LOL. Pot calling the kettle black!! hoosat has copied other people's code and call it their own work.
The devs are liers. The basic code was copied from Kaspa.
Then after restart they copied heavyhash + blake3 from pyi.
web-wallet is copied from Kaspa, and they call it the biggest invention ever.
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
the developer didn't call it his job
everyone knows that this is a Kaspa fork
on the wallet website it is indicated that it was taken from kaspa
this plug is only for gpu
there will be no ASIC and FPGA here
kaspa can’t boast about this anymore
blake3 is not a pyrin algorithm. pyrin did not develop this algorithm
this algorithm is convenient at the moment
if another algorithm appears or the need arises, the algorithm will be changed
let's see what hth will achieve and what kas will achieve in 2 years
You are also funny... You think you're some kind of crypto expert?
I know blake3 alph algorithm,but pyi integrated it with
hevayhash and htn developer copycat only.
It’s a rubbish project.