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81  Economy / Services / Re: PB Mining Signature Campaign! ***CLOSED!**** on: November 01, 2014, 12:36:07 PM
This program was great, i look forward to seeing it again.
Waiting for you PB.
82  Economy / Services / Re: [Jr. Member, Member+ Signature Campaign] Earn from NO. 1 Earning Site on: October 31, 2014, 09:57:19 PM
I am in,
Name:    nicojuritz
Posts:    50
Activity:    42
Position:    Jr. Member
83  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [LUNCHED][GPT]GPT COIN|GET PAID TO CURRENCY|INTEGRATING CPA NETWORKS INTO COINS on: September 13, 2014, 09:10:49 AM
Good coin, i need a get paid to download website like file ice or sharecash, i have sent you pm concerning this.
Please when will it be ready?
Thank you for your good gesture.
84  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ryan Pumper: Pumpers Picks (Updated Daily) on: September 08, 2014, 02:09:26 PM
PUMPERS PICKS: Weekly Roundup
Week Beginning: 09/01
Week Ending: 09/07

Round up of the picks I made this week. NLG and XST delivered the largest return since my first recommendation. HAL was the most consistent, as it went up 30%+ every day this week. VIA looks to be picking up steam, may deliver good returns next week.

Those that followed each of my suggestions this week are up over 1,529%. Many more picks to come.

Happy trading!

Hi Guys, Ryan Pumper here... I’m an Altcoin hoarder/investor. I have been in Crypto since last July.. Bought 1000 bucks worth of BTC after reading the whitepaper – then came November and my original $1000 had gone up nearly 10 times. At that point, I put down everything and went all in.

Most of my time is spent perusing the Alt scene, and I’ve picked up on a lot of things along the way that for some reason aren’t commonly referenced or brought up at all within the community. I see some people who say they have never made any money trading Alts – which blows my mind because I feel that even the most novice trader can pull 100% a day from Crypto – and that’s me being quite conservative.

Anyway, I’ll be posting my trades, and suggestions on a daily basis and talking you guys through the thought process behind them. My personal target is 100% per day minimum.. and I know that if you guys understand the basic principles behind each one of my trades, then you too will be making 100% per day.

Twtter: @Pumper_Ryan follow for daily picks, and updates.

31 Aug - 01 Sep
Total return: 133%


Out of every coin that I’ve traded or invested in – my largest reward, bar none, has come from BTCD. I have a long position in BTCD, not only that but I’ve been playing the swings every day since July to maximize my returns. This has been the most consistent performer on so many different levels.

My decision to get into this coin in the first place was based on the fact that it was behaving exactly like Vericoin (VRC). If you remember, Vericoin had its first rally and then continued on upwards from there. I know several people who made 10 – 20Xs their money during VRC’s heyday. These guys were literally minting Bitcoins every time VRC rallied.

BTCD had its first rally and then formed a very strong uptrend. I was constantly monitoring the volume, and saw an almost 1:1 match with the data I had for VRC back when it was building up steam. So, I bit the bullet and put all I had into this coin...

and, to cut a long story short, BTCD is still trending upwards today.

Overall, there is a lot of money to be had from trading Crypto intra-day and taking advantage of scalping opportunities but I tell you, there are coins out there that perform better over the long-term than they do intra-day, and THESE are the coins that you can pull gargantuan returns from. It’s just a matter of taking the time out to analyse the entire market and that consists of tracking data, keeping records of things such as m/cap and volume etc.. that way you can tell instantly when you have a home-run opportunity in front of you.


Simple play here. HAL put up a brilliant performance all week and had a lot of Organic volume – indicating genuine demand from the average market participant. I knew that the volume would dip during the weekend, which would cause a certain amount of traders to start selling off their positions thus bringing the price slightly lower than it should be after such a fantastic week.

As predicted, the price began to fall below the consensus set during the week.. and as there was actually genuine demand for this coin I knew that, if the price went low enough, another flash rally would ensue. Which is what ended up happening.

18% isn’t much but considering that many people dumped out at a loss, 18% is just fine for me.


If you trade Crypto on a daily basis, then I’m sure you have several Lowball Bids placed on a variety of coins. For me, one of those coins was VOOT.

There isn’t actually much demand for VOOT at all, but VOOT was in the limelight this weekend as there was a community takeover – or something to that effect going on. So as soon as I heard about that I placed a bunch of lowball Bids on VOOT.

One of them triggered... the priced bounced back to normal levels, then a small rally ensued. Needless to say, I took profit immediately.

Tip: When trying to lowball a coin, look at the current market price and think to yourself; if I bought in at this price, what would be the worst case scenario? If people started dumping and the price starts to fall, what price point would make me the most uncomfortable... THATS where you place your bid. You might not get hit all of the time, but when you do – you can easily find yourself up 15 – 30% within minutes provided that there is genuine demand for that particular coin.

