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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Jesus Coin? on: November 03, 2017, 01:26:53 AM
Using the cryptographic breakthrough of the blockchain ledger and anonymous cryptocurrencies, Jesus Coin has been developed as the currency of God’s Son. Unlike morally bereft cryptocurrencies, Jesus Coin has the unique advantage of providing global access to Jesus that’s safer and faster than every before.

Sin Forgiving – Jesus Coin is negotiating with churches to outsource sin forgiveness.
Transaction Speeds – Record transaction times between you and God’s son
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Safest way to keep bitcoins? on: November 03, 2017, 01:02:13 AM
The safety methods or the safest way to keep bitcoins are  to keep them in the wallet.
 Desktop Wallet
A desktop wallet offers a number of advantages over an online wallet. While online wallets are easily accessed from anywhere in the world, they are also more vulnerable to potential hacking. Desktop wallets, on the other hand, are accessed only via your private computer, with personal security keys stored just on that machine. Thus, exposure of your security key online is reduced. Nonetheless, desktop wallets are still susceptible to hacks if your machine gets infected with malware designed to root out keys and steal Bitcoins.

Hardware Wallet
More secure than a desktop wallet is a hardware wallet. These wallets are bits of hardware, external devices like USB sticks which you can carry around on your person. An added benefit of a hardware wallet is the complete anonymity with which you can transact. There is no personal information linked to the hardware, so no identifying data which could be leaked. Hardware wallets are resilient to malware, and if you happen to lose the wallet you'll be able to recover the funds using a seed phrase.

Paper Wallet
A paper wallet is also a relatively safe way of storing Bitcoin, although it requires a bit more advanced understanding of how digital currencies work. Generate a paper wallet online using any number of dedicated websites, or generate the wallet offline for even greater security. Paper wallets are stored easily because they don't take up a great deal of space, and they also offer true anonymity: they are simply a Bitcoin seed written in some way on a piece of paper.

Physical Coins
Services are cropping up which allow Bitcoin investors to buy physical Bitcoins. The coin you purchase will have a tamper-proof sticker covering a predetermined amount of Bitcoin. In order to purchase the physical coin, you may need to pay a slight premium over the value of the Bitcoin that you're buying, owing to the cost of the manufacture and shipment of the coin itself.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What is bitcoin on: November 03, 2017, 12:44:14 AM
Bitcoin, the category creator of blockchain technology, is the World Wide Ledger yet extremely complicated and no one definition fully encapsulates it. By analogy it is like being able to send a gold coin via email. It is a consensus network that enables a new payment system and a completely digital money.

It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or middlemen. Bitcoin was the first practical implementation and is currently the most prominent triple entry bookkeeping system in existence.
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Future of Blockchain? on: November 03, 2017, 12:30:31 AM
Blockchain will surely be more big than bitcoin, ominated by blockchain technologies. A traceable global currency complete with an efficient infrastructure will not only result in massive cost reduction for all market participants, it will change global banking. Bitcoin will do for payments what email did for communication.
Blockchain will be adopted by central banks and cryptographically secured currencies will become widely used.ControlNew technologies such as blockchain have the potential to reduce cyber risks by offering identity authentication through a visible ledger.
There is no reason why requirements for numbering, maintaining and indexing records and communicating information provided in records could not be met through an electronic ledger system.
Car rental agencies could use smart contracts that automatically allow rentals when payment's received and insurance information is confirmed through a blockchain record.
A refrigerator equipped with sensors and connected to the Internet could use blockchain to manage automated interactions with the external world-anything from ordering and paying for food to arranging for its own software upgrades and tracking its warranty.
5  Economy / Economics / Re: Easiest way to make BTC? on: November 02, 2017, 09:25:36 PM

First you have to create a digital ‘wallet’ and fill it with the cryptocurrency. I choose Copay, that has an easy app and can also be used on my laptop. It is easy to create a wallet just by typing e-mail address.

After that I had to copy a set of words. It is very important because if phone crashes, these will serve you as an only option to access the wallet. Otherwise, all your Bitcoins will be lost.

