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1  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Restrict mining to single country? (Bitcoin algorithm) on: July 14, 2024, 06:51:28 AM
What do you mean by reissuing bitcoin through hard fork with merge mining?

I guess there's no such thing as reissuing Bitcoin?
2  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Restrict mining to single country? (Bitcoin algorithm) on: July 14, 2024, 06:35:56 AM
I see these as a useless question.

Hahahahahaha. Aww man. The public is so brutal. Althought I'm laughing on the outside. I'm crying on the inside.  Cry

Pardon. The original concept was a USA-native coin, That way, wherever it goes, it can be traced back to America with an American paper trail- better protecting owners from scams and theft and legitimizing any wallet and any currency it comes into contact with, providing extra security to banks and financial systems- sure it can be converted to Ethereum in Tornado Cash and used for bad things- but anyone whose wallet doesn't contain a bit of USA-native coin might be a terrorist or criminal hiding from law enforcement. It's everybody's duty to themselves to legitimize their wallet with some USA-native coin.

I thought it was a good idea... no?
3  Bitcoin / Mining / Restrict mining to single country? (Bitcoin algorithm) on: July 13, 2024, 10:40:55 PM
I represent a group of developers involved in reissuing Bitcoin through a hard fork with merged mining. We would like to know, is it possible to restrict mining our blockchain to a single country? Ie- can we block miners outside of a particular country?
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