Are you on any social media in order for me to follow you easily.
85  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [MarketWatch] Country coins like Guldencoin and Britcoin are growing! on: September 08, 2014, 02:06:16 PM

Country coins like Guldencoin and Britcoin are focusing on real world uses instead of useless features for pump and dumps. Is this the next trend in crypto currencies?
What about Mazacoin, Auroracoin?
86  Economy / Services / Re: Selling Advertising On Social Media Networks Such As Twitter on: September 08, 2014, 02:03:15 PM
Hello I am the owner of the crypto currency twitter account  I currently have over 6600 followers and I am following over 7300 people. The twitter account is a very active account that gets constant retweets from other crypto lovers.

I am offering to create a custom tweet for you to be entered in our automated system to be tweeted twice a day for 30 days bringing tons of traffic to your community, business or project. If you are interested in buying advertising it will be 0.01 BTC for 1 month of tweets. Thanks

I also have reddit and facebook with estimate 2000 followers on each.

U might like to try out
Thank you for the link quite helpful,
87  Economy / Services / Re: Are you an angry bastard - Get $$ to be a Troll on: September 08, 2014, 01:56:58 PM
sincerely i like the website but i am skeptical about their payment structure.
You do not just start working without knowing your salary base.
88  Economy / Services / Re: ► ► Need a worker to create free hosting accounts | Pay 0.5$ for each account | on: September 08, 2014, 01:53:05 PM
Check your inbox.
I am interested PM me the details.
89  Economy / Services / Re: Make 0.01 btc for 20 post on: September 08, 2014, 01:42:50 PM
I do not like anything that is not certain, no lottery it seems to me a waste of time.
90  Economy / Services / Re: ➫ ➬ Lucky Bit Signature Campaign ★ Earn up to 0.1BTC every month ★ Closed - FULL on: September 08, 2014, 01:40:54 PM
I would like to re-enroll please.

Name:    erono
Posts:    533
Activity:    434
Position:    Sr. Member
Address :   1KzMUFVfD15VyW6zgvmrLLUz7UmzMMUvzk

Sorry, all slots are currently occupied. Check the first reply to this post for a current enrollment list including open slots.
I wonder how i missed this  Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry
91  Economy / Services / Re: ★☆★ » Instant Cryptocoin Exchange » Campaign, Sig & Personal Msg ★☆★ on: September 08, 2014, 01:35:28 PM
Will i really be paid by this campaign though i respect the rank of the signature program owner.
Someone should put me through.
92  Economy / Services / Re: [Bittyfree] now paying to post on our community!!! 0.0005 BTC per post!ESCROW RQ on: September 08, 2014, 01:32:11 PM
This is a good earning opportunity, let me know when you are recruiting another set of people.
93  Economy / Services / Re: Many services for cheap price! Translator, writers, signature , ecc. Come here ! on: September 08, 2014, 01:27:48 PM
Simply explained, you need quick bitcoin  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
94  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRING] Bitcoin Article & Guide Writer - $17.5 per 500 words on: September 08, 2014, 01:24:42 PM
Im looking to hire some article writers to help put together some slightly technical guides and longer from bitcoin articles.

The rate is $17.5 per 500 words. Payment is made in bitcoin.

Articles will require a fair amount of research and will be 1000 words +

If you are interested please send me a PM with a link to your previous work.

Thanks Smiley

I will like to do the job, what is the durations for submission, also let me know if you are giving me the project.
95  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Which is best project to earn bitcoins? on: August 28, 2014, 12:06:55 PM

 I believe some sorts of bitcoin minning simulation game might make some cash , not awful lot but some Cheesy

This is a fine idea that i believe can earn you some coins.
96  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Project Bitcoin Island - Bali - Indonesia on: August 28, 2014, 12:04:18 PM
A very fine ideology in the spread of bitcoin world wide.Kudos
97  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: New Bitcoin Business – Need assistance / advice on: August 28, 2014, 12:02:19 PM

Let's talk on Skype sometime.

I run a Bitcoin marketing agency.  We have lots of experience, both in and out of Bitcoin. And we are also signing some huge clients - we are growing rapidly Cheesy

You can PM me if you are interested

Many thanks,


I guess you should consider this offer since it looks genuine
98  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Is there a good blockchain parser that is not Linux? on: August 28, 2014, 11:53:39 AM
Give  BitcoinJ a trial and you wouldn't regret it.
99  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 70000 Caribbean Island Residents to Receive Bitcoin in 2015 on: August 28, 2014, 09:16:21 AM
This is an innovation that i believe will sky rocket the awareness of the BTC,nice work well done.
100  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: St. Petersburg Welcomes BitPay on: August 28, 2014, 09:11:13 AM
Congratulations, to all Bitcoiners in St. Petersburg.
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