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41  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 14, 2024, 06:16:23 PM
  I removed the grid but the temperature decrese because there are the two fans of 120...

Its a bad case and Its difficult to develop a good fans system...

I think that the software should improve the fans configuration with a manual setup because now the Speed Is too low!

42  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 13, 2024, 08:43:32 AM
Hi Willi,
   See on the specif area of nano3.
43  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 13, 2024, 08:40:10 AM


Now working on level M (>3TH/s) on Willi race.

Also I add two 120 fans (for now, others in future)

...And I get -15C temp!  Smiley

That's all, I hope my experience can help!

Greetings to all of you dear friends!

44  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 13, 2024, 08:29:49 AM


Let's clarify one thing straight away, I don't need clicks because I'm not an influencer for a living! OK?

Well, like all the members of this forum I am a simple mining enthusiast but I am also an electrical engineer!

So let's explain what happened...

...My problem was a chip near the USB-C broken, probably when I tried to open the case...
Even though I was very careful it still broke!

>>>>>>>   SO I RECOMMEND YOU DON'T DO IT TOO! <<<<<<

This chip its a bobine-regulator and the solder is back not from side (L/R) and also its on a point
very bad if you move the USB-C probabily broke this chip!

I have ordered other on USA from DIGIKEY here

Anche replace it...

Also I do some modifications...

like some heatsink...

Enlarge the usb hole..

various fixes..

Also I try an ALTERNATIVE PSU like this BASEUS 28V 5A (on Amazon)

I'll add more details as soon as I can


45  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 12, 2024, 08:33:06 PM
Hi Willi,
  I have repared my nano3 so It Will be in race soon!

Good luck!

46  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 12, 2024, 08:30:42 PM
  I have repared my nano3.
Make attention do not open, a chip near the USB Will be broken!
Visit my Channel on Telegram "Avalon Nano3 Italia" for dettails.

47  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 05, 2024, 07:13:59 PM
Hi guys,
    My nano3 is dead!

The display shows "not supported adapter"

If connect this power supply on my dell PC (that use a
Standard 110 w) Windows shows the alert notification!

48  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 05, 2024, 07:11:08 PM
Hi guys,
    My nano3 Is dead!

The display shows "not supported adapter"

If connect this power supply on my dell PC (that use a
Standard 110 w) Windows shows the alert notification!

49  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 04, 2024, 06:35:00 PM
hi guys, I'm very happy with my nano3 and this fantastic group of friends!  ... obviously I'm waiting for two more too!  Wink

For the moment it works well, I used the "Avalon Nano3 Remote" app only to configure the wifi and I noticed that there are many bugs on the mining configuration because the worker name Will be joined with the password and the app forces you to use 3 pools it's better to configure everything from the dashboard!

it heats a lot, around 55/60 degrees centigrade, in fact I removed the magnetic front grill while the power supply remains at 45 degrees and it is a 140 W Lenovo.  At medium power it consumes approximately 100 w/h.

50  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: June 04, 2024, 03:22:55 PM
Hi Willi,
   I have added my first Nano3 for you and my German Friends!

Good luck!

51  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Avalon Nano 3 [unofficial thread] on: June 03, 2024, 06:50:25 PM
I download this firmware file to update my nano 3 but now  bricked it and not hashing anymore. I need proper firmware file to update and fix my nano 3.
Anyone can help me please?

Please send the email to and cc to

52  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: May 29, 2024, 05:18:48 PM
Guys, I'm having a lot of fun!... I developed the AxeDoctor which was born from the need to control my little miners and I assure you that it works very well and now I couldn't do without it!  practically keeps an eye on their work and if there is something that goes wrong it warns me with an email, if necessary it reboots the miner that has blocked and periodically every 4 hours it sends me a report of the status of everything with statistics sampled every 30 minutes.... in short, in my opinion it's fantastic!

53  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: May 29, 2024, 01:02:36 PM
1000 miners ?  ...I agree with Willi but....

...if all 100 of us miners bought a nano3 each maybe we would have a better chance! Wink

......then if someone bought more than one then it would be perfect for lots of fun!

But please don't tell me that they consume too much electricity!  ...We leave the bitaxe on 24 hours a day while the nano3s work only for a few hours during the day, perhaps to take advantage of their photovoltaic system!  Smiley

I'm only referring to the nano3 without mentioning other professional miners because I see it as a solution within everyone's reach like a bitaxe (or rather 10 bitaxes Smiley)...

54  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: May 28, 2024, 04:27:55 PM
Auf diese Adresse wird gemint:

Neues Passwort ist mir nicht bekannt - aber, dass das API auch relativ offen ist, war ja kein Geheimnis. Das hatte ich vor 2 Monaten schon bemerkt, als ich das Teil ins Netzwerk holte, außerdem hat die Avalon-Mobile-App ja Exclusiv-Zugriff ohne mein Passwort zu kennen. Bräuchte man also nur mal zu loggen.

Hinzu kommt nochmal meine Anmerkung, dass ich das offizielle Firmwareupdate nicht zum laufen bekomme. Vielleicht wurde die Datei auf der Herstellerseite schon kompromittiert und läuft wirklich, allerdings in einer manipulierten Version, die keine äußeren Änderungen zur alten hat.
please explain to us better by indicating all the operations you have done on your nano3.  in other words what was the configuration at the beginning when it arrived at your home?  what did you change?  From what you're saying, do you have the impression that your nano3 has a corrupted firmware that has the same graphics but underneath performs different mining than what you tell it to?

I find this thing you're saying strange, how is it possible?  Maybe I didn't understand?  if your nano3 works on Willi pool you should see it right?

55  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: May 28, 2024, 10:33:14 AM
   The problem was not the internet fiber but my Power supply of 5v 60A 300w Is dead and it has shutdown my home's magnetotermic switch!

So...use a dedicated magnetotermic switch for your miner and .....a good Power supply!!!

56  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: May 28, 2024, 08:41:02 AM
Hi all,
  My internet fiber is down! Sad

I hope It will be restarted soon...

57  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: May 24, 2024, 08:00:41 AM
any pics, to see what that is?

...some (old) pics on "X" @bartolino10x

58  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: May 24, 2024, 07:41:25 AM

  here my first preview release in beta test of my Axe Doctor

59  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: Solo Pool Miner Race on: May 23, 2024, 06:59:07 AM
Thank you Willi for your perseverance and commitment to this amazing group!

Thank you Brun0 for this great opportunity you have given us!

In my own small way I added 3 more luckyminers.  thanks and good luck to everyone!

60  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / Re: [INFO - DISKUSSION] bitaxeUltra miner (BM1366 ASIC) on: May 01, 2024, 07:39:56 AM

King Skot!

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