Now it’s time to buy a small piece of a Bitcoins. So, to invest $30, you have to go to"Bitcoin exchange" and make an anonymous purchase – it works if the total amount does not exceed $60.

I submit the amount and my address (it’s important not to make any typos, otherwise you will lose money) and within a few minutes, 0.008142 Bitcoins are on my account. Remember that transactions cost around $1.4.

And the price goes up!

Now I have to wait for the prices to rise. However, I may not have entered at the best moment.
6  Economy / Economics / Re: The dream of getting rich with bitcoins on: November 02, 2017, 09:11:38 PM
I think getting rich required very much efforts but you can make money by.  Over the past years, the value of Bitcoins has exploded and constantly continues to grow.
First you have to create a digital ‘wallet’ and fill it with the cryptocurrency. I choose Copay, that has an easy app and can also be used on my laptop. It is easy to create a wallet just by typing e-mail address.

After that I had to copy a set of words. It is very important because if phone crashes, these will serve you as an only option to access the wallet. Otherwise, all your Bitcoins will be lost.

Now it’s time to buy a small piece of a Bitcoins. So, to invest $30, you have to go to"Bitcoin exchange" and make an anonymous purchase – it works if the total amount does not exceed $60.

I submit the amount and my address (it’s important not to make any typos, otherwise you will lose money) and within a few minutes, 0.008142 Bitcoins are on my account. Remember that transactions cost around $1.4.

And the price goes up!

Now I have to wait for the prices to rise. However, I may not have entered at the best moment. This is how anyone can make money out of it.
7  Economy / Economics / Re: what will happen to banks? on: November 02, 2017, 08:52:29 PM
The technology that underpins bitcoin and similar digital currencies is already being adopted by businesses and governments. But the specifics will vary. The banking system and governments of nation states are not going anywhere, regardless of the utopian dreams of some currency innovators. As digital currencies develop, they will have to fit into the existing political and financial infrastructure. But within that system, there is considerable room to innovate and both governments and banks must do so. Digital currencies could drive innovation, but they won’t replace banks any time soon
8  Economy / Economics / Re: Reason why you should Buy bitcoin now on: November 02, 2017, 08:31:12 PM
There are so many good reason to buy bitcoins,
In the last 1,5 years bitcoin has shown unprecedented stability as a financial instrument. It has been more stable than ever before which has increased trust in the currency. Historically large price increases have always been preceded by a stable period and now we’ve experienced the most stable period so far.
During this stable period there have been times when bitcoin has been more stable than the US stock index, japanese yen or even gold. This is totally unprecedented for something like bitcoin and it is a strong indicator. It means that bitcoin is growing up as a currency and is ready for the next stage of growth.
2. Global economy is unstable
The economic situation is unstable all over the world but the value of bitcoin is not strongly correlated neither with the stock market nor national currencies. Bitcoin may in fact benefit from the collapse of the traditional economy which means that it is smart to diversify some funds into bitcoin..
3.The creation rate of new bitcoins is halving
In July the daily amount of new bitcoins created will halve from 3 600 bitcoins to 1 800 bitcoins. This is a fixed rule set in the Bitcoin protocol since the beginning and it activates approximately every 4 years. The next halving is estimated to happen on July 10th and in addition to the actual reduction in new bitcoins created, it is expected to have significant speculative meaning.
4.Plans to get rid of cash are a gold mine for bitcoin
At least in some parts of Europe there seems to be an increasing movement to get rid of cash. The trend is increasing in many developed countries where digital payment methods have high adoption. However, from a privacy perspective cash is an important payment method and traditional digital payments methods leave a lot to be desired in that sense.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ethereum coins - Too late? on: November 02, 2017, 08:14:23 PM
No.  Its not to late. After months of intense growth, Ether has hit a wall and flatlined.
There's still opportunity for its growth, but also doubt as it works out its future uses; Proof of Stake, EEA, transaction speeds.
Other tokens and coins will influence the price of ETH; and right now is influencing it toward the negative.
Anyone that’s being attentive in the cryptocurrency space lately knows about Ethereum—or its tradable coins, Ether. It’s become a sturdy second-place name after Bitcoin, and though it hasn’t reached the broader popularity of the other (still synonymous with crypto in full), it’s got a large community that’s growing by the day.

