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21  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: October 29, 2024, 06:17:32 PM

please dont't try to upgrade the Lv07!

Before we must Discover what Is the board

22  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: October 29, 2024, 02:50:26 PM
Ja, da hast Du recht Buchi.
Mein dritter Lucky hatte auch die Lucky 2.3.6 ohne Update Button, Da hilft dann nur der Lötkolben.
Hier mit der Lösung hat man nur die Möglichkeit mit Update Button die Boardversion umzuschreiben, wenn der Asic keine Spannungsfreigabe erhält.

Yes its true from factory the last luckyminer Lv06 and Lv07 dosen't has the two buttons for the upgrade the firmware!


I know, that the factory has only remove the link from the dashboard but the procedure Is present inside the core!

So, its possibile to call from the browser or postman:
in the form the id Is "file" on the rest method "otaUpdate" and "otaWWWUpdate"...
I never try It!

23  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: October 29, 2024, 02:46:07 PM

....but WARNING GUYS !!!!

Use this matlen67 special version file of "esp-miner.bin"
ONLY if you want change your board version from 204 to
0.11 on the flash memory of the old luckyminer!!!!!

This file allow to change the firmware to the last!

24  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: October 29, 2024, 09:32:45 AM
Hi matlen67,
   Please update your esp-miner.bin file and share a link.

If I undetstand well, we can use this file with the standard dashboard upgrade procedure ?

Thank you for your job!

25  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: October 29, 2024, 06:55:53 AM
Hi guys,
   all my luckyminer was build at the begining of the 2024.
The stock firmware shows a board version of 0.11
Now, after the upgrade to the bitaxe firmware 2.1.8, the board
version Is 204.

The luckyminer works on long time, some needs a reboot at start.... I use my AxeDoctor to check It....
I Will continue testing...


26  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: October 28, 2024, 11:43:55 AM
Hi matlen67,
  Thank you very much for your explain!
Also thank you bitcoin-pool.

I have tryed all the version from 2.1.8 tò 2.3.0b7
using the dashboard to update First esp-bin After www.bin
But works only the 2.1.8 because the others shows chip volt core to zero and dosen't start mining.

I Will continue testing....

27  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: October 28, 2024, 10:25:47 AM

can you explain which firmware do you think is the most stable for luckyminer Lv06? Can you explain the steps you took to perform the update? Many luckyminers are on stock version 2.1.0 or 2.3.0. The last stock 2.3.0 update provided was just the core with the esp-bin file without updating the dashboard. Some users of this forum have tried to install a version of bitaxe on luckyminer Lv06. The most used bitaxe version on luckyminer has been 2.0.7 which provides esp-bin and www.bin updates. Recently someone tried 2.1.10. Who has done these updates with the bitaxe firmware can you explain which files you used and in what sequence?


28  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: August 23, 2024, 09:46:18 AM
  have you noticed anomalies on the ckpool statistics when using an Avalon nano3? in particular, do you see the same "bestshare" and "bestever" with the nano3 cgminer log?

29  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: August 23, 2024, 09:45:42 AM
  have you noticed anomalies on the ckpool statistics when using an Avalon nano3? in particular, do you see the same "bestshare" and "bestever" with the nano3 cgminer log?

30  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: August 17, 2024, 11:43:16 AM
Hmmm der LV07 ist mit dem Wlan verbunden aber zickt noch. 
Habe jetzt aber ein Zusatzfeld im Dashboard (Stratum Passwort) weiss jemand was ich da eingeben muss. lasse ich das Feld leer wird es rot und die Einstellubgen können nicht gespeichert werden.

Alles läuft nur er bringt keine Hashrate.

31  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: July 25, 2024, 11:25:31 AM
   You find all the files on the Telegram official Canaan Channel.

32  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: July 17, 2024, 12:53:57 PM
Welcome here Canaan !!! Wink

33  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: July 10, 2024, 12:08:17 PM
Krass, sind grade 1,2 ph/s

What app are you using ?

34  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: July 08, 2024, 07:44:31 AM
  Now available PSU on Canaan Shop here

35  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: July 01, 2024, 03:48:31 PM
Hi Friends,
   If anyone is interested in assembling a used S17 I'll leave you a link from a friend...

you must say that you are friends of Bartolino10

36  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 29, 2024, 09:34:55 AM
Ich finde die idee eigl ganz cool, hier haben sich ja einige, wie auch ich 2 Avalon nanos bestellt, da könnte man sich in einer überschaubaren gruppe zusammentun und je 1 gerät auf BCH leiten

We Will try to do a bch race with only nano3 !!!

37  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 27, 2024, 02:20:22 PM
There is probably a backdoor in the firmware. An attacker can change the custom root password (no, it's not root in my case, it's a complex one) or there is a manufacturer password.  Stay behind your firewall and do not open any ports to the outside.
i have two nano 3s. both of them often become inaccessible with the password i set them to. the only way to log in to them, when this happens is to reset to the root/root credentials that canaan ships them with, then change the password again. i haven't yet seen the pool address change or anything like that. mine sit behind a regular home router without any port forwarding so i'd be surprised if someone other than canaan is responsible for the password changes. there's no way to reach them from outside of the home router.
if someone is hacking these boxes, then my money is on canaan or one/some of their engineers doing it with dodgy firmware. they're just not reachable from outside of the home network, so the only way to mess with them is from the firmware. since i've never seen a pool address change happen, it looks more like crappy firmware corrupting the root password than an actual hack.
hanlon's razor admonishes: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. given the incompetence of the canaan team in predicting shipping dates, it's not hard to imagine they have a whole stupid farm also working on their firmware.

If I were the administrator of this group I would have already banned you for the nonsense you are saying about Canaan.  if you think you can do better there are many open sources that you can improve on and where you could make your contribution.  as for Canaan's shipments, we just have to compliment them on the excellent logistical work they are doing with thousands of orders in a short time!

38  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 26, 2024, 02:53:02 PM
 Willi, why don't you organize a competition for BCH too?

39  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 21, 2024, 05:59:01 AM
I just received the email telling me that my miner has shipped. Pretty exciting. I haven’t mined sha256 for a while now it feels like so I’m anxious to see how much better the experience has gotten. I guess I’ll be able to give my feedback on it soon enough. Is there a suggested pool that these perform better on?

Ck Pool! Wink ...see Willi race also!

40  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 18, 2024, 04:57:33 PM

It's nice to see that many nano3s are being added!  ...It's even more fun to see them in competition!  ... thanks to Willi we can see many ASIC devices of different types competing here!

Good luck!

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