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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] ICO EloPlay - Smart eSports Tournaments on: September 22, 2017, 09:35:03 PM
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] TrueFlip - Become a part of the world's largest blockchain lottery on: June 20, 2017, 03:57:46 PM
post updated in part of Token Sale and bounty program details
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] TrueFlip - Become a part of the world's largest blockchain lottery +Bounty on: May 22, 2017, 05:46:40 PM
Everyone can test our WORKING lottery!

If you want to receive a free ticket:

1. Sign up at
2. Write your Telegram name in this topic adding "i want to try my luck"
3. Fill this form

True Flip ICO starts on 28 of June 2017
We invite you to join our bounty campaign!
True Flip bounty fund consists of 630 000 True Flip Tokens.

The campaign ends on 27 of July 2017.
The stakes for all bounties will be counted every week.
Each member's amount of True Flip Tokens will be calculated using the following formula:
(Total amount of one bounty campaign Tokens /  Total amount of all of one bounty campaign participants' stakes)  *  Member's stakes
For example:
 (252 000/6 000)*100 =4200 TFL

True Flip campaign token allocation:
Signature and avatar campaign bounty: 25%
Translation and community management campaign bounty: 20%
Facebook bounty: 15%
Blog Posts, Articles and Videos bounty: 20%
Twitter bounty: 10%
Improvement bounty: 10%


Signature and avatar campaign bounty: 25% 157 500 TFL

Bounty per week:
Hero and Legendary Members  4 stakes
Senior Members 3 stakes
Full Members 2 stakes
Member and Jr. Member 1 stake
+0.5 stakes per week, if you use a True Flip's avatar + True Flip's personal text
True Flip's avatar
True Flip's personal text
True Flip ICO: 28 of June 2017
You get a week stake if:
  • Use the signature during the week
  • Make more than 5 high quality posts in a week
  • Make each post at a different board

You don't get the week stake if:
  • You use multiple signatures at the same time
  • You use an avatar from a different website along with a True Flip?s signature
  • We found you spamming 
Preferable sections for posts:
  • Gambling discussions
  • Trading discussions
  • Marketplace
  • Local/same topics

Signature campaign instructions:
1. Add the True Flip's signature campaign bb-code matching your account rank to the Signature field of your Bitcointalk profile.
Junior Members
Raw preview:
              ●●●TrueFlip ● #TOKEN SALE BEGINS 28,7,2017 ●●●             

[center][u]           ●●●[url=]TrueFlip[/url]● #[url=]TOKEN SALE BEGINS[/url] 28,7,2017●●● [/u][/center]

Raw preview:
                       ● ● TrueFlip ● #TOKEN SALE BEGINS JUNE 28, 2017 ● ●                       

[center][u]                       ● [url=]●[/url] ● TrueFlip ● #[url=]TOKEN SALE BEGINS[/url] JUNE 28, 2017 ● [url=]●[/url] ●                       [/u]
● [url=]FIRST[/url] ALREADY [url=]WORKING[/url] LOTTERY ●
● [[url=]WHITEPAPER[/url]] [[url=]BITCOINTALK[/url]] [[url=]GITHUB[/url]] [[url=]SLACK[/url]] [[url=]TWITTER[/url]] [[url=]FACEBOOK[/url]] [[url=]STEEMIT[/url]] ●[/center]

Full Members
Raw preview:

[center][url=][color=#2e8081][u][color=transparent]................................[/color][color=#332f47]●[/color] [color=#f6b559]●[/color] [color=#eef1f3]●[/color] [font=Book Antiqua][b][color=#332f47]TrueFlip[/color][/font] [color=#f6b559]●[/color] [font=Book Antiqua][b][color=#332f47][color=#2e8081]#[/color]TOKEN SALE BEGINS JUNE 28, 2017 [color=#eef1f3]●[/color] [color=#f6b559]●[/color] [color=#332f47]●[/color][color=transparent]................................[/color][/u]
[color=#332f47]●[/color] [font=arial black][b][color=#332f47]FIRST [color=#f6b559]ALREADY [color=#332f47]WORKING [color=#f6b559]LOTTERY [color=#332f47]●[/color][/url]
[font=arial black][b][color=#f6b559]●[/color] [color=#332f47][url=][color=#332f47]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]BITCOINTALK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]GITHUB[/color][/url]  [url=][color=#2e8081]SLACK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]TWITTER[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]FACEBOOK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]STEEMIT[/color][/url][color=#f6b559]●[/color][/center]

