Revenue streams sound good. Is it based on how Viral does the OAUTH or is it different?
Same for me. Nothing in the mail.
Very interesting. I'll be watching to see how this one works. Where can I get some coins?
All you need is one word.
So what do I need to do to get the free BTC? Just tweet about viral? or I need to give you my sign in information
669 pages of scamming is all I see here. I cant believe this coin has so many pages. I guess too many bagholders are here and trying as hard as can be to bring the price up so they can get out alive and not lose their whole investment.
I wonder if any of you here now are people who made money on the crave pump and still care about the coin. I bet not to many of those people are left. Its all bagholders.
so what will happen in the next game whether real madrid will win the game and qualify for the champions league final? or Juventus would win considering it was very difficult cause they will play in estadio Santiago Bernabeu
i should wait for a good pick
This is Real Madrids game, an Barcas comp.
Mayweather really boring boxing man, cmon it is big match. I know maybe he has a tactic. But cmon lets bring the hype! . Luckly Pacquiao make this game so good. I hope Pacquiao win this game.
You're watching a pro! He has not gone in there to brawl he has gone in there to win by points doesn't need to do anything else. Especially anything fancy there is reason he has gone 46/0 that is because he is disciplined. May the champ by points poor Pac
 I'd bet any amount of money that I can predict, tonight, what these "premium" picks are going to be. It's ok nothing to lose here! Its ok nothing to lose here I say, winner winner chicken dinner. I predict the OP is going to give me picks sometime tomorrow woooooo. I will stand by thank you for the free picks OP that will help you make a name for yourself bro.
Was "burning" coins a thing in the early days? Maybe he destroyed the private keys or deleted his wallet on purpose instead?
I would hate to think he done this unless he is already filthy rich, s/he created this awesome tech and I would love to think it changed their life and s/he was totally financially secure. Chances are s/he already was that is why they have been left or we have lost the great satoshi to this sands of time. When he started this project, he probably isn't motivated by money. The world is motivated by money my little sugar plum. He will be back to dump a nice few hundred k on our heads see how money motivated he is then shall we. Jokes aside I don't think he will be accessing the coins he would have done that already.
where is link to mining pool, i want to mine this coin but can't find any pool listed in announcement post
Amount: 0.02Btc Repayment: 0.022BTC ADDRESS:12XpTh6VD1HE5BQexR6gbv8mUMqo9CmXxh Time: 4 days Reason: Private Collateral: bitcointalk account
Denied Max 0.01 loan possible for your collateral Amount: 0.01Btc Repayment: 0.011BTC ADDRESS:12XpTh6VD1HE5BQexR6gbv8mUMqo9CmXxh Time: 4 days Reason: Private Collateral: bitcointalk account
Amount: 0.02Btc Repayment: 0.022BTC ADDRESS:12XpTh6VD1HE5BQexR6gbv8mUMqo9CmXxh Time: 4 days Reason: Private Collateral: bitcointalk account
Hey i am trying to install the newest wallet and get this error  what do i do? unzip wallet qt i did using 7zip are you sure ? the error window says the wallet is inside temp folder, drop that crave-qt.exe to the desktop and run as administrator Thanks for your help  its syncing now, when im staking my crave in a wallet does it matter if i turn my pc off for a couple hours then stake again, does this lower the chance of me getting a reward?
Hey i am trying to install the newest wallet and get this error  what do i do? unzip wallet qt i did using 7zip
Hey i am trying to install the newest wallet and get this error  what do i do?
if someone could PM me and help me recover my wallet.dat from both older versions of the wallet i have crave on there but they wont sync, please help im a noob
I had 2 crave wallets how do i install my wallet .dat files into the new wallet
If someone could also tell me how to stake the krave bittrex didn't lose that would be great its in my wallet but it says staked:0 thanks again  Glad to hear it is in your wallet. And you do not have to do anything to make it stake. Mine is unlocked and staking but I do not know if you lock it whether it will stake or not.  not all is in my wallet i have bought crave 3 times, but the 4th time it withdrew to this address i don't own, thanks for the help with staking i was just confused as in screenshots of peoples wallets it shows stake: xxxx but mine says staked: 0