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1  Other / Politics & Society / Future decision on: Today at 08:07:00 AM
I will start by telling a little story of what I saw and how it gave me motivation to work hard and also help me have a great thought for tomorrow.

Yesterday I went to visit my friend at his work place in a busy motor park filled with children, adults cars business men and women as well as itinerants a place filled with thousands of business people and passers by it was interesting sitting and watching the activities going on there. Shortly I needed to quench my thirst because the sun was much and I walked down from a long distance then he told me to call one of the hawkers cause there was no need stepping out when there are alot of them walking up and down.
Area of concentration: when I got up to call anyone of them passing bruh though it's not a new thing but I saw men of over 30,35,40,45-50 years of age men and women in this my story I'm not interested in the teens and children these people of these age were running with buckets, crates and so on on their head dragging who to reach first with the children and that time I lost the thirst I was weak in my spirit, I refused to call on them cause I didn't want those men and women to come and bow for me to take water and I discovered they weren't smiling like the younger ones do and they were more serious can you imagine at there age. I ended up not calling any I went to look for a shop where I can get the water. But I truly believe they're not happy doing that but they have to.

some basic causes of these situations
fail to plan is planned to fail
poor family background
refusal to acquire a skill or handwork
nonchalant attitude at their young age
no help and support
young age lavish lifestyle want to be free and enjoy your youth
laziness at young age

Now consider these facts maybe they have children and wife to care isn't that creating more poverty to the society we are humans we should think bible also warned work in the days of your youth imagine the stress and agony I saw in their faces it's a lifetime regret for them, you that have all these things I mentioned what do you want to be your excuse for tomorrow young ones zip up not tomorrow you blame government.
Note: You maybe enjoying today as a youth but what is your fate in your 40s had I know always come at last the youthful times is a time for decision and determination not just flexing.plan your future so you can be proud to tell people your own story and say to yourself I made it. Goodluck to those young ones who have determined to make a change for a better tomorrow. One love.
2  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: Igebotz Merit Rank Up Thread v.1 on: February 16, 2025, 02:12:35 PM
Rank: Member

Merits left to rank up: 10 Merits
3  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: Igebotz Merit Rank Up Thread v.1 on: February 16, 2025, 01:47:04 PM
It's a nice one you care about others. It's a nice way and another step to be ranked up I went through the comments and found out some have already gotten theirs

I Neva apply and this one wey u Dom already put say u go soon lock am I no know if e Dom lock sha but I still dey hail ur concern.
4  Economy / Economics / Re: Rising Price in goods and services on: February 16, 2025, 01:33:15 PM
Bruh it's true that the prices of goods and services are very high and and also affecting livelihood but I will 100% disagree if you say it's happening only in Africa and Nigeria that is not true at all. But I will highlight maybe one or two reasons that makes it feel like Africa and Nigeria are the headquarters.

Last year my boss's son who traveled to London had to call back home to send him and his family some food items that it was too expensive there.

Another fact is that Africans don't keep quiet on anything it must be known every little thing they make it seem like the world is falling down, and the government are selfish they are not contented the masses are nothing to them, last year we saw how china economy witnessed a setback but was not heard the way it would have been for Africans we should learn how to be contented.
I have said it before in Africa just wake up and make sure you have enough for yourself and family don't prefer a luxury life else, but if there is the opportunity for a luxurious life then take it but my advice is mainly for a common man in Africa in Nigeria and the world at large.
Sorry if I spoke against anybody your thoughts and corrections matters for a chart thank you.
5  Economy / Services / Re: 👉{OPEN} ▄■▀■▄🌟🌟 - Plinko Signature Campaign, Member+ {Funds Escrow} on: February 16, 2025, 05:38:29 AM
Username: Bright0515
Forum rank: member
Posts count: 238
Address: (Segwit BTC Address): bc1q84tj8ydfz6jjpmxfn9uj54fp3hcxjwcgjn27qq
6  Economy / Services / Re: BETKIN | SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN |BTC PAYMENT| FUNDS ESCROWED| EARN UPTO 130$🐯🐯🐯 on: February 15, 2025, 07:45:05 PM
BETKIN Account Name - Bright0515
Bitcointalk Username - Bright0515
Post count - 237
Rank- Member
Segwit BTC address- bc1q84tj8ydfz6jjpmxfn9uj54fp3hcxjwcgjn27qq