And for good reason. In the last three months, ETH is trading at 600% of its early April-price, and was at 10x when ETH approached $400 in late June.

After months of intense growth, however, it’s stabilized and experienced its most significant drop in value (per ETH and market cap) in its entire history.

Yet, new speculative investors are hearing about Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other coins, by the day (one popular trading platform said it had a million new users sign up in June). So, is it too late to hop on and earn from an Ether investment?

No, it’s not.

But I think the days of growth that ETH saw in May and June are not going to be coming anytime soon.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Anyone heard of Firstcoin? on: November 02, 2017, 07:56:36 PM
Yes I have heard about it,  and I think most of the people do know about it. FirstCoin is a special project with an exchange rate protection and eco-sharing program, which is planned to coordinate the sharing economy and crowdfunding, greatly supporting startups.
Obviously, the creation of FirstCoin was inspired by the success of Bitcoin. The basics are the same; anonymous, free transactions, limited amount. There are 110 million FirstCoins available – so inflation does not affect it, similarly to its inspiring cryptocurrency.
The project has several divisions, let us discuss them now.
FirstCoin is also special because income is generated by ATMs and participating businesses – currently no other cryptocurrency offers anything similar. Income is also provided by sources related to the sharing economy. We are now talking about a sharing based economy, which ensures access to goods, instead of classic ownership.
Sharing economy means greater efficiency and sustainability, such innovative community solutions that can quickly transform industries even at a global scale – as seen with AirBnB and Uber.
ATM division
The first ATM capable of operating with FirstCoin is installed in the first half of 2017 – making it the third such cryptocurrency in the world.
Those who are just now getting familiar with the world of cryptocurrencies may find it strange that they can withdraw digital currency from a traditional ATM, but it really is not all that new.
11  Economy / Economics / Re: Can Amazon Integrate Bitcoin? on: November 02, 2017, 07:25:39 PM
It was an recent buzz that Amazon in accepting now bitcoin. do not think we are going to see bitcoin adopted soon by Amazon, I would love for that to happen since I will have access to all the universe of products that amazon offers but at the same time it does not seems like the right time for a business like amazon to accept bitcoin, they are going to get more trouble out of accepting bitcoin than benefits, so the only way for them to accept bitcoin is to ignore those issues thinking that eventually everything is going to solve itself.Amazon handles a lot of orders per second and at this point in time bitcoin can't handle the same amount of transactions per second (yet). Of course it's foolish to think that, upon integration, all the transactions will be bitcoin based but in the long run it's something we should strive towards.
12  Economy / Economics / Re: Do you think billionaires invest in BTC? on: November 02, 2017, 01:08:04 PM
I think billionaire are investing and they are the real ones who are running this game. Most of the billionaires are businessman, and i know that businessman are also investors i think some billionaires are investing in bitcoin because almost of them are risk taker that is why they are billionaire also they are smart in doing this thing they always do more analization before investing in one investment site.bitcoin is famous among billionaire as the huge investment on bitcoin only a billionaire can do. 
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Bytecoin Future on: November 02, 2017, 04:12:23 AM

Bytecoin is the first crypto coin that has build on CryptoNight Algorithm. It was first but the other CryptoNight coin that called Monero got the attention and growing more and more. Actually CryptoNight based coins has good safety and anonimity. I belive that this coin has a great potentials for grows in next days. It was so many rumors that saying BCN is dead, but after a new release of new wallet with some fixed issues in 2016, i believed that we should have nice newis and breaking silence by developers of BCN/BTC. I think bytecoin has a great future.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Are you buying altcoins on: November 02, 2017, 03:55:38 AM
I will buy altcoins  Altcoins are all unique answers to the problems. Many of them are niche products. For example, Monero appeals directly to people interested in privacy. Neo and Ethereum allow you to do your own IPOs by issuing tokens bought by the currency. Dogecoin is great for a laugh.