Senior Members
Raw preview:

[center][url=][size=17pt][font=Book Antiqua][b][color=#332f47][u][color=transparent]..........[color=#332f47]TrueFlip[color=transparent]..........[/u]
[size=8pt][color=#332f47]TOKEN SALE BEGINS JUNE 28, 2017[/center]
[center][url=][font=arial black][b][size=16pt][color=#332f47]FIRST [color=#f6b559]ALREADY [color=#332f47]WORKING [color=#f6b559]LOTTERY[/url]
[size=8pt][font=arial black][b][color=#332f47] [url=][color=#332f47]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]BITCOINTALK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]GITHUB[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]SLACK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]TWITTER[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]FACEBOOK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]STEEMIT[/color][/url]

Hero/Legendary Members
Raw preview:

[center][url=][size=17pt][font=Book Antiqua][b][color=#eef1f3][glow=#332f47,1][color=transparent]..........[color=#eef1f3]TrueFlip[color=transparent].........[/glow]
[size=8pt][color=#332f47]TOKEN SALE BEGINS JUNE 28, 2017[/center]
[center][url=][font=arial black][b][size=16pt][glow=#332f47,1][color=transparent]......[color=#eef1f3]FIRST [color=#f6b559]ALREADY [color=#eef1f3]WORKING [color=#f6b559]LOTTERY[color=transparent]......[/glow][/url]
[size=8pt][font=arial black][b][color=#332f47] [url=][color=#332f47]WHITEPAPER[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]BITCOINTALK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]GITHUB[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]SLACK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]TWITTER[/color][/url] [url=][color=#2e8081]FACEBOOK[/color][/url] [url=][color=#332f47]STEEMIT[/color][/url]

2. Fill this form to participate in the True Flip's signature bounty campaign:
Signature campaign sign up form
3. Check the status of your signature campaign application here:
Signature campaign participants list
4. Make more than 5 high quality posts in a week at preferable sections.

Translation and community management campaign bounty:  20%  126 000 TFL

- True Flip ICO ANN thread opening post translation: 50 stakes
- Activity in the local ANN thread: 5 stakes per 1 page in your ANN thread
- True Flip FAQ translation and running support chat in local language: 40 stakes
You get stakes if:
  • You make True Flip's ICO ANN thread opening post translation
  • Your thread is active
  • You start the support chat and translate the FAQ for it

You don't get stakes if:
  • You use Google Translate and other online translators
  • You do the translation into more than one language without special permission

Translation and community management instructions:
- Fill in this form to make a request for the participation in the Translation & Community management campaign:

- The translation reservations:
Hindi    erikalui -
Malayalam ether19
French  Aerys2   
Greek  killerjoegreece
Portuguese sabotag3x
Spanish Doken
Turkish  talatk
Korean  SolidLiquid
Hebrew  YIz
Russian  GolumDeMort
Danish  ajiz138
German ColorlessK
Bulgarian masterzino
Indonesian barnes13
Filipino jwiz168
Italian iandos
Japanese Yudai

The working local support telegram chats:



Blog Posts, Articles and Videos bounty: 20%   126 000 TFL

 10% for
- A high quality publication about the True Flip ICO or the True Flip lottery available for anyone: 10-100 stakes
- A high quality video about True Flip ICO or True Flip lottery available to the Internet: 10-100 stakes
- A high quality publication about True Flip ICO or True Flip lottery for your email subscribers: 10-100 stakes
- A high quality translation of True Flip’s publication at official media: 50 stakes
- Leave comment to the True Flip’s publication at official media: 10 stakes

