problem in Gaza, the Receding Beaches, etc.
DeFi is still waiting for HIVE to go back to $3.00 each, etc. that Happened because of LinkedIn. That’s all it takes for this stuff to work.
Bitcoin, DOGE, and DevCoin.
Bitcoin was First, then Litecoin, BTC was SHA and LTC was Scrypt, the Reason it is called Litecoin is because Bitcoin had too many People mining it and ASICs were made by Butterfly Labs, kind of the Early days of BTC Farming, this is all about Hashrates, etc. the Higher the overall Hashrate is, the Less You make with a Laptop actually was the Problem, so the Economic Principle is that like as the Hashrate becomes kind of unnecessarily Higher in a what is a Capitalist, Competitive, System. The Hashrate goes up and those with Less get Less and Less and it becomes more Rare.
But Litecoin was made to Solve that. Then there was Feathercoin, because Litecoin was too Hard to Mine on a Laptop.
Then Everything kept getting more Developed and Antminer came out, etc.
And CryptoNite Coins came out, like Monero all taught on ForkNote. So these were made to be ASIC proof and the most that exists is I think it’s called Claymore’s GPU CryptoNote Miner, or something like that. Because before ASIC there was GPU and the BTC GPU Miners switched to Litecoin, then Feathercoin.
And so there was Bitshares in the background making Tokens on the OpenLedger Exchange, and they eventually Launched Steemit. Then there was a Feud with Justin Sun who bought Steemit, China kinda now runs Steemit, like the Universities and Things. It’s also South Korean now. And the Bitshares People moved to HIVE, and BLURT was made, etc.
And so, that though is kind of where Everything is eventually going to be Platformed. The OpenLedger, and Steemit Frameworks. Hosting an Interactive Website with Transactions, the Blockchain does like 1,000,000 Transactions per Second. And the Social Media side is a Blog, so any Coin Creator should have a Page on these Blogs. And there should be more. There should be Twitter Clones, as Steemit is Supposed to be a Twitter Clone. China does Clones, they could be doing a lot.
But that kind of stuff is where a lot of stuff is going to Happen.