Basically, Bitcoin aims to be able to handle most situations. But altcoins can handle alternative situations
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Westerncoin on: November 02, 2017, 01:38:46 AM
WesternCoin is a cryptocurrency that claims to have trading, lending, and staking systems in place. The crowdsale for the token began on October 2 and concludes on October 31, 2017.The website features limited details about the currency and how it works. There’s no whitepaper, and no information about who created the currency. At first glance, the entire operation looks like a scam.By the time you get to the bottom of the WesternCoin homepage, you’ll realize that the company has some type of multilevel marketing system or pyramid scheme in place: if you buy a bunch of WesternCoin tokens today, you’ll earn 45% ROI per month. The more money you give the company today, the higher ROI you’ll earn.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why is Ethereum so special? on: November 02, 2017, 01:28:30 AM
Ethereum have designed a Turing-complete scripting language on the Ethereum network, which makes it much easier and convenient for programmers to actually start building programmable money. Through Ethereum, it is now possible to write Smart Contracts (programmable money) and that for any currency you wish, including Bitcoin.
So Ethereum and Bitcoin can be see as a couple that can strengthen each other. But Ethereum can exist and work entirely without Bitcoin . this is make it so special.
17  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin is Freedom on: November 02, 2017, 12:54:00 AM
Bitcoin offers its users many advantages, but perhaps the most important one is an unprecedented level of freedom. And that freedom comes in many different ways: financial freedom from not having to rely on existing infrastructure, for sure, but also the mental freedom of being in control of your own funds and technology. Banks and financial institutions have been slowly weaving a cocoon, tying people into using their services without any alternatives. And for most consumers, that works perfectly fine, as they are more than happy to stick to what they know. After all, if the system isn’t broken, why try to fix it, right? But bitcoin does offer a viable alternative. But in order to achieve true financial freedom, a critical mass of bitcoin adoption first must be achieved.

18  Economy / Economics / Re: Is it possible for the bitcoin to lose it's value ? on: November 02, 2017, 12:35:34 AM
Since bitcoins is a worldwide crypto currency,  it's is been used since its origin but it's price are very fluctuactive.  You may not predict what will be next.  Daily new crypto currency are coming with new names and benefits and covering all disadvantages of bitcoins.  Bitcoins is already in tough competition with altcoins.  Bitcoin is continously growing but we never say about future.  May be bitcoin false down in future as fast ot grows same like this it goes down.  As bitcoins is older crypto currency, there may be new alternatives come that will force us to use bitcoin less and may be one day the market clash.  And these precious bitcoin will cost nothing,  so there is nothing predictable.
19  Economy / Economics / Re: Is bitcoin a good way to invest your money ? on: November 01, 2017, 04:51:27 PM
I think yes,  bitcoin is a good investment.  Bitcoin is continously growing up and it's price are skyrocketting.  Any investment in bitcoins will surely give you profits as the time passes down.  From its origin bitcoin is fluctuactive. Its prices goes up and down.  Many countries like Japan  Indonesia banned it because of the fear of ur to capture the economy of their country.  But they too remove the ban now.  Now many countries are promoting bitcoins as trade tool.  People are using it both as a crypto currency and as asset. Investing in bitcoins is easy and beneficial. Bitcoin has the potential to make you rich from rags.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Will bitcoin replace gold? on: November 01, 2017, 12:38:37 PM
I don't think so. Because bitcoin has different value and gold has different value.  As both are different measure for defining money and for economy.  Both run parallel.  Without intersecting each other.  Bitcoin is a crypto currency which value fluctuates a lot while gold is coming since earlier ages. Earlier gold is used as to made currency while now it is used as ornaments. Bitcoin is famous and increasing in price there are chances that it may replace cash.  But replacement of gold by this is not possible.  The value of gold is nothing more than a result of a global consensus - at the moment everyone agrees to consider gold a measure of value, simply because this measure is in some form or another necessary.
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