10% for
- Award for True Flip’s Steemit Challenge

To participate:
•  Publish your artwork in personal Steemit blog with the following tags: #trueflip #flipadventures #art #contest #life
•  Submit a link to your post in the comments section here below
•  Every 2 days, starting July 14th (till July 28th), we’ll publish sets of your contributions in True Flip’s Steemit blog – everyone is welcome to vote in comments by posting the beloved artwork’s number

You get stakes if:

You don't get stakes if:
  • Site or page, you've posted your publication on is younger than two month or has no audience (less than 1000 followers)
  • Your post is shorter than 10 words
  • Your video is shorter than 20 seconds or longer than 5 minutes

Preferable channels/ web platforms for posts:

Publication or video creators receive 10, 20, 30... 100 stakes depending on the quality of their posts, audience and channel. True Flip team makes the decision and this decision is final.
Blog Posts, Articles and Videos bounty instructions:
Fill in this blog participation form to let us know your details and also, to know the channels on which you are going to publish your text or video.
Participation form:
We will check all the requests and if your publication is eligible - you will find yourself in this Blog Posts Articles and Video participants list (and later you will be able to check the number of stakes you've received):
Participants list:

You have to post your comments to True Flip’s official media publications every week to thread:
Deadline date for posting is July, 27 2017 23:00 UTC
Example of the comments report text:
*links to your translated publications*
*links to your comments on True Flip publications*

Here are links for media about us. Use it to make your own posts, tweets, videos and articles.

Join our telegram chat to know the news

True Flip’s Steemit Challenge

After all, we’ve decided to accept pictures, drawings, videos and gifs. All related to “the adventures of Flip”- our mascot dolphin is absolutely happy to find a new treasure, so he goes to most surprising destinations pursuing his luck!

The Challenge is about to start on July 7th!

The Prize fund is divided among three places:
  • - 30 000 TFL goes to the voting winner
  • - 15 000 TFL – the advisors’ choice
  • - 15 000 TFL – the team’s choice

Also, we will give 3000 TFL to a random participant, commenting the contest's post.


Facebook bounty:    15%  94 500 TFT

- Post, repost to the internet with your comment about the TrueFlip ICO or the TrueFlip lottery with  hashtags #TrueFlip, #lottery or  #TrueFlipICO: 1 stake
- Like&Follow page 1 stake
- Facebook video post or live about TrueFlip ICO or TrueFlip lottery with the following hashtags  #TrueFlip, #lottery or  #TrueFlipICO: 2 stakes
- Repost True Flip’s posts on the Internet with your comment: 1 stake
You get stakes if:
  • Your post or video is original
  • Your post  or video is in English or your own language
  • Your publication or video contains the #TrueFlip, #lottery or #TrueFlipICO
  • Your publication or video contains the following link

You don't get  stakes if:
  • Your facebook account has less than 200 real followers (friends are followers too)
  • You've made less than 5 posts about True Flip till 27 of July 2017
  • You've made reposts less than 5 True Flip's posts till 27 of July 2017

You have to post your posts and shares with your comment every week to bounty thread:
Deadline date for posting is July, 27 2017 23:00 UTC
Example of the Facebook campaign report text:
Facebook url: *url of your Facebook account*
Friends: *number of your Facebook friends*
Followers: *number of your Facebook followers*
*links to your posts about True Flip*
*links to your reposts the with your comment of True Flip page*
*links to your video or live post about True Flip*
True Flip facebook bounty instructions:
1. Follow the official True Flip's page
2. Use the True Flip facebook bounty campaign signup form to participate:
Facebook bounty campaign signup:
List of participants:

Twitter bounty: 10%   63 000 TFL

- Post about the True Flip ICO or the True Flip lottery with  hashtags #TrueFlip, #lottery or  #TrueFlipICO 1 stake
- Follow page 1 stake
- Retweet TrueFlip's tweet 1 stake
You get stakes if:
  • Your tweet is original
  • Your tweet is in English or your own language
  • Your tweet contains the #TrueFlip or #TrueFlipICO
  • Your tweet contains the following link

