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41  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] BOTCOIN (BOT) "The People's Bot!" - just .3 BTC! Pre-sale starts Monday! on: September 04, 2015, 07:35:29 PM
So, dev, can you tell me why i should dump Haasbot and get your bot?
What are the advantages and disadvantages if we need to compare them?

I'm talking about functionality, not the price.

I think this is the million dollar question here.
Assuming most traders already have their own bots, why should we opt for this one?

I just might throw a few BTC into this project if the functionality is good...

the real money here is owing bots.    .3 btc and only 400 bots ever.

This has nothing to do with the point of having a bot.
It's just a 120BTC ICO from that point of view.

What are the bot's functions. Why should you own this bot, and why will it be worth this .30BTC
What does it do that other bot's dont?

OP asserts that it works on all exchanges and has all the functions of the other bots. And it costs way less. And it is set up so that users get to buy a few copies, flip them,and pocket the profits. What more do you want really? Singing Japanese schoolgirls?

Will there be singing Japanese school girls?

How does this work?
42  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] BOTCOIN (BOT) "The People's Bot!" - just .3 BTC! Pre-sale starts Monday! on: September 04, 2015, 03:01:19 PM
For real? This bot works on every single exchange there is??
43  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What? Yall thought InstantDEX/SuperNET/BitcoinDark/NxT/jl777 were scams? on: August 27, 2015, 02:16:04 PM

Then why are people making money trading on InstantDEX right now?

You know damn well that is a demo. Nobody is trading on instandex yet.
44  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: SCAM COIN? or next big thing? Global Coin Reserve on: August 27, 2015, 02:14:52 PM
I think this is a common situation. Forget the lawyer, buy a better coin next time.
45  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: August 21, 2015, 06:56:54 AM

Click the image above to watch the youtube video.

Click the image above to watch the youtube video.

The first public release of Johnny 5 is now ready for download. Please follow the links below for instructions on getting your hands on the Circuits Trading bot. We appreciate your patience and please be aware that there might some bugs on specific users machines. If you come across any issue, please let us know and we will get it fixed as soon as possible. Enjoy the bot and please remember that this is just a small step for the future of Circuits.

In order to use the bot, you will need access to the Trader’s Lounge or the Whale Lounge.

Windows “Johnny5” Trading Bot Install Instructions:

Mac “Johnny 5” Trading Bot Install Instructions:

Would be good with all resources for using & learning the bot assembled in one place.

Hey devs, have you thought about having a demo version that is good for 24 hrs, that self destructs, so people outside Circuits can try the bot?

This is a very good idea, would like to see the devs address this.
46  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: August 21, 2015, 06:12:22 AM
I would like more time to get to trader level, almost there. I hope this is all not happening too fast for me.
47  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: August 20, 2015, 09:14:40 PM

Cryptocircuits V1 Bot Release: Johnny 5

Hi Everyone  -

The final version of V1 trading bot  “Johnny 5” will be made available during the next 12 hrs to all Whale Lounge members. A simplified version  - “Little Johnny” -  will be released to all Trader Lounge members. Trader Lounge members will be required to complete a new download and install package since this will be their first time receiving the bot platform.

The above will be the procedure for all Windows users. Mac users will follow a separate procedure: we are currently finalizing the installation instructions and they will be published in a separate post.

The release of the V1 bot marks a milestone for CIRC. In this post we would like to outline how Johnny 5 fits into the larger direction of the CIRC bot program.
V1: Johnny 5

Johnny 5 is centered around a user-friendly GUI that takes the intimidation factor out of using a bot. If this is your first time using a trading bot, be sure to spend some time in the Whale Lounge getting any advice you need and listening to what others are doing with their bots. This will pay off many times over for you.

A number of features that are intended for V2 have been coded in ‘under the hood’ of Johnny 5, and are already present in various stages of development. This allows us to ensure forward moving compatablity with both the various exchanges and the current suite of bot features.

Johnny 5 is both a standalone bot and a trader development tool. As you use the bot, you will become a better trader, and if you are using the bot effectively, your trading can become much more profitable. All of this leads up towards the V2 version of the bot – code name RhinoHunter -  which will give traders a whole new set of trading tools and automated features.
V2: RhinoHunter

As Johnny 5 reaches maturity in its current release cycle, a stripped down version of the Whale bot will be made available to all members of the Trader’s Lounge. Whale Lounge members will then be upgraded to Circ bot V2:  RhinoHunter.  The current feature list for RhinoHunter includes:

·        Full stop-loss/Take profit control over all bot functions via both timed buys and timed sells.

