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1  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Re: Selling Bitcointalk accounts on: September 21, 2019, 12:32:16 PM
bring up my post
2  Economy / Digital goods / Re: I$SELL-Walmart-Target-Amazon-Ebay-BestBuy-AppleStore-Itunes-Steam- more in topic on: September 21, 2019, 12:28:59 PM
bring up my post
3  Economy / Invites & Accounts / Selling Bitcointalk accounts on: September 17, 2019, 11:24:52 AM
Selling Bitcointalk Accounts

Legendary: $200
Hero Member: $100
Senior Member: $50
Full Member: $25
Member: $10

Accounts are not hacked, no loans, 0 negative feedback.
Discounts available if you buy many accounts.
Accept Escrow.

Telegram @donza411
4  Economy / Digital goods / Re: I$SELL-Walmart-Target-Amazon-Ebay-BestBuy-AppleStore-Itunes-Steam- more in topic on: August 12, 2019, 01:22:38 PM
Got some Amazon

5  Economy / Digital goods / Re: I$SELL-Walmart-Target-Amazon-Ebay-BestBuy-AppleStore-Itunes-Steam- more in topic on: August 10, 2019, 06:07:03 PM
3x100$ Google play

6  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: SCAMMED by Axez D. Nyde Telegram: @donza411 for $9.89 + fees on: August 10, 2019, 11:52:19 AM

The only thing I have against you is you are a low life cockroach scammer that needs to be stepped on and crushed. I'm sure your mommy must be proud of the life you lead.

Still waiting for a proof of you sending me any money/talking about business..
7  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: SCAMMED by Axez D. Nyde Telegram: @donza411 for $9.89 + fees on: August 10, 2019, 11:31:44 AM
I am not sure what you Sandy have against me.
How long it took for you to create these fake chats?

Post a screenshot of me sending you any btc wallet/talking about any business.
Lets see who is real scammer here..
8  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: SCAMMER Axez D. Nyde Telegrame : @donza411 on: August 09, 2019, 05:11:54 PM
SCAMMER Axez D. Nyde  Telegrame : @donza411

Photos :

On that screen why OP didnt take a screenshot with telegram id visible?
Because it cannot be faked. That way he would be busted and all will see that he was not talking with right id donza411
He decided to show only screenname. Anyone can put same screenname.
9  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: SCAMMER Axez D. Nyde Telegrame : @donza411 on: August 09, 2019, 05:01:49 PM
If true, File a formal scam report here he can be properly flagged:
Edit: This thread will be moved shortly anyway as it does not belong in this forum.

You are talking with yourself?

All I ask is a valid proof that he were talking with me in telegram. As said anyone can put screennsme donza.

Sandy you can harass me how much you want, I do not care. I am noone alt and if you think I am then post proofs and get me tagged!
10  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: SCAMMER Axez D. Nyde Telegrame : @donza411 on: August 09, 2019, 04:53:24 PM
SCAMMER Axez D. Nyde  Telegrame : @donza411

Photos :

Now Sandy is harrasing me with these fake screenshots?

You are fucking dumb. Anyone can put screen name donza.
Show that you were talking with telegram id donza411
11  Economy / Digital goods / I$SELL-Walmart-Target-Amazon-Ebay-BestBuy-AppleStore-Itunes-Steam- more in topic on: August 09, 2019, 03:58:20 PM
I do sell these gift cards.
For bulk buyers will give better price.

accept btc/eth
escrow accepted
telegram @donza411

Walmart 65%
Target 62%
Amazon 65%
Ebay 65%
Best Buy 63%
Apple Store 55%
Itunes 62%
Google Play 65%
PSN 64%
Steam 73%
Onevanilla 63%
Sephora 70%
Home Depot 60%
Lowe's 62%
Macy's 62%
Nike 64%
Nordstrom 72%
12  Economy / Services / Re: Order anything you want from Ebay/Amazon at 80% of value on: August 08, 2019, 05:48:33 PM
bring up my post
13  Economy / Services / Re: Order anything you want from Ebay/Amazon at 80% of value on: July 29, 2019, 11:34:02 AM
Do you still work?

14  Economy / Services / Re: Order anything you want from Ebay/Amazon at 80% of value on: July 25, 2019, 10:13:45 AM

That's not spamming.  It's stating LOGIC..  So according to your last message you buy gift cards for cash.  So let's say you pay $100 for a $100 gift card by cash. Then you sell an item you bought with your $100 you spent for the gift card for $80 (plus pay to reship it).  Yea, that makes perfect sense.  That's great business.  You LOSE 20 + re-shipping fees on everything you sell.  Really now.

Oh, highly likely this is also a bought account (not by cash) with last posts 7 YEARS ago (with 2 exceptions 2 years ago). 

Archived for entertainment value.

Where did I said that I am buying them for cash?
I clearly said that I am using gift cards bought with cash after you accused me of selling hacked/carded funds..
I am buying my gift cards from local US site and I am selling them with a % margin.

After checking your trading history - have you or you havent bought previously discounted gift cards/amazon prime or any other discounted funds? How these people whom you bought can afford 20% loss? Have you thought about that?
15  Economy / Services / Re: Order anything you want from Ebay/Amazon at 80% of value on: July 24, 2019, 07:09:34 PM
How does it get delivered to my address if not using my ebay account ?

I will order and re-ship

He fills your orders from HIS anonymous or hacked or carded accounts and ships them to you so you can fend off the cops.

Why are you spamming my topic if you clearly do not know anything?
I do not sell any hacked/carded stuff.
All orders will be filled through gift cards bought with cash. I do not deal with carded gift cards/accounts.
16  Economy / Services / Re: Order anything you want from Ebay/Amazon at 80% of value on: July 24, 2019, 05:06:49 PM
Why would anyone do this when they can just and have buyer protection?

in 20% discount possible? (I am not familiar since I havent used it)
Checked right now and works with amazon not ebay (correct if I am wrong)

I do accept escrow aswell
17  Economy / Services / Order anything you want from Ebay/Amazon at 80% of value on: July 24, 2019, 04:59:03 PM
You send me your list in ebay/amazon and I fill it at 80% of value
accept btc/eth
escrow accepted
telegram @donza411
18  Economy / Digital goods / Re: [H] amazon, ebay, walmart, onevanilla [W] btc/eth on: July 21, 2019, 08:36:20 AM
how much is the ebay gift card

contact with me in telegram or pm for prices
19  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [H] eth [W] btc - no longer need on: July 10, 2019, 01:40:44 PM
traded in coinbase
20  Economy / Currency exchange / [H] eth [W] btc on: July 10, 2019, 03:29:05 AM
looking for a quick 30$ swap
will go first if high rep member with previous deals
escrow accepted

telegram @donza411
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