You don't get stakes if:
  • You use on this bounty campagne more than one twitter account
  • Your bitcointalk account is Newbie or Jr. Member
  • Your twitter account has less than 300 followers
  • You've made less than 5 tweets about True Flip till 27 July 2017
  • You've made less than 5 retweets from True Flip's account  till 27 July 2017

You have to post your tweets and retweets every week to bounty thread:
Deadline date for posting is July, 27 2017 23:00 UTC
Example of the Twitter campaign report text:
Twitter username: *your twitter account name*
Twitter url: *url of your twitter account*
Followers: *number of your followers*
*links to your tweets about True Flip*
*links to your retweets of the True Flip official account tweets*
True Flip twitter bounty instructions:
1. Follow the official True Flip’s account on twitter:
2. Use the True Flip twitter bounty campaign signup form to participate:
Twitter bounty campaign signup:
List of participants


Improvement bounty: 10%   63 000 TFL


- Fresh ideas for product improvement: interface, usability, more understandable things in playing process and so on. 10-200 stakes
- Bug discovery: check the algorithm and every step in the game - find them out, that sad bugs. 10-1000 stakes
- A high quality ideas about improvement to more attractive and interesting game (we know that it is quite boring now). 10-500 stakes
- Something useful else to make the most interesting and attractive lottery. 10-500 stakes

You get stakes if:
  • Your idea landed to improvement roadmap
  • Your bug landed to bug-fix or improvement roadmap

You don't get stakes if:
  • We got your idea or bug after they arrived at the improvement or bug-fix roadmap

Idea creators receive 10, 20, 30... 500 stakes depending on the quality and usefully of their ideas. True Flip team makes the decision and this decision is final.

Bug finders receive 10, 20, 30... 1000 stakes depending on importance of finding bug. True Flip team makes the decision and this decision is final.

All participants get same stakes for the same ideas and bugs till they landing to the improvement roadmap. After that nobody get stake for them.

Improvement bounty instructions:
  • Create an idea, test the site or find the bug
  • Write it in the letter to
  • Fill in this blog participation form to let us know your details

Participation form:
We will check all the requests and if your ideas and bugs are eligible - you will find yourself in this Improvement participants list (and later you will be able to check the number of stakes you've received):
Participants list:

Improvement and bug-fix roadmap:


4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [XMR] Monero - A secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency on: January 27, 2017, 09:28:19 AM
Can someone send me an invitation to the community slack plz?) contact me via PM for e-mail)
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] PayTaler - Multicurrency wallet and online payment solution on: December 12, 2016, 11:53:25 AM
Tread re-published in Announcement board:
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] [ICO] PayTaler - Multicurrency wallet and online payment solution on: December 12, 2016, 11:52:27 AM

[Website] | [ICO] | [Facebook] | VK | Twitter

PayTaler is a multi-currency online wallet that currently supports 14 popular cryptocurrencies. We plan to include all major altcoins into our system in the future.
Our lightweight and easy to set up API allows online vendors to start receiving payments in all popular altcoins immediately after a brief registration process.

Ultimately we aim to facilitate smooth and uninhibited trade on the online market by providing online businesses and users all across the web with simple and secure tools to store their assets safely and make purchases/receive payments in all popular cryptocurrencies with a few clicks.  In our grand vision PayTaler is more than a multi-currency digital wallet and a robust processing service for online vendors. We want to push the boundaries of current online trade and make cryptocurrency transactions so simple, swift and secure they inevitably go mainstream with online businesses and clients alike. If you have been waiting for this model of future economy for a while, help us bring it to life.



interactive Roadmap availible on web-site

ICO details and token distribution
We will create 1.000.000 tokens which will constitute 100% of PayTaler’s assets. They will be distributed as follows:
- 95.000 tokens will be sold in the course of the crowdsale which starts on December 12 and ends on March 1. 5.000 more tokens are reserved for bounties.
- ICO will commence in several consecutive rounds. 95.000 tokens will be sold every year for the next four years, raising the number of community-owned tokens to 480.000. This system will provide the project with required momentum and protect the token from inflation.
- 510.000 tokens (representing ownership of the company) will remain in Paytaler’s custody indefinitely to never be sold to a third party. They may only change hands as the project itself is being sold. These tokens will be initially frozen in a smart contract for at least 5 years.
- The remaining 10.000 tokens will be distributed among PayTaler’s team members one month after the ICO ends.

