Pretty much a risk you take with any ICO coin. I think you have to do your research and make up your mind. For me, I see working tech and some pretty smart moves by the devs in how they are settting things up just right - reducing the coin supply, smooth vDPOS launch (so far) and Bittrex adding tomorrow. They are delivering everything they said they would.
he's a troll. that other guy busted him point blank, he was fudding about the wall and didn't even know the wall was gone. incompetent troll.
plus he cannot spell to save his life.
Great radio show!! Anyone having trouble with the staking listen about halfway through, Barakas explains the best way to stake.
Is it normal I have 13k coins and only receive 20 CIRC stake ?
yes Well, that's pretty low  have yo tried splitting small imputs? Described earlier in the thread.
I am getting stake every 11 minutes, is that good? How's it going for others?
They have said its going to be functional for both Bitrex and CCEX, don't know what others. Prob more exchanges in the whale lounge than trader lounge.
Just a thought, it would be a good idea to have an independent security audit done on CIRC. It is nice having links to different crypto news sources, exchanges, etc. in the wallet. If the trading bots are implemented and functional, CIRC could become like an all inclusive crypto hub. That plus the value of the community could really make this coin thrive. The more cautious and paranoid out there may not like the idea of entering all their passwords and login details into the wallet unless they are 100% sure that information is secure though.
Also, once someone is registered with the slack group, what is stopping someone from dumping all their coins and still retaining access to the trader or whale lounges?
According to the OP the wallet is hardwired to lock panels if balance falls below threshold. I am sure there will be some other mechanism in place to cancel access anyhow, seeing as it will be a slack channel. It will be interesting to see how security is handles with the web based bot. Good question for the radio show.
lol good luck with that lowball bid strategy. working vDPOS, Bittrex, tradebots. and only 60 btc to get down to your bids. should happen real soon.
Don't forget, every coin dumped to the buywall is burned, lowering the total coins that go into the mkt cap. If the buy wall is blown through, there will be about 1m CIR. I propose that for example 10% of this is not burned, but set aside specifically for PR bounties as suggested by the earlier poster.
Just got the wallet set up. So nice! Looking forward to some of the live programming, i am really liking the After Dark. I guess qualifying for lounges is based on rich lists? How will it work?
This is going to go crazy when it hits Bittrex!!
Cool and thanks DJ_Rick. Looking forward to all that's said on it. It should be a good one.
I am actually listening to the master now... C'mon man post it!
Some one is buying up quite a bit the last few hrs. 
Volume is picking up : -)
haha great show! i think he might have pissed off a few people : -) Damn. Missed it. What did they talk about? any word on who the devs are? It was just the dev named Thursday. He talked a bit about the different trading rooms, the escrows, the Culling, and the DPOS. Definitely sounded like a guy who knew his shit. He did not say much about the other devs except to point out that vDPOS is not come out of nowhere, so of course the implication is that a DPOS dev from Crave or some such coin is in on the team. He didn't say anything about Supernet devs, but he did talk about the improvements Circuits was making on social marketing and revenue streams as compared to Viral. He had a lot to about different ways of making money with the coin. Almost like they poached one of the Viral devs as well. Definitely worth a listen when they get around to posting the link. Made me pretty stoked to be buying in. I think they said one more interview tonight with Barakus the vDPOS dev.
haha great show! i think he might have pissed off a few people : -)
Doesn't matter if supernet devs are involved or not - what matters is the tech itself. DPOS2 staking and unlocking panels. If they work - which the next video is supposed to show - it is a game changer. Not sure how they are gonna demo a video of that however, wouldn't that require coins to be in circulation .... ?
To me it maters. I'd like to know which SuperNET dev is on this coin. I'm still going to invest a btc at the ICO but maybe I would invest more if I knew which SuperNET dev was in on Circuits. Nah that would just cause more fud. Two of the devs are gonna be on the radio show it seems, guess we will find out enough about who is behind the coin then. Last thing we want is a troll army in here all up in arms about a dev working on a 2nd project.
Doesn't matter if supernet devs are involved or not - what matters is the tech itself. DPOS2 staking and unlocking panels. If they work - which the next video is supposed to show - it is a game changer. Not sure how they are gonna demo a video of that however, wouldn't that require coins to be in circulation .... ?
Interesting project going on here. When will the radio show take place? Would also like to mention that I hear one of the devs on this coin is also a dev involved in a supernet coin. I'm in.
They asked him in the coin's private slack, he said no. But I guess that's what you'd expect. Honestly some of the second tier coins in SNET are sort of six months ago, it sounds like several devs are working on other projects.
Port forwarding can give problems for even quite experienced people. So prob a good idea to go easy on people who are having problems!!