Will be very happy to work with you. Thanks.
7  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Share your best posts/threads with Fillippone to be merit assessed on: February 09, 2025, 04:15:51 AM
Round 4

1, Re: [Voting 2024] Bitcointalk Community Awards 🏆
Category: Good reply
Section: Meta
8  Other / Meta / Re: [Voting 2024] Bitcointalk Community Awards 🏆 on: February 05, 2025, 05:10:55 PM
Hero of Good: Theymos
Always available to fix any issues on the forum
Bitcoin Geek: fillippone, JayJuanGee
fillippone, is a generous person.
Haven't seen anyone write like JayJuanGee. Explain Bitcoin investment in details.
Best Event: bitcoin pizza day
Was interesting.
Discovery of the Year: Igebotz
First Nigerian local board moderator
Help Buster: DdmrDdmr
Craft Master: Hhampuz
Best campaign manager in the forum.
Local Hero: Cryptoprenuerbainboss and Igebotz
Cryptoprenuerbainboss supportive, helps everyone in the Nigerian local board.
Igebotz, a moderator
Miss Bitcointalk: SmartGold01
A Reputable Nigerian female Bitcointalker.
9  Local / Off-topic (Naija) / Mass deportation on: January 29, 2025, 03:50:19 PM
Another problem Dom heat our country people wey dey obodo the abroad for the united states. Since wey the presido of of the united states of America win election and ever since him campaign the presido been dey threaten mass deportation for illegal migrants wey dey for him country some people been really dey pray say make the move no work why some been dey pray say make e work because of the promises wey him make for crypto currencies and now the matter Dom favour crypto traders and these illegal migrants from our country wey japa say them wan find better life there village people dey airport dey wait for them as I just see news say U.S Dom deport 3,690 illegal migrants for the country this one na another increase of population why america dey do like this sef.

Na the matter wey dey ground so but this man really carry Africans and Nigerians for mind but the matter come be like say na we Nigerians plenty pass come carry the matter for head we sef no dey try no be insult to the country reputation be that? Make them come na make we dey country reason together no shaking.
10  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Work for person this year, trade forex or gambling? on: January 07, 2025, 10:02:17 AM
Three of these things na something wey I sight say people wan dey try remove body for, to work for person to trade forex and to dey play gamble weda for casino or online. Me myself I Dom reason am for our country as e be like this now I no sure say to work for person fit favour person again especially when e come be say u dey alone or u dey feed family and salary no come balance this one na one of the things wey people really complain of last year.

Another one na forex trading and gambling I just put them together because them dey like brothers, one of my friend call me after the new year, bring him phone and book dey calculate all the money wey him spend for online betting account and forex trading Omo the money too much but that bobo go always tell you say money no gum am but everyday him dey trade forex still dey play gamble. These three things wey I mention sometimes fit control mental health those wey dey trade forex go know wetin I mean that one na when u allow am be addiction you fit dey calculate forex ur brain dey hot sef the same thing with gambling,

So this year how person wey dey do these things want take cope and how much profit and loss you as an individual Dom calculate from your own side and how u dey take control or cope with the addiction.

Make we hear from you person fit dey here to learn from our own contribution.
11  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Wetin u Dom carry ur stinginess achieve on: December 28, 2024, 10:05:39 PM
Last night I been dey get discussion with my friend online and our major discussion na on how him take acquire him BTC after him talk i come confirm say the guy really stingy but sometimes e dey help too.
Unto say the guy tell me say him forget any financial matter wey concern himself, family and friends say him set him goal say before that year go end even though him no achieve anything but him must get at least 1 BTC, though him tell me say the criticism and insults wey him pass through no be small but him still face him goal and him get am.
So how u rate this matter. Him try or e no good say him leave him family and friends financially to acquire BTC.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The effect of Bitcoin growth on other currencies in the crypto market on: December 19, 2024, 07:48:21 PM
For the past few years all attention of higher purchase of crypto currencies have been on Bitcoin expecting something extraordinary from Bitcoin investment though there were other coins but all attention was majorly focused on BTC to see the profit before they proceed with others, like no one really expected BTC to hit $100 within a twinkle of an eye. So it's very motivating and I think this has been the motivation of HODlers and investors on other currencies believing at anytime they may have their breakthrough.