Investors who supported the project during the ICO will biannually receive 10% of the project’s net income as dividends.To be eligible for dividends investors will have to move their tokens to their PayTaler personal account. In the future the team also plans to add services which will be paid for with tokens. For example integrating custom altcoins into PayTaler’s framework or using the service without commission.

As PayTaler is an established and fully functional product and investors can already see what the project has to offer, we decided to eschew traditional escrow arrangements.

Crowdsale starts December 12 and ends March 1 (or after the sale of all tokens)
Early investors will receive bonuses as follows:
December 12 - December 28:  1 BTC = 115 tokens
December 28 - January 17:  1 BTC = 110 tokens
January 18 - February 8:  1 BTC = 105 tokens
February 9 - March 1:  1 BTC = 100 tokens

Minimum target for this ICO - 100 BTC.


Bounties for bloggers and journalists
2.000 tokens
10 tokens for a unique article (1.500+ characters) about PayTaler and its ongoing ICO.
5 tokens for Bitcointalk ANN tread translation.

Task for Social Media bounty:
Follow + 2 shares during each month of ICO

Translations reserved:
French translation reserved by >> syahril
Indonesian translation reserved by >> dianikusuma

Signature campaign
1.500 tokens
Every forum member wearing PayTaler official signature during the entire ICO campaign will receive 1 token.

Facebook and Twitter bounties
1.500 tokens
Subscription to PayTaler Facebook and Twitter accounts nets you 1 token (or 0,5 token if you only subscribe to either of the two.)

How to Submit Bounty activities
To participate in bounty program you should register on PayTaler and proof your activities in a personal account.
1) To submit bounty activities in Facebook or Twitter or Bitcointalk, just add link in a special field in a personal account.
2) To submit content activities in media, blogs or translation of topic for Bitcointalk, just add link n a special field in a personal account.

As example:

Contacts - general questions, user support, ICO support. - for cooperations.

[Website] | [ICO] | [Facebook] | VK |  Twitter
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] PayTaler - Multicurrency wallet and online payment solution on: December 09, 2016, 04:31:02 PM
In few days team will decide question with Escrow and skype call. There may be some changes in ICO launch dates and updates on bounty details.

Just track the topic!
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] PayTaler - Multicurrency wallet and online payment solution on: December 09, 2016, 04:03:59 PM
Can we have a skype video call with all team members before ICO starts?

If you need escrow you can contact me Wink

Sure, you can have skype call with team, just send your request to the e-mail.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / [ANN] [ICO] PayTaler - Multicurrency wallet and online payment solution on: December 09, 2016, 03:16:46 PM
Actual tread:
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 💸💸💸 【ChronoBank】 🌟🌟🌟 【ICO】 💸💸💸 on: November 30, 2016, 03:16:08 PM
Russian tread live now!
11  Local / Токены / [ANN] Chronobank ICO >> криптовалюта основанная на времени on: November 30, 2016, 03:11:25 PM
Революционное блокчейн-решение для рекрутинговой индустрии

Цель проекта ChronoBank - сделать временное трудоустройство таким же доступным и выгодным, как долгосрочное, позволяя работникам иметь гибкий график, в то же время обеспечивая справедливую оплату их времени, умений и репутации.

