Hey guys.
Wanting to inquire about some reputation repair services. I have seen companies online who offer such services but their prices are way to expensive. Im looking for someone who has experience in this field and who's looking to make some money. Must be able to create positive content and push negative content off the front pages of google. Ect.
Please post here or send me a PM to discuss your experience. The $2000 can and will be put up in escrow for the safety of all parties involved. I look forward to hearing from all of you soon. Thank you.
Just to be clear the "crack" scores 21 hits on Virus Total
i think i see myself. one of the very very very small bubbles.
fighting to stay ahead of bram.
i should post some hotties.
Hello Everyone,
It has been a long day for the team and we want to update everyone on what is coming up in the next days and weeks.
In this post: · Mobile Bot release · Cloud botting development update · Bittrex, YoBit · Community news Mobile Bot Release As everyone knows our upcoming focus is shifting to mobile implementation. The next evolution of Botzilla - GoZilla - will retain the full capabilities of the current bot but has been adapted and optimized for mobile platforms. GoZilla will give our users a lightweight & powerful “botting on the go” application that works across all mobile devices. With GoZilla in their pockets, you will be able bot on the go wherever you are – on the train, at the pub, discreetly at work, even while your girl is talking to her friends. The possibilities are endless.
The rollout of GoZilla is part of the large V2 release program. However, in assessing the status of our mobile GUI development today, we realized that we are already far enough along on the mobile app development that we are approaching a release of GoZilla well ahead of V2. We estimate that we will be releasing GoZilla within the next two to three weeks. As is our custom, we will keep you all informed in the run up to this with development screen shots and feature demonstration videos. Expect the first of these about this time next week.
Cloud botting The cloud botting backend is what allows our lightweight GoZilla app to work its magic. Cloud botting allows the user to login a secure account (2FA) and plugin their API information. The user has the choice to make their API permanent or temporary based on their personal preference. Once logged in to the GoZilla cloud platform, you will be able to access and utilize all of the current bot features from any destination. Although the cloud based software will be different from the mobile apps, they will be able to work seamlessly together and allow you to maintain your botting from any location or situation.
Bittrex,Yobit Botcoin was added to YoBit yesterday, the first of several upcoming exchanges we are expanding on to. We have opened a dialogue with Bittrex and expect that process to move rapidly, given the ICO sellout and the overwhelming desire of the community to see BOT on the charts there. Community It has been fun to watch the community grow around Botcoin and our simple idea – giving everyone a cheap, full-featured bot they could easily use. The thread has been extremely boisterous and that’s ok. Yesterday however there was quite a bit of offensive content being posted, including some disturbing images and some aggressive / sexual threats. We felt like we had to step in and remove that content, and the users posting it were banned. We have no desire to police the thread. We like the wide variety of opinions. However we do need to keep it a place where everyone is comfortable being a part of. Such posts, including quoted responses, will be deleted in the future.
This has been a long post : -) The TL /DR: · Mobile Bot release · Cloud botting development update · Bittrex, YoBit · Community news
Please make sure to follow us on Twitter for more news and information - https://twitter.com/botcointeam Travis MUST READ RIGHT HERE. Bump for the new page. I agree with the earlier poster, there is a lot of important info here but it really needs to be broken up. People do not read long posts.
aside all the FUD and cheerleading, anyone can post info about the bot performance? I will like to if its working ok, and if anyone made some profit with it.
This is a spambox managed by bob's group, if they write hundred of posts in a row, they were those in the ICO buy wall. The fact is that here many will make profit as soon as the big dump bag will be released. who is this Bob everyone keeps talking about
All very well and good for people to have profit and want higher price, but remember, this is supposed to be The People's Bot. Not the 1% Bot.
Some of the posts in this thread are extremely disturbing. This HRT character ( https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=254606) must not have any children at all and seems to have some serious mental illness. Entertaining the psychopath is the wrong thing to do. I'd rather a moderated thread as a precaution to help keep the psychopath at bay This is a moderated thread the OP needs to just delete the crap off it i don't think anyone would object to this. Devs, do it please.
Devs, maybe time to make this a modded thread? This silly acting out by a handfull of sad little boys is getting old.
New wallet working fine here, all features ok.
hahaha that is funny i have the same stake as bob
In case any newcomers are having a hard time sorting through the driveling fud...... Good job! Someone needs to keep this thread on topic!
I am adding almost everyone on this page to my ticket. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Great that is just great! I have waited for days for this and now it has sold out before I can place my order. This is not right and I think I may have to start a fud attack if it doesn't change, who is with me?
Please do not do this. I will have to add you to the open ticket I have at CCEX requesting fudders be dropped from the bid side.
You can mock me as much as you want. This is supposed to be The People's Bot! I am proud to be taking that seriously!
I have sent a list of all the fudders to C-Cex and requested their bids be strricken from the exchange.This should result in people who really want the bot being able to get it. I encourage everyone who agrees with me to open a ticket on CCEX. We can do this if we all come together!!
I really think based upon their words some people who have been posting the last few pages should not even be allowed to own BOT. They do not care about it, they just know they will make a lot of money on it, and that is the only reason they are here.
So what attitude are we supposed to have with a trading bot? Are we supposed to check the source code and admire it's elegance in coding?  I think you should treat it like a woman. With respect. And not just have an "it's all about me" attitude.
I really think based upon their words some people who have been posting the last few pages should not even be allowed to own BOT. They do not care about it, they just know they will make a lot of money on it, and that is the only reason they are here.
yes it could be sold out super fast, lets see
After seeing a fair bit of interest here I have to agree that it will probably sell out very fast. Looking forward to Mon and the start of the sale, get mine in the bag and waiting. Yea I am leaning this way as well. Just too good a deal to pass up. And makes no sense not to buy a couple extra bots. I guess when the devs start posting the vids after the ico starts it will shut the fudders right up. half of them are just trying to scare others off anyhow. they will be the 1st ones buying.
When does the BitSwift ICO start?
Can we get an answer about the Japanese schoolgirls, thanks.