·        Auto Pump program. RhinoHunter will use a specific algorithm to accumulate, push, and sell at optimal times based on a user-configured market analysis.

·        Market analysis and trade suggestions. Automated TA. Choose from a range of indicators to both blue team and red team your own trading ideas.

·        Built-in tutorials triggered by specific user actions and queries.

·        Statistical export functions. If you have a specific configuration that is making you money, you can rent or sell your bot configuration to others.

·        Futures trading bot. Adjustable risk reward settings within the trading algorithm itself.

·        WhaleHunter module. Isolates and analyzes trading patterns and distribution changes of specific coins in specific time frames to identify large trader patterns. Drafting function allows you to program your bot to match the whale’s movements

RhinoHunter is specifically designed to give our traders an advantage in crypto markets, especially in markets with high volume and volatility. However, we have also worked to give each feature a ‘set it and forget it’ UI option – so that when you encounter a strategy that is working for you, you can automate what you are doing, and let it earn money for you automatically.

RhinoHunter will allow you to also sell or rent your best strategies. Whale Lounge users who are visibly making money with RhinoHunter will be able to create their own fee-based membership groups inside of the Whale Lounge.
Final note:

A big thanks and shout out to the community, the devs, and everyone who has worked so hard the past few weeks to enable the Johnny 5 release. We encourage everyone working with Johnny 5 to share their skills and knowledge with newcomers – it’s an important part of who we are here in CIRC, and the community we are building.


Rhinohunter. I want that one. Do you know how long till that will be released?

Solid release devs. Good work. Looking forward to RHINOHUNTER. Personally I vote leaving Mac builds for second priority, not right that they delay main releases.
48  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: August 10, 2015, 10:37:54 AM
So the last few days I been thinking about ways to make quick money in crypto without sitting at my PC all day watching charts... then I realised..

Really looking forward to playing around with the settings - set it and forget it. Got a feeling me and Johnny 5 are going to be close friends.

This is the correct thinking. Plus the trading analysis panels that coach to better trading - it is going to be a winning combination.
49  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: August 09, 2015, 08:33:01 PM
Exactly!  My buy got hit today but just barely. I hope the fudders show up and help me out. I guess i should not say that but hey, all's fair in love and crypto!
50  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 31, 2015, 08:44:43 PM
If you aren't doing this to make a good valuable coin, not much reason to use the coin in the first place in my opinion.

That's just it! I think with the unlocking panels, they are creating a sort of perpetually evolving coin. Bots, then casinos, then Huh
51  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 31, 2015, 08:38:17 PM
I think Sana is fudding  Cheesy, the game has already begun, he is trying to play good cop bad cop pretending like 100k is the absolute moon and people should definitely sell at that price, most little fish will dump and the whales will buy and set a price that's much higher at 200k, 300k or even well beyond.  Grin

Might be. Isn't he one of the guys who has said he will be going big in the Culling?

This might be part of the psyche out.

I am sort of scared of the Culling but if I see a good bet I will take it!! I do not have such easy ways to increase my CIRC.
52  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 22, 2015, 03:56:20 PM
Can someone please post screenshots of the bot please, i hear it is pretty amazing
53  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 16, 2015, 01:33:36 PM
Quat is quite old and in need of updating. New bot will be much better & user friendly. Also according to dev will work on many exchanges that Quat does not support.
54  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 16, 2015, 01:03:25 PM
Hi Everyone

We have registered that the thread has gotten quite lively along with the volume and price action. We encourage everyone to keep it civilized. High volume and volatility are to be expected with this coin. It is designed for traders, so it is to be expected that those same traders will be using various strategies to profit and perhaps increase their CIRC holdings.

Volume has been quite impressive the last days, and it demonstrates that the various investors in Circuits are out in force and showing their chops. We repeat: while we are in no position to condone or condemn large scale crypto trading strategies involving  walls, pumps, dumps, shakeouts etc - - they are obviously to be expected in a coin that is aimed squarely at traders, and held mainly by traders. We are proud of our clearly diverse, opinionated, skilled, and growing community. While we are focused 100% on deving out our  upcoming panel features, at the same time we have great respect for the traders who are turning Circuits into one of the most-watched coins currently on the market.