Электронная коммерция ->> Клининг ->> Складское дело ->> Промышленность ->> Строительство - Фриланс

ChronoBank использует проверенную годами модель банка времени, в которой работники обменивают часы работы на товары и услуги. Но если банки времени уравнивают все виды труда, независимо от отрасли и качества работы, ChronoBank использует технологии блокчейн для создания по-настоящему свободного рынка. Этот подход отвечает нуждам мировой экономики 21 века и предлагает заманчивую альтернативу традиционной финансовой системе.

Проект ChronoBank состоит из двух элементов:

Трудочасы (LH): Теперь время - действительно деньги.
Токены трудочасов (LH) станут самыми устойчивыми и стабильными монетами. Стоимость токенов LH будет привязана к средней зарплате в выпускающей их стране, поэтому они будут защищены от инфляции и смогут свободно обмениваться и тратиться без вмешательства банков и других финансовых организаций. Токены LH будут просты в использовании и доступны круглосуточно через дебетовую карту.

Владельцы токенов TIME получат бонусные 1-3% от эмиссии и 0.15% комиссии на переводы токенов LH.

LaborX: Несем блокчейн в массы.
LaborX - это децентрализованный рынок, где трудочасы будут конвертироваться согласно рыночной стоимости. Децентрализованная система репутации обеспечит обратную связь в отношении каждого работника, что позволит людям нанимать самых компетентных профессионалов из онлайн и оффлайн сфер, ориентируясь на имеющийся бюджет. Нанимателям придется платить справедливую зарплату, исходя из образования, навыков и опыта работника.

Будет создана абсолютно децентрализованная версия для фрилансеров по всему миру и частично централизованная, отвечающая местному трудовому законодательству. Токены LH станут финансовым базисом LaborX.

Ключевые фигуры и организации разрабатывается консорциумом профессионалов, в сумме обладающих столетним опытом в сфере рекрутинга. Команду усиливают эксперты, создающие ПО на основе технологий блокчейн для решения задач, стоящих перед бизнесами в реальном мире.

Edway Group (соучредитель)
Edway - австралийская рекрутинговая компания, обслуживающая 400.000 клиентов. Различные департаменты компании работают в сферах HR, рекрутинга, обучения специалистов, новых разработок и сопутствующих услуг.

Сергей Сергиенко (исполнительный директор)
Сергей является соучредителем Edway Group Ltd. и победителем ряда австралийских бизнес-конкурсов, включая “Hot 30 under 30” и “Young Gun in Business”.

Пол Гловер (идеолог)
Легендарный создатель Ithaca HOURS, первой современной валюты основанной на времени. Основатель 16 организаций и кампаний в поддержку экологических инициатив и социальной справедливости. Пол издал несколько книг и является бывшим преподавателем социальных наук в Temple University.

Люк Андерсон (блокчейн-эксперт)
Люк готовится защищать докторскую диссертацию по блокчейн-технологиям в Сиднейском университете и считается культовой личностью в среде австралийских блокчейн-энтузиастов. Люк обладает обширным опытом в анализе сети Ethereum и обеспечении безопасности для веб-приложений размером более 20М.

ICO стартует 15 декабря (00:00 по Гринвичу) и продлится до 15 февраля (00:00 по Гринвичу). Ранние пташки получат следующие бонусы:
1 день - 30%
1 неделя - 20%
2 неделя - 10%
Оставшееся время - без бонуса

Распределение токенов TIME
88% будет продано во время краудсейла
10% останется у команды
2% зарезервированы для советников и инвесторов поддержавших проект на ранних стадиях

Для эскроу мы используем кошельки с двумя из трех и тремя из четырех мультиподписей. Список держателей ключей будет завершен 1 декабря.

Аудит безопасности
Микко Охтамаа - технический директор Revoltra и, ранее технический директор LocalBitcoins.

Остальные аудиторы будут объявлены в декабре.

Дорожная карта
Ниже представлена дорожная карта проекта. Мы старались составить ее максимально точно, но некоторые цели (в особенности связанные с техническими вопросами) могут изменяться.