So what effect do you think the BTC growth added to other currencies?
13  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why Do We Save Money When We Can't Afford a House or Retire Early? on: December 18, 2024, 08:31:08 PM
It is very important to save money let me take football for example, a footballer receives. 250,000 euros every week at the age 22 now he had an injury that ends his career which automatically ends his earnings too, he has been receiving that amount since he was 20 so for two years he received huge so if this guy should have the mindset of let me enjoy my present life since I'm not getting retired anytime soon damn he's cheated himself.
So what I'm trying to say is that we can't predict the future you have to save at anytime of the day else you live to explain without evidence when the need hits you.
14  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Does a strategy works very well in gambling? on: December 16, 2024, 09:28:20 PM
There are many people who will find it difficult to do this, because they are already aiming to make a lot of profit from gambling.
But when they start playing, they keep losing their money until they become too addicted.
Contrary to common belief, people don't get addicted because they lose lot of money. Losing too much money is just one symptom of either being already addicted, or losing control (which can be a symptom of a starting addiction as well).

It's the winnings that make people addicted enough to convince themselves that they can rise from the bottom by gambling more. Reason we don't notice the addiction on winners, because they don't have financial problems yet.

The hope of getting the jackpot winnings the next bet is indeed one of the reasons why many are still in gambling. To chase the losses definitely is one of the factors that they are after as well. Gamblers will always find a way how to keep his games. Up until he got to the point that he is already too deep in this activity.
When you put profit as your priority whenever you want to gamble, that's when you will not let go of your losses because you have the false hope that you can win the next game. If your intention is to just have fun by gambling on few games, you will be surprised that you will be lucky, but if you put all your hope on doubling your money when you start your gambling session, you will be disappointed at the end of the day.
The number one (1) rule as gambler is to gamble responsibly, so that one won't end up as an addicted gambler. However, what you said is actually true because given ourselves false hope will make us chase after loses and can also make us become an addicted gambler in the near future. So the best thing to do while staking on a bet is to stake with the money that we can afford to lose.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [OPEN] Elysium Signature Campaign | Full Member, Member on: December 16, 2024, 06:49:02 PM
16  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: I am new, I have a question on: December 14, 2024, 09:09:57 PM
Have you been trading Bitcoin already or you just wanna get started?
If you just wanna get started then I will advice you as a newbie to watch out first before any investment it is dangerous to invest when you haven't had or gathered enough knowledge about it.
Welcome here you can get the answer to your question far as you remain active here for a while so
Goodluck bro.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Women using Bitcoin on: December 14, 2024, 09:00:11 PM
When it comes to money and online investment of a thing women are very careful with it. Women are very careful of their finances they can't bear the risk of losing their funds so they have to avoid them. But I think there are still some women who has the man heart and still does it.
18  Economy / Economics / Re: Every successful person had a mentor on: December 08, 2024, 09:38:15 PM
Not every successful person has a mentor, sometimes you are moved by motivation and determination and you also apply wisdom then you can succeed on your own but when you only rely on mentorship it would be very hard for you to grow and face your own challenges.

Sometimes you don't even need to hear from people or even run to people to mentor you on how to be successful you can be friends with some successful business people and watch them closely from your observations and pick vital things.
When you rely on mentorship for everything means you are already giving room to weakness and failure. In this forum as well there is an acronym DYOR, Do your own research. When you research and motivate yourself you get more taste of success.
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: There is no drug traffic without drug buyers on: December 03, 2024, 05:04:23 PM
For sure there is no business without a buyer. Just recently in my country it was reported by the Economic and financial crime commissions (EFCC) the a man was caught in the countries border with cocaine of 700g stock in his body. And he was interrogated then he had to confess that he had buyers from different countries not only in my country so even illegal business moves.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Why is Bitcoin membership growing very fast on: December 03, 2024, 04:52:19 PM
I was having a conversation with my friends about crypto currencies and they asked me a question about why Bitcoin price is very expensive and people are still investing in it but other altcoins are still low but people are having a double mind to invest in it.
I didn't talk much I told them that, that was how it was with Bitcoin when it started but deep down me I wanted to give them more reasons but I was short of words so I guess my people here still have something more to say so I would love to hear from you so I can tell them when this topic arise again.
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