The bot development is going well. Barakus is the point man on the bot component and is using the coming weekend to finalize the GUI elements. Feel free to join his channel on slack to stay current on the details, and a big thanks to everyone for the constructive input via the slack channels so far. We have experienced a bothersome hang-up relating to the speed of order groupings and dispatches via the api query to one of the exchanges, but we are coding a workaround that actually brings us closer to real time in execution. We expect this to be fully worked out and bug free by the middle of the week, enabling full feature sets during the trials, which will begin thereafter. The beta testers will be contacted in the course of next week with details on what we’ll be needing from them.

There have been requests from those not in the Whale Lounge to have equal access to some of the information Thursday has been presenting there regarding the Culling. Thursday tends towards the informal in presentation, but we have asked him  to put some of these posts together into a white paper, and as soon as he does this it will be posted for download.

Finally, out of fairness to those just joining, we would remind everyone that the next stage of vDPOS is fast approaching, with very substantial staking rewards set for payout in the coming weeks. If you are just joining the community, make sure you get involved in your Lounge Slack and get your wallet correctly set up for your share of the payouts. It is probably no coincidence that the recent high volume and volatility has come during the reduced vDPOS stage – it is quite likely and sensible that many of these large holdings will be moving off exchange and into wallets during the coming days.

Again – a big thanks to all our supporters – and we look forward to several exciting weeks in front of us with the high vDPOS staking and the bot releases.

Thanks for the update. I think also many people do not understand this coin. Many whales here but this is ok. I think big things are about to happen. Would like to see less fud but I guess that's how things go.
55  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 13, 2015, 04:07:28 PM
And the epic rise begins. Get ready for some mad bitcoins to be made Shocked

Volume on Bittrex is really something. This rocket ship is fueling up! no way that guy is gonna get his bids filled at 11,0000.

Hey Lana, pls don't sell we want you here all the way to 60,000!
56  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 11, 2015, 07:31:50 PM
12k is nothing. You can make at least x10 roi. Remember Crave: from 750 sats to 800k. Circ is promising more than Crave.

This is the thinking that pays off in alts. Identify a coin that has the feature package and devs to make the long run. Circuits is that kind of coin. And with these unlocking panels, these devs never really need to bring out a new coin. They can keep developing massive features inside the Circuits framework.

Look at the charts. How many BTC to 20 or 30? And how many of those coins belong to the whales that are grooming this coin to go to 50 - 60 - 80,000?

Face it, we are small fish. But if you don't see the whale game happening right in front of your face here, you should not be in alts.

I was watching the chart last night when that surge happened. First it popped a bit, to just about 12, then it popped all the way to 16 - because right after the first pop someone pulled all their sells between 13 and 16.  That told me loud and clear that someone is watching this very closely, trying to keep CIRC suppressed, and was completely unwilling to let any of his coins go at 15+ -  -  which is almost 3 times the ICO price.

So some people clearly see this coin going much, much higher than where it is now. I have revised my own estimate. Keeping that private of course. But I think those of you who are in and holding tight are making an excellent choice indeed.

Great analysis. Really helps me learn. Makes me feel very good about being in CIRC. I do not have enough for Whale Lounge yet but I sure hope to get there so I can be learning more like this from you guys.
57  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 07, 2015, 07:04:30 PM
July 8th 8PM EST, Crypto After Dark Season 2 Opens


Bryce Weiner

(This is for entertainment purposes only)

See You There !

Sweet! Good one Rick, looking forward to it!
58  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: July 07, 2015, 03:25:00 PM
Just bought some more CIRC. Mark this post, my buy today will be worth double by the time week 4 DPOS kicks in. Plus trade bots coming online. Gonna be some people kicking themselves for not picking up more at this price.
59  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: June 30, 2015, 06:53:05 PM
I have bids that need filling so anyone feeling nervous just scratch that itch!!

60  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CryptoCircuits (CIRC) 1st vDPOS In-wallet Bots and Trading, Lounges +more on: June 28, 2015, 06:01:57 PM
so you were just fudding this whole time?
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