Whitepaper - 25 ноября 2016
Github - 13 декабря 2016
Начало ICO - 15 декабря 2016
Завершение ICO - 15 февраля 2016
Запуск LH - 2-4 квартал 2017
Запуск LaborX - 1-4 квартал 2018

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: KIBO Lotto (platform): possible scam! on: October 10, 2016, 01:57:39 PM - more data on KIBO
13  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-10-10] Kibo: the Entangled Tale of a Crypto Lottery on: October 10, 2016, 01:35:43 PM
After our earlier feature on the accusations addressed to Kibo by some community members was published, ForkLog has undertaken its own investigation with experts, developers, lawyers and active members of the Russian-speaking cryptocommunity providing their assistance.

This article shall not be considered any kind of an investment recommendation or anti-recommendation. ForkLog provides data from open sources to clarify the matters in regard of Kibo.

The same the article in question was published, ForkLog editorial board had a conversation with Kibo founders, Alexei and Andrei Miller, with both parties recording the conversation. Afterwards, the Kibo representatives have published the record on YouTube titling it “Forklog and its troll friends: a conversation between KIBO developers and Forklog administration.”
In order to make things clearer, we analyzed past activities of the project’s founders, and talked with several developers, including Andrei Zimin who claims to be participating in developing Kibo’s smart contract.

Read full story
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: KIBO Lotto (platform): possible scam! on: October 06, 2016, 03:10:41 PM
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] Inchain - insurance for the crypto economy on: September 27, 2016, 02:24:42 PM
Where I could find information about signatures campaign and other bounty programs?
16  Local / Бизнес / Re: Kibo Lotto: предположительно СКАМ, будьте осторож on: September 20, 2016, 03:45:28 PM
Понеслось. Мало того, что непонятно, что это вообще за проект. Смарт-контракты типа ну-ну.
17  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: Kibo Lotto: первая децентрализованная лотерея on: September 20, 2016, 11:43:07 AM
Кибо скам. Будьте осторожны
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-ANN] INCHAIN. Ethereum based insurance platform on: September 13, 2016, 03:11:45 PM
Are insured only private purses and accounts, or the entire company as a whole?

Yes, good question. I want to know the same. If i ensure my account on any exchange, how it can affect on my relations with exchange?
19  Local / Бизнес / Re: [] - мультивалютный кошелек и процессинг on: September 11, 2016, 02:41:37 PM
Попахивает долгосрочным хайпом с неизбежным скамом.
 Да-да! Именно.
Идея такого ресурса не нова и мультивалютных кошельков существует (существовало!) достаточное количество. Но все же решил заглянуть и посмотреть... Увы, выводы сами напросились.

1. Дешевый SSL сертификат;
2. Отсутствие регистрации фирмы, следовательно юридического адреса, ответственных лиц (то бишь работа исключительно "мы белые и пушистые давай к нам");
3. Даже при отсутствии юр. адреса нету и намека на то где они расположены, какая у них команда и т.д.;
4. Нету даже элементарных правил и условий (кроме "Копирование ... запрещено!") использования ресурса;
5. Нету обсуждения ответственности сторон, гарантий защиты средств;
6. Рефералка. Тут 50 на 50, но обычно меня смущают такие вещи;
7. Контакты: кроме почты ничего не увидел.

Вот, основной набор, который уже с первого взгляда на ресурс заставляет 100 раз подумать и 1 раз принять решение.

P.S. Я не утверждаю, что это мошеннический проект и здесь уведут ваши деньги. Это лично мое впечатление описанное в данном комментарии.

Подождем как отреагируют представители сервиса. Пока завел учетку, побродил по кабинету, смущает, что мультивалютность тут завязана на централизованный сервис. ИМХО, может быть мерчам сервис будет полезен, но как обычный юзер не вижу для себя каких-то особых преимуществ. Рефералка скучная, особо не заработаешь, впрочем это скорее плюс чем минус.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-ANN] INCHAIN. Ethereum based insurance platform on: September 09, 2016, 09:19:11 AM
Oracles as the key for insurance via smart-contracts may have additional development problems. Specially with security
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